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<br /> Dd0A1'G1tOE—Sa�inq�pnd�Loan Form—(Dl�sct Crodit Plm> 255-1 (Spsdd! . �
<br /> � 76- Q02��03 � ��
<br /> M06tTG,�►GE
<br /> � Loa¢No � . � �. � �
<br /> (' rxis irmEe�svn�e:mQae�h,. 26th a��o� �y ,�s 76 �y m,a��.�
<br /> �
<br /> BERNARD J. PULTE AND F(ELGA A. PULTE husband nnd wife, each in his and her own ri�ht
<br /> 3 and as"soouse of the other
<br /> � o� H811�.�. County.Hebrmkc.�m mo�tqagors cnd Homa Fedemi 9aving��d Lo�Auoeianoa o!Grand ialand,�.. T . ... .
<br /> �a eorporatton�organirsd and mclstlng�uadei ihe law�o!Nabzoika.M!h 1t�p:indpal o(tite aad placa o[bwinau M 6rand Llrmd,Nabro�ka, - � .
<br /> . m mortqaqw: . .. � . � .. . .
<br /> W11Ti£SSE7H:.�1'hal.eatd.moitqaqor S..lor and!n tamaldemHon ol tho�um d � � �
<br /> ' ' THIRTY "�WO THOUSAND AND NO/100------------------------------------noU�a (s 32,000.00 �
<br /> � ��� the'maipt�of�vhieh-�1a�herebp aelmowledged,�do_bp�theee preienb�mortgage and-�wartaat unto sald moctqagee, Itr ruxeaaon md � � �
<br /> . aatlqas.loraver,all�iLe following-dueertbed real eatote,dtuated in the couatp ot Ha11 . � - �
<br /> and Stata ol Nebra�ka..towlG.�. . . . .
<br /> , �
<br /> y TogetLer.with al!�heatlnq llqhllag, md plumhlaq.oqutpmeal and lizturo�,tndudiag stoken�d butaan,iaesn�,amnlnqe,�tocm wiado�ve � . �
<br /> .S and doora�d�window ahadea or blinds,uaed on or in canaeeNnn with aald property,whather the wme�o aow located on add pmpertp � � .
<br /> . ; or horealter plaeed thereon. . -
<br /> � � � 70 HAVE AHD TO ROLD 7HE SAME,toqether wtth all�d etnqular the tanemonb,hezedit�mta aud appurtnn�ca thamuuto belwg• + .� �
<br /> � inq,ox!n�pwise apperiaintag,lorever,aad wacrant the 1111e to the amne. Said mortgagor S hezohp mvenan�wlth aatd moriqaqee j �
<br /> that t ha y �Le at tho dollvery hereof.the lawful owner 5 of the praminae ahovu convryad�d desaibed,aad are
<br /> �� j seued�et a good�d lndeleasible eetata o[Snheritaace thereln lree aad deaz nf all e¢cumbr�cee,aad tha!t�e�-will wanant mid � �
<br /> j deload the Utle the:eto lorever agaiaet tho duims�d demanda ot all pareom whomaoever.
<br /> PAOVIDED ALWAYS, aad thls imtrumeal ia e:ecvted and deUvored to eeaue the paymeat ot the eum oi � �
<br /> y' THIRTY TWO TFIOUSAND AND NO/100----------------------------------n„ll� l� 32,000.00
<br /> 1.
<br /> wlth fatezeet Ihereon.loqether wilh nuch ch�gee�d advancen m may be due aad payabla to eald mo�gageo u¢der ihe !e� m�d �
<br /> mudtlinae ol Ihe pramiaaozp aote ot eve¢ data he[ewith cnd aecured hecaby.exaeuled bp said mortqaqos S to sald mortqaqee,payoble � � � -
<br /> 3 as ezp:ee�ed fn eaid note,�d lo eecure tha perio��ce of all the lerme �d coadSLLona watdaad thecaln. ILe terau ol eaid aote wa � .
<br /> hereby inmrpoxntad hereln by thia zefe:enrn. .
<br /> � Il te tha lntenttoa and agreomeat ol ILe partlee hvzeto that thle mortgaga ehal! alao �onue aay tuhun advances mado to eaid � ��
<br /> mortgagor S hy add moriqaqx,and any and a12 Indeblednam in addlHon to the�ount above stated wLich said mortqaqon,or�T - � �
<br /> � o!them,may owa to said mortgaqee.lwwever ovldvnced whether bY aole,book account or othezwiee. T61n mongaqe�Lall:emafa fn full �
<br /> . locce and ellect belaeon the partln hv�ato aad thair hein,pacuoaal repreeentatfve�, auccensors aad aaatqas, untll all amouab �oeursd
<br /> � � hereundm,Saeluding futura advancea,are perid Sn full mith iatereeL �
<br /> � The morlqagor�_he:eby aasiqa_to aa3d morigagee all reaU�d incomo arletnq at aap �d aU tlms�liom iaid piopertp�d } _ � �
<br /> hereby wt6nzixe smd mortgaqee or Iv agent a!ifa optioa,upoa doluul4 to take ch�qe ol satd property md oollect all re¢b aad incoma 1
<br /> .� therekom and apply the eama lo the papmeat ot intaiest,priadpal.Sneuraaee pnmtums,taxn,asse�smanv,repa'us or impcovemeaL aeeea .
<br /> � wry to keep said proparlp ia tenaatable wndition,o� lo dher chmqes oi paymoab provided lor hereia or la the note heraby secvred 7fil� .
<br /> ront aantqnme¢t ahall matSaue ln lo:cr unUl�Ibe nnpald balanee d �dd note fe lullp pafd. The taklaq oi poeaaulaa hoiauader�hall!a ao
<br /> m�aer p:eveal o:tatard wld mo�tqaqee�tn l6e wlleelSoa ol eaid sums bp laeclosuxs or othe�wtne.
<br /> ' The lall�ue ot the mortqages to aseart��p�d 1le rlqhv hneunder at�p tlme�hall nol be conativad m a wal�er o(W[fght to aaeeri
<br /> � i 1Le same al�y later time,aad to lnafat upoa and ealotce etzlct compllaaee wfth all !he tarme and provtslom ot e¢Id aote aad ol thla
<br /> � m��90 n
<br /> j Il sa3d morigaqor�S ehall cau�o to be pald to said moriqaqee Ihe eattrs�ou¢t due It hereunder,�d undar the latms aed provislon�
<br /> ; o!eaid note Aareby secuead indudlnq lulure adv�cea,�d anp arians3om er rane�vnL thereol !n ¢eeord�ce �vilh the tecm�and provltloea
<br /> '�.. � lhateoL�d i(eaid.mortqaqor 5, thall comply with ell tM providons ol said aote and o!this morigage,thea thems pre�eaV nhalt he votd;
<br /> t other�viao to rvmala ta lull lorce�d o11oe4 aad edd mv�tqagae�hall Ee sntltled to Ihe pce�e�aloa ol all o!sald propsrty,�d maq,at fta
<br /> �� op�on,deelme the whota ot sald aole and all lndebledneu repre�amted theteDp to be lmmedlatdy dua�d payabls.�d may torxloce t41� �� �
<br /> � morlqaga or take m�r olhnr legal aetiou to prolect 1v tiqhL m�d from the date ol�uch de�oult al!lteau ol lndebtedana secvted herebp -� i �i;
<br /> , � �Lall draw IntarM at 9%per aaaum. AppraLement ndvad � ' k �
<br /> � 7his moctgaqe�hall be bladlnq upoa aad shall eaure to th�banellt ol the L�tn.ezxvlon,adminbtralon,�ucceueri aad aW�o! � �
<br /> � � �ho teepecti.e parHa Le�eta ' .�'
<br /> IN WIZNE59 WHEREOp, wid Mottqaqor 5 h=V� h�reunto �el th�ir wand 5 ths and year Nnt abovs I � �
<br /> 1 writte¢. n Z.�,
<br /> � ? � �
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