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<br /> A' i .,.,;'
<br /> ,.�.•Y'.;.�A
<br />� ��._.: .. ,. . . . . .. . � . . �� ' +�� .
<br /> I
<br /> STATE OP NPBRASKA, County of ....................................................:
<br /> Piledfor record on ................................. 19.......,at............................ o'cloclt ........................ DL
<br /> , aad recorded in tho llead itecurd ................................. Pngo .............,...............
<br /> i . ....... �......,.�..�..........5:...................�...................... By ............,................................,............................................ . .
<br /> r I�e �star of Deeda lleputv Re�istcr of lleed� �
<br /> 1,
<br /> Robert R. Deitemeyer and Jean S. Doitemeyer, oach in his or
<br /> her own right and as spouse of the other
<br /> ,herein called tLe grantor whet}ter�ni^_ or raore,
<br /> in consideration of 5ixty-3even Thousand and 00�100 - - - - - - Dollara
<br /> I
<br /> received from grnntees, does grant, bargain, sell eonvey and con4irm uuto
<br /> f Arvid C. Carlson and r�oberta C. Car3son, huaband and tirife
<br /> ' as joint tenanta �vith right of aurvivorship, and not as tenunta iu common, the followinR described ren!
<br /> � proporty in ......................f{�-.....................,.......... County,ATeUruska: '
<br /> ..i��... . ..
<br /> }
<br /> �
<br /> ; � '
<br /> � w cb Lot Twenty-Nine {2gj in Hidden I,akes Subdiviaion Number i1
<br /> �Q ;o T�.ro (2), being a part of the Southeast �uarter o£ the Northeast � �
<br /> $� � } Quarter (SE�t�}4) and a part of the North Hal.f of the � �
<br /> m of the Northoast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (td2NE4SEn) �
<br /> � ¢F Z of Section Tnirteen (13), in Townehip Eleven (11) North, Range y
<br /> �� � � Nine (9), tdest of the 6th P. Fl.� in Hall County, Nebraska. �
<br /> :' W � .,,`i' I
<br /> z �
<br /> e�
<br /> ;
<br /> To have and to hold the aUove daseriL•ed premises together with ull tenements, hereditamenta
<br /> and'eppurtenanees thareto belonging unto tLe gruntees and to their assigns, or to the heirs nnd assi�s
<br /> '� of the survivor of tl�em forecer.
<br /> = And grantor docs hereUy covenant with the grantees and with their aasigns und with the hr,irs
<br /> ' flnd assigns of the survivor of them tLat grantor is la�vfully seised of suid premises;tLat they are free from
<br /> enanmbrance subject to ri�ht-of-way and restrictions and protective covenants of record;
<br /> ,_ and sub3ect to the unnaid balance of a mortgage of record i.n tne sum of $32�000 in Pavor of
<br /> < Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island which the grantees herein agree to
<br /> ` assu d
<br /> ��ia�gra$�r has good riglit and lnticful nuthority to con��ey the .v;i�r�e; aiid tliat grantor «�urrnnts and n•ill
<br /> defend the titlo to said preniises ::gainst the lu�vful claims of,ill persm�s tirhomsoevcr.
<br /> � It is the iutention of all parliea hereto tbat in the evevt oC tlie deuth of cither of the gruntees,
<br /> ��'� the entire Fee title io this rcul �ro�crtv Hhnll �•est in the Hurvi�•in � ��
<br /> I I g grantee.
<br /> ; Dated p1ap p5 19 76 ,�
<br /> �,�; .
<br /> .................................................................................... ���c�,�7 �1��eTc>�.<�tf.�
<br /> � .................................................................................... ..0.�xi. ��./.��..r L.�':'.:.�:.��.- -'�-�
<br /> i��, ��
<br /> ':`i STATE OF ...........kl��tra,�ka.............................. Couuty uF ..................H.17.�...................,.............:
<br /> Before mo,a notary public qualified for said cowity, peraonally cume
<br /> r r•.
<br /> Robert R. Deitemeyer and Jean S. Deitemeyer, each in his or her own
<br /> right and as spouso oT the other
<br /> . . � � : .� . � 1 r;�",
<br /> known fo me to be tl�e identical pereon or persons who signed the foregoing instrument and aeknowledged
<br /> the execution thereof to bc his,her or their voluntary uct nnd deed. N �
<br /> � ��'itness my hand nnd noturial aeal on ................................M.�1'....2:T....)..............,, 19.76........... � � . ,".
<br /> � ,
<br /> � /=� / / r� ':.
<br /> �e�Y�,IM�T M� ....:�'r..;.�1�:�:t.......�:..:......1.,.�4�'t'��.......... Notnry PnLlic r
<br /> . .... � .
<br /> �wlMialpMw M.1p� D1p commisnion eapires...........N2v.GW.�7�ix..�z..........., 19...7.�.......,
<br /> Form 42 To be .ipproved by KrLrii�k�Statc Bur lssociruiun Felbn&Wol!W.,I.Incdn,NeGr.
<br />�
<br /> tii �
<br />� �
<br />