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<br />�,.wL�+� MORTGAGE—Savtnqs and Loaa Fom—(Di[ect Crodit Plan) 255•2 (Spedal)
<br />'�r� ...,...�. .�.,..... ,
<br /> � 76•Q�2,y�� MORTGAGE
<br /> Loan No �
<br /> � THIS INDEIJ'fUHE,made W1n— 19t� ��y ol 'T�e 19 76 by and hetwaea �
<br /> LAM6GRT L. KROLIKOWSKI AND P1ARY J. KROLIKOWSKI, husband and wi[e, each in his and her
<br /> 3 own right and as spouse of the other
<br /> o�_ Hall County.Nabraika,m mortqagors cmd Home Foderal 3avinge and Loan Aeaalatlon o!Grand Ielund
<br /> a corpa�atlon organl:ed and eriellng undor tha laws of Neb�aeka with ite prinefpd ollice a¢d place ot busiaeen at Grand leland,Nabraska,
<br /> . as mortgagna: �
<br /> , WI7NESSE2H: That eald mortgagor S tor md in conelderatloa ot tha eum of �
<br /> THIRTY EIGHT THOUSAND THREE HIJNDRFD AND NO/100--------------------- ouam �s 3a 300.00 �, $
<br /> �
<br /> Ihe receipl o! which ie 6oreby aclmowledged, do_by theea preeenle mortgage md warsant unlo eaid morigagee, ite eucceseore and � �
<br /> aealqne,lorever,at!the lollowinq deecribed roal oetate, elluated in t6o county ot ��311 .
<br /> and Stata o!Nebranka,to•wit:
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE'�) of Northeast Quarter (NE
<br /> of Section Thirty One (31), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P. .
<br /> Flall County, Nebraska and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on ;£
<br /> the South line and Thirty 't'hree (33.0') feet, Wesl' of the Southeast corner of the Northeast{#
<br /> Quarter (NE'�) of the Northeast Quarter (NE-'�) of Section Thirty One (31), thence west along +�
<br /> and upon the South line of said Northeast Quarter (NE4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE'�) a
<br /> � distance of Tcoo Hundred EighC and SevenL-y One Hundredths (208,71') Eeet, thence north and ra
<br /> ' parallel to the East line of said Northeast Quarter (NE�) a distance of Two Hundred Eight
<br /> and Seventy One Hundredths (208.71') teet, thence east and parallel to the South line of }i
<br /> said Northea�t Quarter (NE'�) ot tlie Northeast Quarter (NG�) a distance of Two Nundred Eights�
<br /> and Seventy One Hundredths (208.71') feet, to a point which is 'fhirty Three (33.0') feet �i
<br /> West of the Gast line of the Northeast Quarter (NE'�), thence So�th and parallel to the ��
<br /> said East line of the Northeast Quarter (NC'�) a distance oE 'hoo Hundred Eight and Seventy
<br /> � One Hundredths (208.71') feet L'o the point of beginning. ;
<br /> �S
<br /> '-. � ,
<br /> i,
<br /> �
<br /> t '3 Togelher wGh all Leating, llghting, and plumbtnq equtpment and llztu[ea,indudinq etakan and Dumere,acreena,awniage,storm windowf 3t
<br /> r, ,•. � and dooro,and window ehadee oi bllnde,uaed on or ia connection wtth eaid property,whelher the eame aio now located on eaid prope�ty �j
<br /> on c�reatter placed thereoa. S$
<br /> � { $:
<br /> ?i �' F TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,loge�her with alt and eingular tLe lenomeate,hecedttamante and appurtenancee thoreun�o beloaq• $$
<br /> S ;
<br /> 2 ing,or in anywiae apportaining.toraver,and warrant the title to tho eame. Said mortqagor 5 hereby coaenan�wilh aaid mortqageo {;
<br /> ;� � that r e�_ aTe at the dellvety heroot,lLe lawful owner S ol tho piemieoe above coaveyed mid deeccibed,and ar� ;$
<br /> t' �� eeized ol a good and Indoleaaiblo ea�ote ot inheritanre therein,Ireo aod dear ol all encumbmacee.and that�o�will warrmt�d �f
<br /> t t
<br /> p ', i delond iho title theceto forever against the claim+and demanda ol ali pereocL+whomsoeven 1�
<br /> PAOVIDED ALWAYS, aad this inatrument Ss executed and de6ve�ed to eecuie tho paymant ot tho eum ot ;�
<br /> TNIRTY EIGHT THOUSAND TIiREE HUNDRED AND NO/100----------------- 38.300.00 � j
<br /> �: --notlare (s #
<br /> c �{ wifh inlereat lhv[oon,togother wilh such tha:gee and advanrnu an may be duo and p¢ynblo �o sa[d moitgagee undor the terme and jSj
<br /> �, ;.�, ; coaditloaa of tho prominsocy aote ot even date he�ewi�h and eecured heraby,osecuted by aaid mor�gagor S lo eaid mortgcgee,payabla ��
<br /> 3 ae ozpcenaod ia eald noto,and to eecura tho pedormaace of all We lorma and coaditlom rnntaiaed thoratn. 7he tecmn of eaid ooto a:o
<br /> t heroby Incorporatnd heretn by thle relere¢re.
<br /> '` S
<br /> ,; 1t le tho intantioa and agreamanl ot the pmtlea hecoto that thia mortgege ahall al�o eecure any luture advancee mado lo aaid �
<br /> .¢,' mortqagors by eaid mortgagea,and ony and alI Sndobtednoae in addNion to lho amowt abova etatod which eaid mortgaqora, oi aay
<br /> �. ot them,may owo ro eald mortgagoe,hawevor ovidencad whether by note,book acmunt or otherwtea. Thte mortgago ehall remain in full �
<br /> J �� lorce and eltect between the partiea hereto and their heirc,pe�eoaal repreeenlativee, eumeaeore and aeaigne, uotil otl amounte eecurad
<br /> heiounder.Induding futuro advmcoe,are paid In full with lntaicat.
<br /> d��� Tho moctgagor S heraby amlgn—to eaid mortgegeo all :enta and Incoma adning m any ond all timee Irom eaid property and {
<br /> i '� hereby authorize eaid mortqogeo or ite ageaL at lts opttor.,upou defQult to take charqe of aaid property and collect aLL renta and income ��
<br /> ; lhciofram and apply the eamo lo lhe pQyment of Inlorent,pdncipal,ineur¢nce promlume,laxae,annonnmenle, repaire or improvomentn necee- �i
<br /> �i eacy�o keep aaid p�oporty In tenanta6le condllion,or to olher chaigee or paymonts p�ovtdad tor ho�eia or In lha note hoce6y ne�vred. 7hie j
<br /> � rent amignment ahali contlauo in loxce uatil�he unpald balance ol eaid note ie fully patd. Tho fakinq at poeaeeelon hocaunder ehatl in no �t
<br /> `- mannor prevent or retmd eaid mo�tgagee la the mllectlon o1 said eumn by loreeloaure or ot6e�wiea. F
<br /> ; S
<br /> � ' i The tQllure of the moriqageo to aese:t aay ot 1te dghU hereuader at any timo ehall not ba comtrucd as a walvor ol ita right to aaaert #
<br /> � � � the came at any later 8mo,aad to iaekt upon md enloaco elrict rnmpliance wi�h vil Iho terma aad provinione of eaid noto and o! thia ��
<br /> mortgago. S
<br /> t If ea(d mortgaqor S ehall cauea lo be pald lo eaid morlgagee tho enlire amount due it hemunder,and undor tho torma aad provtuoaa �
<br /> E . j ot eaid note hureby eecu:ed iadudinq tuture advmcen,and anp ezteaalow or renewala the�eo(In accoidanca with the �orm�and proviefoni
<br /> j �ho�eot,and tl said mortgagor S, ehail rnmply wtth al!tho pwvfaton�ot eatd nota md ot tfila modgago,thaa thoee preaenu ahall be vald;
<br /> ��I otherwiee to remala in(uil lome aad eftoct,and e�ild morlgegee ehaU be eatitled to the poeeeaelon ol aq ot eaid pmpecty,aad may,at f1s
<br /> �� op�ion.declare tha whole ot wid aote aad all iadabtadnees repreeeated thereby to be Immedlately due and payable,and may loreclose thii � � � ,_
<br /> ' mo�iqago or take �y othor laqal acNon to pvolect fte r1ghR and lrom the dote o!euch delault all I�ems ot Indobtedneea �ocured hora6y F� "7z;x�:Ya,'
<br /> :( � £� ehall draw Intere�t al 9%pec�num. Appralsemeat walved. ; N�;
<br />. Thie mortqage �hall ba 61ndlnq upoa and�haLL onuie to the b�nefll o!the hsln,ozecuton,adminl�tratore,�ucweaon and aaalgne of � � �'
<br /> � tho�eepoctive parties hereto. .
<br />� , ��
<br /> IN WITNES4 Wf�REOF, �aid MeHgagorS—ha v� hereunro �et tf1�1T waad 5 tho day and year liret above i�
<br /> wxittoa I ((�.
<br />�` ` 1 � . �
<br />�� $ -- �!1'\` L�l�(�� ���r�\`�1��',1.1 l.ii`ti,i.t� � ..
<br />_�� f:3�i'��Er�.�LO, 1���1 . .
<br /> . � i '� :�.���. �
<br />-�� P1ary J.' ro itcowski �
<br />��` � � �
<br />�'�:�
<br />; �.
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />