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� <br />�: ; ,;- <br />� . <br />� � � <br /> ��- ° o � s � s <br /> TIiG MORTGAGOR FDRTHF.I2 (70VF.NANTS AND AGREES: <br /> ��, '1'hut the Morlgngor will pc�y lhe indebtedness :�s hi•reinl�dorc prnvidrd. . . . . <br /> Thnt the � Motlgngur is ihe ownor o[ suid prnp��rly in fe�� simpie iintl hfts �;nexl right nnd liawlnl authority to sell and � . <br /> rnnvev the snme nnd that ihe aume is free mid cl��ar of uny lien or eni�umbrmice: and thnt \inriR:�For will wnrrant nud di�(end the � .. . <br /> . . � ille to said premi:;� ngains[. the rlaims nf all persons whumsm•vr❑ .. . � �. . <br /> . ,1'o pay immediately when due und pnynblr all gencr,il L•�xrs, special taxes, �prcial ei;srssmonta. w•�trr chargev, srwer serv- � � <br /> i��c� chnrg[�, and nther laxrs end charges against sairi prnperty, nnd all taxc�s Ir��i�il un the drht serured h��reby, nnd tn (�rnirh the . . . <br /> MnrtgaF�e. upon rrquesl, �vitl� the originnl or duplicnte CrceiPts thrrefne The \SorfFngar nKre��4 that lhrre shFill be ndded �o � . <br /> eucf� monthlY pnymenl reryuired hrrnunder or undi�r thN evidenca uf debt securod hrreby nn amount �•slimalr<I by the R1nrt�:agre .. � . <br /> ko be �sutiicieut in enable lhe Alortga�;ee to pap. a, � hey becum�� d��e. all tinrs, n.sessmc�nU. nnd tiimilar char�;��v upnn thr prc�m� . . . . . <br /> ises subject theretn; �iny deficiency be.oausi• ��f the insu(lieiency of .u�•h nddilionnl payment.v sLall bc� forllneilh drposited bY !he . . . . <br /> hlnrt�;ugor with lhe !�torigagee upon dortu�nd by fhe !�lorl�;a�;ee. An�• d��L•�ult unJc�r this paragrnph sh�dl br dr�•mcvl .a drfamlt in � � . . . . . <br /> p,i,ymont of tax��v. �ssrssmrnts, nr similnr chargrs rrquin•d hervwidor. � . � � <br /> 'I'he T4orlgagur :�grecs ihnt ihero :hiill nL,o be aJded tu i•zieh nu��nthh� p��yment u( prineipal and inl��n�sl. rr��uired here� ' . � . <br /> undrr un omowit r.,timated bp thc� A1url�n;;ee to b�� sid3irient fo enahle tlie Mort�;ager lu pay. as it 6rcomr� due, the insuraner � � . � � <br /> premium on any insurance polir,y drlieered tu the ,Alorit:aqre. :�n>� deficirnrc brcau;r n( thr insufficicncy uf surh additiunul poy- � � . . . � . <br /> menfs shall br torthwith depasited by tho Alortgaxar wil6 fhe Atort;�n�ee upun denwnd hy the lturtqagac. Any dr[aull unJer this ; . . . <br /> pnnagraph sh�ll he deemed n dr(nult in the pa7ment o[ in,urnnce premiums. If the pnlivy ��r policics drposi�rd are such as hmnr� - � . � <br /> owncrs or all risk pulicir�. aud tl�� d��posits ruc insufiici��nt tn p:q• ihr antim pmmium. the �inrt„a���o rnay apph� thc drposit ta . . <br /> pa}• premiums un risks rrquired In be in,ureJ bp thi� murige�F��. . � , . � � . <br /> 5 . Pa�•menLs mnde by lhe '�fur��a�;nr under the :i6uvr p,ira;:rxph+ may. at ihr nptinn nf thr \lorl{;agei•. hi� held by it and ,.. . <br /> comminFled wilii other such funds or its mvn (unds tor th�• pavmrn[ o( �.uch itrm,. tmd unlil sn appli��d. �,uch pnem�•n�s :ue hereh}� � . <br /> . pli�dgtsl as security fur the unpnid balnnce u( If�r• murtc+�Kr indebmdm�<.s. � � � . <br /> To pnx;urr, dcli�rr fu, nnd uv�ird�iin tur the bonelii nt lhe \�inrt�a�;e�� during the lifn ol this murttiage ori�;ival policirs nnd �. . � � . <br /> . renewals thereo(, delivered al le�ast ten days I�eforc t}��. ,.�pirn� ion o( ;my ,uch p�,licies. insurinE a�ninst (ir� .ind other insurahle � <br /> hazarcls. casuallies, and coNingoncies us lhe \tortga�;�c may n�c�uirr, in :m amuunt equ:�l to lhe indebtedncss s��cured by this �. . - . <br /> � htorigage. nnd in companics acecptable tn the �lort�:n�;ri•. ��'ilh loss p:�v:�ble clavse in faeur o( and in (orm ncreph�Me tn Ihr ��lnrtgu- . � : <br /> gee. In the e�•ent any P�>licy i, not renew�•d on or brfum t��n dayn nf its expiration. tLe kiortgag��e m��y procurr insuranre on the . . . <br /> . improvemenL. pey thr premium therrfoe eind such snm shalt hec:rm�� immrdiatelp due auut paynble �eith interest a�. the rate set : <br /> . . (urth in said note until paiid und shnll fm ae•cured hy � his murl�;a;;e. Failum un the pnrt o( the �torigngor tu furnish such rrne�rale � � � � <br /> � as are hetein n�e�uimd or (nilure lo p:ry nny sums advnncrd herrw�d��r shall. at fhr option u[ ihr \9orlFaRie. cunslituti• n de(uult . . . . <br /> ��.. undrr lhe terms of this murlFage. "P6r d�divery nt surh pnlicies shnll. iu lhr �•vrnl uf dr(ault . constilute an azyi�;ntne•nt u( thr un� . � . <br /> - �•nrned premium. . � . <br /> � Am• sums r�°ccivrd bp the �lortgagri� b}� ren.�un ui Ins> ur d:imagc insurod n�ainsl. ma}• be rrtainrd hq Ihi= �InNgu�ee � . . <br /> � � • :ind applied townrd thc p:�yment o( �he debt hcreby s��curcri, or. at the oplion uf the �lorlgagi�e, such sums eithcr e�hnliy or in � . . . <br /> � parL may 6c paid oeer to the ntortga�;or fo tx used in repair such huildinRs or to build new buildin„s in l6rir plece nr [or any ' . . <br /> � othrT Purpose or nl�jeet wtislaCfurV to l�ie ��1nrt�ngue u•i� hnW alTeclin�: th�• li„n un thr murly:a�c fur llle (U�� Ilmounl securcd horP- . . . � <br /> .i� .. . by' be(��rn such puyment rerr trHik plaee. � <br /> To promptly rrP+�iq rrsturo ur rebuilJ any buildin;;s nr impruccments now � �r hrrea(t�� r un the pn•rni:rs which may� hr.. . . <br /> � � come dmm�ged or de<lroycvL (o ko�p said Premise.c in �:� w�d conditiun imd rep�iir amd (rcK� (rom uny mcchanic's lien nr uUirr li�n or � <br /> �` � clnim u[ lien not expres�h• niilW�rdinaled to the licn hi•reoL not fu sulier ur p<�rmit any unl.ncful use r( or nnc nuisunre lu �•xist nn � . <br /> � ,aid properry nur to prrmit �erLate un said prernisos. nnr lo du ;my uth�r nct a�her��by U�e proprrty hrrrtiv com•eyed shall bea�me � � � <br /> �. Icss vnluablr. nor to diminish ur impnir its valu�� hp ;u�y n�•i or umissinn lu nct : in rumplc �cith nll rrquirrmvnls uf law with resprct , � _ <br /> t�i the mort�a�ed pr��mici�s ond the use thereoL � � . <br /> '1'hnt should the premixcs or :�np p.irt then•o[ {x� t:�ken nr dumn�;ed by re:uon o( an>� Publir. iniprovemt•nl nr condi•mnation � <br /> prxe�tt3in;;, or under the riRFrt of eminert d��m��in. ur in :my othrr mnnn�•r. thc Jlurlgagre shall he• i�ntilled tn all cnmpens;uiuns. � <br /> �. �. . nwards, und any other paymrnt or rrliet (heretur, nnd ,hall be enlilleJ. at its uption. to cnmm�•ncr. :�ppear in and prcr,;tcute in ils � <br /> ` <br /> � nwn name ani� �clinn or pr�eedint;. or lu m.ake any enmprumis�• nr ..eitli•ment in connection witii sudi �uking or dmnuKe All such � <br /> compensatio�, aH•arJs, damnges. ri�ht nf ac(iun �md p�ocreds an• hvroby axsi�ned to the 11or��:nRci�, whu m:ry. ❑[ter deducting <br /> ihere(rom llil its �•xP�ns��s. rrleuse uny muneya sn reccivrd by il ur apply lhe same un nny indrblodness =ecured h��rr6y. 'I'h�• NurL <br /> . Fngur agnYrs lu c>c�cutc �uch further assi�mnrnts uf �inp comp��nssitinn. awards. d:im;��r.. �vid rit;hls uf nc� ion anrl ��rccr<vis .0 llv� <br /> �;.. , �lurtga�;�K+ may reyuirc. <br /> ��� � �. 'I'hat in cuse of failure ta per[orm nny of the coecn:mts Lerein, the ntortgugee mny du ai lhe \lodgugor's tx�half every- <br /> f�.�� � thing so co��enantetl; that the Dlorfgagee may nlso do any uct it mny dcYm nemssury lo protcs:t the lien lhereof; thnt the Diort- <br /> � gagor will repay upon demnnd any moncya puid or disbursed by the Alortgngee [or any o[ tl�e nbove purposcv, nnd such moncys <br /> � together wilh intrrest lhereon ul the rale prc�videKl in euid nole shall brcome so much ndditionul indebteslness hereby secured and <br /> may be included in nny deeree fureclosing this mortgnge und be pnid out o[ lhe renls or proccrcis o( rale of said premises if not <br /> � ntlierwisc psiid: and thul Mortgu�:cr whnll nol incvr any personnl liubility beca�s� o( miyfhin�; it mny dn or omit to do hemtmder. <br /> � In lhe evenl of the dc�tuult by� Mort�:��;or in lhr pnymrnt �,t :mp invtnllment . na rrquirrd hy fhe tinic �ccumd h��rcl�y. ar <br /> � in lhe prrformfma• u[ lhe u61i�;alinn in Ihis morlga�;r nr in lfu� nolr secured then•hy. !he \lortcagi�c �hall he �•ntiUed to declnre thr <br /> - debt secur��d hi•reby Jur and paynhle u�ithout. nutice. and lhe Aturl_ng���• sh:dl be entillyd al. itc nption. �+�ith�,ut noli�•e, citLrr hy itsel[ <br /> � or by n rcreiver to �� uppointed by the eourt ther�.�[. cind aithou � mgurd to the adi��uacy uf :my xecurity (ur Ihe indebtedneac 4�- <br /> . curecl hereby. lo enter upon and �ake pr.s�es;ion of the morlF:i1:�•�i premises, nnd to cnllrct nnd recciv�• ihF• rrM�. is,ue� and profiLs � <br /> ❑�ereut. :md apply tLe same. liws custs o! operatiai and collectinn. upon lhr indebhKlne�>s u�cured b}� Ilii. murl�;aR�•: said rrnts, . <br /> ' issucs nnd ProfiLv kx�in�; hereby n5signed to fhr rlort�:i�;c� av furlher c�•rurih' (ur lhe p:jpmrnt u( all indebl�•dnr.: .���cun"1 herrb��. � <br /> �� � � .. �.±,.,. <br /> : The �lortgagi� rluill have the power to appuint mry :�gent ur egents it may desirr tor lh�• purp�nc of rrpnirin�; ��id pmm• � . , ;�v:i :` �` <br /> � � i�es; renlinq the Fame; colleclin�: thr rrnts, revenurs and iuromc. :md it mny pay out of said incomr nIl exp�•nsr+ incurre�l in renl- . _ N 'M." � <br /> ing and marwging the same and of cullecling the renlalv lhereRom. 'I'he b:Jancc r.•mnininr. if anv. sh:ill b�• anPlied tow:�rd lhe _ � <br /> � L dischi�rge af the mortgri�r inde6tednexs. Thiv a�si�;nmemt i� to lrrmins��� tmd lun•omr null and vaid upon rr•I������� �,! this mnrt�nFc. „ .. <br /> sf' �� L.>,;. <br /> � 1'he �furigagee may cnllt�cl 11 ��IJfP l'L8[�;C•. Iln� (o rsceed Gio��• ('��nls ( Sc) fur rach dullur ISLIHII of �:u'h lutnl munlhly n <br /> pnym�•nt mon• thnn l :� dtiy. in nrrran �u cncrr Ih�• rxtrn rzpcn<o invnlvrd in h:indlin�; Ji�linryuent nrcuuu�.. � � � . : <br />^�.. <br />�:. <br />�� <br />�ti 6 �ibl_ L� � <br />�: � <br />` \`� <br /> _ � <br />