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<br />� � A ,�
<br /> ..�. . . . . . � . � � . . t .....A:Ifr
<br /> � STATE OF NEBRASSA, Count.y of �
<br /> ...................................................:
<br /> ' F iled for record on , 19 nt
<br /> '' ....... dcbek AI.
<br /> � and recordud is the DeeS Record ................................. Pugo ........................,....
<br /> ...... .. .. .. ' ..,...... . �y ............. .. . .. ...........,............,
<br /> � ,,,.. ........ ...... ............ ......
<br /> ........ ..................... ..................
<br /> ,� Regieter of De�ds U�puty ft�6ister of Dee�ls
<br /> ,I� �b- U028�38
<br /> � i _
<br /> '� Charles ii. Pile and Sharon K. Pi1e�. each in his or hor orm ri�ht
<br /> ,:r and as spouse of the otl�r
<br /> i
<br /> ,herein called the grnntor��•hethe:� oue or n:ore,
<br /> in considerntion of 'hrenty Nine Thousand and 00/100 .. — Dollzrs
<br /> ` recnived from grantees, doea grunt, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br /> � rielv�n K. Patterson and Doreen P, Patterson� husUand and wife
<br /> ;
<br /> r as joint tennnts with right oY survivomhip, und not as tenants in commou, the follo�ring descriUeu real
<br /> " ;. proparty in .....................kIa11................................. County,A'ebrnslca:
<br /> �
<br /> a
<br /> : ;�
<br /> f
<br /> : �UN 11976 Lot \'ine �9) in 2fartin Subdivision in the City ��
<br /> � - �,/ q�� of Cfrand Isiand� Hal2 County� Nobraska, 4.'�
<br /> f $�2L..6-i—BY–.�� .`�•�
<br /> : W
<br /> ',:; tiP� -
<br /> ,, , �
<br /> �
<br /> � To have and to hold the above deseri�ed p-temises 4ogether �rith nll teueiueuts, hereditamentx
<br /> and appurtensnces ihereto belonging nnta tlie grantees and to their nssi�ns, or to the heirs aud ¢�i;�
<br /> of the snrvivor of tLem forecer.
<br /> dnd grnntor does hereby covenant �vith t,bo grantces nnd with their nsvigns and with t6e heire
<br /> and assigns of the survivor of them that grnntor is ln�vfully scised of snid pruuises;that tLey ure frce irom
<br /> enenmbrance subject to easements of record; and� subject to the unpaid Ualanco af a
<br /> mortgage of record in favor of rirst Federal Savin�s and Loan lssociation of Lincoln�
<br /> \*ebraska in tho snm of $20�400 which the grantees herein agree to assinae and p�y
<br /> that�rantor has good ri�ht and laticfal nuthorit}• to eonce5� the uame; uiid tliat grm�tor n�xrrnnts u�id n•ill
<br /> defend the title to snid premises against the lnwful cluims of all pensnns �rLomsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of a❑ partiea hereto that in the e��eut of the deuth of citlier of the granteea,
<br /> ihe entire fee title to this reat proprrt� shall cest in tlie survi�•ing grautec.
<br /> �i
<br /> Dated 1ia,Y 21 1976
<br /> .................................................................................... ..�..�••ir/�•V'�"'.0 J'......................
<br /> ; .................................................................................... �,�,.t�..p,�:�,..............................
<br /> � ` STATE OF ............Tgt?.�".s4,��.............................. County of .....................fiall.............................:
<br /> _ Before me,a notary public qnulified for snid county, persoually cume
<br /> Charles H, Pile and Sharon K, I'ile� each in his on c�r rnm right and �
<br /> as spouse of the other �
<br /> known to me to be the identical person or persons�vho signed t}�r, foregoing ivstrnment nnd ac�nowledged •_� , �';
<br /> r,�r ,.
<br /> the eaecution thereof to be bis,her�r their coluntary act �ud deed. ; yy f�a ;
<br /> ; � �
<br /> � Witness my hand tind notnrial seal on.... . ........���.X....21 ........, 19...7.6.......... x �
<br /> . ....................
<br /> �t S a
<br /> .................. . .�:..... ..0......... ............................. A'otary PuUlir ''
<br /> ri
<br /> awues a aa�sr � �
<br /> ` `, ct�r�at.noranv . . . ber 14.....................19..??......... ` : ._
<br /> � SvndNaeraska Dfy comrmsaion e � .. ......... .............
<br /> I'n i �F}Qiae3ca tnte llnr lssocintion }r���^�w�i!a..Li���.N.v=.
<br /> r� O�ambrr 14,1877
<br />� �..___._. �
<br />