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<br /> � : .�
<br /> 76- �3.1 U2
<br /> � MORTGACG
<br /> MORTGACB LOAN N0. L Z2��F)8
<br /> ;� KNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRESEN7'S:71mt �ames H. Berggren and Debra �. Berggren, each in his
<br /> � and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Mortgagor,whether une or more,in considcratton of the sum of
<br /> Eight Thousand and No/100----------------------------------------------------------�o�LnRs t
<br /> � Io�ncJ to aaid morlgagor by The Equiteble Building and Luan Associadon of Crand Island,Nebwska,l�lnrtgagee,upon $� shnrct ot slock of
<br /> <<:# sold ASSOCIATION,Certifiwte No.L 22 168 ,do hcreby grant,convey and mortgege unro the sa3d ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> � dcscribed tcal eslate,:ituated in Hall Caunty,�lebraska:
<br /> ,',�
<br /> ,
<br /> �,� NINE (9) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.
<br /> ,_�
<br /> '� Sub'ect to a rior mortgage to the mortgagee herein in the principal
<br /> ,Y� amount o� $?�5 800 d�ted Ma�y 7, 1968.
<br /> together wilh all the lenements, ece ita�nrnts an appurten nces thereunro belon�ing,including attarhed(luor cuverings,atl window urcens,
<br /> ' � window shades,b8nds,sto�m windows,awnings,heating,eir conditioning,and plwnbing and watereyuipment and ecceuories thercto,pamp�,stove�,
<br /> reGigeratora,anS olher fixtures and equipmcnt now or herca(ter atlached to or used in connection with said real estate. ;
<br /> :,:j And whereas the eaid mortgagar has agrced and docs hereby egrec that the morlgagur shnll and will pay all Wxa and assessments levled or �;
<br /> �.� assessed upon said premims nnd upon tLis mortgage and the bond xclue{�,(�tr,¢�6c(om the same shatl become delinquent;to fumish approved
<br /> insurantt uponihc buildings on said premius situatcJ in tlic sum of S�+uvu u paynbie to said ASSOCIATION and lo deliver to said �
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policics for said insurunce;and not to wmmit or permit any wastc on or aboul said premiser, �,
<br /> � In cau of default in the perfo�mence oCany uC the tcrms and cunditions of this mort�tage or q�e bund xcured hereby,the mortgagce shell,
<br /> ,� on demanJ,be entiUed to immcdinte possession of du mortgagcd prcmius and Ihc mortgagor hereby aesigns, transfen md xts over to Ihe
<br /> � modgngee sll lhc rents,rcvenues and inmme to be derived fcom the mortgaged premius during such lime as the mortgaga indebtedneu shall renuin ;
<br /> unpaid;and thc mortgagce shall havc the powcr to appoint any agcnt or agcnis it may de:irc for thc p�rpox of repalring�aid prcmises and rentirg ,
<br /> `�i the s�me and collecting lhe rcnts,revenues and income,anJ it may pay uut of said inwme all expenus uC repairing safd prcmises and necessary t
<br /> ' � cummiuiuns and cxpensc�incurrcd in renting and managing thc same and o(cullating�cnt�ls thcre(rom;the balana remaining,it eny,ta h;
<br /> ,,,} applie6 tu.vard the discharge o(said mortgage indebmdness;thesc rights of the mortgagee may be exercised at any time during the existence n!'auch
<br /> i dc(ault,irrcspective of any tcmpo�ary waivcr of the sama
<br /> These Presenis,however,em�pon the Condition,That i(the said Modgagor shall rcpay saiJ loan on or be(urc the maturity of said tharn by
<br /> '' payment;pay monthly to said ASSOCIATiON of thc sum specificd in thc Uond scrurcd hucby ns intcrest and principal on said loan,on or beture
<br /> # the Twmtieth day of each and cvcry munth,until said loan is fully paid:pay ail laxe;anJ assessmculs levied against sald prcmiscs and on Utis Dlortgage
<br /> � and Ihe BonJ accurcd diereby,before dclinqurncy;furnish eppro�KJ insurance upon the buildings thercun in the sum of 5 8+���•�� payahle
<br /> � to saW ASSOCIATION;repay lo said ASSOCIATION upon dcmand all monoy by it paid fur such taxes,esussments and insurance with interest al
<br /> thc m�ximum legal rate thcreon from datc of payment all of which�fo�tgagor hereby agrce:to pay;�xrmit no waslc un said prcmiva;keep end comply
<br /> ; with all the agreemcnb and rnnditions of thc Bond for S $ OOO.�� ����=day given by the said Ttortgagor to said ASSOCIATION,and wmply .
<br /> � with all thc requirements uf thc Constilution and Byd.uws u�said ASSO(:IATION;thrn theu prescnis shall bccumc null and wid,otherwise thcy
<br /> ? shall rcmain in full(oicc and ma bc fureclused at qie o uon of�he said ASSOCIATION a(te� tailurc (or thme months tu m�lce an u(said
<br /> ' � paymmis or he Ihrce munths in arfears in making saiJ monddy paymenls,or to keep anJ comply with thc agreanenls and conditions of said Dond;
<br /> ` ! mid Ato�Igagor agrces tu havc u reccivcr appuin�ed Corthwith in such forcrlosurc proccedings.
<br /> If thc�e is nny change in owncr:hip o(the real ata�c mortgaged hcrcin,by salc or othcrwix,then the entire rcmeining indebtednes�hcreby
<br /> ucurcd sliall,al the option oCThe Gquitn6lc Duilding and Loan Aswciatlon of Grand Island,Ncbraska.becume immedialely due und payable without
<br /> furlhcr noticr,and the amount rcmoining iluc under said bond,and any uthcr bund fur any additional ad�ances made themundor,shall,from lhe
<br /> dah of exercix of aald opHon,bcar intciut at the maximum Iegal ratc,and this nwrtgage may then be forcclosed to satisfy the amount Jue on said
<br /> bond,end any other bond for additional aJvancca,togelher with ail sums paid by s�id The[qultnble Building and Loan Aswciation of Crand Island,
<br /> Nebraska for insuranu,taxes and axussment�,and abstracting cxtension charge�,with interesl Uicteon,trom d�1e of payment at the maximum
<br /> Icgal rale.
<br /> j
<br /> As provided In the Bond ucurcd hercby,while lhie modgage remains in cffect lhe mortgagee may hereafter odvence additional sums lu lhe
<br /> ; rtwkers o(sald Dond,thcir assigns or successors in inlercst,which sums shull bc wit�dn the ucurily uf this mortg�ge the�ame as the tunde odglnally
<br /> '� secured thereby,ihe lotal amount of principal debi not lo excecd et nny time Ihc original amount of lhls mortgnga
<br /> DateJ Ihis lOt,h , ��r�� June � n•.�`� 76
<br /> = 0% , �.
<br /> v��v�j `N �c c�u A2�c/�_ � ,tsea.e��-a�.�.
<br /> � James Berggren � � ra . er ren v
<br /> >: i
<br /> t
<br /> ,.�.�# � � � C,.... � . . .
<br /> � STA'CBOFNEBRASKA,�� Onthis 10th deyo� June �9 �6 ,beforeme, �
<br /> COUt�'Y OF�IALL �
<br /> � . � ' the u dertigned,a Nolary Public in and for safd County,pc�wnally camt ? "`
<br /> JameS H �Berggren and Debra J. Berggren, each in h�s and her own �
<br /> right.aAdtas._spouse of each other WhO are P�rwna0yknownto • .:
<br /> •, � i e � p perwn g � whosc namg afflned to the ebove instramenl as mortgagor 5 and they severally `
<br /> E a�lenqyikdBrJ�lh9Q nstrumrnt to be thei r voluntary act anJ deed.
<br /> �� �
<br /> r, e� .
<br /> '! l���� q�3V1 S my Iwnd and Notarial Seal the date aforcstid. �� .
<br /> ! �. r.n � Y r1y� miuion expires �j� 1��b � � . . �
<br /> . � r.��rrrdi�,sl�"7 ��
<br /> E"%PIRES �' ��``�� otary Public ,
<br /> 6 L.�
<br /> � ���ST 31,��+Q, .
<br /> 1�''qlF OF N EBRPS`�
<br /> � , `_ _I
<br />�
<br />§:
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