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<br /> OxnnQaxce a0. 5970
<br /> 11n ordiaance erenting Senitary 9ewer'DSetrlct fio. 424 in t6e City of Crand Ieland� ffehraekn; deflning
<br /> the boundariee of the dietrlct; providing for the laying of a aanitnry aewer main in eaid diatrict; pro-
<br /> viding for plens end apeciScations md aecuring bids� praviding for the anaeasment of epecisl Laxea for
<br /> eoaetrttct]ng eueh aewer end collectlon thereof; aad to provide for the efPective date thereofr
<br /> �
<br /> 8L'tTIOiP 1. Saaitary Sewer District No. 424 of the City of Grand Ialand, tfebrnska, is hereby created
<br /> Sor the leying ot an e1yJ�t (8) Sach vitriSied clay pipe or an eight (8) inch polyvinal chloride plastic pipe,
<br /> ead appurtenances thereta
<br /> � SECTION 2. 2Le bouadaries ot such senitary seuer dlstrict shall be as follws: � � � � �
<br /> Beginning nt the northeast coraer oP Lot Thlrty-five (35) � }'�er 71ew Subdivision, said . - � � �.
<br /> � � �oraer heing.on the west line of Stuhr P.oul; :hence rvnaing south�on the west 11ne of Stuhr . �
<br /> Rond for a diatance of 4q0 feet, or 1L9.3 meters� to the scuth line :f Fcnner Ferk Rcad; thence . � -� �
<br /> running vest on a line parallel to and 80 Yeet, or 24.4�ters, swth of the ncr_h line of Fanner � � �
<br /> Perk P.aad for a distance of 1,275.9 feet, or 928.9 meters, aom or less, to the swth prolongatioa
<br /> of the west lSne of Fonner View Subdivisicn; thence running north cn the swth .:olongation oP
<br /> .._-,------� the veat line of£onner Viev Spbdivision and on the vest liae of ?o:L�er Viev Sub3lvisi�n for a disteace -� �
<br /> - of 345 feet, or 105.2 seters, aore or 2ess, to the narth line of Itebzasku F.venve; thence runnir�5 .� �
<br /> � east oa the north line of ltebraska Avenue for a disteace of 185 fee:, or 56.4 ce:ers, to the ea:t . .. �
<br /> � �liae of Cherry Street; tLeace n�ning north ca tre east line of Cherry Street f��r a distance of �
<br /> � � 652.94 Teet, or 199.02 creters, to the north line of Lot 55 in Fonner Yie+Subdivis±on; thence � � �� �
<br /> t.� � -u_ runnleg east aa the north Line of sald Lot 55 £o: a distance of 125 ='eet, or 3�' eeters, to the � --
<br /> � � � .-� � northeast corner af said Lo: 55; thence :vnnieg soutF,on Lhe easn 1?se of Lot 57 Ghrcugh Lot 49 - � � �
<br /> � � � � inclusive, oY °amer View Su6divisiaa for¢distsaca oS 5C4 fee!, or 153•6 neters, tc the south- . � �. �
<br /> W '" east corner of said Lot 49� {hence runnin3 eest cn th� ner`h li�e o? Lot �5 � ita eest prolor.gatic�
<br /> �h
<br /> o' ? . ¢ in Fo�er Viesr Subdivisica�or a distance of 185 _'eet, or 56.4 �ters, to :�ke ees: 1L�e oP C:1y-e � �
<br /> �a W Roed; thence rua¢ing south on the east 11ne of::r�e 3oe3 fnr a dis:¢rtce cC Z^,.? feet, or�,7 �, � .
<br /> < -� aeters, to the northvest cemer o�Lot 44 of Fonaer Vir+Subdivisicn; ;.t:ence n:rzing easi an a
<br /> � llne pera11e1 to ead 125 f^et, or 38.1 oeters, norli oY .he nor!h ?iae c!:feb:ss't.s hvenue Fcr a . � �
<br /> ' distence of 781.63 :eet, or 238.2 rxters, to tF.e nlace o'�eginnin„ a11 as shc:on the nle� � . � ��- �
<br /> - � nerked Ekhibit "A" attached hereto aad Sncorporate3 he^ein by:efereace. - � . . �.
<br /> 3ECTIOS7 3. Seid i�mvexats sha11 be m¢de 3n accordt.ct v1:h plens r�d specif'catlens prep�^ed by . - - �-�� � �
<br /> . tLe Fbgineer for`..�'e City vho sha11 esti:ste the cost therec:, aad suSait the :r�e tc the City Council, en3 . � � � �
<br /> �. �, upoa approval of the sa�, bids far ;ha coastructiva a'such ��i:ary Se.rer a*.s11 be :eken sd contrsc�s . . �
<br /> � entered 7nto in the rsnner provided by lav. � � � . .
<br /> ht
<br /> �. ' SECTION 4. ihe cost oP coastruction of such i�provezn:s sha11 be assesse3 against ::� property vlthin � . � .
<br /> Ythe dlettict abut:ing upon the easesent or other right-of-way vithip vhich suc} sanitsr,� -auer rsin uill be - � .
<br /> �
<br /> � conatructed xithin such sewerage district to the extent of beaefits to such property by resson of euch i_^prove-
<br /> � ment� and a special tax shsll be levied at one ti�e.to pay:or sunc �ost�o:con,truction as soon as can Le
<br /> � ascertained, as prwided by lau; and, provided flirthez, such specisl tFuc and assessmeats 5�135�. constitute a �
<br /> s` uc
<br /> , ainking flmd for the paynent oP any boads vith interest, issued for the purpese of paying :he�cost of such �
<br /> , , sever in surb district; such cpecisl assesseents shall be paid md collected in u ft�nd to be designated and �
<br /> . lmrnm as the Sever aad Nater flctension Fund, and, aut of xhich a11 warrants issued for ti:e purpose of paying
<br /> �, the cost of such sanitary aever sha11 be paid. � ' .
<br /> d 6ECTIOA 5. 'Ea1s ordinanee aha11 be in fom oad take effect fma and aYter Sts pnscaEe, approval,
<br /> - end publicstion,vithwt t6e plat, as pravided�by lav. .
<br /> � SECSION 6. Ihis otdiaanca�vith the plat, Ss henby directed to he flled in the office of the Register
<br /> � 02 Deeds, Hall Couaty, 27ebruka, �
<br /> ��� ��='� �7 i9is � j .,�
<br /> � � � ,� Prea nt of the Coun 1 . . I a � .
<br /> � / // � a .
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