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<br /> 6. If he fails to pay i:ny sum or Iceep any covennnt provided foi• in tliis mortgabe, the Moi•tgugce, at
<br /> its option, mtiy pay or pei•form the same, and all expenditures so made shnil be added tu the principal suin
<br /> owing mt the above note, sh�ll be aecured hereby, nnd shall bear interest until paid ut thc rate providecl
<br /> forinthe principalindeUtednesa.
<br /> r 7. Upon request oF the Mortgugee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver u supplementul note or notes
<br /> � for the aum or sums ndvanced by Mm•tgagee for the niteratioii, modernizntiion, or improvement mnde at
<br /> the Mortgttgor's request ; or for maintenance of said premises, or for taxes or ussessments ngainst the
<br /> same, and for any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shull be aecured
<br /> hereby on a parity n•ith and as fully ns if the advance evidenced thereby �rere included in the note f9rst
<br /> Q ' described nbove. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rnte provicled Por in the prin-
<br /> cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in approximately equal monthlv payments for such period as may
<br /> be agreed upon by the 11ioi•tgflgee and Mortgagor. Failing to ngree on the mattu•ity, the u•hole of the sum
<br /> '' ' or sums so advnnced shall be due and payable thirty ( 30) days after demand by the Dlortgagee. In no
<br /> event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above.
<br /> 8. He hereby assigns, transfers and sets ot�er to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of
<br /> the note and �Il sums secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of :iny of the terms and condi-
<br /> tions of this mortgage or the said note, all the rents, revenues and inwme to be derived from the morb
<br /> gaged pi•emises dm�ing such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid ; and the ,l3ortgagee
<br /> shull have power to nppoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of reiiting the same and col-
<br /> lecting the rents, revenues and income, 1nd it mny pay out of said incomes all necessaiy commissions and
<br /> espenses incuri•ed in i•enting and manuging the slme aud of collecting rentals therefrom ; tlie balunce
<br /> , ' remaining, if any, to be applied to�ti�ard the dischurge of said mortgage indebtedness.
<br /> 9. FIe will continuously maintain hazard inscrance, of such type or types and amounts as bfortgagee
<br /> may from time to time require, on the improvements now or hereafter on sairl pi•emises and except �vheii
<br /> payment for all such premiums has theretofore been made under (a ) of paragraph 2 hereof, �sill pay
<br /> promptly �vhen due any premiums therefor. Upon default thercof, Dfoi•tglqee may pay tha same. All
<br /> insurance shall be carried in companies approved by the il�ortglgee and the policies aud renewnls thcreof
<br /> shnll be held by the Dlortgagee and have attached thereto loss payable dauses in fa�•or of xnd in form
<br /> „ ; �tcceptable to the 117ortgagee. In event of loss 111ortgagor «-ill give immediate notice by mail to the ➢iurt-
<br /> gagee, wito may mnite proof of loss if not made promptly by Mortgagor, and each iusurance company con-
<br /> cerned is here6y authorized and dii•ected to make payment for such loss dii•ecLly to the llortgagee instead
<br /> � of to the 3tortgagor 1nd the liortgagee jointly, nnd the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof,
<br /> ma5� be applied by the Mortgagee at its optiov either to the reduction uf the indebtedness hereby secured
<br /> or to the restoration or rept�ir of the property damaged. In event of foreclosure of this mortigage, or other
<br /> transfer of title to tlte mortglged proper�y in extinguishment of the indcbtedness secured hereby, nll
<br /> right, title and intecest of the Dlortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in force shall pass to the ,
<br /> purchuser or grnntee.
<br /> 10. As additionnl and collaterai security for the payment of the notc described , aud all sums to become
<br /> dtte under this mortgage, the �Sortgagor hereby assigns to the Afortgagee all lease bonuses, protits, reve-
<br /> nues, royaltics, rights, <vid other benefits accruing to the Mortgagor wider any and all oil and gas leases
<br /> : ' noo•, or during the life of this mortgage, executed on said premises, �rith the right to i•eceive and i•eceipt
<br /> for the same and apply them to said indebtedness as n•ell before as after default in the conditions of this
<br /> mm•tgage, and the lfortgagee may demand, sue for aud recover any such payments �vhen due and pay-
<br /> '` ' able, but sltall not be required so to do. This assignment is to terminate and bccome null and �•oid upon
<br /> release of this mortgage.
<br /> � 11 . He sh�ll not commit or permit waste ; and shail maintain the p�•opert}� in as good condition as at
<br /> � iesent reasonnble �cear and tear e�ce ted. U on any failure to so maintain, D1ort �a ree at its o tion
<br /> f P ' � P P b 6 , P ,
<br /> - ma5� cause rensonable mainlenance worlc to be performed at the cost of :lfortgagor. Aup amounts paid
<br /> tliereior b�� Mortgagee shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the principal indebtedncss, shall
<br /> tliei•eupon become a part of the indebtedness secured by this instivment, rat:ibl�� and on a parity� «•ith all
<br /> other indebtedness secured liereby, and shall be pa�•nble thii•t5� ( 30) d15�s al'ter demand.
<br /> ' 12. If the premises, or any pnrt thereof, bc condemned under thc powei• of emiucnt domain, or
<br /> acquired for <� public use, the damnges awnrded, the proceeds for the talcing of, or the consideration for
<br /> , such acquisitioii, to the e�tent of the full amouut of the i•emaining unpaid indebtedness secui•eci by this
<br /> mortgage, or hereby assigned to the Mortgagee, nnd shaii be paid foi•thn�ith to said :�fortgagee, to be
<br /> applied on accoimt of the last maturing instaliments of such indebtedness.
<br /> 13. If the �fortgagor fails to make anY payments when due, or to conform to and comply �+•ith any
<br /> t of the conditions or agreements cuntained in this mm•tgage, or th.e notes ���hich it secures, then the
<br /> entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and p:i}•able, at tlie election of the
<br /> .lfortqagee ; nnd this murtgnge may thereupon be fnrecloscd immediatelp for the ��•hole of the indebted-
<br /> ness hereby secured, including the cost of extending the absfract of title from the date of this mort-
<br /> gage to the time of commencing such suit, a reasonable attorney's fee, nnd an�• sums paid by the Veterans
<br /> Administration on account of the guaranty or insurance of the indebtedness secui•ed hei•eby, all of �vhich
<br /> � shait be included in the decree of fareclosure. �
<br /> ; ,
<br /> 14. If the indebtedness secui•ed liereby be guaranteed or insui•ed undei• '1'iHe 88, United Stntes Code, ' � J' �
<br /> such Titie and Regulations issued thereunder and in efLect on the date hereof shall go�•ern the rights, duties N � �
<br /> > ::
<br /> and liabilities of the parties hereto, and any pro��isions of this or other insh•umeiits esecuted in connection �
<br /> with said indebtedness which are inconsistent ���ith SHI(j Title or Regulations are hereUp lmended to �"
<br /> n ' ,
<br />� V conform thereto. �
<br />�^�. The cov^_nunts herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and advaniages shall inurc lo, the �
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