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<br /> MORTCAGE --
<br /> MORTGAGIiLOAN NO. � "•139
<br /> � KNOWALLMENDYT}IGSfPRESHNTS:Thut Alan H. Kuszak and Sheryl A. Kuszak, each in his and
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other, Aturtgagur,whclhcronconnore,InconaidereUonufthosumof
<br /> - ' Sixteen Thousand and No/100------------------------------------------------------- oo►.cni�s
<br /> losned to safd mortgngor by Tiie Bquiteblc Uuilding¢nd Lumi Association ot Crand Island,Ne6raska,�lortgagee,upon �6� sharea of'stock af
<br /> said ASSOClAT10N,CcrUficate Nu,L C2��.i9 ,du he�eby grant,wnvcy ond mortgage unto the sald ASSOCIATION the Collowing
<br /> described roal estetc,situated in IIaU Coanty,Nebraska:
<br /> LOT FOURTEEN (14j IN I3LOCK T4J0 {2) IN
<br /> toseq�er with all the tenements,hereditaments and uppurlenances thcreunto belon�ing,induding attaclied floor cuverings,nll window screens,
<br /> winJow shudes,blinds,sronn winduws,awnings,hea�ing,uir conditioning,and plumbing anJ water equipment yid xcaswries qiereto,pumps,srove:,
<br /> refrigerato�s,and uther fixtures and eqidpment now or hereafter uttnched�o or used in connec�imi with suid real estate.
<br /> And whcreas tha said mortgagu�has agrecd and docs hemby agrce that the mortgagor shuli and wiil pay nll laxes end esusunenls levied o�
<br /> asses:ed upon safd pmmises and upon lhis mmtgege und the bund sccured thereby be(ure tlic sume sl�ull hewme ddinqucnt;to furnish npproveS
<br /> insu�ance upon thc buildings on said premises situated in the swn of� �¢�000.�� payable Io said ASSOCIATION and to dclivtr to saiJ
<br /> ASSOCIATION thc policies for said insumncc;and not tu commit ur permd any waste on or uboat said promises:
<br /> In case of default in�lie pedormance u(any of the torms end conditions of this mu�tgage or the bond ucurcd he�eby,the mortgagce shnll.
<br /> un Jemand,bc entitled tu immcdiete pusussiun of Ihc modgnged premises and the murtgagon c�rcby assigns, transfers and scts ovcr to tlw
<br /> mortgagec atl the rents,cevenucs and income to he JcriveJ f�om the murtgaged premisu during such Nmc ns dm mortgage indehtednes�shall«mau�
<br /> unpaid;and thc morlgagcc sliall have the power tu appoint�ny agent or ugents ii may desirc for ihc pu��se of�epairing said premisos und renting
<br /> the same nnd collecting the rents,revenues and income,and it may pay out ot said income all expenses of rcpairing snid premises nnd necessary
<br /> commissions and oxpenses inwrred'ui renting and manabh�g the same anJ u(collecting mntais thom(rom:the balenee remuin(ng,[f any,tu be
<br /> applied tuw;rd ihe discharge oC said mmt�ge indebtedness;these rights o(the mortgagee m�y be exercised at any tinu during the existencro uf such
<br /> dcfault,irrespectivc o(any temporary waiver o(thc same.
<br /> Thcu Presents,however,ure upon thr Condition,That il'thc said�turtgagor shall�epay said loun un or 6elure tlm msturity ol'said shn�ex by
<br /> F� � � paymenl;pay munthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in the fiond secured here6y as inte�est und principai on s�iJ loan,on ur hefure
<br /> thc TwentiethJay oC cach und rvery month,untit said loan is fully paid;pap aU tuxcs and assessmenls Icri¢d ugainst said pcemises and on this M1tongaga
<br /> and the Bond mcured ihereby,befu[e delinyuency;fumisl�approved insurance upon Ihc buildings thercun in dte sum oC 5 �(����.�� payable
<br /> to said ASSOCiATION;repuy tu said ASSOCIATION upun dctnund all tnuney by it paid fur such tases,assessntents and insurantt with interest at
<br /> the maximwn Iegal rate thcreon from dute u(payment all of which Murlgago�hereby agrers lo pay;permil nu waste un said prctnises;keop and rumply . .
<br /> with all�he agreements and conJitions of the Rond Ibr 5 16�0��.�� this Jay gi�rn by the said Murtgagur to saiJ ASSOCIATION,and cumply
<br /> wi�h all the requiremrn�s of tt�e Constitution nnd lly-L�ws ot suiJ ASSOCIA7'ION;thrn thue presonts sliall 6ecume imil und wiJ,othcra•ix tlicy
<br /> shall remain in full force anJ may bc(urecloud al qic option ol'thc said ASSOCIATION afttt (ailucc for lhrec ntunlhs !u tnnke auy u(said
<br /> payments or be three munlhs in urremx in making said mai�hly p�y�»�ni5,ur w kcep und cumply wi�h the agreemenls and cunditions o(s�id ISuuJ:
<br /> anJ Modgugor agrees tu havo a receiver uppuinlcJ Corthwith in such Coreclosure proccedings.
<br /> If tliere is any change in ownership of thc real cslatc morlgagcd hcrcin,by sale or utl�crwisc,lhen the cntire remaining indcbtedncss hcreby � . � �.
<br /> secured shail,at ihe optiun u(The Equitablc 13uilding�nd Loan Associatiun uf CranJ Islund,Nebraskn,beeume immediatcly due and payablc wilhuul
<br /> further notice,and the;�mount remalning due under said Aund,wid any othrr bond fur any additional ad�vnces mnde theceundcr,shall,(rom the
<br /> datc u(cxcrcise of said uplion,bl'llf IIIlCICS�8l IIIC I718XIIO11111 IC�'ffI f�IC.and this mortguge may�hcn be fureclosed to satisfy the amount duc on soid
<br /> bunJ,and any otlier bond(or addiliunal adveuces,logclhcr witli all sutus puid by sald'(he F:yuitublc Huildiug und Loan Associaliun uf Gtand Islaud.
<br /> Nebmska for insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting extension charges,wilh interest dumun, frum date uf paymeut at ti�c mazimum
<br /> icgal rate,
<br /> . � As pmviJed in the�ond secu�cd hcreby,whilc Ilus mortgagc remains In cffcct thc mortgugee mny harea(tcr advance aJJitiunal sums to ihc . � ��
<br /> makecs of sa�d!iond,lheir assigns ur successurs in inleresl,which sums shall be within the securily of lhis mortgage the same ns tlic fwids uriginally
<br /> ucured thereby,the lolal amuunt uf principal de6l imt to exceed at any time ihe u�iginal amount of this mortgaga
<br /> Datcd this L��t day of pjaY A.D.,l'��
<br /> �C;��.,�e�.�� 1�<t ' �, � c=L ���_�:�1�
<br /> aA1 n H. Kuszak ���t�� Sheryl a. Kuszak ! J
<br /> STATE 0�NEBNASKA, ss. On this `�St d�Y�� May �'7 �� .beturc me,
<br /> COUNTY Of IIALL}' '
<br /> � . ��� Ihe under�igned,u Notary Public in and fur said County,personally tame � ��=.� �"'�!�
<br /> Alan H. Kuszak and Sheryl A. Kuszak, each in his and her own right and as spouse qf each '�' `
<br /> other, Wn� drg ponuna ly knuwn tu � �
<br /> � me to he the IJentical patwn5 whose nameS dp@ affixcd tu the abovc insUutnen asm tgogu�g and they uveruily �
<br /> �cknowledged the said inshumrnt lo be thei r vo1��ntary sct anJ JeeJ. r i �.�„ ` ,`
<br /> WITNESS m hand and Notnrisl Seal the dato afomsald. `� ''�� ��ii
<br /> _._._._AlYS.4iU�io,,,nexpires ,lj ��� �/` �
<br /> A JL��:�F.:�:�?f.lfY.••�p�!ttf!�it�f. � -�, ��/ ,'', '__��',����
<br /> - .� !f�'di .ULS�H Nutary F'ublic i
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