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<br /> MORTGAGE-3avlage and I.onn Form--(Dlract Cradlt Plm) 2552 (SpedaU
<br /> � N� µ � MORTGAGE
<br /> 76- 0 U�fi�.�
<br /> Lo�No
<br /> �.: I THIS.INDETT[URE.mada Ihi. 261'fl ,�„Y o� ��By .19��byandbetweec � ��
<br /> ROBERT L. VOKOUN AND JOLEN[ K. VOKOUN, husband and wife, each in hi<_ and her own
<br /> 3 right and as spouse of the other
<br /> � � oL He l I County,Nebraska,au modgagor 5 aad Home Faderal Savtaqe and Loan Amoclatton of Grand Ieland, �
<br /> u crorporatlon oxgantzed aad eaietl¢q unde�ihe law� of Nehraaka w11h!te p[(adpal oUke and place o1 bunlneea al Grand lel�d.Nehm�ko,
<br /> � m mo�lqagea;
<br /> WITNES3ETH: That eaid mongagor S,tor aud ln eoneldaratlon ol tha eum of_
<br /> ', ' THIRTY-ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND NO/100 ------------------ no��ara �s 31,200.00 �
<br /> � the�recelpt of whlch le heroby aclmowledged,do—by theee preeonte mortgago and warrant unto eald moctqagea, ita euocennora aad �� �
<br /> aenlqne,torever,all the tollowiag dancribed real eatate,altuated!n t6e county ol H���
<br /> and State ot Nebraeka,tawiL• � �
<br /> t
<br /> OF LOTS 280, 281 and 282 IfJ ��lEST LAI��N Ifd THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA
<br /> ,, ._ �'
<br /> a ' � �£
<br /> ��
<br /> t ��
<br /> � ��
<br /> � ff
<br /> j� ioqe�2:er with a]l beatlng, Ilghtiug, and plumhtng oqufpment and lizturoe,includinq etokem aud bumen,saeene,awnlaqs,etorm windowe $
<br /> 1 and doore,and wiadnw ehadea or blinde,used on or in rnnnection wi�h naid properry,whether the wme are now located on eald property $
<br /> - ; on c�redter placed thareon. 3$
<br /> fi�-� � TO HAVE AND YO HOLD 7fiE SA2+IE,together wltn all aad einqular the tenemoata,horedSl�enta and appurtea�ces thoreualo beloaq- jt ��
<br /> � iug,or in aaywise appertainiaq,lorever,and wacrant the litle b lhe eame. Said mortqagoc�_hereby wvenan�with sald morigaqee �S
<br /> � �yQ�_��o� a re Q��Q delivery heraaL lhe]awtul ownet-of the premleoe abovo coaveyad mid doxribed,aad a re ��
<br /> . f seized o!a qood and indeleaaiblo eetale ol in6erllance lheiain,lreo and clear ol all encumbraaces,and lhat t ho�will wart�t m�d $
<br /> j delaad iho title the:ato fa[ever against the daime md demaade of all persone whomaoavec t
<br /> j S
<br /> � PAOVIDED ALWAYS. and this instrument is executed and dellveved to eecuro the pagmeut of tho eum ot j � �
<br /> TH I RTY-ONE THOUSAND TWO HUIJDRED AhlD NO/I 00 - -nollare (5 31�?.00.00 �, �
<br /> ': wifh Intereat the[oon,toqelher with euch cha�gee and advances m may 6e due and payable to eaid mortgagee under the terma �d f
<br /> t condl�ons o! tho $
<br /> '� S pcovfnsory aote of eve❑ dato herewith aad oecured he�eby,ezecutod by eaid modgagor—to said moctgaqee,payabin S
<br /> � � # an ezp�eaaod ia aaid notn,and to eecuze the performance o!all the terme and coadiHona coulai¢ed fhaieln. Tha terma ot aaid aote are
<br /> t� hereby Iamrpoiatad heieia by thie retecence. �
<br /> $ti It Se the(ntenlioa and agreement of 1he parties hereto that this mortgage ehall alao eacuro any tuture advancea mada to eaid
<br /> t: �. � morlgagor 5 by eald mortgagee,and anp and all indobtedneea In additloa to lhe amouat above etalad w}ilch naid moAgaqoc�. o: any
<br /> ot Iheea may awe to eaid mortgagae,howavai avideacod whether hy nota,book accaunt oc otherwlse. Th[e morigage ahall romain In fu11
<br /> tocce and elfect betwoen the parHee he[uto and their heSn,pereoml repieeenlativee, eucceeaoie and anaigne, unti! all amounU eecuced
<br /> � � hoieuuder,iacludiag luhuo advaacoe,ara paid ia full wlth interenL
<br /> .- �� The mortgagor S hereby asniqa_to eaid mortqaqeo all reate and incame ariniaq at anp aad all tlnea Irom eaid proparty and
<br /> hereby aulhorl:o aald mortgagoa or ita ageat,at its optlon,upoa dolaulL!o take cha:qe ot aaid property and mllect all renu and iacoma +
<br /> theref�om and apply lho aamo lo tha paymen!ol Intoroet principal,ineu:aaca premlume,tazea,amemmenb,repaire or imp:ovemeoh aecee•
<br /> �+ aary to keep eafd pcoparty in tenaatahio mndifion,or to o�her cha:qee oz paymenU provtdod lor hereia or ia the aote heroby eecured. 7tde
<br /> $S ven!analgnment nhaU coatiaue In to:ce uaW the unpaid balmce ot eaid noto[s[ully pald The taking ot poeseeaion horeunder ahall 1n ao
<br /> fj mvmer pcevent or retard edd mongagee 1n tha wllectloa ot wid eumn by forvcloe�ue or olherwieo.
<br /> $' 7ho lailuta oi the mortgageo to aaeert.aay ot tb righte hereundor at anq timo ehall not be coaetrued aa a waiver o1 ltn r(ghl to auert
<br /> � . $� Iha samo al any la�e�time,and to inefal upoa and ealorce�tdct mmpliance wit6 all the tvrms and proviniom ot eaid noto and ot this
<br /> 3 mortgaqa �
<br /> $ II eaid moctqaqor-5_eLvll cauee to be paid to eaid mortqagee the enHre amount due it heieunder,aad under�he laime aad provtelon�
<br /> $2 ot nald aote ho[ehy eecuced.Includtng lutusa advmcee,and any ezten�ione or ianewals Ihereo! Ia accoidanee �vlth the talms and provialoat
<br /> y{� the:ool,aad lt aaid mortqaqor `_ ehall wmply with all ths provletens o!wfd aote and ol tEle mortqaqe,thon�hese preseav ehall be vofd;
<br /> �� +S olhenviee to remmn In tull fozce�d etloct,�d�ald moitqaqes�hall be enUtled lo tha poues�ioa ot all of said proportp.and may,at IU �
<br /> �� $± op�lon,dadare�ho whole ol wid note md all ladebtednees repm�aated thereby lo be Immadlately dua and payabie,and may foredoee thia v{
<br /> � morlgaqe or take aay other legal aMlon ta ptoleat Its right and!rom ihe date ol�ucli delault dl ltems of indebtadacu secuwd Lozeby
<br /> S ehull dr¢M Interoat at�I�c�aum, pppraleameat wdved � ,
<br /> 3
<br /> Thie mortgaqe aEali be bindfaq upon nad�hall�aura lo Ihe b�nelll o!Ihe hefr�,e:ecutore,admlNatrator�.�ucreeaora and aaetqns d N
<br /> h
<br /> �ho reeyecttva partiei Leieto. � �
<br /> � � IN WITNESS WFiEREOF, w1d Moriqaqvr 5 ha�rP hsieuclo �et th!-?I� hand�tha day and year firet abore � n
<br /> S� wrfllen. � .
<br />� �f � � `� � � I �
<br /> <� ���/� � ., , . i ,4, , 'uj .
<br /> Robert L. Vokoun � Jdlene K. Vokoun
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