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tw , <br /> z; S -��.y��� <br />�. �'�*�.. � ., ..,:y <br /> yc . I �_ � <br /> ' 76- ����i�J:�� <br /> i�r•.n�. cs•rnri, r�oit7�cnc� <br /> KNO[J ALL MLN llY THtiSL PRGSENTS: � <br /> Th:�t, l�innncie�l Services Uevelopment, luc., a corporetlon duly ory,anized <br /> and existiu� under the .ln�as of the 5C3Ce o[ Ohio :ind auChorized to do boeineuc� in <br /> the 5Late of Nebrciskn, und Arnold 5. Pinnn, III and S�udra L, Atami, liusUand ���id wi[e, <br /> eacli individually in his and her own ribhc nnd aA c�pouse o1`. the uther, r�n mort�agore;, <br /> in considerption of FORTY L'IGIIT THOUSAND AND NO/100 llUi.LAR5 (48,000.00) in hand paid, <br /> do hereby grant, U:ir�;uin, r�e.11 �nd cuiivey unto 7'he i�i.ret Nsl-1ona1 L4�nlc oI Grund <br /> Island, Grand Tsl�nd, Nebraslui, ct hanking corpor�tion uf Gr.eind I�land, II�11 County, <br /> Nebraslca, a� mortgagee, the following described real eaLate eiCuuted in 11n11 CounCy, <br /> and SCate of Nebraska, L-o-wit: <br /> � � I,ot 'Pwe�ity-One (21), Wilchuood SubdiviHion, Ilall Cnunty, NeUragka, <br /> � tobether wiCh nll impr.ovements l-liereon, including all iteating, gc�a and plum6ing s <br /> cipparatus, and fixtures and appurCenatice� thereunto belungin�; 3nd all covenants <br /> and all title deeds running with such laude; atid all renCs, ih;tuey and profita <br /> arising therefrom aEler def.iulL' in perf.onnance of any covenant and condilion therein <br /> cantained; the intenL-ion beiny, to convey hereby an absulul-e title in fee �imple and <br /> to convey all and every right, Ci.11.e und i�iteresC uf such Flnancial 5er.vices <br /> l.leveloyment, Inc., a corporation, i.n and Ca such real property. <br /> The mortgagor does hereby covenant- wLth the morl-gagee, lt successore and <br /> 359��,tt8� that it ir lawfullv seized of �aid premiaes; thaC �uch premises are Lree � . <br /> from encumbrances and thar, tl�ey wil.l warranC and defend such premides against lawful <br /> claims o[ any and all personH whomsoever. <br /> TO LIAVE ANll 7'0 iIOLD the premises above descriUed wltli a1:1 improvetnents <br /> Lhereon, including all heating, gas and piumUing appnratus and LixCures �ud all <br /> appurCenancee thereunCo belonging unlo thc yald The First N.itional llanlc o[ Crand <br /> Island, Gr.and Islund, NeUrHska, unJ to it� succe�sorN and aseip,ne forever, provided <br /> ail�aays, and these presents are upo�i the expreee conditiou thal- i[ the eaid morty,ngor, <br /> its succeseors or aasigns, nhall pay or cau�e to be paid to 'The I�irst National Uank <br /> � of Grand Island, Crand lsland, Nebradka, its euccessore or assiKns, the sum of <br /> FORTY BIGHT THOUSANll AND NO/100 UOLLNtS ($48 000.00), plue i.ntere�t at 'fen Per <br /> Cent (10%) per annum, payuble on January 27, 1.977, all .3ccording to tfic [enure and <br /> etfect o[ the one promiesory notc ot L-lie morCKagor bcaring even date with thede <br /> presentd; shall pay all taxes a�id a:iaessmenCa levied on tliie mvrCgage or upon nol-e <br /> �vliich thi�s mort�age is given to secure beCore the same becomes dellnquenC; shall keeap <br /> the buildinga on said premices insured [or Che sum of. at least $48,000.00 1oNs, if <br /> °: any, payable to �uch morlgay,ee, ita successors or aHsigns, and deliver Cu nc�id <br /> morl-ga�;ee, iC succe�norra or a�;signu, the po.l.tcie:t for r,�id incurctnce, and �hall not <br /> permit or commit any wueCe upon auch re,il property, then tl�ese prescnte Cu be void, <br /> otherwise Lo be and remaiti in full Lurce and elfecC. <br /> I'P 15 FURTIII�R AGRIi6D: <br /> 1) '1'haC if the vaid mortgt�y,or a3h111 fail Lo pciy auch Cuxes or pr.ocure <br /> such inaurance, Che murtp,agce, ltc successors or aseignr„ may paiv such taxe� and <br /> procure sucl� ineurunce tl�c sum eo �dvanced willi iuterer�t aC ten percenC (LOY)per <br /> nnnum, sl�all be paid Uy Che suld morty,ugor emd thii3 morCr:a�;e �;hal.l eCaud for <br /> security of. the same. <br /> 2) 'That fnilure Co pay nny oE tsaLd money, ciCher pr.inclpal or lntere�t, <br /> wLen the r�ame becomey due, or a failure Co compl,y wlth �uiy o[ the forey,oing <br /> eigreemenCy, shall c�iuse the wliole sum or sume oF money hereln 6ecured to become due <br /> and collectible at once e�t the optiou oi the mort;;agee, 1Ctt Hucce;�eor;a ur aysigtte�. <br /> 7) ln catte uf a Coreclosure of thin morCy_,aye under any ot theee <br /> proviaione, a receivor in,ty be appointed Co coll.ect the renCe, ,iud prol`1t5 [rom the <br /> morCga�ed premiseH t�nd proceedH of any such rents and profit� eo co].lecCed tsliall be <br /> upplied on Che debt sec.ured hereby. <br /> � :r.. <br /> 4) 'Chc mortgagor to havo Che privilegc oL nvikiny, prepaymentH on tlic �` a }:" � <br /> pYitt��p�11 ot the mortgage debt withouC premlwn, aN provlded i.n eucL note. ��';"` <br /> � ,� <br /> � ' <br />�;� <br />:;�.� <br />�'� _._) <br />= � <br /> .3 <br /> I <br /> _ <br /> s <br /> f <br /> : <br />