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<br />�L �
<br />� �afx.
<br />� � �
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<br />� 76- �� n � s� 1. 7
<br /> 'I'17I's MOR7'GAGOI2 I�UR'C1II:R COVI:NAN7:5 AND AG12I's13S :
<br /> '1'hnl. lhe Mnrltia�;ur �vill poy lhe indubfrdnes.. as herr•inhrfurr procidrd. , . �
<br /> � �.. •1'hut the MortgaKnr iti � hr uwn��r uf �t�id prnprrty in (ce simplu and has {;nr,d ri�ht and I��w(ul :mihnritY in srll :md .
<br /> � cunvev ihe same aud Ih:�t � he vurne i. free imd clr�v nf m�y lirn nr en�•tunLranci�: and Ihnl �1urt�;nt:or �vill werranl .ind Jr(��ud thr . �. .
<br /> �� tiUi� tu said premitir. r��;ninst thr dnims o( ;dl prr.<nns whmncnerrr. � . . . .
<br /> 'I'o p��y imruc•dintely H�h��n due �md payahlr nll �;rnrral tnxes. 4pecial tnx��s, special asse,srn��nfs. wnirr ch�irt;es, �;�e�v�•r srrv- .
<br /> ia• rt�nrg<�s, rmd olher tr�xex nnd chnrges ng+�inGl sairl proporty. and idl taxrs luvird nn the drbt securod herebY. m�d tu [urnish Ih�� . .
<br /> � MorqCngee, upon reyuea�, wilh lhe origin:d ctt duplicntc reccipls lhi�ndor. T'he hlortgagnr a�:r���rs Ihut l6ore shnll b�� added lu - .
<br /> � ' rach mnnthly payment ri•quired hernunder ur w�der thc evidonce ut debt secured hi�r�•by �n amouut eslimafrd hy th�• A1nrtF.+g��c �
<br /> '� to he• su(licient to enable lhr n1nrlRa�;ce tu puy. �s they brivrnr due. .�II laae.s. a+sozsmen4s. rmd similar charF�rs upon !hr prenr
<br /> ise•s �ubjeet. lhrretn; .iny deficii�ne•.�� b�•cew.e a( lhr imuliicirne�• nf sucl� ��dditional puymenls sh:dl L�� fortti�cith drp��sit��d hy ll��• �
<br /> � hlurigri„nr ���ith the Mur(gugee upun drnumd Ly tlu� Alnrltiager. Any drfaull undur thi:: pnrr�ttrnph sh:dl bo drvnu•d :� drfault in .
<br /> paymnnt of lnxrs, nssrvsrnents, ur similnr char��•s requirod hi•rrundrr. .
<br /> . ' 'I'he Morlk�igur agmrv th:it tlirrr sL�dl nl,o br addrd fu rnrh monthly p�iymi•nt o( principal �ind intrrrs� n•quirrd hero- � �
<br /> undi�r nm m�ount rvlimetrd by Ihr �Inrfga;;�•c tu ho su(tici��nt tn rnaLir tha �inrt�;nCvr• tn pny. �is it brrom�•s dw�. thr insurancr .
<br /> ', pn•mium un anV insurnnro pulicy drlicrrrd In th�• 41orq;a;;ri�. Any dc�ici��ncc hoc:ws�� of th��� insulticirn�•p ul ;nrh aJdifinn:d Vay' .
<br /> monl; sh+all be (urlhwilh drpu;ifod by iL�• �i��ri �a�;ur ���ith th�• A9 ��rtrngee upuu drmnn�l by thr 91orl�a�;er. eAny dolnul � undrr 16is .
<br /> ,' pnraRrrip6 ,hall bc dre�nrd a drfaull in th�• µ�ym�•nt u( insurann• pn�miwns. 1 [ th�� pi�liry� nr p��lirirs d��pu;ii �•d :a�� aurl� :u hoinr� . �
<br /> o�vnrr.a nr ;ill risk puliriri. ;md thr drposi�� :v�• in<ultii•irn� �n p:p' thr cnlim prrmiwn. Ihr \1ur� e;�Rrr nr,i�� :ipp1Y (hr d��pusil tn . .
<br /> pay prrmiums nn riskc u�quirrd In hi� iuwrrd by Ihi.s mnrl �:a;;r. � .
<br /> � Nupmon�s made by t6r 11urt�ngur uudrr Ihe ;i6uv�� para�r;iphs ma�'. at thr uptinn u( fho �lurlqa�;rv, br lir�d h}� i� :uid
<br /> . rumminplyd �t�ilh olhi�r such fwids nr its o�en [unJs Inr Ilu� p:iy�ni•ul ���( surh itrnis. ;�nd until .n :qqiliwl. =uch p:rvrncnt: ;irr hrmLc . �
<br /> �. plcd�cd :u �crurih' (��r fhe unp�tid biil:mrr uf thr inuri4atir ind�� 6frrin��ss. � .
<br /> .�� � '� . 7'u procure. d�•liver lo. nnd mninlnin fur th�• Lrni�lit of Ihe Vnrt„agco durin�; th�• lil�� uf fhiti murl;;aci� oriy;inal pulicii�s :�r.d .
<br /> r<•nowllls �henr�(. drli��i•rrd al Irasl �en dny. bidum ihr r�pira� iun u( :ury such pnlicivn, insuriit;: a;;ainst (irr and uth��r msurable .
<br /> ' � hnzarrls. casunitie:. �ind cuNin�;enciev a� thr :�inrt„;i„ci� muy rrquin•. in :m nn�nunt rqu:d tu thr indi�htednrss s��curcd h�� t6iti .
<br /> �� � �'lurlgng�•, nnd in cumpimics �iccepiablc tu : 6i• !�1ur[L'+��c��, with luss payablc rinu,i� in 1':n�ur of and in (orm :�cc��pLihl�• lu �hr \Inrt�n- � �
<br /> �' . gi�e In thr rvrnt �mt� puliry i, nnt roneH�od on ur befor�� irn dars u[ i(, i•spir:diun. Ihr blurt;::�ge�• mlry Prucuri• insuranco an tlu• .
<br /> � � �. imProvements, p,iy the premium th��re(oe :wd such .um ,Ir,d ! 6i�c:mir immedinlriy dur and payabl�� uiih inl��rrsf at th�• ril�� ::�•t
<br /> r- ' (urlh in sai!I noL• until pnid and shsll Lr s��cured bp Ihi= i.^.n:;;t:i��•. Fai6irr on Ihc par� u[ thc �1orlg:�„or f�� furnish vuvh rrnr�v.iL= .
<br /> . :s .vc Lrn•i�� rryuin•d nr Liilurc tu pnc any �um: ndvanr��d hrreundc�r tihnll. :rt thr• uption u( th�• \Inrt���r��r, c��n,tiiut�� �i drfault
<br /> . tmder Ihe trrm� of lhi; umrt �;+�o. '1'h�� d��licer}• n( such pulicier shnll . in ihr• rvrnt nf daL•wIL cunstitu �r :�n :�.:iF;nnu•nt nf tiu• un- . .
<br /> ��,yrned prrmium. �
<br /> . :� uc sums rrcriard by ihr 11ur��;a;;���• b}� rr:�sun af lo;: nr d:tm;i�r insurr.l :��ains! mac h�• rrtaiurrl h�� thr Jlnr1 ;::4:�,�• . .
<br /> ;md ll�)�1IIP(I �uN'�f�I � I1P �li1V111CI1( o( the d�•bi h�•re6p <��cureJ , ur. <rt ihe uptinn nf Ihr Ainr�t:��:�'�•. •���•h s�nns ritlu�r wh��lly nr in
<br /> ; p:vt muy b�• paid uri•r to thi• Murh.�u�;ur tu Li� iu��d In mpair ,ueh buildin�;s or tn builrl nru• buildin�s in thrir Pl��cr ur (ar :m�• � .
<br /> � nlhi•r purposi• ur nLjrcl. .:dis(aclun� tu Ihe 1f��rr:.�„��c �cithnut :dTrc•iin�; Uio li��n nn thr� �nurty;,i�o fnr fh�• lull :unow� l srrumd h��rc•� �
<br /> by brforr such p:��•ment ra��r touk pinrv. �
<br /> e 'I'u prumptll' mp��ir, roslurr ur n•build ❑ ny huildin;;; nr imprucrnv�nR nuw nr I��vra(l��r nn Ih�• pr�•�nixr> �chni� mny L� •.
<br /> s�
<br /> cnnx• dnm:ti:r<1 ur d�•,voy�vl : I� � k���•p �:iid pn•mi.;��_. in k�n�d rnndlti� �n :� nd mP;�ir �uid lr�•�• Irom ant' nu•chanio's li�•n nr uthrr lirn ur �
<br /> < rinim o[ lirn nul rnPrrs<ly suburJinat�•d tu ihi� li��n licrru(: nu( tu =u�Trr nr p��rnui tm' unl;�u�(ul u<r nf nr auc nui�m�cr 1�� rsf.,t on �
<br /> ` � said ��ruprrh� n��r to �irrrnil u;i.u• un �:iid pn•�ni,rx. unr io di � :uiy i �,lhi•r aet ich�• rrbc th�• properly hrmbv �•��nee���•d sh:ill boc�rtnr
<br /> �` I�.;; v:dua6lr. nor !u dimiui�h ur imp��ir its rduo hr :nrv nrt nr wni..iun t �� ;irC lu i�unqrl �• with :ill rrquiminrnL< uf L��e wiih r•:p��rt .
<br /> �u thr mnriR.�F�•d I�mmi>r. nu�l � lie u=r f6��re� d .
<br /> �:� "I'hul shuuld thi• pri•mi�c. nr nn}� p:ir! 16rn�nl br I :�I:rn ur d�una;;rJ 6y rrason nt imy' pubGr impru��rm��nt ur cnndi�mnntiun
<br /> ( procredinK. ur w�dre thc ripht nf cinin��nt d��main, nr in any ulher m:innrr. flu� 1lnrtra�;ei� sh+dl b�� rnliU�•d ln nll rump��n:nU��ns.
<br /> . y, awtitdv, i�n<1 nny nthi•r p;iy�u��nt ur n�li��f tlu�rrfur. nnd ..h�ill br cnliN�•d. :i[ i1= optiun, to cummrnre. c�ppi�;ir in and pruziv�utr in it� �
<br /> f own numu :m�� ncliun or Draci•rdin�;. ��r tn m:�Le uuc a �mprnmisr ur sottl��mrnt in connretiun wilh ;ueh �akiu;; ��r domug��. All +uch
<br /> ' � eurnPensalion. :nvurds, d�unngr., ri;;hf uf nrtinu :uid prucerds an, hervb�� �usiFnrd tu thr 1lurtgn�;er. ���hn m;iy. aft��r drduclinF
<br /> t
<br /> �
<br /> . ( 6ere[rum ;dl il. rxPens�•s. rrlra,r :�m� munrp: �u n�criw�J L�' il � � r u�iply th�• .r7im�� on ,�n}' indrhlydnr« .ecun�d h�vehr. 'fh�• Alari -
<br /> 2. � {;agnr :��;rres tu rxrcutr -ui�h (urlL��r n-=i�;nmruh of nn�� rnmpi•nanfion. mcard>, damu�;es. und nghLs nl ar� inn :md prurri�d : a: thr
<br /> i. � �lurl{;n,qi•r may rrquirr.
<br /> :
<br /> y _
<br /> ". 7'hnt in cnsc n[ failure �o prrfurm :iny uf th� arvcr.��uls hcrcin, lhc A�fort�;agcu may du on the A-forl�;agor's l�halt crery-
<br /> �� � fhin�: vo coven.mted; lhut thr binrtgagee m.ry nlsu do any act it m:�y dM�m necessary tu protec6 ihe Iien thereof; thnt �lie �turt-
<br /> t . ::ngor �rill repuy upnn demnnd :my mnncys ptiid or disbur:+ed by thc Dfnrlgagcr for uny eif thc t�bo���• purpchee, mid vuch muney�
<br /> . tngether with intrrr.st Ihrrron nl thc rnte pruvided in vaid note shnll bea�mc� sn much uddilionul indeb��vines; Lerrby secured and
<br /> ` � may be iucluded in any decree fumclosing this mortgxge und be paicl uut of the rents or proard5 of sale uf said pr��mises if nut
<br /> �. � nlhrn��ise paid: nnd ihnt \dortga�;ce shall not inrur ;my personnl Ii;aLilily lxe;iuse• of any�thing it mny dn nr nmit tn do herrnnder.
<br /> � In Ihe �•vrul u( thr di�fsull tr�' yur� Kngur in thr paytnont uf nny inslallmrnt . as requir��d 6�� � h�• �nti� .�•ruri�d hon•Ly. ur
<br /> �' in t6r pvrfnrrn:mce u( lho n6li�ation iu fliiv ��i��rtti:igi• ur in lhi• nut�• s��cumd thrn•Iry. t6r At � �rt;;ap��r <hall hr rnliNuJ lu drel��m thr
<br /> � di•bt necurrrd hon•b�� dur :md pavablr wilh�,ut nuticr, and � hc A-lur� ,:a�;ri� sh�dl bi• �•n � itl�-d ;rt its n��iiun, witLuul nnfi�•��. rilhi•r hv il.idC
<br /> �, ur by �� nceicer to L�• appninted by � Lr cuurf th�•nv�F, and wi� huut mpard lu th�• ndeyuncy � �( an}' �rrurlty !ur thr indoblydnr?< u•-
<br /> � ' cured h�•reby. in enter upun aud tnke pussr;ziun uF the mnrt�;ngrd prrmi�rs. und lu cnllert and rr�•ricr t }�r rrnis. ic;w', nnd profitv
<br /> _ ihercuf. and 1f�1�lIV �IIP tilfllP. IPSS cox�s uI uperatiun nnd rullcclinn. upun Ih�• ind��Lt�•dnres accumd hy� this mun �agr: ;:iid rrnlc.
<br /> . i>surs nnd prnfits Ix•inR hrmby a,cil;nod fo Ihr Alnrf�:a�;ro �u furfhcr .��curily (or iho pn9nu�nt n( nll indi•Lir�dne�:s �r��nnyl hrrehy.
<br /> Thr Alorl�agr�� sh:ill L��vi• thr p�nvrr �u appuint any a�ent nr a�;rut. il may desire (�ir � hr purpu:r of rrp:iirin�; s:�id pr�•m - -
<br /> � iu�n: rentin;; lhr s�mm: rullectin�; Ihr mnl.. mvrnui�c ;uid int�� �mr. nwl it �mfy �my ui�t n( s;�id inronu� ali rxPrn.��., inivrrvvl in rent- ._.. � ,
<br /> x � ing and manaUing lhe vame ;md uf culli�clin}; lhr rrnl;ils lheri•Rom. "I'hi• L:d;mci• n•m+�ining. i( :my. sh:dl hr appli�•d tu,n�ard lhe �
<br /> . dischnr�:r of thc mnrlF.��;i� indrldFdnr•.s. 9'his ift�ignmi�nt is In lrrmin:nr ;ind Ix•cnmr null :ind cnid upnn r�•I��:i.�• n( ihi. mi �rl�:i�i�. � . �� � �
<br /> � -.
<br /> � "I'he �1arlKagi�c m:p' cull�rt �t "I:dc chnr��•' nol tu rr.crod hi ;�• ('i•nL= I :i�. l (ur rscii dull.ir IjL(H) 1 uf rarh lulni nnmlhlv � � ,
<br /> � �aymrnl m� �ro than Ifi d:�v. in :irn•nr, In un ��r Ihr �•� In ��sp, n.�� im•� Ivrd in handlinc drlinqui�nt ncrnunf.. � �, �
<br /> � r, ,
<br /> :111 pnyments rmide und��r tLr pruvi,iuns u! t6i, mortg;�;;�• ur th�• nu�r lu� mbv ,�•cumd. �chirh m;rv h�, run,trw•d a. inh�re,t . � �_ � . � . .
<br />. �R , <hall nn� . in l6o aggreKat�• uc�•r Iho �rrm Ih�•r��nf. c•xe�����d ihr rn� r Ih:�t ciny no��� ho In �efiillp i���n� rnclyd fnr in �eritin�;. 4P,i . :
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