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<br /> STAT� Ob' Nli13ItASKA, Comit�� of ........:...........................................:
<br /> Niled for rec.urd ou ................................. 19.......,nl...............,...,. ';,���ci. i11,
<br /> ' nnd r�corded in Lhe lle�d ltceord ................................. Png� .............................
<br /> ....................(.,..............,........,.........,.......................... Ity� .............,............................,,.....................................,.,...... �
<br /> IRegieter of lleedN Llepnty ltegistcr of lleeds
<br /> $ob T. Smith and Linda K. Smith, Husband and 1'Vife, each in his
<br /> and her o�vn rig2it and as spoiise of eaclt other,
<br /> ,herein cailed tho grnntor�rhether onu or mora,
<br /> � in conaiderntion of Fifty 'I'housand Se��en Hundred 1 i.ty and No/100 Dollars ($50,750.00)
<br /> receired from grantces, does grnnt, bnrgniu, scll convey nnd em�firm nnt.o
<br /> Marlin D. Hillrichs and Peai•1 A. Hiilriclis
<br /> as joint tenante �cith rigHt of survi�•orship, nnd uot ns ten�u�ta in conunm�, the fotlowinq daneribed real
<br /> ' ' • Hall....................................... County,lebrnska:
<br /> .: property m ..................... ..
<br /> Lot Twenty-Three (23) in Le Heiglits Third SuUdivision, Part of
<br /> the East Half of Che North�vest Quarter (� I J2 NW 1/4) of Section
<br /> Eleven (11), Township Eleven (11) IVortih, Ran�;e Ten (10) West
<br /> of the bth P.M., Hall County, Nrbraslca.
<br /> STAMP TAX
<br /> p`���N� �t���� JUN � 1976
<br /> ac , -,
<br /> $ ��.in aY J�,C�
<br /> To hnce and to hold the above descrired premises loqether ti�•ith nil tenewents, heredit,uucnts
<br /> and nppurtennnces tl�ereto bclonging unto tLc �ravtecs :ind to t.Leir ussigns, or to tlie lieirs ;wd nssi�,nzs
<br /> of the survicor of them fnrecer.
<br /> bnd grantor does t�ereU}� co��enant �cith tUe grnnt��es imd �cith tl�cir assigns and �vith tl�e heirs
<br /> ` nnd assigns of the survicor of them that grantor is]a�cfulh•scised of'snid premises;thut they nre free frmu
<br /> �
<br /> x : eucumbrance
<br /> t�hnt grnntor]ms good right nnd lau•ful nathorit�• to con��cv ilie �amc; and that �ruutor t��tirrautti aud n•il]
<br /> defend tl�e title to suid pretnises against the In�cfui elnims uf;ill p��rsons �chouisoe��er.
<br /> lt is the intention of all parties hereto tl�nt in tl�o eveiri of thc dcuth of either of thc �ra��tec:;,
<br /> tho entire fee title to tliis real pro��ertp �hnll cesi in the aurciein� grantee.
<br /> �'
<br /> Dated ,aj- �B �s 76
<br /> . , .
<br /> � ���� � � ';��.
<br /> .
<br /> .................................................................................... .....- , ,�. �� ,
<br /> s ` � ,�. �.:.�' 1� ....._r........
<br /> �oli"Y. Siiii[Ti
<br /> '. .................................................................................... �.N...�:�t 3 ....�..G �»✓•..i��� /�............
<br /> ��inda K. Smith
<br /> STATE OF ..........�.1'.�r.�.��.t�.�:�........................ County uF ...............NdJ.I....................................:
<br /> t
<br /> Before me,a notary puUlic qualified for eaid county�, persoually cuiue
<br /> Bob I. Smith and Linda K. Smith, Husband and 1Wife, each in his
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> - ..:.I .
<br /> knowa to mc to be the identical person or persuns�chu signed tl�c foregoing iustrument nnd nckuowled�;ed '�ss-:i`- '
<br /> the ezecution tLereof to be his,her ur tl�eir voluntary ac6 nud decd. �� "'
<br /> Nitness my hand und notarisl seal on......................i�a;yS..2F...,.......�..........�...., 19.....7.6...... � � .. +.
<br /> .. . ....li�:G��.i,:��!=�:„f..1�.:.����Notary Yublic �
<br /> �,. ..... �' ,
<br />: ......�.��
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<br /> i�AROLb p.ARLNARL
<br />�'`'�- Af}• commisaiou eapires..........�...... ^t21llu�etY:Stets,nlldbpa,...........
<br /> ���61y Ccmmisslon Exqroe
<br />,`� F'nrm -1.° T�� be ap���rnred Ly Xelira=ka State R;ir.Ascneii�fiou edc�a�.No�.,uAimettQpy197R
<br /> ;� J
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