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� t 1t` ~, , <br />� .,. � _ r� � <br /> TO HAVE AND TO IIOLD lhe Bame unta the Dtortgagce, as herein provided. lturtgagor rnpresenls tu, <br /> �: and co��ennnts witl�, tlie lZurlgagce, thaC Uie nta•lgagor has goud ri�ht to seil and cunvey said pmmises : <br /> that they are free from encumbrance, except as h��reinothcr���ise recited ; th�it the ➢iortga�or �rill ���r�rrant <br /> and defetid the sanie against tltr. la���f ul ciaims of all persims �shmnsoe��cr, htortgaqor hemb,y i•elinyuiahes <br /> � all rights of liomestead, a11 msritail rf�hts, ciLher in la��� or in e��uit}•, :�nd all otlter contingent inte���sts of <br /> the 1linrtq�agor in �nd to thu ubo��e-described premises. <br /> ,. <br /> YROVIDED Ab�vnYs, xiid ti�ese presetits nre exec.uLed aiid delivered apo�i Lhe following co�iditions, to <br /> �rit : <br /> 1lortgagor �g�•ees to pay to the Rlortttagee, or o�der, the :tfmrsnid principal sum ���iNi interest from dnte <br /> at the raCe of l�i�tat and One -H1a1S per cenl;um ( t�;l ^,c ) per,annum on the tmpaid balance until p:ud <br /> Tite said En•incipal nnd interest sliall bi p�tyaUle at tlie otlice of ��rY,itl��u'�`ir�� ��tvii��;:; and Loan A � ;�eca.ation <br /> in t��ebracica , or cit such other place as the holder of the nole m.�y designate in <br /> ���riting delivei�ed or mailed to the A[ortgagor, in monthty instaliments of 2�wo lna�idre3 fourY,c�n ,�nct `i3 j 100- - - ' <br /> pollnis ($ 21�+ . 5� ) . commencing on the first day of ,�uly , i'J �T6 , .tnd conttnuiu� on <br /> I the tirst day of each month thereatter until �aid note is fuily paid, �xcept tLat, i£ uot sooner paid, the finail <br /> paymeut of principal and interest sh;ill be dae nnd �>a.Yable �m the first day of duue . 2ikxi ; all <br /> accarding to the terms of a cert�iiu promissor�� nute ot e�•en date here���ith ekecuted ln� the said �turlgagor. <br /> Tlie Tiot�tgagor turtlicr ag�res : <br /> i. Iie ��i4 pay the inilebtednes9, as liereinbeforc pim�ided. Privilege ia reser�•r.d to prepay at �ttt�- <br /> time, ��•ithout premiam or fce, tlie entire indebte�in��ss or �mv pairt tiureof not less than the amow�t of one <br /> iustallment, oc one hundred doliars ($ 10U.00 ) , ���hichever is less. !'rep:tyment in full shnll be �trdited on <br /> the dnte recefved. Partial prepayment, other than on an installment due date, need not be cirdiled until <br /> the next following installment due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlicr. <br /> 2. Togctl+er ��•ith, and in aiddition to, the monthly paymeuts of principal and inteihst p,i5•abie uudm� <br /> tlie terms af the note s��cuttid hereby, Atortgagur o• ill pay to :1lorty�ag��+, :is trustce, ( under the lerms of lhis <br /> trust as heceinafter state.ui ) on tlie first day of eacli mmitli mitil said note is flilly paid : <br /> (n) A awn equal tu the grouiid rents, if aiig, iiexL due, j)IU9 tll0 p�r.miums that wili iiext h��come due <br /> :xttd p�t�c�bie ��n policies of tirc and oiher hazaid iiisur�nce co��ering tl�e �ttortgagtd property, <br /> plus t:axes �and assessments nert due on ihc moriunged property ( all ns eatimated b�= the \iort- <br /> 't gugee, nnd ol' ���hich the biurtg�a}ror is notified ) less all smns ah•eaci�• paid thereY'or di��ided by <br /> the tttunbcr of motttlis lo eli�pse b��[ore one mc�nkh prioi• ku th� da�e ���hen sucli ground rents, <br /> premiums, ta�es �iud assessnunts ���ill �}ecume delinyuent, siicl� auros to Ue helci by 11Surtgaqee <br /> in trast to pa>• said grouuct renfs, prc�niunts, taxes aud speciai assessments. <br /> ( 6) The a�regate of the »mnmits pa��abie ptnsuiuit to subp�ra�araph ( a) fttll� CIlOBC �:lJ�able on tlte : <br /> note secured hereb�•, skall uc p,�id in a sin�ic pa�•mcnt ench month, to ba applied tu tlie folio��•- <br /> ' iug itc�ns in the order 9tated : <br /> ( 1 ) grotmd rents, ta�es, .�ssessutenis. lire and c�Uier hnzarci insurance ptrntiums ; _ <br /> ( �t ) intcrest on llm noke secured heirb�• ; ;md <br /> ( ti[ ) amurtization of tlie princip;il of said iiat��. <br /> ' rlttt' dr�icienc)' in Llte :unmuri nf :tn>' yuch a�rgreg:tte monChi�• pa�•�urnt sli:tli, tuilesa wade goud <br /> �` by Lhe \Iorlg:i};or prior to the du�� d;Ue ot lhe ne�t yuch p,i��ment, conatitutr an erent of defauit <br /> �� under tl� ia mort�za�e. At Jtortga�;ce's option, \tiu�l�ngor ��•il: �,a�• :i "late cliaige" not e�cceed- <br /> ing fbur per rvnLum ( �t "i ) cif an�� ins"t ;ill ment ��•hen pxid murc tl�;ut tiftcen ( 1G ) d:t�•s nfter tlie <br /> , duc date thcrrof to co��cr th�� e�tra expcusc in�•oh•ed in handiin� detinqueul p:��•ments� but sucli <br /> "late char�c" sh:til uot Ue pn�•able out of tlie prucecds of nn�• 5ale made tu s:�tisfy the indebted- <br /> ness secured hereb��, miless such proceeds xre suttirieut to disch:u•�� the eutire indeUtednces and <br /> y,. <br /> all proper costs nnd e�penses �ectu•ed thereb��. <br /> 3. If the totnl of the paymenls made b� the 1ltorlq:tqvr under ( a ) of paragraph 2 pitceding shall <br /> eaoced the amom�t of payments actuall,v roade Uy� t.he Atortq:�g���, as trustcr, fur qrowid rents, tasrs ,tnd <br /> assessmeuta or instu•auce premiums, ns the c�e may be, sucti ���cess shall be credited b�� the 1liortg:tKee <br /> ' un subseyuenL p;�,vtnents to be made by lhe Dtortg:iKor for such ilc�ms or, nt rtorty,nuce's opt.ion, aa trustee, <br /> �hnll Ix� ttifunded to Afortgaqor, If. ho���erer, sucli mottUil�• papmeitta sluill not t�e suflicient to pat• sucl� <br /> itetns �vhen the same shali b��come duc .utd pnyablc, lhen the hlortyragor 9hull ��a�• lo the Atortga�C�x, as <br /> ' h•ust�*e, nt�v amowit neceas,u•y lo mnlce up the deficiency ��-iUiin thirty ( 30 ) da�•s aftcr �aritten notice from <br /> F tl�e ➢ioi�l 1 <br /> g, gee atnting the amount of the dclicicucy, ���hich nvtiee m�iy be qi�•en b�• maiL If at i�nt• tfine <br /> ihe bioctgagor shall lender to lhe Tturtg:i�e, in accm•dauce �cith ))1'0\' 1910119 Of Glll! uute t�ecured <br /> heiroUy, full pnyment of tlle eittire indebtcvinevs repit�sented therrby, thc 1loctk:ixeq t+s trustc�+, sliall, <br /> iii computinK the nmouiit af aucli indebteduesa, credit to th� :iccounC c�f tl�e �iortKa�?or :iuy credit b;tl;�ncn <br /> accutnulntsd tmder tlie pro��isione of ( c� ) of paray�•aph 2 licreof. If tlicre elinll l�e n def,uilt undc�r :iil}� <br /> of tl�e piroviniotuv of this mortgage reaulting ite �i pubiic snle uf the preuiisca co�•er�vl hrreby�, m• if Uic� <br /> Diortgagee nCquires the prnpm•ty othrr��•ise after deL�ull, Lhe ;lforlKa�e. i�� trustee, shall appl�•, at thc <br /> time uf the conunencemenC of auch piviceedinK9, ur at tlie tintc tho prnpertp is uther�siae ncquired, the <br /> +imount tlien remaining to credit the RiorlKa�;or under ( a ) oC pnraRr�ph 2 p�rcedinq, :� n credit on lhe <br /> , :, I , , ,, <br /> interest accrucd nnd unpaid und the bal;utcc lo the prittcipal lhen rrmninhut unpaid on snid nnte. <br /> N � . <br /> •1. Tl.�r. licn of this instrununt shnll rrm;iiu in full furce :utd clFrct durin� nnt• poslponemen6 or exteu- � <br /> �� � sion uf the time of ptt�-ment of thc indubtednesa or miy p.irt thcrcof seciu•ed hcreb�•. � <br /> � <br /> G. Ilc ��•ill Pay all grouud renta� tasev, .�9sesenmuts, �raler r.dcs, ;wd othcr y,oeerroucnt:il vr mm �ici. it ;? <br /> pal chnrqee, tines, ur itnpusilions, li��•icd upun s;ud p�tmiscs nnd th:it he ���ill �r,i�• all tnxe� le�•icd upon Uiis � <br /> uwrtgn�n, or tl�e debL securcd themlit•� to{�ether n• ith any other tase3 or n�seasmeuts �� hich m,i�� be leried <br /> undee ihe lti�ve of A'ebraslcn a�ains� tiic� AtorlgnKee. or lhe Ieytal lioldec of sai�{ �n•ineipnl nnto, on accciunt of <br />+�' this iudeUtedneay, exci�pt o•lien p,i}•ntent for nil such items hi�s Umretufure hr��u mniie tuidrr ( ri ) ��f p,ir.�- <br />�� . <br />:si_ Kcnph 3 heruof, and he ��• i ; l prum�?tl�� deli��er tho nllicial rrceipla Uu�refur lu ihr :lUnrt�?a�;er, In defaull <br /> ,`� � titernof the ➢torl�agce mii}• pa}� U�e sume. <br /> ,� � <br />