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<br />:i'. �:now,��i,n�r�.�i;vri+isi.i�kese��s:rn�c James [. L�?uer and Diane K. Qauer, each in his and her
<br /> r; r
<br />;a:
<br />;,s; pWll Y'7�Pub and as spouse ofi each other, ptortgagor,whcthrrnneormurc,inconxide�ationofthesumu(
<br />?� Twenty-six Thousand Two Nundred and No/100-----------------------------------------�o�.�nits
<br /> luaned tu said mortgugor 6y The liquita6le Building and Luan Assuciation of Crnnd Island,Nebraske,�lortgagxe,i�pun Zf)2 shares uf stuck o( � .
<br /> � said ASSOClAT10N,Certificate No.1. 22���5 ,du Lercby grant,com•ey and rcor[guge unto the said ASSQ(:IAT[ON the following - � � ..� _
<br /> . described real estate,situuted in Hall Cuunty,ncbraska: , � �. . �
<br /> � togethar with all tlie tenements,hereditaments and appurtenanres lherem�io belonging,including attached�oor cuverings,u!t winduw scrcens, � � � �
<br /> winduw shades,hlinds,smmi windows,awnings,6eaiing,air ca�ditioning,and plum6ing and wuter eyuipment and accessories thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refrigerames,and other fixtures and eyuipment now or hereafter attached to or used in ronnection with said real estate.
<br /> - And whereas the s�id morlgagor has agreed and dues hereby agree thst Ihe mortgagor shall enS will pay all taxes und asxsstnenls levitd or . .� � �
<br /> assesseJ upon said premises and upun this mortgage and die bond secu:ed d�erchy beli�ce the same shall become delinquent;to(umish nppruved
<br /> - insurance upon the buildings on said premiscs situated in the sum of 5 2(. ZOO.�� P�Y�ble to s;tid ASSO(:IATION and to deliver to said . - �
<br /> � � ASSOCIATIO�the policies for said insurance;and uol to commi�ur perm�P any wntte on ur aboul said prentises; � � -
<br /> In case o(default in the perfurmance uf any oC the terms and condilions of this ntortg;�ge or thr bond secured hereby,the mortgsgee shall, � � � . ..
<br /> un dtmand,be entitled to immediate possessiun uf�hc mortgaged prcmises und lhc mo�tgagon c�reby ussigns, transfers and sets uver to the �� � � .. �
<br /> � mungagee all the rents,revenuts and income to Ue de�ived from tlie murtgaged pmmises during sud�time as the mortgage indehtedness sliall rcmain � �� �
<br /> � unp�id:and the mortgagee st�all have�he power�u appoint any agent ur agents it may desire tur�he purpose u(repauing ssid premises and renting � . . .. . �
<br /> the same and cullecting ihe rents,revenues xnd inconte,and it may pay out of said incume xll expenses o(repairing said premises and necessary
<br /> �- commissiuns and espenscs incurted in«nling anJ maoaging the same and o(collecling rentals therdrom;the balance remuining,il'any,to be � � � - � � . -
<br /> � applied�owarJ Ihe dischargt oC said mortgage indcbtcJnest;these�ights of the mortgagee ntay be exercised at any time during tho exisknct of such � . �
<br /> � dcfault,irrespective o(any temporary�eairer uf�he same. � � � �
<br /> q�� � These Presrnts,howcve�,acc upun the Condition,TIIUI 1�IIIC S�III�IOf1�J�'0I 1I18II Rp:IY saiS loan on ur beforc the maturity o(s�iJ shares by � . �
<br /> f� � paymrnt;pay nwnthly to said ASSOC(A'f10N uf the sum speci(ied in the Bond secured hercby as interest and prineipal ou wid lonn,on or before
<br /> �� thc 7'��'cntieth day oC cach and evr�y month,until s�id lom is fully paid;p�y all laxcs and assessments levied�guinst said premiscs anS un diis Afortgaye �. . � . . �.
<br /> :� anJ the fSond secured thereby,heture drlinyueucy:(umish appruved inm�ancr upon ihe builJir.gs d�ercon in the sum uf 5 Z6�2��.�� payable . �.�� �...
<br /> .. io said ASSOCIATION;�epey W said ASSOCIATION upon Jemnnd all munev by i�paid fur such taxes,assessments and inw��nco�vi!h inierest at � � . � �
<br /> Ihc m�xinmm lrgal mte thc�eon frum dme oi p�yment all oC which Atortgagur hercby agrees tu pay;pemiit no waste on s�id premises;kcep and cumply � � . . � .
<br /> with�II tlir agrcemen�s und conditions of the 8ond(or 5 26�2�0.�� this duy biven by the said\lurtgagur lu said ASSOCIATION,�nd comply
<br /> w witl�all Ihe rcyuiremen�s of the Cmutitution end[iy-Laws o(saiJ ASSOCIA77pN;then these prcsents shall become null and wid,uUterwix�hey
<br /> �� sh�ll remain in full furce and may be furalosed at U�e ep:ion uf�hc said ASSO('IATION alter failure fur three munths tu make any u(said
<br /> payment:ar be three montlu h��ncars in m�king saiJ monddy p�yments,ur tu keep and cumply wi�h the agccements anJ conditions of s�iJ dunJ: �
<br /> ind Mnrt�gor agrccs m havc�recerver appoiNed Ibrthu•iih in such(oredosuro prucccdings. .
<br /> If ihere is airy change in own:rship of lhc real r imr nrortgaged herein,by s:de ur otherwise,then d�e entirc rcmaining indebtedness hereby � .
<br /> � secured shall,at the uptiun of The Equitable Uuilding and Loan Associ�tion o(Grand Island.Nebraeka,becume immediueely due and payabte without
<br /> further notice,aud the amount remaining duc under said 6onJ,and any oiher bond for any additional ad�nnres m�de thereunJer,shnil,from�he
<br /> Jate u(exe�cise ul'said optiun,bear in�ercst at ihe ntaximum legal�ate,and this mortgage may then bc focecloseJ to satis(y the amount Jue vn said
<br /> bond,and any ot6cr bond fur uddilional aJvances,togclher wiUi all sums paid by said'Che I;yuitable Building and l.oan Association uCGcand Island,
<br /> � Neb:aska for insurantt,taxes and asuuments,and abstrac�ing extension citarges,with int.rest the�eon, (rom Jate of payment at the maximum .
<br /> Icgalrate.
<br /> � As pmvided in�he Nund securcd hereby,while this mortgage remau�s in ellect the mortgagee may herea(ler udvance additional sums[o the
<br /> � makers u(saiJ Dond,�heir assigns or successors in interesi,which sums shall be within ihe security uf this murtgage the same as the funds ori�inelly
<br /> . secured thereby,tlie to[al amounl o(principal debt not to exceed at any lime Ihe��riginal amount uf this mortgage.
<br /> )
<br /> /� o�<<a u,�s ...14th a:�y„r June n.i�.,i��76
<br /> .` j `�
<br /> -�)i l "'(�1.1.4"'. 1
<br /> James ,E, Bauer ,
<br /> I1�2,�,v� �c h";-..��,>,>/
<br /> Diane K. Bauer
<br /> STA7F.OP NEBRASKA,�ss. qn this 14th day of June 19 J6 ,befure me,
<br /> COUNTY OF NALL F,� .;,,.:
<br /> ihe unJersigncJ,a Noi_r:S'ublic in anJ for said County, erwnul y cume � •'�'`,
<br /> James E. Bauer and Diane K. Bauer, each in his and her own right and as spouse o� eac� N
<br /> ;� � other, 15'h� dY'2 Versoimllyknownto . �,' �
<br />'��� me to bc�he identic�l pcisor.S u'husc namc 5 dP2 affixed tu the abu��c insirwnertl.:ts.�nortgagor S and they severally � 41`
<br /> � �
<br /> acknuwledged the�aid instrument�o be thei r ���luntary act�nd deed. � /i {,��
<br /> � � . �47TNI=SS nly h�nd und No�ari:d Scal thc dalc afu�eseid. . , � -�"j% �'' �
<br /> .... . �1vC�,mmis•i U��pnas ._ :// f '.. { - .
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