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<br /> MORiGAG£—Sa�4nq� and Loan Form--(Direct Crsdlt PImI 256•2 (Speelal)
<br /> � �76. 0 0 2 9 U 4 �� MORTGAGE ��MN
<br /> Loaa No
<br /> . TH[S.iNDENiUAE, mada thle lEt d�,o� June .ls 76 by and belnaen � � . � .
<br /> � MARUN 0. NILLRICHS AND PEARL A. HILLRICIiS, husband and wife, each in his ��nd hor own
<br /> 3 riGht and as spouse of the other �
<br /> oi_ Ha I I Counly,Nubrcika,as modgagm S and Homo Fodoral 6avinge and I.oan Aaeoclatloo o!Orand Ieland.
<br /> - a mrpomtion orgaNsed and eriettog under Iho lawe ot Nabra�ka wilh 1le principal olfice uad place of 6ualocea at Grand Idand,Nabmska,
<br /> �mar�gagee; �
<br /> WITNESSEiR: That eald[nongagor.5 tox and in eoneldocation ot the eum o1 � � �
<br /> �: FORTY-TWO THOUSAND ONE MUNDRED FIFTY AIJD NO/100 ---------------- 42,t50.00 ,
<br /> �olla�s (5 ,
<br /> Iha rocoipt oi wWch le horaby acknowlodged, do_by thoee premenln mortgago and warrant ualo aaid mortgaqee, Ile euttooeore nnd . ��
<br /> aaelgne, loraver,ail t6e lollowtng d�ecrtbad real netato, dtuated ln tho rnunty o!—.�{d I I _
<br /> and Slate ol Nebrmka,tawlL• � �
<br /> ti}
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> r
<br /> {y Togothcr wNh all hoadng. IIghllug, and pli,m6lnq oqWpmenl and fl:turoe,including elokoro and bumera,eacons,awntnqe,slorm wlndows .
<br /> T� and doora,and window ehadee o�blinde,uced on or in connection wilh eafd proporty,whothor l60�amo aro now IocataL on eald praperty
<br /> or hurca(ter placed tho:eoa.
<br /> 70 HAVE AND?O HOLD 7HE SAME,togethtr wllh al! and ein�ulor iho tenomants,boted[lamonln and appu�leuunces Ihereunto belong•
<br /> ing,oc in aaywlae appartatNng,loravaq and warrunl tho litlo fu iho eome. Said morigagor` horvby covenant_with said mortgaqeo
<br /> ,zi� ' that t ho_� ar� at tha dollvory heieo6 tha]awlul owners of Iho peemleoe abovo conveyod and duncdbed,and ��� �
<br /> Sseised of a good and(ndvleaetble eelato ol inharllanca theroin,iceo and clear of aIl oncumbrancee,and that-�ho_�L wiil warrant and
<br /> dofend lho lltle lharoto foraver aqainat Iho claime and dema�an o!nll poraona whomaoavee .
<br /> g ;'. PROVIDED ALWAYS, and Ihle inetrument ln oxeculed and delivored la nocum tha paymont o!U�o eum ol . . .
<br /> ' FORTY-TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100 ------------- nolla�e (5 �2�150.00 �
<br /> wllh interoat�hmaon, logolher wilh euch chacgee aud advancoe ae may ba duo and payablo lo eald mo�tgagee undec the terms and
<br /> t .'
<br /> �� " conditlone ol tho pcom[anory note ot oven date harewilh and eccurad hew6y,osocutod by ea[d mo�igago�_to eaid moctqagoc.payabla
<br /> }� '� 3 ae ezp�eaaod in eald noto,and to necure!ho portormanco ol all tho torme and coudltlone conlained Ihereln. 7ha to�me o! eWd noto aro
<br /> hereby lncorporatod heroln by thls roforence.
<br /> It ta the fatonlion and ag�eomenl of Ihe parllee howto thal thln mortgage eLaA aleo eocuro any 1Wuro advance� mado to eaid
<br /> � mortgagor S by eafd mortgagco, and any and all Indoblednou 1n addllion lo !ho amounl above elatod whlc6 eaid modgagore, or any
<br /> ot them, may owo lo sald mortgagoe,howovor evidencod whethoc by nole,book account oi otherwiso. Thin moAqage shap�amain I¢tull
<br /> Iorco and eflact betweon the partlee horoto and tkoir holrs,poreonal reprenenlallvee, nucceeaore and aeelgna, until all amounU eocured
<br /> �: `. horeunder,Includ(ng lutu�o advancee,ara paid In 1W1 wilh intoroet.
<br /> '_ The mortgagors horoby a�elgn_to eatd mortqaqco all renle and Income arinin9 at any and all tlmee l�om eald propotly aad
<br /> x . horoby.vuLSorl:a eald mortgagoe o� Ita agmt, at �U optlon, upon dolaull,to laka chacga ol eald pmperty and cotlocl all rvnta md lncome
<br /> ' � Ihc�efrom and apply Ihe eamo to Ihe paymanl ol Inlocae6 pcindpal,Innurance pcemlume,tazo�,aanneemon�, repai�s or ImprovemenU nxoe•
<br /> { . eu�y�o kcrop sald pooparly!u temnlablo coudlUon,oz�o othor chargoe oi paymonh provlded lor horaln or in lha note haroby cecured. 7hle
<br /> .. ront oneiqnment ehall continuo in lo�ce untll the unpaid batance ol satd aole le tully paid. 7Lo taki�g ol ponaeselon heceunde��hall 1n ao
<br /> . mannar p�ovent or iatard eald mortqaqee tu the totlocUon ol eafd sume by torxloeuro or otherwieo.
<br /> F', � i Tha fafluro o! the motlgagee to auetl any of fla Nghle herounder at any Umo ehall nol Se conetrued as a walvot ol lle riqht to aeeed
<br /> j tho eame al any laler Umo,and io lmiet upon and ealorco sl�lct mmpllance with all the torma and pcovlalone ol eald nola and of Ihla
<br /> . mOrtgage.
<br /> � 11 eald modgagor=ehall tauee lo be pald lo said modgageo tho onliro amount due 11 hemunder,and undor tho lorme and providow
<br /> � � ol eald note beroby�ecu�ed Sncludinq fulwe advanrna,and any extenelon� o� �anawal� Ibereol !n accoidance wilh �ha �erw and provWoni
<br /> Iheraol,and 11 snid morlqagot�_�hall mmply with all the p�ovidone o)�ald note and ol thl�morfgaqe,then theee p�ewntn ehall bo vold; �.
<br /> S o�herwbe to romaia!n tull lorce and ellocb md sald morlgaqee ehall be entl�led!o the po�eeulon o!all o!wid propody,and may,at lu
<br /> � � oplion,declnre�hs whole ol wld nole md all tndebtednes�tepm�enled�here6y lo be Immodlalely due and payable,and may lorecloeo thi� ,.. � i -
<br /> mo��gage or lake any ot6er leqal acNon lo protact Ib dqh6 aad!rom the date ol euch dafautl a0 Uem�ol Indob�ednae��ecurad Lerobp
<br /> ehall draw Inlere�t al�%Ip�r annum. ApprNeemonl xalved. N
<br /> f Thle morlqaqs �halil bCp btndlnq upon and �Lall eaun to lha b�oellt ol tks hdn,ezseuron,adminletralon,�ucce�w�e and aulgne ot � . �' :-�
<br /> S �Ao re�pxtiva padiw heroto. �
<br /> t 'a+
<br /> y( IN W[7NES9 WfIEREOF, wtd Moclqagors_ha��hareuoto �et th�I r _hond-Iho day and year fire�above �' �%�
<br /> S wrllton. ((1 �
<br /> ���4i_�i..,... 'Y�./. c1.:1 t.��{.�_.<_-l.c_c�.� ` _� .��� �/✓ /y–tti riLc-r.:�.i � .
<br />� t�larlin D. Hillrichs Pearl A. Hillrich;
<br /> 4� ww�w_'_""_w�r�H s r.-u`��.�tiw�.v`H�wr�.H
<br />;�� ��- � �
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<br /> 4
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