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<br /> lt. is further agree.d lhat in cnse nny suit iu beRun to f��rt�:close Ihis mortgugv, the nlod{:nGee, ils represenluti�'es or ttssigns. : .
<br /> ahidl nt ance be enlitled lo the possossion o! ntiid premises, nnd upon applicntion therefor, the court in wl�ich such iir. tivaxhnll � � .
<br /> � i�e brouqht or �any judge of such en�rt, oilhrr in fenn time or eucntion, is herrby nuthuriuK3 tn �ppoint it receiver lo take possc+• , � � � � �
<br /> i ��. sion� of said premises, or to cnUect tho rente Qicrefrom, nnd tu do and perfonn Fuch other xcts as rrury be r�s�uired hy the nrder �
<br /> ��., f o[ ihe eoud muking the eppointmeN.; tmd :jaid Aiortgngor. hemhy waives nnY notice n! such np�>lirntion. nnd conv�•nta tn ihe �3p. . . .
<br /> pniniment uf n receiver upon the praluc.tian nf Ihis marlKage, without other rvidenca
<br /> ' �� � The� MortFaFee ahall be suUruguled fu i�ll uf the rights, priviteges, priorities, und equities of any lienholder whose lien m�y . �
<br /> . .:, ! , � . . . . .
<br /> huve been discherged Irnm the pr�xrrds of lhis loan, or by nny [unds herrby paid ar turnished by thr. Mnr(gngee.
<br /> ' .� � � 1T IS �:CPR�SSLY AGRIiED thaf it the Mortgagor ahu(1 sell, convrY nr nliesate �:�id propertS, or any � p��rt themot, � . � � -
<br /> � � m� nny interest tl�erein, or shnll be divested of his title or any interrst therein in imy munner or way, whethrr vulunfnrily oc ' �
<br /> -e invaluntarily, without writtrn consent nf the hfortg�gec being first hnd nnd obtainecl, Martgager ahtill have LF�e right, nt ite option, � � �
<br /> ' �.j � to declare nny indebteKlness or ohligr�tinns xccuri�rl hereby, iauspertive of the mnturity dnte specified in nny note �•videncing the � � .
<br /> eame, immedintely due and payuble witl�out nolice, nnd s.vd debt Ehall thercu�wn become :�inolute. I[ the ownenhip o[ the mort-
<br /> , �i � � guged property becromes vesicd in a perx�n ulher thnn the A4ortqagor, ihe biort;;:igee may. �vithout nolice tn the hSurtgaK��. deal . � . �.�
<br /> -�� �. ; � with such successor or succesu�rs in interest with re[ere�ice to thie murigaqe and the debt hereby sreumd as witli the hiortoegor, � � � �
<br /> ! nnd mey forbear to sue or muy extend time for the peyment o( thc debt l�emhy tii�cured �+ ithout discharging or in any way atfecting
<br /> thc liahility of the origin:il IDlortgngor hereuuder or u���n thc d�rbt acvurcd. � . � � � � �
<br /> Iu this instrument. the sinFulnr iucludea lhe plural and the masculine includes the teminine nnd thu nruter nnd this in- �� . � � � '
<br /> slrumNnt yhall Ix� hinding upmi the undersigned, his lu•irs. personal repn�entafives, Succ<�=�or and assi�ns. ' -
<br /> ��.: � i � . , .. . . .
<br /> ��.. � IN R'ITNGSS L\`HERP:OF, we hnve hereunto set nur hands and se,d. ihe day nnd }�rar fint abrn•r written. . . . � .
<br /> y:�� �i In the presennt of: . . .
<br /> ,
<br /> ,
<br /> � _���J �� o� _._ __ _ _ . .__ _ _...
<br /> ` ' Donald J . Ne� son
<br /> t ,:/.JC '1L�..... C, � .. ..,..��.('�n�'.J ._... . . .. ._ . ....__ .. .
<br /> __..._
<br /> l 't
<br /> Lona E . Idelson
<br /> ,> �
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<br /> ^. t
<br /> , ��
<br /> i H211_.. .._..... _Counly, i _
<br /> ��� Oii this . . ''�S__._.. doy of . �'"'L._ . . _. . .. .. .. 19_76. txfore me. the undenignid. a Notnry Pu61ic, in and for said � . . .
<br /> �
<br /> ��� County, persunally came... L.OIIfl�d J . IZelson and Lona F . Irelson , husoand and Frife �, � �
<br /> _ . . . .. . ._ .. . _ _ . .. _ . _ . _ _ . . . __ _ _.... . . . . .... ._ ._ . . . ._
<br /> Exrooally known to me to be the idenlical persons whuu� names are nIIiseri to the ai���e :md torrgoing irt5trument, as morf6aF�n+. � � � � � �
<br /> and cach neknoH�lcdged sxid instrument to be his or her vohmtary act nnd deeci. �
<br /> � . : �Vitness mv hand and notarinl 5�a1 at_._ .Grand.. Island,_. ITebr�s:sa .- � � . � �
<br /> _ ..... ..._ _ _ . _ .. .. _. . _._ .... ...... _
<br /> the date last aFwre Hritten. ROBERT D. RLACZEK
<br /> �ENERAL NOTARV • State of NeDr. , ' •
<br /> � p1y Commtseion EaPkes / (�-G .
<br /> ' ��' aa NOYEMBER 25 . t97R . . . .._ ._.._ _��.1 � . ��'�"`.y .. ...
<br /> �� . _. _ _ _ ..____. ...._...
<br /> . N�t�ry Publie � �
<br /> �- �1c commission eapires..... . .�� ? s� � y �
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<br /> � s,.
<br /> County _ _. _ _ . _ . .. . _ _ ... . _ . . . , . . . . . . _ _ . . . _ . _ . . I .
<br /> I:ntered on numerical index and filed for record in the Regisier of lleeds Office of said County ihe
<br /> ! _ _ daY of. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . _ ._ _ _ .. _ _ , 19. . _ _ . .. , at _ _ . . . . . . _ _ . . _o'clock nnd. .. . . .. ._ _ _ . . - . minu :es - _ . . . . . . .bi,.
<br /> : ; and recorded in Bool: . ._- .. . _ of \fortga�es at page. . .._ . . . _ _ . . _ . .is Instrument No. _ . . . . . _ . ._ ._ ... . = i x � `'
<br /> �<> ,
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<br /> � By . _ _ Dcputy �T `;:
<br /> _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . _ . � ,
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<br /> P:hen recorded to be returned io the
<br /> F'IKST FEDER.IL 5:� �'INGS .1till L0:1 \' :1S50CIATION OF IdtiCOI,ti `
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