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<br /> , 1l is (urther ngreed lhut in ct�sc �un� suit is Legun tu fon-riu��� ihis w�,rtg:�{;e, the 61arl�;a�;ee, ila represvnln;i•:rs ur a�ssigns.
<br /> � nl�nll td once be entitled to Ihe pussr.aiun of n+�id premises. nnd upon npplicntinn lbere(or, thu c��urt in which such �ction xhnll . � � .
<br /> � be brought or nnY ludge �f such c„urt. cilher in Irrm time nr vncalirm, is hetehY nulhori2ed tu :ippni�ti. a :eceivar to tiike pusr,�w- : � . � � .
<br /> .: . � siurt of snid premises. or lo collecl lhe rents lhere[rum. mid to do nnd prrforni such olher ucd+ �+3 may be nKptired }�V the urder . � .
<br /> uf the courbmaking tLe� t�ppoinlmenl: and snid A1urt�;ngur herrby wuivee m��y notice of such t�pplicntion. nnd cnnsonl� lo khr np•
<br /> , pointmenl. of a receivcr upon Ihr pr<Nluc�ion nf Ihis mortgage. wi� hnut ulher evidencr. , , .
<br /> � 'Phe Atortgagce chall 6e subrognlud lo all of the rights, privilegc.. prioritics. tmd equitii�s uf uny Iir.nholJer w}�ose li��m m�y � .. � �
<br /> lurve. lirvn discliflrged from the proc�eds o( t6is lonn. or by ❑ny t�mds hcr�•6y pnid ur furnixhed by tl�e 1lurtgagec. . . .
<br /> IT IS EXPRr53[.Y AGR�ED tl�at i( the A1ortF�E:�r shull sell, conveg nr aliena.e snid prnper�y, ar any pnrt ihcreof, � . � � �
<br /> or any interest thercin, or shnll be diventid of hi� ti!le or ony inten�t therein in any mnnner or wuy, whether vnlimGvily or . . � : �
<br /> involuntarily, without �rritten coasent o[ the htortgugcr being first had and o6tninc�ci, Mortgagec sh��U hnve the right, :it i4v option, � . . �
<br /> to deelnre nny indebtedness nr obligntioivs srcured herelrv, irn�spective n( the nuduritp dale specified in any note t•videncing the . � �
<br /> ' same. immediately due and pnynUle �vifhout nntice. xnd �:tid drbt ah:dl lltereu�x�n tmc�urnr :d>,olule. If the o�cnen;hip �>f the mort� � � .
<br /> gnged propert}• hett�men vrelesi in a peryon other than fhc rlortgagur. the hlortgngcYr mny, without notice to the hlertF��or, de�il � .. � ��
<br /> with such huccessor ur aucccssnrx in interest n•ith reference to this mnrigage amd thf� debt hereby secured ns with the 1�9orfgagor, � �. � � , -
<br /> and mny forbenr to sue or muy eztr�nd time fur the payment o( tht+ debt ht�rehy secured w�ithaut dischnrKing or in any a•ay affecting � � � � .
<br /> the liubility o[ the ori�intil ;t4ortgagot hereunder or iq�n the debt seciv��1. � � � � � �
<br /> In � his instrument the singular includi� Ihc plurnt and lhe mnsciiline includea tl�e [emininr. and fhi• nt�ulrr imd fhie in- . � . . .
<br /> slrument shnll Ik� binding upon thc imdenignrJ, Lis heir�. persnnal reprr�enta�i�•es. succesvnrv and a�signs. � � � � . � ' . . .
<br /> ; IN CVI"I'NF.SS WHIi1?EOF. �se. have hercunto !:�•� nur hands md cral. the dxti•..nnd � u�r 1i��lroer �critirn. . . - � . �
<br /> � � �
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<br /> In the pn•sence oL . i/y/ ` . ..T... . � . . .
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<br /> __ _ . . H3]1.._.._. .. _...County. 1
<br /> ': On tliis . . ,_ 5..!..._... duy o! . - ,�.V.h:.. �'.. _ . _ ... . ....., 19. .76. lx•fore me. the und�rsiencvl. a Nutarv Public. in nnd tor enid ', .
<br /> � �� C'ounty, personally �:un�. Robert., H . La.�ley an;?_ Peg�._:4nn, I,an.sley., . .husband and yriie � �
<br /> _ . ___ _ __ _
<br /> ryerr,onally known to me to 6e the idr. nticat pere�ns whose numee ure nf6xed tu the atxrve� nnd forc��oing instrument, :� mortgagors. . � � �
<br /> nnd each ackno�sleciged snid insirument to be his or her volvntary act and deed. � �
<br /> (
<br /> . �.. �Vitness my h:tnd and notarial s�:�l �t..._..... . .GZ'�TiC�....T..S�3Sld �_.�y�pT�Slia. ...._. ...... . _. ___. . _ _.. . .. .. . ._ _. . . _ _... . .__ _...._ . . � � � .
<br /> , the dnte last oboce written. � - �
<br /> � �. �I � �) / L '� /� � .
<br /> � eem3rd L Enali�� , [.,.�.<V�a.tiR�. '. _ C� i ,.�:�u,l-'. ._ .
<br /> � _..
<br /> GENERAL NOTAttIAL � \ot3ry Public.
<br /> + �it' n . S ���L
<br /> f �� r89Mft°OP'�NL��#�ASKA....._. . .. . .. .. .._ ._ _ . _ . _ . . . _ _. . . _ _ _. ...
<br /> April 30, 19J9
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<br /> � STATE OF.. . . . . . . . _ .. . . . ...... . .. . . .. . . . . .. _ ... .._ __ � .. , �
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<br /> ` cou��c�� . . _ . . _ _ . . . . . . _ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . ;
<br /> � ;
<br /> I;ntered on numerical index and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed� Olfice o[ said County the i
<br /> . _. _ _ _ _ . . dny of . . _ _ _ . . . . . . _ . .. . _ . . . . . . . . , 19. . . . _ . . , at _ _ _ _ . _ o'clark and_ _ . . . . minutes . . . . . . . . M,. (
<br /> ; and recotded in Book. . .. . .. . . _ .. . ... . . .. . . .. o( �tort�ages at page. . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . , as Instrument 'v'n.. . _
<br /> : _ _ _ .. ..... j
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<br /> , _, ; �,
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<br /> Rek. of Deeds N �
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<br /> ' A}�. . . . _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ . _ . . . . . _ _ . . _ . . . _ . . .Deputy � ;
<br /> r» - :<. :
<br /> 1Vhen recorded to be returned to the !d0 �
<br /> FIRS'P F'EllEK :\L SA�' INGS :iNll L0:1� :15SOCL�TION OP I.,INCOI,\ _�'
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