<br /> , ,
<br /> . � , ....;.y. l
<br /> � ' . �
<br /> 76' 00 ,3 (168 . � �
<br /> � 'Plmt , the MortFagnr will pny lhe indehlednraa ns hereint�efo�e prmidcd. '
<br /> �f
<br /> 'Chnt tho Mortge�;or ie the nwner ot �nid property in fee si�nplc i+n!1 6ns go«i right nnd lawful nuthorily to srll and '
<br /> � r� rnmcy the xnme end lhnt the aame is frne and denr of nny li��n m encumbrance; and thnt r4ortgngor will wnrrant and delend the
<br /> i '�: . tiQe , tn . xaid premiaes . aKninxt lhe clnima of nll � pernons whomsoevee . . ,
<br /> :, "," �� . � To px.y immed'entely when due and poyahle oll �generel tuzes, speciul lnxe,u, y�rciul nsst•ssments, wnler charges, sewer aerv• � i
<br /> � ice charges, and other tuxea nnd charges ugainst snicl pruperly. nnd ulI tnxrx levied on lhe debt srcured hereby. nnd to furnieh Ihe i
<br /> ; , .p- , Mortgagee: upon tequeet, with the originnl or �luplicntc mceipLs therefoe The htortgngvr n�reea thut therc ehnll be added to
<br /> ' eoch monthly pxyment requirecl herenndc: vr •:nder the evidence ot debt secureci hercL,v an amount estimnted by the hfortFegre
<br /> � �� . � .�_ . lu�� be du�cient la� enable ihe D1o[tg�igec .�n� ��ey, nz thcy become due, � all laxes, navessmenfs, nnd similnr chargce u�x�n� the prem• ; �. � �r •.��"�.
<br /> 1 '.' ;'' ise.s aubject'therelo; 'nny deficiency lxcauxe of the inau(1'icicncy ot �uch nddilionnl pnyments shnll bc Iurt}ie•ith depusited by lh� :'
<br /> `� • �: �: .. . Morfgngor with lhe Mortgagce � upon demand - b�� thc Dlorlgagea Any defnult under this par:��;rnph shnll hr dr��mrd n dc4mlt i❑ �� - � �.
<br /> ; , �'� � � paymenl of taxes, . acsessmenty. nr sirnilor C}lA��;PS reryuircd here�mdee � . . . �
<br /> � � . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . � (
<br /> j � � 'Che �� Mortgngor ngree:� th��t thcre shull al:�o be udded lo e�1ch monthly P�Ymrnt �of� principnl nnd inienwt nquired hera 1
<br /> ,� „ �; � � under nn amount iwtimoled by the �lortgutier. to he su(ticicnt tu �•nnhle the rforl�;a�;ee to puy, ns it fwcv�mes due.� fhe inaurnnce � . : ..
<br /> ���� +'� - � � premiunt un nny insurnce {x�licy delivenYl lo lhe �lurlgaF�'�'• Any deficiency lx�cnuse nt lhe in�u(ficiency ot such additional �iay- �
<br /> ,:
<br /> .. menLs ��hnll IM furthwilh depoxilcd 6y Ihe Jlurlgngur with Ihe A1ortgnFec upon demnnd bp the ytorlcugre. Any dcfnult under thia ..
<br /> ` � � paragrnph shnll tH, duemed a defoult in the pnynient of insurnnce Prcmiums. I( Ihe pulicy or policit�s drposi�ed tvr xuch i�sJtnme• . "�'
<br /> t' . owncrx e�r n1I risk � pulicicv. und the Je�w+i4+ are insufticicnt to pny the enlire premium. . lhe .\turtga�:re mny apply the de�wsil fn i . . .
<br /> r ' � pny prvmiums on risks required to be insunsl 6}• Ihia mortgntie. �
<br /> ' ` � Paym�nts mnde by . lhe blortgngur under the ubove. puragrapha muy, ut the optiun n( thc Murtg�gec. Mn c�ld by it � and
<br /> , i� � cummingled with other xuch �UOfIS U� 1�4 OWII funds !ur the paymrnt o( such items, amd until so npplicd, xvch nnvmenfs nre herrbp � � � �
<br /> ' �,.. �. �. . � . pl�rlqed nx cecurity tor the unP+�id bulance . o[ the mortguge indebtedness. . .
<br /> " �
<br /> i;. `
<br /> S! � Tu p�Yxxurc, deliver �u. nnd m:�inWin for the benvfit o[ ihe Alortga�;ec during th�• lii� o[ this mortgage originnl policicy and . .
<br /> ,, , j. �. renewals thcrmf, delivrnYl nt lcaef ten days� Imfore the expirntion of tmy auch .�wlicicy, insuring n�;uinsL fire nnd other insurnble ;
<br /> � \� ; � � . � hnzard4, c:i.vuallies, end contin�;enciev va the Atorlgngee mny requirc. � in Fin amuunt equal to lhe indebtedness srcurcd by this �� � ,
<br /> � Mortgege, and in rnmpunirs ncreptnble to the hlortgugee, wilh loss payaUle cluuse in favor ot nnd in torm acceptnble to the \lor�ga• .
<br /> '.. - p . . gee. In lhe event any policy is � no[ rimewivl un ur before trn days of itS �xpirntion. the A�tortFagee may procure insurunce on � Uie - � '
<br /> ; �`� � � imProvemunts. pay the pmmium lherefur. nnd such eum rl�nll. tx�cnme immediately due and puynble wilh interfrst nt lhe f7IC svt � .
<br /> forth in said nolr until puid nnd shall Ixr securcd b�� this mnrtga�;e. 1'ailure on lhe pnrt oG the � �tortgagor to furnish such. rrnewuls . ���
<br /> � �1 as are herein n�quired or f:�ilure lo pny zmy sums ndvunced h�reund�r shtdl. at the � option o[ lhe �1ort�ngce, cvnstilule � a dr(nuL' � . .
<br /> : , ��.; . under the �Y.RIIY OI �I113 morl��Fe. The delicery o( sucit �xilieiew shall, in the t�•;rnt u( d�•(nulf. conslitu�e nn t�.c<i�;nmenl of the un-
<br /> .I . . � c:�rned premium. , ;
<br /> !
<br /> ` ..f '... � Any sums � rcccivrd b�' th� Dtortgagcti� by. rensnn uf luss nr damage insured ngainst mny fm rclained bp the �1ori�:agce i
<br /> " . � � � m�d npE�liid lowanl lhe pnyment nt thc deb! hereby secured. oq fit the option of the \7orlQagee. such smns eilher wholly nr in � .
<br /> pnrt may be peid uver to the Dtorlgagur to fx usecl to m�tair � such � huildings nr to huilrl new: buildinFS in thrir pincror fnr any
<br /> ; `,� � . " olhrr purpew' ur nhjact sutisfaclory to the \1urt�;a�:ce without �dieclin� the IiFtt nn lhe mnrtAnge fur fhr (ull mnaunl. secun�d here• �
<br /> by h��[ure surh pnymenl ever ia�k pinm. . . � _ .
<br /> ;. '.} . -� . . -
<br /> 'Co promplly rrpnir, reslort� ur rrbuild nny buildings or impruvemenls now or herraRor ou the premisrs which may Ix•. . . � .
<br /> ��� �� i<�mr damti�;�Kl ur di�lroyirl: to keep w�id premises in tiaid condilion and repnir und fine (rom nm• mechenic's lirn or olher lien or � �
<br /> ' �? clnim o[ lien nol cxprescly subnrdint�t��d tn thi� lii�n hcreof: nnt tu su(i�•r ur p�•rmit nny unitnvful us� of or anp nuiranrn lu exist nn �
<br /> ''. ? � snid properly nor lu pemiit •.�•axt�• nn said premises. nur tu do nn}• othcr nct �ehe�reby the prnp�rly hereby crnveyed shnll b�•comr .
<br /> � ��i � . 6�ec w�luable, nor to diminish or impair iL4 v:Juc by any nct ur umiscinn tn ncl : lo cnmph• with nll mquf�emrnfs of Inw• w�ith respir4 ' � t ` �
<br /> ` _��- � to the mort�nFcvl premiyrs :md the usr lhemuL . .
<br /> ?
<br /> . . _ i � 'Cha! vhould lhe Pmmisrs or any parf thcrcof I�r li�krn nr d�mnge�i h� re�,�in uf .my public improremont or cnndemnation �.
<br /> '. F � � prrxxeivlinti. or under Ihe right of rmine�ri dom:�in, ur in ��ny olher mtmner. the hforttiagee hhnll Ix enlilled to nll tt�mpent+atiatts. �
<br /> �
<br /> � nwnrdb, nnd a�ny olher puyment or relief there(or. and shiill �• enlitlrJ, at ita optinn, to commence, appear in nnd prasecale in iLc � � �
<br /> nwn mm�e anp nclion ur proce•eding, ur lu make nny iv�mprnmise or settlemrnt in ronncclion w�ith such takin�: nr dnmage. All such . . � - �
<br /> enmpetvcalinn. mvnrds, dnmagev. riFhf uf netiun :md pror�eclv are herelrv nsaigned to the illorlgugro t+ ho mi+y. �dter deduetin� � .
<br /> � ��;. � them[rom all IL5 !`%�)l'IISI'.�, CPIPlIV' Hny monrys su recrivcd b�• E� or :ipply the xnmc nn am� indrbtrdneas sccured hemby. 7'hc \inrt- / � �
<br /> � . tipge�r ngrera lu execule wrh [urther nsvi�nrn�nfa n( tm�� rampemation. xe�nrds, dmm�Fiw, and ri�hts of ;�ction m�d prrHredn tiv the .
<br /> A1ort�n�;ee muy n•quirn.
<br /> � That in caac of fnilurc ta per(orm nny of tLe mvennnls herrin, the Mortqagec mny do on the rfartqngor's behnit eveq•-
<br /> thing so cwenanted; lhnt the Mortgugee may also do nny nct it may deem necessary to prolect the lien lhernoL• that the Afort-
<br /> igagar will rr.pay iq�on demnnd any moneys pnid or disburaed by the Alortgagee (or any o[ the aFw�•e purposes, nnd nuch moncya
<br /> t ; together with irderest thereon at the mtc providcYl in suid note ahnll 6ecome so mttch ndditionnl ind��bteelness hemby secured and
<br /> � may be included in any decree forecioeing this mortgoge and be paid out ot the rrnts or procer�ls ot anle ot caid pmmises if not
<br /> otherwise paid: nnd lhnt Mortgn�m shnll not inivr nny pervonnl IinMility becnuse of nnythin� it may do or omit tu do hvreunder. � �
<br /> !
<br /> In the event of the defemlt Ly �tortgngor in thc pnyment of any insl�llmenl, a.v requittYl 6y lhc .'vot� wrur�vi herchg. ur - � .
<br /> ` ,�� in the � performnnce o( the nbligu6on in thiy mortgugc or in Oie nole s��ured therebp, the �1ort�agee Shell be rntitled lo dvdnre th� - .
<br /> dr.ht securcd hereby due anu pnyuble wilhnut nolice, nnd fhe Dlortgngec shall Ue entiUed nt its npfion, �vithout nolicr, eithcr hy it.�lf �
<br /> �;� or by n receicer �to be appninted hy the court thrrtv>(, nnd wilhout rcgnrcl to the ��dequac}• n( eny vecurity fnr the inde6t.slness �• . �. . � .
<br /> cureel hemby, ta rnler u�wn and take pocvrcvion of the mort�aped ryremises, nnd to cvJlecl and nrccive Ihe r��nln, issues and profils .
<br /> :� -�� thereuf. and npply the same. I��v coals of opernlion nnd cY,llection, upon the indc•btivlu�-t.s =ecured by this mnrtgn�e: seid r�ntv. � � .
<br /> icaaM nnd pmfita being hemby nsvi�ned to the M1forlgngee ns furlher securify L�r thr pnyment n( nll indrhtrdness s�•cnnsl hr.reh�•.
<br /> : :� The Diortgagee sl�nll have lhe pmver to appoint uny agcnt or ngenLr it mny dcwirc for th� purpcKe of repnirinF w�id prem- - ��� � �
<br /> iwrv; renling the same: mllecting the mnts, revenues an�l income, nnd it mny pny uut of snid income nll ezpen4es incurrcKl im m�b j �
<br /> f . . r.i� 4_ • Y .
<br /> - . ing and monoging the sume and oP cullceting the rentals lherrlrom. 'Chc hnlance remaining, if �ny. xhnll br e�pplie•d towarci lhe . . `.
<br /> C J;K
<br /> diacfinrge af the mort�;age indeblednPaa. Thia asci�nment is to terminn�r nnd Ixr.omr null nnd void iqion relcns�• n( thi4 murtcn�e. , � :'
<br /> � . � . . . . . . . . � . . � ' , � ''�"�
<br /> � � � � � 'PGe � MuARngee . may collecl n "lale chnrFe" nul tu excecd I�ive Crntc � !ic) for each dollnr 151 .0(I) of rnch lutad munlhl}. . . :; �. �r��.
<br /> :�' Ii � . �iuym�nt mnrr lhOn 1(i� dr�ye in nrn+c�ra In ivrvrr thr rxlr.� rsprnar involved in hnndlinF drlirtqurnf ncn�unLc. . 4 y �=�
<br /> , � y
<br /> All pnymen4v mndr under thr prwisiane o( lhis m��rtgnge m Uir iwlc hrmby w�wred. ���hidi may be connlrurd :�s intercet. ' � ���� ��:�,
<br /> shnll nnl, in the nggreFel� aver thi� frrtn Ihermf, exrer<I thr rntr thnl mny nmv be li��.vfnlly conlrncled for in wrifinF. �
<br /> ,
<br /> '
<br /> i ' '
<br /> f
<br /> �
<br /> � . . � • � � 1 � .
<br /> �___. . . . . . � MY� . . � � � .
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<br />