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s`2 � ,.'+.�` <br />�. ( . �1 <br /> 76- UU�;:)�9 <br /> nwirrr,nr e <br /> � — — - --_ -------n�o�t�cnc,li l.OAN N0. L_2Z,159__T <br /> KNOWAt,LAf1iNUYTIICSL'1'KL'SGN1'S:'fhut John C. Rasmussen aiid Linda N. Rasmussen, each in his <br /> ' � own rignt and as spouse of each other, <br /> � __-______`�lurtgagor,�vhe�her mie m mure_in coniidereUun af the swn ut <br /> � ; Twenty-two Thousand and No/100_---------- _ ___„� ooLtnizs <br /> loaned lu said mortg�gur by'fhc liyuitublc Iluildinµund Lunn Assuciution of Crand lsland,Ncbraska,t�furtgagcc,upun z20 shuree of srock ul' . � . .� <br /> saW ASSOCfAT10N.CertfOcate No.L Z2,159 ,do hereby gnuri,cunvey snJ awrtgaqe unlo lhe eald ASSOCIATION the foilowing <br /> Jesc�il�cd real eslatc,BIlUBlzli in Ilall Counry,Nebraska: <br /> LOT NINE (9), IN BLOCK T1J0 (2), IN JACK VOSS SECOND <br /> SUaDIVISION, BEING A PART OF THE W[ST HALF OF THE <br /> SOUTHWES7 QUARTER (iJ!ZSW.�-,) OP SECTION TldO (2), TOWNSHIP <br /> [LEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10) W[ST OP TNE GTH P.M. <br /> Iogelher with nll tlts tenemenls,liercdilatnenls and appu�lenmices tl�e«unlu bclonging,iiicluding atlacl�ed Iluur cu�Trings,all winduw screens, �. <br /> N'lI7lIUW SI18lIl'S.I1III1(I5.SIU�1I1 WIf1lIU1V5�:IWOIIIKS�hcating,air cunditiuning�Btlll�Illlllhltl(�BIIII K'BIC�C(�lII�/111NI119I1�I�l'l'CSSOfICS UIPfC�U�pwnps.stucci. <br /> rcfrigeraWts,nnd othcr fixlures and equipntcnt nuw on c�rcaltcr allachcd to o�uscd in cunntttion���ilh said�cal e�tatc. �.. . � . <br /> Af1lI tYIl0If85 II1C S�I�I I11Uf��860f IIIIS BEfCCII BIIII lIOC3Ill`IC�Y 8�'fCl'1I181 IIIC murlgugur shall and will pay nIi tares and assessmcnts Iccicd ur . . <br /> asscsscd upun said pcemiscs and upon this mortgagc and the 6ond securcJ Uie�eby belo�c Ihc samc shall bewmc drlinyucnl;lu furnish oppruved <br /> insurnncc upon thc�IIIIIIII�'S otl 581(I PICI1LSl`5 SI11171C�10(I1C SUIII OI S ZZ�QQQ.00 payahic to said ASSOCIA'('ION �nd �u dclicer�u said . . <br /> ASSCCIATION IIIC pUlll'ICS IUf 5811I II1511f8f11'C;:II1lI It0((U C0010111 O!4)Cffllll dll)'\\'BS�I'OO llf abuut said pictnises, � <br /> 1. ���.� �II C85C 11��C�8t1��111 lI1C()Cf(OfI11�ilCl•U�BIIV 11I IIIC ICf1115 8111I CUfIlI1lIUI11 VI IIIIS IIII)I��;BeC UI��IC�Uill�SCCUfC��ICfP�11'�(fl!I710f1�;��CP 5�18��� � <br /> . on demand,be entitleJ tu immediate posmssio!�of�he mortgngcd prcmises and ihe mwigagor here6y assigns, transfen and sets ocer to Uu � <br /> � murtgagee�II the renls,�evenues aud inconx�u be derived from tlie mortgagrd premises du�ing sucli time ae the nwrtgnge indebfednese shall remain <br /> unpaid:anJ Ilic nwngagec shull hare thc pmve�w appoinl any agent ur egents il may desire for thc purpusc u(repairing aaid premiees and renling <br /> �he sume anJ collecting the rcnts,revenues and income,and II m;ry puy uul ol'said incume all expenses of repairing saiJ premises and ntt�essary <br /> . cuumiissious and czpcnses incurtcd in rentinR anJ tuanaKinK Ihc zomc and uf cullccting renlnls lhereGum:th: bilanit remaininµ,i(any.tu bo � . .. <br /> applicd lo�raiil lhe dischargc uf said morlgage indeb�echuss:tlicse�ights ul d�c nwrtgagee may be escreised at any timc dwing�hc ezistence o(such <br /> dcfaull,irmspccli�c o;'a�y tetnpurary wai�Tr of thc samc. <br /> Tlll•tiC I�fC<CI715�Iltl\VCYI'f.Jtl`Il�>llll IIIC�t1111�111Ui1.I Il:ll II lI1C 5:111I�IIIfi�;B�;tlf SIIAII IC�181'S:11�IUIIII tlll UI hC(UfC IIIC IlI7IUI�lV'U�ti81�SIIJICY�1' <br /> o- '- p�yment;p�y mon�h�y io saiJ Ati50CIA'PION uf the sum spccified in Ihe Bunu secured lieieby as interesl and princip:il on said Iwn,un ur baCme <br /> I�II'��\t'l'i111C1�1 1�e1'U�C:i"II 8111I CYl'!)'II111111I1.UI1�lI 58I�It1Jil IS IUII1'I)JIII:�/:IV:III 1:1\CS 8111I035C5SI11CI715IC\'IClI8K811131 S7111I�IICIf7151`5�I11I1)I7 1I11S�IUfI�':I�C ' <br /> t; �, and thc pond sccwcd thcreby.bclbic dclinyucnc��:liunish ap'IIUPCII IOSUI;IOtt`U�!VII IIIC I1lIlIlIIII�;S IIICICOI11111I1C sum ol S Q2�QQQ.QQ payahlc � <br /> µ '. 10 SdItI ASS�x IATION:Il•��8j'l0 SIIIII ASS�KIA I ION U�IUII tIC111011tI HII IllOilC1'I�V II rllil�IO(SIIIII l;l\C5.:ISSC55171CI1i5 8111I 1115UfJill'C 1\'11I1 II1lCtPpi 8l � <br /> the maximum Icga��ate thereun Irom date of paynien�all uf�ehich!�tur�kaFur Leieby ag�ees tu paq;pennit nu was�e un saiJ premises:keep and cumply <br /> R; ' wi�h all Ihc agrccmcNs anJ cui�di�ioiis uf tlic ilond(or S 22�QQQ.QQiliis d;iy Kivrn by Ihc said Martgagur tu said ASSOCI:1770N,unJ:umply <br /> with all lhc icyuimmcr,�s u'r ihc Cunsuunion and Hy�L:n�•s of saiJ ASSOCLI7'ION:thcn �hcac p�rscnts shall bccoinc null und vnW,utlirrn�isc thc�. <br /> i' �� sh:dl rrmain in full Ib�cc:md nmy bc lurecluscd ai Ihc optiun u(Uic said ASSIX'IAl7U\ af�c� I�ilu�c fur Ihrcc a�unlhs tu mnkc xny uf s;iid <br /> � paymcnis ur I)l'lllll'C ItlU11II15 III�flt'�f51i1111:1IC1ilK SJIII IIIUIIIIIIt'��YIIICII�ti.UI lo kccp:md cumply w�ilh thc ag�ccmcros m�d cumhtiuns uf said Uond: <br /> � :IIIII AIUII�']t{U!J�;ICCS lO I18VC:1 fl'l'l'I�l'f I1�1�IUIIIICII�OflI1K9lIl III SUIII IUfCCIP511tC�tiUCl`l'1I111F5. <br /> 1 ' <br /> � II thcic is any cliangc iu uwncrship of ihr real csla�c mmtkagcd hcrcin,hp udc ar ulhcrN�isc,tlicn lhc cntirc icm�inin�;inJcbicdnrss�ic�cby <br /> �. SCCU(ClI SIIAII.BI llil'U�IGUII UI TIIC Ill�llll'JhIC BII�IIIIII�8111I L�1:111 ASbill'18UOf1 Ut GiauJ IslunJ.Ncb�nsku.bccomc inuncdia�cly duc mid payullc���ithoui <br /> � furthrr nuiicc,and qic anw�ml ictnaining Juc unJci said bmid.and any uiher bund lui uny aJdiliunal aJv�nccs madc thc�cu�iJcr.sir,ill.lrum Uic <br /> . I�JIC U�l•%CICISC UI S811I t1�/11t111.I)Cif IIIICICSI'J�IIIC II78CIlIlUlil Il'�;:II f8ll•.�IItI 1I115 I711111�!:IFI'IIIAV IllCll�C It1ICCIUSC{I lU S9IISIY IIIC Aillt)Il�il IIUC Ufl S�III <br /> bond�8litl Jfl}'UIIICf I)OI1lI�1lf:f�S:I1�lU11aI�lIYi11CC5.lO�;l'IIIC!119�II 1II SUII7S(1:IIlI I1��aid'fhc I?quitable Uuil�iug and Luan Assucia�iun uf Crand IsI:mJ. <br /> NChf:ISF:9IUf IIISIlf81111`.I:IXI'S�I1lI8SSCC9I11Ct115.8111I8I751f�Cllfl�C%Il'i751Ui1 l'I181K1'i. 1YIII1 Illll'il'S� tlic�cun. I�um Jalc ll� �t�1VI11C11I OI I�IC 117,7XIIlll1111 <br /> . Icgalfale. <br /> � As p�oviJed in Ihe Ilund secureJ hereliy.�ehile Ihis murtt:agc�enmins in ellict Ihe uwrtgagee way he�e�fter ad��ance uuditiunal sums�u Ihe <br /> , makcis oI:�III UUIIII,lllClf�SSIKII5 Of Slil'l'CSSUR Ill lllll`fCSI,WIIICII SlIf115 tiI1JII IlC WIIIIIII IIIC SCClllil\'U�1I115 IfIUf��(8�l•thc sanx as tl�c funds uritiin;dly <br /> s : secured iheicby,tl�e lolal amuunl uf p�incipal debt nut lo c�ceeJ;�t anp�inre Ihe u�itiinal ainiwnl ul�his m�.niKatie. <br /> ' )atcJ tltis 2nd d:ry uf June A.U..1'� ]�j � <br /> i'r i' i I <br /> ,: � '..�s-��—�t� _ ,_ ,���+<< �l %� /���Li� ,,� -� , _ � <br /> �John C, ta mussen Linda N. ftasmussen <br /> I <br /> � <br /> � S'1'ATG OF NL'DRASIU,�ss. On�his Zlld Jay ol' J UI98 19 7G ,bcfore mc, <br /> COUNTY OP HALL � <br /> ' i6c unJcrslencJ,a Nuturv Public in anJ for saiJ l'ouniy,persun:dly camc = ' � , <br /> John C. P,asmussen and Linda N. Rasmussen, each in his and her <br /> own right and as spouse of each other "'�'° are �'��a°���°,'�'0°`Pnw N <br /> � mc lo b:the idedlical pc�son g �vhuse natne 5 ❑IIIXCII IO IIIC 0�1U1'C II1SIf1101C1�(.Yi$1(Jf�aB�'Uf S ����� they scccially � <br /> /// � <br /> acknowledged lhe said mstrumenl to he the i r vulun�ary act nnJ�eeJ, � ' ) / ,�� rv,� '' <br /> � � � ����•WITNL'SS�my hanJ and Nolarial Scal thc dutc afmcsaiJ. , � �`/ �� � <br />� � �iy Cnmmissiun expi�n = //�-_.�:- � <br />�'�f, y ,._. . . � � --- - �>C����� _ 1.�� C"�� • . <br /> , ":'. . .. �i ;vul.�iy I'ubhc <br />;�`?:�;� 3-737M L�j�l '�G /� !� � <br /> r:>:.� � <br /> .`r `�-�.�- �J <br /> -i L— <br />�'�� E <br /> � <br /> f <br /> � <br /> f <br /> } <br />