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<br /> An Addition to the Cit of Grrand Island Piebraska
<br /> The undersigned , Charles 0 . I3osselman �nd F,1izaUeth Bosselman , husband cind wife ,
<br /> hereinafter crzlled the SuUdividers , as ohner3 oi' a tract cf land comprisinQ a part cf
<br /> the Southwest Qnai•ter of the Southeast �uarter ( 5W;5E; ) ot' Section Gne ( 1 ) , `Pownshi.p
<br /> Pleven ( 11 ) North , Hange . Ten (10 ) West of the 6th P . fd. , in tlall County , Nebraska , more
<br /> particuiarly deccribed ac follows :
<br /> ' Beginnin� at n point on the south line of' >aid Secti.on One ( lj , said
<br /> t . point being one hundred seveaty- £ive ( ].75 ) feet west of tlie southeast
<br /> corner of said Southwest Quarter o !' the Southeast c]uarter ( ;kT;�E-,i,-) ;
<br /> f ;' thence northerly pr�ral.lel to the east line of said Souihwest Gluarter
<br /> of the Southeast auarter { SW;�F;) a distance of i'orty- i'ive ( 45 ) ieet ;
<br /> thence defle �ting right 35 ° 12 ' and runnin� norl;heasterly a distance
<br /> of ninety- five and five- tenths ( 95 . 5 ) feet ; thence deflecting left
<br /> 35 ° 12 ' and running _northerly para11e1 to the east line of s� id
<br /> 5outhwest O,uarter of' the Southeast tuarter ( SGl;SF.;; ) a dista..nce of ts�o
<br /> n
<br /> hundred ( 200 ) feet ; thence defleczin�z left 5 ° 09 ` and running north-
<br /> westerly a distance of five hundred fifty- i;wo Gnd twenty- seven hundredths
<br /> ( 552 • 27 ) �eet ; thence deflecting lef't 6 ° 54 ' 20" and running north-
<br /> westerly a distance of one hundred seventy- eight and nine -tenths (178 . 9 )
<br /> feet ; thence deflecting left 90 ° 14 ' 10 " and running southwesterl� a
<br /> distdnce of four hundred eighty-eight and ninety- five hundredths
<br /> (4d8 . 95 ) feet ; chence deflecting left 77 ° 42 ' 30 " and running southerly
<br /> '' para11e1 to the east line oi said Southwest C)uarter of the Southe3st
<br /> ` G,ur3xter ( S414SE,) a distance of nine hundred forty ( 940 ) feet to the
<br /> south line of' said Section One ( 1 ) ; thence easterly a1on� the south
<br /> line of said Sec 'tion One ( 1 ) a d4�tance o£ Five hundred t�n ( 510 ) feet
<br /> �: to the place of' te�innin� , wnd containin;; 12 . 303 acres , more or 1ess ;
<br /> - desire to have subdivid�d as a subdivision the abov� described tract of land outside
<br /> oY th� corporate limits but within t:ao miles oi' th� City oi' Gr�nd Icland , and hereby
<br /> > suUmit to the City Ccuncil of' such C _ty f•or ncceptance a.; provided by 1aw an ur_curate
<br /> r
<br /> , map and p13t oi such nroposed aubdivision knotim as Lossel.man Subdivision , designatin;
<br /> 1'-
<br /> � explicitly the land to be 1� id cut and particul��rl,y describing the 1ots , streets , and
<br /> � easements belongin� to such subdivision , zaith lots designated by numbers , sL��eets by
<br /> i no,mes , and easements by dimensions , ,Lnd propo�e to cause the nlat o+' such snbdivision
<br /> when i'inally anproved by the Reg �onal Flanning Commission and tt:e City Council to be
<br /> - ackno�,rled�ed by such m.rners , certified as to accur. acy of survey b,y a registered land
<br /> , ,
<br /> surveyor , and to cont �4in a dedicct� ion of ctreet � and essements to the use a.nd benefit
<br /> f '
<br /> " of' the gublic . In consideration of' the acr_eptance oi' the plat of' said Bosselman Sub-
<br /> F
<br /> . division , the Suhdividers hereUy consent and agree with the City of Crand Island , I�Iebraska ,
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<br /> that they ai11 install at their �xnense the f'o11o;�ing improvem�nts :
<br /> I
<br /> 1 . Streets . The Subdividers agree to pa�✓e Diers Avenue in ncr_ordance with plans . c� _ .'
<br /> and specifications approved by the City' s Directer o� T�ublic l�Torks , and to cor�mence l �
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