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<br /> �'%���', It is further ngreerl thal in casu �mt• yuil is Le�;mi ! u (ori��closn t6is mortgtq;o. tha D1url�;;q;er, its r��preaenlntives ur ae4igns, '
<br /> A� :;I�all ut unca be entitled fo I.he posxeision of s,iid Dremihes. imd upon applirnliun t6eru(or, lhe cnurl in \V{IICII 50CI1 fIC�1011 H}IfiII i
<br /> be bruuqLt or t�ny judge u( such courl, eilher in tenn limi• ur vncalion, is hen•by ruilhuriznd lu appoint u recc>iver tu lnke p(n.aes- c
<br /> �F'"`�,.� sion of snid premiaea, ur io cullecl Uie rcnts tiierrfrum, m�d to do i�ud perforni nuch ntlicr ncls ns maY bc r�v�uired by Ihr order �
<br /> �� uf tLe coiut muking the nppnin[mi�nt; mut said Mort�;u�;un c�rrby H�nives uny notice a( nueh ��pplic:�ti��n, tind cnnsenls to thc np• !:
<br /> i' poiutment a[ n rncciver upon the prnductiun u( tLis murtgng��, a•ithuut oth��r evidon�•r. ,
<br /> �d '1'he Mort�;ugee shnll be sul�roFufed lo ull ut thc righLv, privilegrs. p:iutilica. ond equifies uI nny licnhulder who:se lien nut}' � {
<br /> htive boen dischnrged from �he prarc�ede o( Ihis luan. or 6y nny fuudti hrr^bv paid or furnished by tlie bforf{;c;;:�= j
<br /> IT IS �XPR�SSLY AGRtiBU that if the Murtgngor hhedl scdl, crmvey or nlicnutc si�id proper:y, or nny part tl�reoot, �
<br /> or nny interest themin, or nhnll 6c divenl�vl of his titl� or m:y interest therein in anp mnnncr or w;�y, whrther volwrtarilY or � �
<br /> r
<br /> involuninrilY, without writien C(ItL9CIIL uf Hie blorttiagis• bi�ing ficst hnd nnd nbtnineil, A1m•t� a�,ic� :�h�ill hnve tha ri�;ht. :it it+ option, �
<br /> to detlnre nny indehtcdness or oblig;�tions securvd h�. reby, irrenpectivc� uf the mulurity dat�. tiperitied in �my note rvidencing the t
<br /> eiime, inunedintdy due tmd pnynble wilhu�d no[ic�c. nnd x:iid drbk vlvtll thcrcupon ��cume nb�olut�•. If thi� ow•nervhip of thir tnort• �
<br /> quged Property becnmes vestcd in n pf�rton othc�r than lho \lortgagor, the 1�lortg�ig�ti• tnrry. �vithout rmtire fo tLe piortgngoq deal i
<br /> with such enccessor ur succevsors in inten�+t witl� reEerrtncc (o this tnoriti�a�,c nnd the dnbt h�rcby sr<•ured ��s �vith thc• Mortgngor, }
<br /> nnd mny forbear tn suc or may r.xtend time tor thc� p;iymrnt o[ the debl herrLy !;irurrd wilhuut fli�chnrginq or in ainy µay afiecting
<br /> � thr. lia6ility oi the originnl blortgagor hereunder or upmi the dout �rcurcKl. k
<br /> (n tl�is instrument ihc� F�ingul�ir includes the plurnl +wd thi� mm:culine iucludes thn fetniniur� �ind thi� n��uft-r nnd this in � i �, , :.. . ;� ":
<br /> �tnimenC .hnl: be binding upon Ihr undrni�;nrd. hi. h<�irs, pi�rsonal ruprrwentativrs, tiucct•ssnrs :t�vl assi�;nv. ,
<br /> i �
<br /> r .
<br /> IN W17'NLSS WFIi;REOF. �er, hnve hnr��untn scl uur hand, anrl sr;d, ihe da}� �md yr:�r lirst ntxi��r a�rilten. �
<br /> ln Ihe prrsence oL• \
<br /> G �
<br /> \�� � C ��..J + . . .
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<br /> i4..... .... . . ....... '�!1 ..... .`2 . .__ . _._ _ _. .._ . . n,.;�.: ' �-
<br /> _ .. .. . _. _ .. . .. . .... . .
<br /> Dennis �D . Parker
<br /> t ; : � �
<br /> �.... _. . �� 'r li t ;
<br /> �t,� 1� a,-'���U.%
<br /> -�'u' _ _ , .
<br /> �
<br /> _ _ . . _
<br /> � . ,: ,:
<br /> Susan K . Parker _ _ � _
<br /> 4 ".
<br /> (
<br /> g'pa•rr pr NGI3RASKA � �
<br /> � �v.
<br /> _ _ .frar,L_ _ .. .. .__ . ..c���,�>,. < '
<br /> . ; : :
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<br /> , . , .
<br /> On this ._. _ / ' `'....... . doy of .. _ . .�c..,, .� _ _ . _. . . . 197�?. . tkrfnrr� mc, thr undetsiFnnl. n Nnturv Public, in nnd fnr said ' . ' �. '�`.
<br /> county, personnlly camc, .. _ Dennis D . Parlier and Susan K . . Parl_er, hu.sbar,d a]�d .'r�lf'e . __ .. . . "
<br /> _ _ _ . ..
<br /> _ _ _ _ _
<br /> personally� kno•.vn to me to be the identu�l porsons «•}i�5e ntunes are aflixed to the i�bove �nd forrgoir.g inytrument, as mortRn�;ory,
<br /> and each acknmvlMlged snid inslrument to bc� his or her ��oluntary ac[ a»d derd.
<br /> 1Vitness my hund and notarial scal nt. .._. __ _.�rX'aIId. . .�.S�.3Sld�_ Pl.�bT�,5t3..... .... . . . _ . . . _ . _. . . ._ _. _ . _... .. . . . . ...... _ .. . .. .. _ ... ��-' ��� �'
<br /> tl�e date In,t abo�•e writlen. �
<br /> Q HOBEAT O. PIACZEK ; -
<br /> �ENERAL NOTApY - 6tete o1 Nsbr. ' ° �
<br /> � tdy Conmtstbn E�kn �.�< � i j G� .<-.0
<br /> _ _ _ .��. . .. _ _ . . .. . . .. .
<br /> NOVEMBER 26. 1978 Nul iry Public. ;,
<br /> �fy rommissiun expirc�..._ _ . �/ :.ZS.-. 7.f.. . . � � � . � � �:.
<br /> STATE Oi' _ . _
<br /> . . . .. .
<br /> Coimh• . .
<br /> _ . . . I .Sa.
<br /> I.ntered on numerical index and filed for record in the Re�isier of Deeds O(lice ot said County the
<br /> _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . day of_ _ . . _ . _ . . . . . _ _ . . _ . . . . . .. . . , 19. . _ _ . , at _ _ _ . _ . _ . ddock and . . . . . _ _ _ _ minu [es . _ . . . _ . _ M,.
<br /> • � .z r: :y .
<br /> ...;
<br /> and recorded m I3onk. . . . . . . . . .. . _ . . _ . . .of :�tortgagcs at pa�;e_ . . _ _ . _ _ . _ , as Instrument No. . . _ _ _ _ _ . `. bw ^ ,
<br /> . . . .. . . .. . . � �1 � :' .
<br /> . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... � �. • AO
<br /> . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . � . �.
<br /> Re�;. of Deeds I � '`r� '
<br /> '� '� �F ,'- � �
<br /> By _ _ . . _ _ . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . . . . _ . Deputy �`` ,., �
<br /> R�hen re:orded to be returned to the "` '`' `
<br /> FIRS'I' 1� F;i)I. R :1L SAYINGS ANll LOAN :ISSO (' IA 'i'ION OF LIA' CUi.ti , ��
<br /> [� 1 1 -35 � • ra st�o�,� � � � � uc f .� , � '.st.
<br />�' �� 1 � tlo r tri � r E:�v:!. f � . � : 07 ', . �
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