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<br /> 76- Q () � 6 �3 "1
<br /> ' All peyments mude under the ptovieiuns o[ Ihix mortgnge or tlir note hi�reby si�cured, which mUy be ron.rlru��J ns iNen•ei. . . .
<br /> shnll not, in the uggtegnte over Ihe lrrn� thereot, exceed the rete thnt may nuw be Inwfully contrncted inr in �rriting.
<br /> ' � It is [urlher egmi�cl thul in enae nny euit is Imgw� tn fnreclose t6is murtgage, lhe Nturfgugee, iln mprceentnti��r5 nr usxiqns, � . � �
<br /> nhull at mirn be entitled to the Tx>aveasion ot xnid premises. nnd upuu np�lication lhirrefor, lh�� court in which euch nr,tim� ahnll
<br /> � r lw brought or any judge of nuch rnurt, eithee in term limn or vncaUon, is hereby aulhOrixecl to up�x�int u receiver to Inke �>onx�- �
<br /> sion of said premises, or to collect thc rents there(rom, und to do and pedorni such u(her OCLY U9 mny Le nquired by lhe nn1�•r
<br /> of the court meking the oppoinlment; nnd enid Dlottgaqor hereby wnives ony notice of auch npplicntinn, nnd cun:+rntx to the np• . � � � ��
<br /> pointment ot a rnreiver iq>on thc+ pr�xluction n[ this mortgagc, without othrr ovidena�.
<br /> It is ezpre.ssly ngreed and undcratood thut lho Mortgaqor eh�dl praea�cvl wi(1� the rnnstruction of n huildin� nn xai�l premiacs � � � �
<br /> with all reaeonable dispatch, nnd du� diligence and �hell pay for any nnd ntl exiraa or m�xiilicntiona tbat hr maY make in naid
<br /> ' building. dircr:t to the Mortgaqee to he disUu�sed, togr,ther with the money lounrii nr ndvanaryl by wiid �tnrtHagce in connec(ion
<br /> � � with tf�ie loen. And it is [urther agrewd nnd iuideratiwd tliut i! the rnnslruclinn nf waid building he. +d, miy lime, discontinuevl . . � � �
<br /> or not carried on with reiwonn6le diepnlch in lhe jud�ment of the Mortgngee, thr Mcvtgngi�cr or �in}• holder uf tbe enid note ond
<br /> Morlgngc mny purchnse muterinls nnd employ workmon tu prot��ct �iid 6uilding, xo thnt thc Sume sh�dl nnl uut(er fmm depreda-
<br /> lion or thc weather. or to mmpletn xaid building, so thnt it imiy br used for the purp�nrs (or which il is duxigm�d, undrr Uic said . .
<br /> plana flnd npecifications; Umt ull the sums eo puid, ur expended, ehnll lx� d��emod to {M advunite tu Lhe ;19urtgngor, nnd accured �. � . � �
<br /> . by the enid not�e und mortgage nnd mnp tx: App6ed, nt the option of thr s;iid Murtgngoe, or nny holdrr o( .�id nolc and murtg�igo . � . .
<br /> to nny ndvancea therentter tmtt�ming due Hut in nn evcut yhull the l�9ortgaR« bc linble in nny war to cumPlol� snid building or � � . .
<br /> to pny tor the C0.9t.9 ot amstn�ction 6eyond lhr l3lIYRI1CYt9 0[ thc nrnounta dc�lUq1�MI (Of EfIIII �>II�I)OSCN O� IUOtlP(I II)' �I1P h4orlgngee � . .
<br /> ' for th¢ wnatmction ot lhin building. And it is furlher cxpmaslp uFris�d nnd uudcrxfaxl thnt if thc AfurtFagur shnll [uil to compiefe : � � �
<br /> - 1 xnid Iwilding in eccordnncr witl� the ugreements. hlue printa and sp�rificalio�u filyd in crnm�rtion willi tt�is liwn or xhi�ll neglecl, � � � � �
<br /> (uil ar refu.se to pay (or the cosL4 and expenses in connection iherewith, or shnit lnit in miy n16er of the covenimL4 liurcin set [orlh, � � � . � .
<br /> � then, ut the option oE the Murtqegee or di th�� hulder u[ the notr ��nd murtgu�;e herrin m(erred la, the Atortgligeo mny declnre xnid � �
<br /> �.�,lonn to �• in defnult and the entire amomd lonn�vl ahnll immedintdy h�tinme dur and payuble nnrl 1hr pro�x�rly hercin mforrcd tu � . .
<br /> ' :r shnll be aecurity for nll OI �Ilp 8(IVBIICCB :ill(I ex�xns�w incurred nnd mnde by thr ��Of��;:1�PP 111 CY/IttleCIJOp N9II1 �I11N provieion. . . . � � .
<br /> i j
<br /> �� + Without limiting thr qenerulity o[ the furrgning. ihi� Murlgngir s{mtl have ihe right lo drrlare th��t dcfnult }�av Iw•em m�do � . . .
<br /> and the entire indebteclnrss liereundec to Fm due nnd pnynble nt once upon the h:tppening uf nny nnr uf thr fulL,wiug cnndilionx: . . . . .
<br />:�.: < ;
<br /> " (n) 'I'he filing of nnY lien agninet th� prnperty, �vhcther daimcNi to hn prior to tho first morlgn�;c or vibi�K•t. Iherrtn: � � � ..
<br /> ` " �� ' (b) Thc entty o( nny judtimicnt uqainst lhr Mortgugur; ' � � � . �
<br /> (c) The fuilurc to comply xtrictlq �s�itb xuninr; regulafiuns, thr provi<ions of th�� cit�� 6uildin� cixlr. nr if anq stop nrdcr � � � . . .
<br /> is irsued by public outhorities; . � . .
<br /> t .j (d) AnY mis.statement in the lonn applirnlion: . � : . :
<br /> (el Any mnterinl elinnFe in lhe pluns und spi�cificnlions nul fint npproved in wriling irv ibr Dlorlgngre; _ . � �
<br /> (f1 If work Fx delnyed or xuspended tor u �xrial oi ihirtp ( :i0) dnpa wilhout cauvr udisfaclury fo Ihe Morlgxr.re. or . � � : ..
<br /> shnuld thc Mortgngor fuil to cnusc work {o l�r pr�.vi�cutcd vigorously. � � �� . � � . �
<br /> If thr, ModRogce decluras ihe lonn tu be in defnult undrt nny provinion� nf lhis provision, tho MorlK.�gcr s}�llll Lr unJrr . � � � �
<br /> no oblicntion to ndvunce . uny further moneyv hrreunder rilhnr for pi�ym�•nt u( work �H�rfonned nnd mnlrrialx �drradp furniehcd, nr . . . . . .
<br /> � � "= ihos�r to t�e (urnished later hy the D1ort�;ugor. � � .
<br /> IL is under3tvai and ngr�wKl thnt the hloriguqor e•ill us�� nll ndvancc� mude und�•r this nwr���q:e lu rrrct n building un � � . �
<br /> said promiscx in utt�rrd�ince with lhi• pinns, slxrificnlions imd gi�m•ral n�rmmenlu filnl in rn�uu�ctiun thrrr�eilh. nnd h��mluforo � .
<br /> - npproved by the Mortgngee. � � "
<br /> Il ix understcw�l nnd i�grced thnt nll mi�toriiilv deliv��red upun w�id pr��mises (ur t6�• purpuvi� n( I��•inti inrorpurn�ad iu tho ' � .
<br /> building ehuit bc conxidcred a. pnrt ot t}ii, buildin�:. � � . ' � �
<br /> Mortqng�r ugmi�s tu mnke ndvxnces tmdtrr this lonn fnr lhr construction nf snid buildin�; (rum lim�� lu Umo :�s :u:rerd �. � . . . . .
<br /> � betwmn the partics hemin. � �
<br /> a
<br /> , ' AND IT IS GXPRLSSLY ACRfsLD AND UNllLRS7'OOD thiat uiid ndvnnc•�•x shidl IN• priiJ only wlurn in thr jud�,�nent
<br /> ot thr tvlorlgngee rill wurk uxuulty donu nl lhe atnF� o[ conslruction ���hrn thi• advnntt i� madr puyabli• shnll h�»r Ix•�m dnne in �i �
<br /> ga�d und workmnnlike mnnncr, �nd nll mnterittls nnd lixlums usuully furnish�Yl ;md instnlled at thnt. lime xludl huvo ba•n (ur•
<br /> s�
<br /> niqhed ond instnllnd: but the MurtKngee tnny udvonce pnrts, or lhr wLol�•, ot an�� imat:�llmenls txrfurr lhry 6��i•omr dur. i( Ihe i�1nrL .
<br /> (.'P$CC ftF10I� I)l`IICVP it ndvisNble tu dn eo. nnd nll such advnncrs or p:rytnenLy ::hnll be dcemrd to have txen mede in purnuance ot
<br /> this ¢qrcemen[, nothing, hmrcver, in this ngreement shnll !x cu�iutnud :�s a drlorrnin:�tion nf tho qiuility of lhe wurk. Inbur
<br /> or mnteri¢Is furnishtvl by th�• I�forlga�;or or hmtn�etur and ltm Afocti:n�;�Y• ahnll la� wid��r na duty or ��Lli�;:diuu In mako .
<br /> - xuch determinntion. .
<br /> 'I'he Murtgngec yhnll bc 4UI)fU�;UII'lI IO f1II uf lhi� righls. privilrgiw. priuriliea. �wd rqui�ies u[ m�y lienhuldcr who��• lion miiy .
<br /> � Imve birn diachnrgod from the prceced� of ihix lonn. ur by nny funds hereby paid ur 6vnishe<I by ihr Dtorlgug[r.
<br /> t
<br /> IT IS EXPRES9LY AGREPD thn! i( lhc Mortgagur xhnll xc1l. conviy or i�licrwG� vnid properlv, or imy P:irL lhenrof,
<br /> or nny interest therein, or nhall be divextcc] o( his title nr nnY inierest thercin in any munner ur way, wh��Ihnr rolunt:irily or
<br /> � involunt¢ri]y, without writtcn consent of the Mortgagir Ix�ing firsl hnd nnd �>btnineKl, �fort�;ngci� shnll lun�e thr riY•ht, ��l i4v optiun.
<br /> to declnre nny indebttriness ur oblignlions wecurcel hereby, irrevpertive uf the mnturity d;de s�x�cifii�d in :my nutc rvidencing lhe
<br /> enme, immcdiately due nnd pnynblr. a•ithout notirn, and w�id debt ehall tLeteutx>n Imcome �d�volule. It the nwnerahip o[ the morb
<br /> , 6a6�d P�ix�Y �mee viceted in n �xnon other thim the A:ort �agor. lhc Ttortgiigce nu�y, without noticc to the :�1ortguKoq deul �
<br /> with auch euccessor or su�xeseoro in inlerest with re�(erence k� q�is mortFage nnd the de6t hereby x��<vnsl ay with ihc rt<�rtkngor,
<br /> ' nnd moy forUeur to sue or mny eztend time for the pnymenl ot the debl hcreby nec•urrd without diecl:nr�;in�; or in +my �s•;iy nlTi�cting �
<br /> thc linbility of thc origined MotignKor hereunJ�r or u�x�n the d��bt eecunki, ' �
<br /> -^ � � r <;
<br /> : In fhix inelrument lhe xingulnr includes th�t plural :md Ihe musculine includes lhe feminiue nn<I tfio nru�nr smd Ihin in � � �.� �'.
<br /> 4trumrnt efmll � hinding upon !he undersigned. I�is hi•irs. Ix�rw�nal represenlelives. nucttwvorn nnd o�wi�;nv. .� - � N � '?r.'.i' . .
<br /> � � IN WITNESS WFIF.REOF, we hnve hereunto cel uur hnnds nnd ximl, the diiy nnd yi�:�r firsl alx�vr �rritlrn. � [C
<br /> � p f �
<br /> Tn lhe resence of: ' �
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