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<br /> It ix furlher ngrced that in caee uny suil is begun lo forcclus�• lhia murtgnge. lhe Tlodgngee, ils re�ucsenlalives or :Lyeigns, � � . . �
<br /> ' uhnll ' nt nnce he entilled to the poaseseiun at snid ptemiaes, tmd upon npplication lherefor, the court in which such nction xhnll � . -
<br /> Ix bmught or nny judgc u[ such courk cilher in lcrm lime or vacnfion, ia hereby nulhurizcKl to nplwint a r��ccivcr tn tnke poexiw- . . � � � . �
<br /> �� � sion uf noid prerr.ises, � or to collect the mnts lherr[rom, nnd to do n�d pertorm auch other acta us m+�y IK reryuircd UY tl�e order . � �
<br /> } ot lhe cuurt moking lhe nppointment; nnd nnid N�vlgnFo� ��ere�iY µ'nivis nny notice n[ Fuch iqiplicnlion, und consrnla tn thr np�
<br /> . I � pnintment of a receiver upon tl�e prrxluction n( this mort�nqe, without olhrr rvidencr.. . .
<br /> 'Phc Murtqag�Y shull be eubmgnted to tdl e( Ihe riqhls, privileg�w. priorilies. and eyuitiex uf nny licnholder whoac liem m�y
<br /> �
<br /> hirvc bcon discharged trom thc pr�xreds o( lhis lo�in. ur by miy funde l�erel�y pnid nr furniehed by lhc hforlgagee.
<br /> i IT IS EXPRF.$SI.Y AGRErD thi�i i[ thc Ttortgngor shnll sell, comcy or ulicnatc said ryroperty, or any pnrt thrrtrot,
<br /> * i or any intereat thcrcin, or shnll lx divicet�d of his title or uny interest thercin in any mnnner or way, whether vnlunG�rily or
<br /> ' ' � introlunturily, withuut written congent o( Uie hfortgagee buing first hnd nnd obtnined, Dfortgngce shull have tS�e right, nt i49 option,
<br /> � to declnre any indebtednesv or ob1iF���ons securcd hereby, irmspi�tive of thc maturity dn(e s�mcificd in ��ny note evidencinq tLe
<br /> � � same, immediufely due and ryaynLle withuut notice, nnd s:�id debt shnll thereupon becomc nf�snl�rtv. If the ownerehip o! the mort• . � .
<br /> a gpged property becumes eested in n person other thnn lhe 11or:gngor, the A4ortgage�� mny, withm�t notice to the Mortqogor, deal
<br /> 3 with such auceewsor or sucttwsore in intcrest with re[crence ln this mortgnge nnd the deLt herehy necured �Lq wilh the hfortgagor,
<br /> � �a and may forbenr to sue or muy extend time for the pttyment of lhe debl herrhy eccrurcd wilhout dischnrgin� or in nny w•ny nffecting . . � , � �
<br /> i the lin6ility o[ the originul hlmLgngon c�reunder nr upon the d�•Lt ��Yund.
<br /> .� In lhia instrument the singulnr indudes the plural and tl�e masculine includes lhe femini�c anJ the ncuter nnd this in-
<br /> -� r vlrument vLnll lie binding upon U�e undersigned. his heirs. parsonal reprrsentnfivrs. suca�s.enrs und n�siFns. . .
<br /> a
<br /> ;' ,i ,
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<br /> ' ` �N W['PNF:SS WHF.RiSOF, wc have hen•unto tc, nu[ hands nnd �eni, th� d;iy nnd yrar firsl afw��r u�riH��n. � - . . � �
<br /> 1
<br /> ; In lhe presence oL• /'� / �. - � ..
<br /> '� � ..LR^5�../,!:�....`:!4t.... . ._' . ...... _.. ..... ..... . . .. .... .. . . ........ �
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<br /> j STAP� OI' N�BRASKA
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<br /> i
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<br /> ; On lhis . . ...�1 . ......_ dny of ..... .�:`'�. . .. . . .. ._ .. 19._7( txtore mc, the undersigned. a Nntnry Yublic. in and (or said ' ,
<br /> �
<br /> `. County�, pereonnllp cnmu...DaY1d..A .... Zal.oudek._and Darlene. ..K, . Zaloudek , _husband and ,:ife :
<br /> _. _ _ .......... _._ _ . _ _ ..._.__ .
<br /> personally known to me lo bc the identicul persnns whose names nre u(tixed to the nlwve nnd toregoing invtrum�nt, na murt�;ngura, � - � � . .�
<br /> ;� { and each neknowlaiged snid in9lrumenl lo be his ur her coluntnry nct nnd dmL ' ;� � �
<br /> ':� '. Wilness mY Lund and nolnrinl senl „t_. .....Grand..Island, ...Nebra .s.k.a ._ _... ...... .__ _.. _ . . ....... . .. ...... _ . _ . _.. ......_ .. .. .. .... �• . . . �.
<br /> � � the date la.gt nUove written. � . �
<br /> ' J� ROBERT D. PLACZEK �
<br /> ' �ENEHAL NOTARY - State of NeM. �"� � ///7 ,��.�(
<br /> '� MY Comrnbslon Eaylns .. _... ..../I�"'' . .....ct"'. .���:'�. .'.. .... ... . . ... _ . _ _.. � .
<br /> _ ... .. ... .
<br /> :
<br /> � NOVEMBER 25, 1878 �J T����rY �'������. - �
<br /> :
<br /> . ; biy a�mmiavim� expires..... �L _� S'.Z�... ._ _..
<br /> :
<br /> �
<br /> ; ;
<br /> iSTATli OF.. . . .. .. . . . . . . ... ..... ..... . .. ..... . . . .. . . . . .... . . ... '
<br /> i ; sS.
<br /> County . . . . . ... .. . . .. .. _ _ . _. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . )
<br /> Isntered on numericni index and filed for record in the Register o( lleeds O�ice ot said County the
<br /> � .. . :. . _.. ... .. . ... duy of. .. ._ . . . . .... . . . . . _ ... . . . . . . . _ _ . . . , 12 . . . _ . . . . , at _ . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .o'clak nnd. . . . . .. . . . _ _ _ minutes .. . .. . . . . . . . M,.
<br /> ; . . �
<br /> � ,� . . . . • . . . . . . _ A� i`'IOTL�;A�TCS AL �]II�,C _ .. _ . _ . . . . . . ._ _ � �s lnstrument.. I�`o.. . _ . . . . . . ... . . ... ...�.( •-a �.i ' � '
<br /> , , and recorded m Book. . . .. . .. ...... ...
<br /> � . �
<br /> s _ _ _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . _ . . . _ _ _ . . _ . . .. . . . . . ... . . .. . . ... , _':: �„ 's
<br /> Rc� of Deeds ` N �z,
<br /> � � , ,�� . .
<br /> ,; �e � ,, :
<br /> By. . . . . . .. _ . _ . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ _ ... . .. ....Deputy � `
<br /> t`± _.:"C,'-;
<br /> Wl�en recorded to bc returned to the
<br /> � .
<br /> t�'IRtiT FEllEK,1L SAVINGS Atil? L0:1N ASSOCI:1'PIUN 01� L[ NCOI .N `
<br /> � � 12l5 "N " Slrect ��� � /OG Panf!c St .
<br /> � 135 No. CnlnCt 61vd. �--� ' 101 So. �i :7nd 5l.
<br /> � LINCQLN �] �O1 ', �lu. ��f7t!: • L
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