<br />�� � , :'z;�:.
<br /> � �
<br /> MbnrtinaG-aiMng.mna t.ban Fbrm`--(Dl,ricl ciwffl r�m,) ¢a6-1 te}xetuly�wN�,,r;`.`u*�^N"^�c�;`�`.�w.,.�;4::,�,,,�µ'.`w.^C�.�.�.�'
<br /> ,. ,. ..-.., . .. K.� .... ........+
<br /> � , c � MC)RTC`aQ►.�GE
<br /> '��,, 0()���,)C�
<br /> Lann Na_r:._..�_�_.— � �.
<br /> f
<br /> �7_r_�°�r
<br /> �* � • - �Snq nl �'���'.- lA�.by vnd balaeen �
<br /> � � THt�tNrikNYuli�,mada ud.
<br /> 120{3[:RT LUYp �iGY�R AND MARY M� R1[iY[R, husband and �v f f e, each i n h i s and her awn r i nht ^ �
<br /> and �s spouse of thc� vihor,
<br /> . -oi...._ f�3����.� ��ovnly.,tiebraki�af mottguya�.5 aY�d}tome Fedetvl6aetnqit�nnd Lone Aaimefulton�nl i3tnnd Idmid, � .
<br /> m
<br /> . � i5.cqjporulton dtqnntsed und erietlng�+m3er.Ihe law�ot Nebtdeba�tslld lie prindpal olflte and plaeu ifl bUtlnea�at Cir�+td(llas4d�,NeUru►kc� .
<br /> � w Hiotlg&gee: ' . . � � . � �� .
<br /> i �WITT1E95ESIt: Tkal eutd Maigayut�_..lor ued 1a ivnsldetallon ol Ihe eUm o1_ . . 37 aQQ.Q� �
<br /> � � 71111�7Y�5[VEN TIi0U5/�NU tw0 I�UNbRi:D ANU NU/loc)--- ---------------�--
<br /> �._-15olta�e lR>—:t J.
<br /> Ihit tecelpt of wh�bh i�here6p ucknowleif�ett:do_bp thxee preeenu mwigaye nnd 'osm�vnt untd e�id mbafgvqeo, 41e eu�ceewte hftd �
<br /> ��3�(
<br /> � cnafgnn tororot,ail lhe[nllowinA deecdi�ed teal oetale,ellualed�n Ihe counlq o�� - --- � f
<br /> and 61ate ot Nabrmka�lo-rFfl: �
<br /> ( �
<br /> �
<br /> I.OT TWLLVE (12), SCIiE:LL'S c�U13D1 V I 51 QN, B[I NG A Tf�ACT 0�' l AtdO �
<br /> � (",C=��iW$)�OF SEGI"ION TI�III;fY-TtvO (5?), TOIVfd51�IIP L=l[VrN (II) NOK�I�I�, � �
<br /> �
<br /> t2AN�� NINE (9) Wf_51� OC TIiC GTii ('.M1i,, HALL COUIJTY, N[L3RA5KA:
<br /> �
<br /> i �Cnd�dao�ewa�ntd rr'ludo�e udeel�erULlVude,U.'xd o�l9�elnpconnvclton wi 1�1eold ptop^_1p�whelUer�le eame dsnva lcetited on eald propedp � .
<br /> ef ho�ealler pluced lheretiu.�� � � �� .
<br /> T4 tiAVG hNU TO ISOLD TIIL 3AD1E,logelher w111t all and e(riyulnv!he lensa�enlr.l+etadllameuli mtd uCVut�enaneee thereimlo betossp+ , � . _
<br /> ing,ot ln unpv+iee nppetlnlning,tuiever,and aatmnl lYe Illie to Il�e evme. Ba�d inmlgngot�°heiebq coseannL-_�vilh atiid mvdgtigeu ; �
<br /> � ��"�' al 1lie dail�e[y herev(,Ik!lawlul uenec.-cl tlie Premleee vLo�e con.eped and deeRlbed�nnd "al'� . .
<br /> • � �hal_.�ie
<br /> 4
<br /> del nd tlie IHle�heretun�roeet ayalnel1thot l ImetunJ demaude o!all�paepou�ehome�ce�e��cn�e,ond thul_..�1�eV wlll aatrunl and � �
<br /> y.
<br /> � hhOV(DGD ALWAYO, t�ud Ih!e hieltumeut le eteculed m�d d�live�el la nocme lhe puqmenl vl the eum v� � �OO,O�, _ .
<br /> PIiIItTY-SEVkIJ 11IOUSAND T4Vn IIUNUI:LI) AND P!O/I�U--------••----------j�lt�a �s_ ' �`- �
<br /> ' wllh Inlercel�henx.y+�lugolh�tt acllh eucl�cl�atqen ond ndvan�+e��n vtup t�e due and �wyaUL to sald morlyvyen wldet 11ie letme and
<br /> � rundlllunt ol lhe pwWeeotY nule vl even dale Leteel�Y and eecu�e<l Me[ebp.a�cculed br euld mo[fqngoi 4 lo eald Merl9aqee papable , � �
<br /> � u�e:pceened In enid nule,mid Iv e>cure lhe ycdo�mance et�II lhe le�me nnd trondltirnu mnlaiaed 111etehl�. T�ie tennn e4 snld nola nTe .
<br /> heteby Incrorpo�aled heieiu by th���ele�enre.
<br /> 1l la Ilt!Inlenllun and uy�oemenl cl lhe pmliea h?+elo ILaI Ihle�nmlyaye elmll alen eecute un� lulute udrnnree mude to ea3d � � � �
<br /> . mndyagot�._..Ly euld motfyayee, und uny mid ull InQelledneea L�aJLllon lo Ihe amawd uL•oie�luled�eLkh ealil hivtlyuyor�,ot unx � .
<br /> ul Uuein, may owe lo eulJ motlqdyoe�.ltunevet e+idenced. wLe�liet Lp nota bouk�ccoiml ur oUieM��e. Tlile fnoHqage eh�ill teNuln 1r.lul!
<br /> � force and e�let�l�belwsen IMe {wrt�ee herem and Uiel� t�elre,peteonni teptMeulullvee, eucceneme ae3 ueetgne, uuW.ull amouule.eecwed . .
<br /> . . he�eunder,InclvSWy lu1Wa adraucree,aro F+utd tu lull w11L Ia�eteel, i� .
<br /> � 7he mottauqoc_.i-lie[eLr neelyu....�_Iv eald me�tyaqea uU reule and�irom! �ileiny nl un� m�d all llmee ttvm eaid pteped) aal � �
<br /> 6e�eby autlioNee ecild mo�lgayee or Ile ugenb ul Iln bpUon, uyun delnull,Io laka charye ol enld p�upeily m+d cu�lerl nll ranU and Inceme
<br /> � Ibeiel�oM antl apply Il�e eume lo tlw��rmenl of Inferan�.pdneflw6 Ineurmnx ptrmlUme�luRee�aeee�emenls, �epulle or ImQroremenle�neees•
<br /> emy tu keep wld brvpetlr In 1en�inlaLle cvn�tlllun�or lu olher cLmgee m parman�s piu.lded lor herein ot!n lhb nnte 4erobr eecutecL 7 We
<br /> � � tenl uielyitn�eul elwll conllnua In lotee uut{1 lhe u�ipuld Lulmice a(nu�d note Is fullY{ruliL 77te luktnq ul�x�eveeainn hereunde�ehcll In no
<br /> � munnar yrevant.br�elu1J�uld�mortqageerin.tiie cullecllou ol eald e+uni Ly lurecloewe m olhernlee�
<br /> � ; 'Yh9 lulluie a1,lhA ivotlgaq2tl 1ti�ueMEil un�'ul Ila tlyhle Leteun�et al un�tiSne ehatl nol In�cvneltued m a enirer ol Sle tiyhl lo uaer.N
<br /> � � the.�am�Gt ahy IdICR Wne,and 4o�111E1l)U{WN tfflA ett�olCe e111C1 cvutVliunre ellh ull 16a le�me uud p�orlsiem a! nuld uols m�S el IhV
<br /> �No�l9uqe; ., , . , ,.,., , .. �
<br /> . � f II eU�d.MuHquyb�.—edoll CutiUe lu lie t�tiW la�trfild motlqupee Ihe enl0e umounl due It Le�eunden and undet Il�e lermn and prorielon�
<br /> f e!enld nole heroby�sr.tved,Indudiny(uWro s+dvnncee,und any ealenebui ar roneanW Ihe�eu� In nccvtdunce wWi Il�e lxnne aad p�o�4elona
<br /> . . � Ih8�Ya1,tn�d l�ba11 mudyuyut!i..:ehall comply w10�<ill Ihe prodetun�cd eu�d nola und ol Ild�mr�lquge,Ihen Il�e�e{+ttscn4 elwll!�C roldi .
<br /> . i otha�wiN td remutn W lull iocce�nd allecl,a,d evid mvrt9�9ro dmll ba enlilled lo Ihe{weee�eirn o!ull ot eatJ pmpe:ly�and ma ,al ile
<br /> � oplion,dselufs!he Nhole u!wid nule un1 nll 6ideble�ne+�tey�adenled ILeteby io be immedl6lel►due un1 pnTuble,nnd may loix�uee Ihle ,
<br /> tfm�lyuye nr.lnke aur o1hM.laqul uvtluu lo p�olecl 14 dyhL ond Irom i1�e Sule ul euch deluull nll Iteme o! Indeblr�ien eecwed hereb� '
<br /> ehat�drdw Infefal al��}et nnnum� Approieamenl wal•ed, j
<br /> m
<br /> � ilil�motlquy+�bail be btmllnq �pvn und�hull s��um lo Ihs kHhellf i�l q�!h�ite��xeEWots�a.lminleliblv����uccee�o�e und�velg�e nl .�
<br /> � Ih0 te�{rocilrs pa�uer heiel0� �'
<br /> dN W/71fE98 WHGIILaF'� wld Motlqu�7o� �Lu_YG. he�eunlo ��1----^_-ll1°'•��1-----l�m�d�—16e aar�na y��f ii���alx�re � ,.
<br /> VvNlkn.� , t+. �.,- .
<br /> � �,���� �/�1 , ,,, �, _ €1�
<br /> �'..� r _.._..,�_t ,..rw�_:--. _---- S�!
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