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<br /> n�oitrcnc;Ii LOAN N0._�_ 2Z.OF�O------
<br /> hNownu.n�rNnti'1'HIiSIiPRISGNI'S:1'hat Duane H. lieck and Mary �anet deck, each in his and her
<br /> I
<br /> own right and BS S�10U5(' of each other, Morlgngur,whrthernneormuie,InconsidereUonof'theswnuf
<br /> ';'I Eighteen Thousa�.d �nd�Jo/100-------------'__.=_"--_=_------_-_--_------_---- oot.i.nizs
<br /> loaned to said nwrtgngur by The L•quitnble Duilding end Lusn Assncialiun uf GranA Island,Nebrnske,Atnrtgayee,upon �a� shm�ee ul'stoak of . � .. . ..
<br /> snid ASSOCIA7'ION,Cerlificote No.L 2z���� ,du hemhy grant,comtiy and manp.age unta d�e snid ASSOCIA110N the following
<br /> describad real cstalt,situated in Ilall Cumity,Nebraska:
<br /> COUNTY, N[�RASKA.
<br /> ,� :
<br /> togelhe� witl� all �he �enements,heredi�.unen�s and sppwten:+nces iherewilo brlungiup,including ul�udted Ile;�r cu�rrinqs,all windu+v screens, � �, �
<br /> � windu�v shades,hlinds.slmm�ti•induws.a�rnings,heatinp,ai�runJitionin@.and pluinbing aud�vater eyuipmenl and accessuries ll�cretu.pumps,Stu�Ys. . �
<br /> refriFeralurs,and uther fixtures nnd eyuipmenl nuw or herealler ut�oched lu o�used in runnectiun with sziS�eal estate.
<br /> And whetcas the said murtRagor has ug�eed and dues hereby agrce tl�al the murlgagur slmll nnd��•ill puy OII ItlXCS OI1lI BSSOSSO7CIIl5 IBYIGII Uf � �'
<br /> ossessed upun:aid premisca aud upun this moi�guge�nd Ihe bund secured thcreb�•befure�lic same shsll becume delinyuent;w fuuilsh app�o�eJ
<br /> inswance upun ihe buildings on said premises sitimted in tl�e sum o(5 ������.�� pnyable lu said AS5(K'IA1lON and lu deliter lu said � �
<br /> ASSOCIA7'ION lhe policies lur saiJ insurance:and nut ro cunmiit ur permit any�casie uu or nboul said premises . �
<br /> . lu cnse u(defnull in lhe pedb�mantt uFmry uf Ihe temu and cundiliuns uf U�is mu�lpagc or tl�e l�und srcured hereby,tlie muclgagee shall, - � �
<br /> un demm�d,Le entilled lu inmicdiule pussrsslun ui die mu�lcaged p�emises m�d ihr murtgagor hrreby assigns. ItanSfera and sels o��er �o thc � ..
<br /> �� mo�lgagee all the ienls,«eeuues a»d income tu be derived Iruin d�c murlgaFed ptemises during such�ime as lhe nwrlenge indebtednasa shall rerouin �
<br /> � unpaid;mul Ihe mun�ugec shall liave die pu�vrr tu;ippoinl any oFent•�r aFems il nm�•desire Ibr the pwpvse of repairing said p�emiscs anS reutin� � �
<br /> Ihe same uud cullectiug Ihe rents,re��enues anJ income,mid it m�y pay out ol said incumr �II expen5es uf rcpniring said prcmisea uad necesssry �
<br /> cummissiuns und expenses incuucd in renting and mano�ing lhe saine and uf mliecting ientals tlieraliuut; the �alnuce rcmeining,if any,to he �
<br /> applied lu�vard lhe JischarFe uf caid mmtEa�!5 IOIICl/(l'llilC$5:IIICSL'II�;I115 UI llll'murlg0l;CC Ill�l'IlC l'XCfI'ISCII fl��II{'lIp7C tlUflll�;II1C[USI[IICC O�SU('II . . ,
<br /> default,ine9pective uf any Icntpo�nry waivei of tl�e sante. �
<br /> 1�hese t'�esenls,huweve�.:ne upun�he Cundiliun.'I'h.��il'thr suid Alurt�:�goi shall�epa}�said I�ian�m or 6efu�e the ntatuiilv ul'said eha�cs b)• � � .�
<br /> {..-� paymen�:pay munlhl}•lu said ASSOCIATlON�d�he swu specified in Ihe Onnd secweJ hereb�•as inte�est aud p�incip�fl un siiJ lum�,un u�before
<br /> ��..�� tl�e"Ilventieth day uf r.�ch and rre�y munth,unlil said lunn is lulh�paid:p:�y;dl lases:�nd iiesessments Iecled aEainsl said premises and on tliis Alu���;�ee
<br /> and lhe Uund secureJ the�eby,befui e delinyuene�:fumish uppmvrd in<wonce upuu dre bulldin�a lheirun in the surn uf 5 �a,������ P;n�al�le . -
<br /> tu said,1SSOCIA�IIUN',iepxq tu suid ASSOCIA1-IpN tq!un drro;md:dl mi�ner b��it paid lin such taxes.:issessmcats unJ inswancc�rith intctcsl at �
<br /> the masintunt IeFul iale Uieirm�Irom dale uf pa1'menl atl of a�hich plml�t�Fur IiereLy aciees tu pay:pe�mit nu�raste un said premises:keep�nd cumph. .
<br /> wiih all the ag�ecmenls:inJ cw�di!iuna uf thc 13und fui���} QQQ.QQ Ihis Ja�•Eivcn b� thc saiJ A1uN�;ugur tu snid ASSpCL1llON,and cumply
<br /> wilh:ill ihe iequiremems uf qie Cousti�Wiun nnJ I1y�l a«s ol�s�id ASSOCIAl1UN:Ilirn Ihesc presrnls sh:dl brcume null and eoiJ,ul�icrwi<e thcr
<br /> �� � shnll rent:iin in full fuicc and m,iy br lutcdused nl Ihe npliun ul tl�c s;iid ASS01�1.1T10N allri 1'niluie fm Uuec nwntlit to nmke�nq uC c,iid
<br /> � � p�ymenls ui br Ihiee mumhs in airrais in making caid muuthly�,aywents,o�lu kecp and cumpl��a�itl�the a�!ieemenls:tnJ cunditluns of said 13�md:
<br /> ,'y and Mutlgauut agrrey lu huve a ieceivr�appuitucd li��lh�vilh in surh lutecloswr pioceeJinks.
<br /> P
<br /> If�here is mry�clianEr in us�ne�ship ullhc re;il eslNe m�nt�aFed he�ein.by sule oi ulhcnvisr,Ihen fhe entiic�emsinin�;indelledness hciebv
<br /> �: �. secureJ shall,ul Ihe upliun uf�Ilte I:yuituble IluildinF and Luun Assucialiun of Gr,!nJ Islond.Nebiasku.becume inuneJialely due and payabir�vilhuul
<br /> . fu�tlier nuliec,mid Ihe amuunl remoining Juc undrr saiJ 6unJ,m�d any ulliei I111IIII IIR;lil\'Otlllllll)�IiII lllIV2I1CL'S III3fEC�IICIilII1�CL SIIAII.IIDIII�I1P
<br /> J;de ul exeicise uf said uptiun,bear inieiest al Ilie m�simutn Irgal�ale.;md Ihiv muitgutie m�}'i6en be Ibieclused lu sa�isly Ihe�inuunt due on said
<br /> . bunJ.nud any ulher bund fo�uddiliunxl advauces,lugether with xll sums paid hp suid�I he Gyidttible Il�dldinc unJ l uau Assucialion ul[iian�l lsland.
<br /> Nrh�oskx li�r inswance.lases 8111I:1SSCSSII1CIIl1.8111I�IJSIIifI'Uilq CX�CIISIOII CII(11�C3. �4'11I1 inlerest U�ereun.limn date of pa�-meul nl the maxinwm
<br /> legaliale.
<br /> �� A5 ptuviJed iu lhe DunJ srcuteJ hercby.�ehile Il�is muilgage tetu;fins in rltccl llir murtg;iger m�y herr:dte�advance addilional smus to the
<br /> ' III;fICI'fS UI Y411I BUIIII.IIIL`If:1551K113 U!SUL'CCSSUIS ill Illll'lP51.\VI1�C�l S111I1S SII�II I�r�si�hin ihe secwitV'�d ihii mur�µ�gr the s;m�e a?Ihr funds urigi�r.dly
<br /> � secwed Iherc6y.�Ire lotsl unwwd uf principul delri nol lo excced ul nuy limr 16e u�icinsl amuunl ul dds morlFage.
<br /> � n�«a ua9 'ZOth a��y�,r Ap r�i I n.u �� 7G
<br /> ����_ —�— ! .,���
<br /> '� "��,. .-f'iv�Z� _C�4 ,v/�l�'.. `/!, �/'. `�,���.� t �
<br /> Duane H. ueck ---------- h1ary Jan�� ,ee./
<br /> 5TATE Or NlibItASKA. gs. (hi�hiv ��tfl d;�p uf ��)Y'1� I°�J�i .hrfuir me,
<br /> COUN"P5'-0f'IIALL� .,
<br /> thc un Ic siFn^d,u NU�N L'PV�IIC III'ItII IOf 5811I CuUilty. �cisuunl y cmne �.�;;:r-�.'
<br /> Duane H. aeck and Mary Janet qeck, each in his and �i2r own r•�gh�; anc� as spause o� eac�i N:,.,_;,;
<br /> other, ���,�� �1'B pelsunallqki�uwlilu � �
<br /> me lo he lhe idrnlie:ll perlvn 5 �. ���whou nmue 5 a P2 a(liscd lu the aburr insuunirnt as nwi�gagu�5 and they cecr��llp I
<br /> arknuwledFed the 4AId lneftwuenl to b��':,the9 r �,�lunlary act and decd. � y
<br /> . � -:R'ITNI!SS my hand und�NUladul Senl Ihe dxie oforesaiJ. j� i . � � �
<br /> -: ' .._., i�,
<br /> � Aty Connniseion eapites }�,i, 1!�%�- r� � /j... � � •
<br />� A;%/G � � / _. / /1�j i „ . '" . 1{.:: �i
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