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i� ; <br />�� �..� <br /> � <br />�: � <br />� <br /> ��" U0283k� <br /> n�okrcnct: <br /> — ---- niokTcn<71i LOAN NO. �.��Z,T�fi`�-Y-.—_ <br /> KNOW ALL�IGN UY TIIESG PRF.SGNTS:That i3en Val dez and Emi 1 y Val dez, each i n hi s and hei� own <br /> ` right and as spouse of each other <br /> � �1ortFngat,whcthcr one or murc,in cunsidcration ut thc sum of .� � . . <br /> , For y-one Thausand and N�/1�0-------------------------------------------------- uo�tnits <br /> luaned ro said mortgagor hy Thc liquitable I�uitding and Lusn Associution of Grund Isiand,Nebra�F:u,�iurtgagec,upon 4�� shares of stock of <br /> said ASS(KIATION,Certificate No.L ZZ,�Q� ,do hercby grant,rnncey nnd morigage wiN the said ASS(H'IA7lON qie following <br /> Jescribed real rststr,siluatcd in liull County,Nebrask�: <br /> LOTS TWO (2) AND THREE (3), IN 6LOCK FOUR (4) IN <br /> "VINE HILL" A SUBDIVISION OF TH[ SOUTH HALF (S��) <br /> OF TNE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER <br /> (NWibSE;) OF SECTION TIJENTY (20) IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEN <br /> �-�, <br /> C11) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9), WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M., <br /> HALL COUNTY, PJEBRASkA. <br /> together with all lhe tenements,hrreditamenis and appurien�nces ihercunto bdunging,including utt�ched iloot corerings.all��•inJow screens. <br /> window shadcs,blinds.storm�vinduws,awnings,heating,air conditiuning,and plumbing and aaur cyuipmcnt and acccsso�ics thcrcto,pwnps,stores, � . <br /> m(rige�alors,and uther fixtures�nd equipmrnt nu«•ar liereafter atlached to or used in cunneciimi H�ilh said real es�ate, � . . . <br /> AnS whereas the s:iid mortgagor has agrced und ducs hereby agrce that the nwrtgugur shall and��•ill pay all taxes and uucssmonls Icvicd or � . � <br /> assessed upun said premixs and upun this mortgage and thc bond secwcd thcrebv bclore the same shull becomc dclinyucnt;tu(umish appruvcJ <br /> insurancc upm�the buildings un s�id prcmiscs si�ua�cd in the swn uf 5 41����.�� payablc ro said ASS(H'IA1'ION and lu dclitrr W s�id <br /> ' ASSOCIATION thc policies for saiJ insurancc;snd not lo commit or permit any was�c on or about saiJ prcmiscs; � <br /> In case of default in�he perfurmance u(any uf the terms and cunJitiuns uf this rtwclgage ur Ihe bond secureJ hcieby,d�e morlgagee shall, � <br /> on demand,bc entiticd W immeJiate posscssiun uf tlic mortgaged premises and thc murlgagvr IICfCII)' ;1551(;IIS. [I8115�1`R BIIII scts ovcr W the <br /> �nungagee all the rents,revrnucs and incumo lo be�crived Irum the morlgagcJ p�emises Jwing such lime us the muriguge indebte�ness shall nniain ; �. <br /> v '. unpaid:anJ thc morlgagrd sh�ll havc lhc power to appoini nny agrnt ur agents it may desirc Ibr the putposc uf«pai�ing said premises and�enting . . � <br /> : the same and collecting thc rcnts,revenues and income,anJ it may puy uut of said incumc �II exprnscs uf cepairing said p�emises und necessa[y � � � � <br /> commiuions and expenses incurred in centing nnd manaqing Ihc same and o(cullecling rentals theref'rotu; the balance remaii�ing,il'anY,tu bc <br /> applied tow:ud the discho�ge o(saiJ mortgage.indebiedness:thesc righ�s uf the nwngagee may be exerciud�t any time dunng the eaistena oC such <br /> r `. default,irrcspective uf any temporazy waive�of the same. <br /> These Prescnts,hoH•ever,arc upun the Cundition,That iI�the said pio�lgagur shall iepay said lu:�n im ur bcl'orc Ihe maturity of said sliatcs by . . <br /> payment:pay monihly to said ASSOCIA7'ION of thc suin spcciticd in Ihe ISUI1lI Sl'f111C1I Ill'fCI1�'JS Illll'(C1l:IIIJ�7f101'I�)0I OII l:IIII I0811.UII Uf�A'�Ufl` <br /> �he T��'cuticth day of cach and cvcp'IOUIIUI.Wihl 581�IO�II IS�IIII}'r�III:N8Y JII liRCS 811tI:IS5C111111`IIIS Il'17l'1I9�;:11I1S1 SJII�rfl`OIISCS 8111I VII IIIIS nlU�l�;BkC � <br /> {�: ' anJ Uie Bund secured thereby,bcl'orc delinyuency;furnish appioved insurance upon the buildings thrreun in�he smn ui 5 41����•�� paq:iblu . <br /> �0 1311I ASSOCIATION:fCvBY 10 S]Il�ASSOCIAIION ll(f0(1 lICt118111I JII IOOIiI`V f)1'11�1811I Wf fIICII 18XC3�asscs�inents anJ instuancz�eith intcrcsi al � . <br /> 7 � llll'iI7:IXII71l1filll'KJIfOlClllCfl'Ulllll)II7lIJll'UIrB}'i11CIll'AIIU�\\'Illl'I1�I(1f1k8�:Uflll•fC�Iy:IFII'C1111�1:1y:��CfII11lIlU1YJ)Il'UII]fl�ll�)(CII1151'S�{:fC�18i1�1U111�7�), <br /> with all the agrcetnems and cundi�iuns oi the Bund fur 5 41����.��Ihis Jay gi�en b� �he a�id�tortgagur tu said ASSOCIA'fION,;md cum�±ly <br /> a, ; ��•idi all the iequirements uf Uic Conriilutiun and By.La���s nf said ASS(x'IA'fIUN:�hen these presems shall bccume null und��oiJ,uihenrix thcy <br /> +; � shall rem�in in full tiirce and may bc fureclo�cd al thc optiuu of�hc»id ASS(Klr\'I�ION a(tcr I'ailwc lor lhrcc muntla to m;ikc any ul said � <br /> paymcnts��r bc tl�rec muulhs in urrcai�in makiug said monlhly paymcn�s,o�tu kecp and l'UItl�1Iy'KIIII IIII'tl�'fCl'llll'ill5 8111I lUI1lIlIlUIU UI S:IItI IIUII�. <br /> �Il(I n�Jf�FAgUf JFICtS W ICIVI'e ICCI'1\'L'f J�l�)Ulllll'lI�UIIIIR'11I1 IIl SUl'II(l1ICl'IUSIIIC p�ucccJings. . <br /> i If�hcre is any cl�ange in uwncrship uf thc real esta�c mungageJ I�crein,by s�le ur odieraise.Umn lhc cntire�cmaining indebteJness heicby <br /> sccured shall,at Ihc uption uf Thc liyuitablc I)UIIlI1fIK;1(11I LO�II ASSUI'1811UI1 UI GfJI1lI ISI811lI.Nl'�f83IC8��Cl'UIIIP IIIIIIRlIl81l`I)'IIUL'eI1lI�):Iy'9�IC N9IIlUUI <br /> � �U(��ICf IlUlil'l'�llll�l�ll•:1I11�Ufll ICIIIJIIIIII�j{�UC unJcr said bund,an�any UIIICf bUflll�Uf:IIIV:IIIIIIlIUi19I�lI\'JIItC5I17�1IC lllCffU11lIL'f.3I1JII��fUlil l�ll` <br /> {. �� dale of exercisr of said oplion,I1C�f I11lCIl'SI�l lI1C III�XIIINIII IC�9I f011'�8111I II11S IOUf��;J�C 019y Ihen be furcclused lu�tisly lhe anwunt due un said <br /> C bond�8il(I UII}'OlI1Cf I1001I�O�BII�lI10118�8tIY8111'C5�IUKI`lllCf WIUI 8II SUI715�)dlll U)'$;IIII TI1C Ll�Ilil'JIJIC BUII(III7�llOtl L08I1 A)SUl'I�INO U�GI'JI7lI ISIJIII�, <br /> NCL1f85A8�OI IIISUIBIII'f�10%CYB�IlI0SSP5Sllll`IIIS.�IIlI8I1tiIf9l'llil(�l'Xll'1151UI11'Il'JIE`,CS.WIIII Illl�ll`S� I�ICi('Uil� �fUlll l�BIC U� �:1)'17ICI1I �l l�ll`I118rII1111i11 <br /> �2�8�fdll'. <br /> As p�oviJed in thc Hund secured hcreby,while this nwrtgugc remaius in CIICI'I IIIC Il1Uf1�':Ihl'C IIIBY Ill'IOd�ICf�1I1'0fllr 8�1I1(IUI18I SIIIIIS IU IIIC <br /> makcrs ol'saiJ Bond,lheir assigns or suttessurs in inlcresi.which smns shall bc within tl�c sccmily ol lhis mui�gagc�hc S:IIOI•US QIf�11111Ib Uf1�;1118IIY <br /> ucured Ihc�eby.thc total amount of principul dcbt not to cxcccd at any iimr Ihc o�iginal amuunt uf this nwrigagc. <br /> _ Dared ihis 24 h d�y u�' hlay ,�.��..�`�7g I <br /> .. .�.... <br /> �� "' `_s� I <br /> en a ez ------- T iitily�11a`T�e��'" - - --. <br /> � � , <br /> ---------------- ----- I <br /> Q � <br /> .:aSTATC OF NElIRASKA,�ss. On this <br /> CAUNTY OP HALt 24th daY of May I!� ]( ,bcfwc mr, <br /> thc unJcrei ne - � <br /> Qen Val dez and Emi 1y Val dez, each i n hi s and her own�ri gI t'and`���"�"a"������'�"��°"�,�y,i��•�5�����u>�`;��»` <br /> •F � <br /> dS Sp0U52 of each other, ��ho dr� pcuunallyknownW ; <br /> ( me to be Ihc iJenlical petwn 5 whosc��mnc S e(II%ClI lU UIC JI)0\'C IllSlfuill xs murlgagu� S anJ t`l�y sc��crnlly tl� <br /> � :_ <br /> acknowledgad the snid InsvumcN lo bc thei r vuluntmy acl and decd. �r+: ��� <br />' _�YL].j`l�SS,tIIY I18IllI 8I71I NDI'Jf10I SCllI(IIC 1I81t J(OICl:i11I. /� � �/ <br /> r � cr��Ear�rinrnh�r ' <br />�' �� �ti w.��j rddfMtfsi n expires G-� ��,�� <br /> , �`1� <br /> � � :x �� r ,,.i.,;. --- -- — ---- ___ ____ __ <br /> v� '_ � �7.+ �"�l 7 ` � \� f'ulilic ` <br />�y 373-_'.'?7f2 """""'" _ ...,Y.j f� � � <br /> `� � L_ � <br />',`� <br /> '4 <br /> f <br /> � <br /> I <br />