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<br />�.
<br />;' STATE OF NTBRASKA, County of....................................................:
<br /> PIled for record on ................................. 1J...,....at............................ o'clock ,....................... Ji.
<br /> nnd recor3ed in tho I)eed Record ................................. 1'ago .............................
<br /> ' ......................................K.........................,................. 13y ......................,...........................................,..........,.........
<br /> Itc ieYer of 1Jecd� lleput}� Iteqistcr of lleede �
<br /> 76- ��2921
<br /> Rudolf F, Plata and Jeannice R. Pluteq Inisband and ta3fe, each in hi.s and her man riglit
<br /> arid as spouse of eaCh otheT , heroin culled tho grnntor wl�athor cvc or n�uro,
<br /> in considerntiou of TIffRTY OI1� TIiOUSADTD SiVEN IiUNDR.�D I'IFTY AIID P:�/100tkts (31�750.00) DOLId�IL�
<br /> received from grnntces, doca grant, Unrgnin, aeli convey and confirm unto
<br /> Lesley T, and Qieryl S. Brn�den, husUand and wife
<br /> ns joint tenunts a•ith right of survi�rorship, and not as tenauts iu canmon, tlie following describeti real
<br /> �`� propertp in Ii11I,L.......................................... County,:�cUrnska:
<br /> Lot T'iiree (3), Island Acres 23umber Sia. (6) a replat of Lots
<br /> td�eteen (19) and Ttaenty (20) Island Acres, City of Grand
<br /> Island� Hall County P�ebraska
<br /> STAMP TAX
<br /> - SF,qEN� P�PCH� JUN 2 1976
<br /> �,S p
<br /> � $ '��BY ��✓ '
<br /> � ��- To have and to Lo13 the abovo descriL•ed premises �o�ether «•ith nll tenementa, horedituments
<br /> �nd appurtenances thereto belongin� unto tlic grnntees and to tl�cir nssigns, or to the heirs und as�i�;ns
<br /> of the surcivor of them fore�•er.
<br /> ,' tlnd grantor does hereby covennnt ��•ith tl�e gruntecs and �3•ith their nssigns and w-ith tlic heirs
<br /> F .
<br /> nnd nssigns of the survi�•or of them that gra»tor is lu�vfully,cised of sai3 premises;Uiat they nre frce from
<br /> eneumbrunco e.cepi for easer.ents and restrictions oS record
<br /> E ''
<br /> tltnt grnntor has good rigLt itnd IntsSul nuthority to eonce}' the .�;une; itnd that grut�tor �rarrat�ts and �cill
<br /> defend tlie title to snid premises ugninst t6c ltt�vfui cloiius of:�ll persons �sLomsoerer.
<br /> It is the intention of all p�rtics l�ereto thnt iu thc event ol' the de�th of citLcr of tuc �rvdecs,
<br /> f ti�c cutire fee titic to this renl pruperty ahall �•cst in tlic snr��icin�:grantce.
<br /> ,; Duted 19 .�"""" ����
<br /> ` n
<br /> r
<br /> , , � � ,
<br /> § /,� . � .
<br /> . � .. ..ye .....
<br /> �
<br /> , '� .............................
<br /> ; .............. .✓�,.....�.....,................................ ... . dolf . at���
<br /> y 1 •
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<br /> � ......L.�.'�i:.?�.�'t:� . � yC��k�:.�.....�............
<br /> ....................................................................................
<br /> , � anni.ce R. Plate
<br /> � ,. / �
<br /> � STATE OP ...... ...1.:.`L:....1................................. County of .........�i:::L:f.:......................._.......:
<br /> Before me,n notnry public qualified for suid couuty, per�onnlly cume Hudo1S I�', Plate and
<br /> Je�ti.ce R. Plate, husband and rrife, each in his and her aan right and as spouse of
<br /> each other
<br /> a
<br /> a
<br /> kno«•n to me to be tl�e identieal peraon or persons�chu bi�ned tl�e foreguing itistrumetit :snd aekno�cled�ed •. �
<br /> the cxecutiou thcreof to be]�is,her or their�•olm�t�try act uud deed. . y;;'
<br /> , �/ J .
<br /> '' 't hand nnd nutnriul senl on .....!� .F.S:�!.......'.�..! . ......................... 19..1.Y..... �
<br /> T������Y p .......
<br /> ,. . .
<br /> GENERAL NOTARY / / f'�/ �
<br /> l C" �
<br />"` ........G...�..4.......s:.......:�.�...................................... Notar}• Public tp ,.
<br />;;�� State of Nebrasko �j
<br /> . lt1 '
<br />' M Commiss'ron& iras . . . /�� f � /
<br />��{' Onobcr 17,1979 :�Iy commission exp�res...G....::..�.....1..:..................... 19...../..........
<br />�4��y. }'�IWn A Wolf Ou..L�nouin.Ne6r.
<br />;���:;r Pnrm 4.'� 'fo b�� npnroced by \��brn�ka Statc linr<A�Sucinti::n
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