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<br /> 76- f� U � 557
<br /> And the said first party heri�b}' expressly coveuants an<t agrees : ( 1 ) 7'o pa}' die s;iid Note and interest
<br /> iu fuU on the duys the same shall aeeerally b�xome duc ; ( l ) Ncitlier to wnunit nur pennit �vaslr. on lhc said
<br /> � premises, .u�d tq put and keep the said real cstate, huildings, and improvemcnts in good repair ; (3 ) "fo pay all �
<br /> taxes and assesstnents on the said real esfate 6efore delinqucncy auJ until the said Nnte is fully paid ; (�4) "Co
<br /> � ! pay all taxes and assessments upon tl»s �dortgage aud the delit secured thereb}', [ogether with any uther
<br /> taxes and assessments �vhich may bc tevicd or assessed, tmder the Lcnvs of NcUr.itika, agains[ ihe saicl second
<br /> party, or the legal liolder oFthe saicl Note on account of this indebteduess ; ( 5 ) '1'o procure, I:eep in fnrce, and
<br /> � deliver to the said secnnd part�� policies u( insur:mce agaiust loss hy lire ynd rornado, in such amounts ancl
<br /> ,� � insurance companics as the said seconcl party shall sclect, and as sl�all be at all times sxtisfactory' to it, covcring
<br /> �
<br /> " the buildings wUich noa are or m.ry hereafter be erected on the said premises, making thc loss, if any, payablc
<br /> to tl�e saitl second party or its assigns, a�id every such contrrict of insurance efTectecl by the said parties o[ the
<br /> first part or for thcin c�nefit shall be primarity su6ject to appropriation by tlie said second party for the
<br /> � pa}•ment of said indebtedness. 1^iilum to so maintnin such insttrance sh�ill authorize the serond part}', or its
<br /> nssigns, at its or their option, to e(Tect and maintain such insurmice at thc ecpense oE the said first part}', and
<br /> thc lirst party agrees to repay all sums so paid, with interest at Y1 percent, and such sums so paid Uy the second
<br /> partp, with interest at ll percent, shall be secured 6y this ;tlortgage ; I,G) 1'hat the said SCCO�I(I �)STLY Qf the
<br /> - uwncr oi thc said ?Qote map makc such repairs, pat� sud� tasr.s, and pay and remove any ticn fram the said .
<br /> premises, upon failure o[ thc lirst party to do so �md nll �uoncys so advanced widi interest :it the rate ot 11
<br /> �ierceut per aunum thercon, from date ot payment, shnll bc rep;iid by the said lirst pxrty, upon demand. and
<br /> ' shall be secured bv this indenture.
<br /> a - � � �
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<br /> � And it is furtlier mutually cu��cnanted and agrecd thxc in the e��ent of ihc passaRe, after the date of this
<br /> ` ' \(ortgage, oF any Iaw drducting any lien thercon from thc ��aluc of I�md ior tlie purpose of taxation, or changin6 ,
<br /> ; j .
<br /> in any ���ay thc lan•s no�s iu torce for the taxa[�on of mortga�;es or dchts secured by mortgage or the manner
<br /> ; ot the collection u[ .my such taxes, so as to al7ect this \lort�;a�;c, d�e whole oi the principal sum secured by tliis
<br /> \iortg.�gr, togcther n�itl� tlic iuterest di�c thereon, >liall, at thc option of thc said part�� of the second part,
<br /> without �wtice, become immedi.uely due and payable.
<br /> � And the said first partp further agrees that if default be m.idc in the paymcnt oE ai�y of said interest, or �
<br /> an}� part thereof, or of auy in[crest thercun, ur of said Note, or an}� part diercoi, or o[ an�� interest thereon,
<br /> or in the pertormancc of :my uf thc coecn;mts hcmin containcd, then, or a[ any timc thcreafter during thc
<br /> continuauce of such detault, the said \ote, and moneys paid and ad�•aneed, sh;ill, al the option o( the legul
<br /> hulder thereof, becume ��t uncc duc and collectiblr. and shall bear interest at thc rate uf l l percent per annum
<br /> irom the date of deL•wlt, amd diis i��deuture ma}• Le loredosed tc� satisfy the aiuount oi Aie cieht. including
<br /> advances, iuterest. :md cos[s ; or die second p:irt}• , it, successors or assigns, may toreclose onl�' as to the sum
<br /> past due, n•itlrout injurc to this \Iortgn{;e, ur the displacement or impairmeut oI the licii thereuf.
<br /> And in the c�•cn[ oi ttie toreclusure of this Alortgage, the said lirst pnrtr cucenants and agrees to pac tl�e �� � �
<br /> cost u( cxtcnding d�c ab;trict ot titic lrom tlic d;itc oi recording tltis \lort};agc to thc datc of filing sui[, and
<br /> = i upou failurr oi the said tir,l partp to du so. ;JI monec so ade,mced 6y the second part}• shall bear interest at
<br /> . ; thc rate of ] 1 percent per :mnum thcrcon .md sh:tll Le sceured b�• this indeotnrr.
<br /> � ' It is lurther umtuall}� cocen�mted amd agrecd that tl�e part}� oi thr. second part. its successors ;md nssigns,
<br /> � shall at tLcir option be su6ro�;ated ro thc licn, althuu;;h rclrascd oi rccord, o[ auy prior cncumbrance. mcchanirs,
<br /> ` ceudor's, or other lien on said ptemises paid uut oi the prucecds ot the lu,w secured lirreby.
<br /> �
<br /> And it is furthcr agreed that in case oi :� dcfault iu tlic pa}'mcnt u[ thc said principal \utc ur intcrest ,
<br /> or auy p:tr[ thcrcot� :i51I SI71II 1171(Uil'. Of III l'85l' UI �7tllllil' �O I:PI'�l UL �1ClIGLI71 811V UI �I1C COVI'll�IISS Of:IRTI'(tI77CI11�
<br /> � � c�intained in tliis iudcnturc. then thc sccuud part�•, its succcssurs ur :usigns, shall Lc .md is hrreb}� audiorized
<br /> :md empo�vered to takc inm�ediatc pussessian of the said prcmiscs l�ereU�• cuncr.ped :uul all crops thcroon, or
<br /> to collect the nnts therefrom, and apply dic procecds thercoi to the paymei�ts oi the debt hereby �ecured.
<br /> As ailditional ;md cullateral security fur payment of the \otc :md indc6tcdncss hercinLeforc tlescrihed,
<br /> Ihe said parties o[ lhe tirst part hereU}' assign tu the said party o( the secund part, its successors ur assigns, all
<br /> tlic prulits, revenues, ruyalties, rights. and 6cncfits accruing ro Utem tui�er all oil, Eas, or inincr,d Irases on s,iid
<br /> premises. �1'his assigmnent to tenninate and become :iull and cuid upon the refcase o( this \lortgage.
<br /> And it is further agrecd that in case any suit is beguu to forcduse this indenturc, the Cuurt in tvhich such
<br /> actiun shall bc Lrougl�t, nr any Judgc o( such Court, eithcr in term time or in racation. is hereb>> authorircd,
<br /> upon applicalion thereFor, ro appoint a Recei�•er to take possession of tl�e said premises and all crups Aiereon, j
<br /> or [o collect thc rents therr(rum, and lo do aud per(orm such other acts as may Lc requind b,v the order o( �, ` • '
<br /> thc Court mal:ing the appointment ; atid the first party I�creby consents to the appuintment uf a Reccicer upuii N .-
<br /> the productiou of this indenture, �rithout uther e��idencr. � y
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