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<br /> It i:c furth�r eKmryi that iii raca miv �i�ii i. ImY,an 1 � f� racie�r U�i� mort.hr,k��� � ix- \f��r��:s�.ee. iis r•,pr��sent;vicr:� „r ;�c.,igns, � . . � .
<br /> �� �F�alt at �m�r bi+ rntitlr�d fo Ihe pnsses.inn o: �;tiii prrmicei. nnd rq;nn np�>licntion ihen.for, tho ra� ri in ���hii�}t vn��h r+clintt shnll . .
<br /> 1h� . hruuF;hl ur sny ludx�: ��+I t��urii rourL ��ilhcr i�n ternt iimc• or u�catimi , i5 hotthp ituthoriz��ri io �ip�x+Snl :t rnr�iw�r t,i fpko E;osa��s- . � � � �
<br /> �ioh aI "�id pmntieea, o; t.� iolleot ihe a.,nts Ur<.mfihm, and i i rin �nd �u��rtornt � v�.h other rct5 as mn� hr roquirod i�}• i{ce ordrr . - .
<br /> � af� the �v�ut�l� iv�si�m� the rppoiniment: n�id said D2nrtfra�;or h� rclic wnS���s �+ny m i�.,� �•[ such nPpiic;+tinn. anri � on�rnis tn ihi: np- . .
<br /> � �io�ntment n! s mivi�•cr i�pon the �rntilnrl�iou i�f iliis tneitFnRr. a-ithoui n�}�er eviden�t•. � � � .
<br /> � � 9'}ie ;�4oYl�u�<� �;i�ail lu suhmgaied tn all uf ihi� ry:hi �, piivileg�,�. a�rionres. ait�i eqniti�w ot nny lien}wider wna,�� iiirn tnny . . . �
<br /> lindc L«rf� discharK���l from tLe Pr�xvr,i.; o[ thr; loan. �;r ny nn }� fimits hrrchy �±aid ;r 1arn;4?nYl h)� il��> Rfnri;ra�ir. � � . .
<br /> TT 7ii li� .l'PBFSSLI AGRI�Iii) ihat i( tha \inrt _ ay�r .=7�;�11 �rii, �vm•ov or ziii.`nnie =.:�id pmpciiy. ��r nnr pari iheno#. - � � .
<br /> oi 9ny intc:rn�Y tharcin. ot sh:�il I�r divrshd of hie iitl.� ur enr ini��tt�t fh��rcin in :my +.n�+nner nr «;a}�, ���hr.il:or rnit=ntnrtil�� �sr � � . .
<br /> im•oluntaril��. .5�thout �vlitten i��neiN nf lhe '�i�irtg:t�:�v� Ix•infe fitsf hod nr:d ol;lninrd. Jin� t�a;.�ri =1c111 hn�r ilie r;�,-ht, ;jl ils epti�m.
<br /> � to derinm miy indelittdness �.rr ��i>lir.ntions r�y�und iic�n�hc. i�m<p�ti�tivc nf ihc mnim7tp �intc s�w�riSrd in at�v aofe ��eidrming i?ir . . . � . ..
<br /> sume, immediateh dve nn�3 ;�avni�Sc wiihoui noii��e, anif Fnid dclit ahxll 9hcrcuiM��i lu:x>mc r,k,�oluta If �Ir�� o�cr.rrship n! ihe mort- . � � �
<br /> gaqed ptopert�' Iti•romt� r�[stavl in n lx`rnnn �other ihnn tho 1(ortc;t��r, ihc \7�ir1+'�Ke�` mst•. ��iilt��ut n!�ti�•c to fltr \i�itl�n;.ror. dr+ai : . . .
<br /> � +�itlt such su«��seor or sucressors in iiitnrc�i. �viih mfom�tcr to iiiis rnnrty;;age nnd the d��l±t h��reb�� sr��un�ri as ���ith fhe \t��rtgagnr, -. . �
<br /> nnd may � fod�.:�r to eu.• or mnc caEen�j iimo ior lhe pnym�irt n{ Ihr doht. Ucmin� cr,y�n�3 �.i�l�out di��hargin. or in �ny w:rv atTrrlir� . . . .
<br /> . tihe lixhility nt tlie .>ri;:insl \iort„ngt�t h��remvl��r or u{r�n thr dr�lrt =o��unv9. � �
<br /> in tin5 in�tn:ment tlie .inti�tl:ar ine{u<ii� tl�,� �?luc�l *�nd ihe nm:�.adin�• inclmies ihr G�minine nnd ihe nrut��r �nd thi� in . � . � . .
<br /> � ctrum��nt chai) Iw� i�indin;. nprn� 1he, undor�ipnal . hin 1•,cir.�. IrrunSa! rr�r�w��ni ;vi�1 . -,ur.•��cc�n•s nnd asy�;;i� . . . .
<br /> �
<br /> I \ \\'1'I��ib:BF \l'NE•:IZEfIT�. �cr. h;i�'e 1;�+t.��min �rl om� h :tniit nn�i =rai. thn �i:ir an�4 t�o;tr tirci alx�r..+ �rri�ire. . - � . . . . �
<br /> '. in the pre•senm ol: .-1 . . . .
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<br /> � '- On thi � . . . _ :�1_ . _ . . �i�}� „f . . . %�{7. . . . 7 !• i�' iatiem mo. ihc im�i��rsign�{i. n \�itnr}• Pui�tic, in nnri f,�r caid � .. . � � .
<br /> ; - �i t'e�intc. pere�xtalk c�imr_ . S�lOII185_ 1V' . . �OK . . .��2' . . 3ri!� .. �?C��i .� . _ (',J;� . . 11l'.SraYtil . atic2 CtiiC- . . _ . . . . . . . . � �:
<br /> i �M�rsonally' knuo�u io me �o h�� the i�i.�i�lical p��rv.iec �� ho_�� nante; nm �itlia:�xl lo liir abnvr nnd [�ur:;oene inNlmm . ctt :i: n:�,riaaan��. . � . .
<br /> � � � and rach a�•knowkritxd =nid iti�lnune��l ln h.• hia ��n c�r ��oimitnrt- nrt and �'se��d. . . .
<br /> \Yihieee m�� hand �ud �intsrinl s�,al nL . '�� '-' a1iQ l�. glgl]R . i\TC�1'3^,�53 �. �� ���
<br /> f. ': _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . _ .. . . . _ � .. .
<br /> � Ihe dntc inst nlv�ce: ��ritten. � .
<br /> �.; � R06ERt O. l'IACZQN � � � .
<br /> , :, 1?ENERAI NOTARY . 6cete ot Nelx. / �
<br /> ' �,�_4 .�
<br /> Myl:oneniatlonEwires �! ^ '� ' ;' f . .
<br /> NUYEM9ER 28. 1978 . . . . . . t „t;�rr 1'uMic. �
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<br /> ' \tg rmmnis�i�m ��y�ims.. . . _ . . . � � _ . ��<� . . . . .
<br /> . . :, Sl�l�Z�f: n�' . . . _ . . . _ _ . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . _ . . _ . �
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<br /> ; � �� t'oqittt' . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . �
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<br /> � _ _ _day nL _ _ _ , iS?. _ , al . r�'rl�v�k ,ind . minutes . 11,.
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