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<br /> 76- QU ;� $ � 3 '
<br /> 1 i�.r,uriva rua:�rrnc or ��Yr�rm197� naaRo oc r•�mra�
<br /> :;
<br /> i The segul�u nr=et.in� oi: tl �� Grand Island 13oard of Ec3ueat-ion was held in ihe P1aL-t 11cLnin�
<br /> istrati.on 13ui.7-di �tg ot; .�'e,i.day , Piay 3 , 1.976 , aL 7 : 30 l� .rl. Tlle nx�ting was cal.led to order
<br /> � b}� ih� Pr��sideitit: , rlr ; �v�ah,:in .
<br /> RiUS,ic no�ic� r,t: thi� ?���a�.ti of Ikiucation n�tiny was given in the Grand Isl.and Daily Tn-
<br /> ; deperidc�nt on ��c�?nesday , ripril 2fi , 197f . The r�genda for the nLeting ��as available i�i U:e
<br /> t Secretary ' s of:.i ice i>rici- to i:t:e m��ting .
<br /> � 120liL CA1,L :
<br /> �
<br /> ; �_.
<br /> ? l�ll call was ta::eti .u�d thc Fo:ll.chaulg n�eml�rs ��'ere present: Mr. Ap£el , hir . 1'rauen , Mr .
<br /> Higgir.s , Mr . Kal�r.hof� , kt�v. I�fgree�� , Dr. I,u�rs , A9i- . rscc�attan and r�rs . Vic:x'�.�g . pr. .
<br /> B�sle;r rszs ala,ci:i .
<br /> 7G-S-Ol h1iA'trITS : , t_he n,inutes of the
<br /> ' `� presid��i�t ricG�ilian aslced for corrections or delctions to
<br /> '� regul.ar in�'cl: iiig uC A��ril � , 1976 . A motion was tnzde by Mr . IC�hrhofi- , seconded
<br /> � by l:cv. Infc�iti>:en , �nd Y:�tssed , that the ntinutes of the reg�tlrar �eting of I�pril
<br /> _ 5 , 197G , L�� appivvc�ci atid ra�if.ied as mailed. A znll call wte was taken and all
<br /> ` nn�i�tr�rs prr.;erit voL-r.d '�Aye�� . (A1:tachmVnt 11) .
<br /> ;
<br /> s76-5-0?_ hffN[TITiB :
<br /> � T i>r.cs.'�cleiit NIc.K;ahan askeci for c.ror�'etions or deletions to the mu�utes of t-he
<br /> , ( ; , special n�ul•i.ng of n��ril 2G , ].976 . n motion was n�ade by Mr . �rauen, secondeci
<br /> F ' Uy D1rs . Vi ��ecc7g , a� �d passc�ci � tiiat U�e minui:es of the special nxzctiny of npril
<br /> 26 , 197t�, lx� appr:ovcd an,3 r.alif.ieci as m�iled . 1 roll ca1L vote was ixilcen and
<br /> all u�emlx:rs present-. voted "Aye" . (Attaclu�nt B) .
<br /> 76-5-03 CL.� fi�� : and {k1ssed , tha�
<br /> �n m�ti.cx� was made Uy Ur . Luers , seconde�l by PSrs . Viett�9g ,
<br /> thc claim_> n��a�rcd 1003657 ihrougli 1003939 , I'ood Service nwnbcred 1003935
<br /> tluvugh 100;973 , C�S5P ilw�il�ered 1U03976 U�z�ug}i ].Q0402!"i , vld Iuinuity Funcl ntvir
<br /> . lxx�•��cl 1004U"lti Uu:ouc�h 1009049 , all inclusivc , l:w allavc.�cl . r1 roil call vote was
<br /> t�lccit arni �111 nk�:n}:x�rs pre:;eiil' voted "Aye" • (1ltitaclunettt C) . :
<br /> 7G-5-04 }3:CI)S :
<br /> ---- n nx>�_ion �ti�.�^ nzd� Ly Mr . lpfcl � sccondcd Uy Mr. . lrauen , �-u�d passcci , i�hat
<br /> ihe .lv,+r hi �l oE hi.nm:m Che��mlct .in U�c <vtxnu�L- of $5 , 73E3 . 7�i for. a van £zt�n
<br /> 'Pitle II:I be accepL.r_ii . n Loll call vote was Cake�t und all ttr�nlaers pr�'surit vel-�-
<br /> ' ' ed "?1ye" . (nttaclrir. �nt lJ) .
<br /> ;
<br /> 76-5-U5 51'AL1�' nl`J' � �l "v' I � .
<br /> —' n'�i >, � �: .t �,�, ; : ,,��ul�: by I:ev. I�[yreen , secxmded by P9r . Apfcl , v7d tusr�Y� ,
<br /> il�ai: U�� � . � ` L , ' „ ���Gn! iit::> t.�e appmvccl as su}xnii.L-ed will� assiqr���ctti;s and sa1-�
<br /> ar. ic7 <�.. � �;: . � c�r, � ; � :, n r.uLl cal. 1 vete �:�as taken smd all nx�lnlxxrs present voted
<br /> ,���,�,n (,; 5. � :.c'�'rt; �iit L:) .
<br /> i
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