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<br />'��"j uTATL OA' NLBRAbKA, Comrty of ....................................................:
<br />`* Piled for recoril on ................................. 19........u/............................ u'clock ........................ ,li.
<br /> und recorded in the 1)ced Record ................................. Pugo .......,.....................
<br /> ................ ................�:.......................................... liy ..,.......................................................................................
<br /> I?�e iator of llceds Depiit.y Regieter uf Y3ce�1a �
<br /> 7� ���2�j 1�' SURVIVORSHIP WA�RANTY DEED
<br /> Paul R. Stenka and Wanda bf. utenka, Husband and Wife
<br /> ,herein called the grantor whetner or.e or moro,
<br /> in considerntiou of$16,000.00
<br /> received from grantees, cloes grant, Lurgs�iu, sell con`�ey nnd confirm unto
<br /> Kenneth E. fiilligas and Ramona R. }{illi�;as
<br /> as joint tenunta with right of enrvivorship, and not xs tenants in common, the following �leacriUed renl
<br /> ` property in Hall ................ County,\eLrasku:
<br /> ; ................................................
<br /> Lot One (1) , Block Pdinety–Three (93) , Original Town, now City,
<br /> of Grand Island, Hall County, P�ebraska.
<br /> ' � STAMP TAX
<br /> . Nj p'CSA��6
<br /> f `� �,,�Et�E JUN 2 1976
<br /> $ /�G/� gy I/�r
<br /> To hace und to hold tlie above deseribed premises together with all tenements, herelitumeuta
<br /> f ' nad appurtenances thereto Uelonging unto the grnntees and to their assigns, or to the heirs aud ussi�.n�s
<br /> of the survivor of tl�em fore�•er.
<br /> �: " And grantor does liereby covennnt with tLe gravtees and with their assigns and �vith Clie heirs
<br /> and assigns of the surcicor of them that grautor is]a��'fully sei�ed of suid premises;tLnt they are free from
<br /> x` . encambrance
<br /> excent easenents and restrictions of record
<br /> that grantor has good right and la�vfu� authority to cou�ey' t.he sawe; und th�t gr:urtor �`�arranis aud ��ill
<br /> � defend ti�e :it�e *o Enid premises ❑oai¢st tlte la�sful el�ii��s of�ill persons �ctiomsoe��er.
<br /> It is tlie intention of all parties liereto tLat in tlie event of the denth of cither of the grantees,
<br /> ihc entire fee title to tl�is reu] property chall �•est in the sorcicing gruntce.
<br /> � ,
<br /> t . Da d " � ;da 27 19 76
<br /> � � )
<br /> . al2.,..'�� .... .. ......`�..�................. ....................................................................................
<br /> :: L�..�.�t,.:n.c:�a...../.�.�,...��l�..a.�................ ....................................................................................
<br /> ° STAT� OF ��b.x.a.ska...................... Couuty of ...............}i.�.11..................................:
<br /> � ................
<br /> Before rue, a notary public quulified for suid cuunt}•, persounlly cume
<br /> � Paul P,. Stenka and ;,lancia ld. Stenka, each in his and her own ri�ht and
<br /> as spouse of each other.
<br /> known to me to be ttie identicnl person or persons�cho si6ried tlic foregoing instrument avd ncknowledged ._ i
<br /> the eaecution thereof to be his,her or tlieir voluntary uct aud deed. ���:,�
<br /> L Witness my hand aud notnriul seal on ....... ,�. ......::taY. 27.....,., 19..7.�.'......... I �
<br /> ...... .. ...... ....
<br />' �� — j1�- g
<br /> .....
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<br />�-`.� GENEP.AlNOTARY•.",tattoltiebr. ...�f.•'......�'���'"~:�:�."�:L/.!l':............... '�'otaiy I'ablir, � ` ,
<br />�� j; H.F,RUSENKOTTER ��
<br />�� e�-��,�� tAyComm.E�c,.feb.2A.l��0 .11}• commissian expires........,�..... .- ..... , 9.�......,.....
<br /> � - �`l... 1 c,
<br />�� �` t'elwn&Wolf Cti Lin�N�Lr.
<br />�„� I�nim 1? 'Ib bc appro�•ed by \ib�;�.na� 1e i3xr.�5sociatio❑
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