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<br /> 76- 002�22
<br /> MOK7'CAf,H �
<br /> �fORTGAGB LOAN N0.��150
<br /> ,_ ( KNOWALLMHNBYTH@SEPRESENTS:That Leslay T. Bowden and Cheryl S. Rowden, 00Ch 1f1 h15
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> ' Mortgegor,whether one or more,in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Twenty-five ?housand Four Hundred df)d NO/�OO-----------------------------------' DOLLAFtS
<br /> loaned to said mor�gagor by The Equitable Building and Luun Association oF Crand IslanJ,Nebrxska,M1fortgagee,upon 254 shares of stock oC
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22.�5� ,du hereby grant,convey and mortgage onto die said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> described real estate,situated in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> together wiih all the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereuntu belonging,including attached Ilour coverings,all window screens,
<br /> window shades,blinds,storm w�indows,awnings,hrating,air conditioning,and plumbing and water equipment and acceswries thereto,pumps,sloves,
<br /> refrigerators,and other fixtures and equipment now or herea(ter attached to or used in connection with said mal estate.
<br /> And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br /> assessed upon said premises and upon�his mortgage and the bond secuced thereby befure d�e same shall become delinquent;ro Cucnish approved
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on said pcemises situaced in the swn of S 25�l}��.Q� payable lo said ASSOC(ATION and to deliver to said
<br /> ASSOCIATION Ihe policies for said insu�ance;and not to commit or permtt any waste on or about sxid premises; ' �
<br /> In case of de(ault in the perCormance of any of the terms and cunditions oC this mortgage or the bond secured hereby,the mortgagee shalt,
<br /> � on demand,6e entitled to immediale possession of Ihe mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, trans(ers and sets ovar tu the �
<br /> � mortgagee all Ihe rents,revenues and income w be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain :
<br /> unpaid;and�he modgagee shail h:�ve tha power to appoint any agent ur agents it may desire for the purpose o(repniring said premius and rcniing
<br /> � " the same and collecting the rents,revenues and incomc,and it may pay out u(said income all expenses uf repairing said premises and necessary
<br /> commissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the seme and oC cullecting rentals thereCmm: the baL�ulce rettlaining,i(any,fo be .
<br /> � applied toward the discharge of said mortgagr indebtedness;these rights o(the mortgagee may be exe�ciseJ at any time during the existence uf such .
<br /> � Jefault,irrespective of any temporary waiver o!the same. � �
<br /> Thrse Presents,however,are upon the Condition,That if die said\tongagor shall repuy said loan un or be(ore the maturity of said sh�res b�• �
<br /> j: .��� payment;pay montlily to said ASSOCIATION uf the swn specifieJ in tht Bond secured here6y a�intecest and principal on said loan,on ur 6e(ore
<br /> ��, the Twenlieth day of each and every montli,until said loan is fully paid;pay all taxes and assessments levied againsl said premises and un this�tortgage ..
<br /> F :� and the Dund secured theceby,be(ore delinyuency:fumish app�oved insueance upun tlm buildings thereon in the sum of S 25�400.Q(� paq�ble �.
<br /> � to said ASSOCIATION;repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all moneq by it p�id ibr such taxes,assessments and msurance w�l�interest at � .
<br /> the maximum legal rate thereon from date of payment all oC which Mortg�gor here6y agrces m pay;penni�no was�e on said premises;keop and comply
<br /> � wilh all the agreements and conditions of the 6ond(or$25 4O� (�(� this day gieen by the said�tortgagor tu s�id ASSOCIA7lON,3nd comply
<br /> with all the reyuirements of the Constitutiun snd I�y-Laws o�sai a$S'OCIATIO!�:then these presents shall becoma null and void,otherH�ise theq
<br /> shall remain in full force and mey be(oreclored at the uption of the said ASSOCIA'f10\ after failure lor diree months to makz any of said
<br /> payments or be three months in arrears in making said munthly payments,or to keep anJ cumply with the agrcemenu and cunditions of said Bond;
<br /> and Afortgagor agrees io hare a receiver appoinled forthwith in such foreclosure proceedines.
<br /> t If there is any change in ownrrship of the real estate mortgxged hrrein,by sale or od�er�+•iu,then the enti¢remaining inJebtedness hrreby
<br /> secured shall,al the uption o('Ihe Equitable Building and Luan Aswciation o(G�and Island,NcbrasF:a,becoma immediately due and payable wilhuut �
<br /> . further nulice,and lhe amuunt remaining due under said bond,and any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder,shsll,frum the
<br /> �� date o(exercise of said option,beer interest al lhe mazimum legal rate,and this morigage may then be forccloud to satisfy the xmount due un said
<br /> ;' bond,and any other bonJ for�dditional ad�•ances,togclher with all sums paid by said The Gyuitable Building and Luan Assuciation of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska Cor insurance,[axes and assessments,and ubslracting extension charges,with inlerest thereon,fmm date of payment at the maximum
<br /> legal rate.
<br /> ps provided in the pond secured hereby,while this murtgage rem:+ins in effect the murigagee m�y hereafter advance additional sums lo the
<br /> ' makers o(said Bond,their assigns ur successors in inlerest,whi�h sums shall be within the securiq�of this mortgage the same as the tunds originally
<br /> secured lhereby,the total amount of prir.cipal debt not io excerd at anq time Ihe originxl amount of this mortgage. �
<br /> Dated diis 27th �ay�( hiaY ,�.n,i� 76
<br /> // (/,��� � / i;�
<br /> [ �l ':L.[t'LI I �1Lw'Ih. _. �. ,.1,�\ '��,. J:'.1..�'_�_'__.yt_-�
<br /> z; Les7ey . ¢owden Cheryl'S. Qowden
<br /> �� ,
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,�ss. On this 2)th day of May 19 76 ,be(ore me,
<br /> COUNTY Of HALL �
<br /> the�ndersigned,a Notary PubGc in and(or said County,permnally came , . -� ,r.,�r��� .
<br /> Lesley T. Bowden and Cheryl S. Bowden, each in his and her own ���,o are personaltyknownto ���`�
<br /> right and as spouse of each other �
<br />} , me to be the identical person S whose name S affixcd tu the above inst�um\ent es mortgagor g and they ��'eraUy �
<br /> acknowleJged the said instrument to be thei r voluntary act and deed. � � ; /, • �''�� �
<br />�-� WITM1FSS my tund and Notarial Seal the date a(orcsaid. � :� �:� /,/ �
<br /> 1
<br />�� :•-. . . .A1vCommissionixpire� / � 1�.�.rit�j� �.��, ( �.�,�tZ � -
<br /> w�: ' Notary Public
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