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<br /> MORTCAGti
<br /> �tORTGAGI:L0ANN0.�,,_]32 �`�'I�
<br /> KNOWAL4DIENUYTHESEPRESGNTS:That Joseph J. Vavricek and Janet R, Uavricek, each 111 h15
<br /> I and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> ' + __—Murtgagor,whethor one or mo:e,in wnsideratian of thc sum of
<br /> Th1rty Thousand Five Hundred dlld NO��OQ--^----- """""DOLLARS
<br /> lonned to said mortgagor by The F.yuitable Building and Luan Association of Crand Island,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upun 305 shores of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Cedificate No.L ZZ��32 MGIC do hereby gram,convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> Jescribed rcal estate,situated in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> toge�her witt� all the lenements,hereditaments and appurtenxnces thereunto belunging,including attached floor coverings,all window screens,
<br /> u�induw shades,blinds,storm windows,awnings,heating,air conditioning,and plumbing and weter equipment and acceswries[herem,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refrigerators,and other fuctures and eyuipmenl now or hereaCter attached to or used in connection with said real estate. �
<br /> And whereas the said mortgagor hss agmed and does hereb}•xgree that the tnurtgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or . . . �
<br /> assessed upon said p�emises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured diere6y 6efore the same shall become delinquent to furnish approved � � �
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in ihe sum of 5 3Q�SQQ.QQ payable tu said ASSOCIATION and to ddiver to said � �.
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policies for vid insurence;and not to commit or permit any waste on or a6out said premixs; � � - �
<br /> � ln case of de(aull in�he pertormance of any o(the terms and conditions o(this mongage o�the bond secured hereby,the mortgagee shall, � �
<br /> un Jemand,be entided to immediate possession of!he mortgaged premises anJ thc mortgagor here6y assign:, transCers and sets over lo the � �
<br /> mortgagee all the rents,re�•enues and income to be derired from the moregaged premises during such time as the mortguge indeb[edness shall remain � .
<br /> unpaid;and the mortgngee ahall fuve the power to appoin�any agent or agents it may desire fo�the purpose of repauing said pmmises and renting � . .
<br /> the same anJ collecting the rents,revenues and inwme,and it may pay out of said incume all expenses of rcpairing said p�emises and necessary . �
<br /> commissions and expenxs in.urred in renting and managing the same and o(wllecting rentels therefrom; the balance remaining,if any,to be � :
<br /> applied toward Ihe discharge of said mortgage indebtedness;these rights of thc mortgagee may be exercised at any time during the existence of tuch � � .
<br /> default,irrespective of any temporary waiver of the snme. �
<br /> Thcse Prescnts,however,are upon ihe Condition,That if'tho said Atortgagor shall repay said loan on ur befure the maturity of said shnres by . �
<br /> payment:pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION uf Ihe sum specified in the Bond secured he�eby as inte�est and principal on said loan,on or be(ore �
<br /> lhe Tµ'entietti day of each and eti•ery month,until sssid lo�n is fully paid;pay all�azes and assessments levied egainst uid premiset and on Ihis Dtortgage � ..
<br /> i� .', and the Bund ucured thereby,be(ore ddinquency;fumish approved insurance upon the buildings thereun in the sum uC S 3O�SQQ.QQ pa5'able �
<br /> to said ASSOCIA'IIO'J;repay tu vid ASSOGATIOR upun demand al�m�nry by it paid 1'or such:azes,assessments and insurance with interest at _ . . ..
<br /> � the maximum legal rate thereun from dare uf payment all uf which b1ortgagor hereby agrees tu pay;permit no waste on s:�id prerttises;keep and cumply ��
<br /> � �eiih all the agreements and conditions oC the 8ond for S 3O,SOO.00 this day given by lhe said A1urt�;agor ro siid ASSOCIATION,and wmply .
<br /> � with all the rcquirements of the Constitutivn and E3y-L.aws oC said ASSOCIATION:then thesr presenu sh�ll become null and void,othenvise they
<br /> �r' � shall remain in full force and may be foreclused at the optiun of the said ASSOCIATION after (ailure for three months to make any of said
<br /> � payments or be thiee monlhs in arrears in making said munthly payments,ur to keep and cumply with the agreements and conditiuns o(said[fond;
<br /> � and Mortgagor xgrees tu have a receiver eppointed foethw�ith in sucL fo�eclosure proceedings.
<br /> . f(there is any change in owncr:hip ol the rcal estate mortgaged herein,6y sule m otherwise,then the en[irc remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured s}Wll,at�he option of The Eyvitnble Building and Loan Association of Grand I:tand,Nebraska,becorne immediacely due and payable withnu[ .
<br /> further nolice,and�he amount remaining due under s:�id bund,anS any uther bund for any additional advances made thereunder,shall,(rom the
<br /> . date of exercise uI said option,bear interest at the rruximum legal�ate,and this mortgage mny then be foreclosed tu satisCy the amount due un said
<br /> bond,and any uther bond for additional advanas,together with xll sums paid by said Ttm Gyuitable Building and Luan Association oC Gand lsland, �
<br /> � Nebraska for in:urance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting extensiun charges,with interest thereon,from date of paymen[ at the maximum
<br /> . legal rale.
<br /> As provided'u�the Bond secured hereby,while this motlgage�emains in eCfect the mortgagee m�y hemafter udvance additional sums tu che
<br /> ' makers o(sxid Bond,�heir assigns ur successurs in interest,which sums shsll be within the security of this mon�ge the sazne as the funds origirtxlly
<br /> � sewreJ thereby,the tota]amuunt uf principal debt not to exceed at any time the oriqinal amount ot this mortgxge.
<br /> �a�ea�n;: 18th day o( May ;�.�>..�v 76 ,
<br /> / �
<br /> S��_� � ,'
<br /> ���. . •,�_t-;-���� - 1-� r�. l �t, �1;,,�
<br /> -�6seph �. Vav�ek anet R. Vavricek �
<br /> S"fATE OF N[DRASKA,�� On this
<br /> �8th dayof May 197( ,6eforeme,
<br /> � the undersigned,a Notary Publie in snd for said County,perwnally came -•� .
<br /> 3oseph J. 'Vavrtcek and Janet R. Vavricek, each in his and her own right and as spouse of �`
<br /> � u•ho zre persunally known to K "^
<br /> .each other, �
<br /> � � rpe to be the identical persan g whou name S are affixed to the above instrument as mortgagor5 and th2y sererally - a
<br /> p '
<br /> acknow(edgsd the said instrument to be thei r voluntary act and deed. � � •
<br /> ; WITNFSS my hand and Notariai Seal the dste aforcsaid. 'j �
<br /> A1y Commission expires . . .
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