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<br /> s And the said first party hereby expressly cot�en�nus .ind agrees ; ( l ) 'Co pay tlic saicl Notr aud iaterest
<br /> S in full uu die days the s:ime shall sevcrally become due ; ( 2 ) VeiU�er to wmmit nor pennit waste ou the said
<br /> � premises; and to put and kecp the said real estatc, Uuildings, �md improvements in good repair ; ( 3 ) 'Co pay all �(
<br /> � taxes and assess�ucnts on the said real estate before dclinquency and until the said Nutc is fully paid ; (�4) 'Co �
<br /> � pay all taxes and assessments upon ihis rlortgage and the debt secured tlicrcby, together with �my other
<br /> S taxes and assessments which may be le��ied or assrssed, muler the Laws o( Idel�rasl:a, agains[ the said second
<br /> j par[y, or the legai holder oi d�e said Note un ;�ttount nf tl�is iude6teduess ; ( 5 ) "Co procure, I<eep in force, and
<br /> 3 tleliver to the said second party policies ot iusurance against loss by lire and tornado, in such amounts aud
<br /> iitsuranee cumpanies as lhe said secoud ��arty sliall select, and as sh�ill he at all times satisfactory to it, cuvering
<br /> � the Uuildings titi�hich no�r am or may hereaRer Ue erect�cl on the s;iid premises, making thr loss, if any, payable
<br /> '� . to [he saicl second party or its- assigns, and every such contract of insurance efTected 6�� the. s:iid parties of ihe
<br /> + first part or (or their benetit shall be primaril}� sabject to appropriation by the said second party for the
<br /> 1 pavment ot SSiCI iudeUtedness. l�ailure to so maintain such inst�rance shall authorize the second partp, or its
<br /> � assigns, at its or [heir optian, to cffect and n�aintain stuh insur:utce at the e�pensc of thc said firs[ patty, aind
<br /> the first party agrees to repay all sums so paid, with interest at l I percent, and such sums so paid b)' the secund
<br /> par[y, �vith interest at 11 percent, sh;ill be secured by this \lortgage ; (6 ) 'Chat the said scrund party or the
<br /> � o�+ ncr ot die said Nute may mal;e sucli repairs, pay sucl� ta�es, and p.ry and remove any licn from the snid '
<br /> i: premises, upon faitt(re oi tlie (irst party to du so and alf monc} s so ad�•anced �ti�itli interest at tlie rate of 11
<br /> � percent per aunum thereon. from date o( pa��iucnt. shall bc rep:iid hy the said iirst party. upon demancl, and
<br /> � shall be secured by this indenture.
<br /> �
<br /> ,j r And it is further mntually co��enantcd and a{;med that in the event oi the passage, a(ter the date of this
<br /> i1{ortgage, o[ an}' law deducting an�• licn thereon trnm th�� value of land for the purpose of taxation, or chan�;in�
<br /> '� in anr �vay tl�e la�rs no�ti• in force for the tax.ition of mort;;age5 c�r debts secived by mortglge or U�e manner
<br /> �.? of the colleciion of any such taxes, so as to af(ect this \lortgage, tl�e whole oi the principal sum secured Ly this
<br /> :4 , \lortgage, to},rethcr n�itli the intcrest due thercon, sl�all, at tlic option r.�i thc saicl partv o[ thc sccund part,
<br /> '-' ivithout notice, become immediately dne and payable.
<br /> �
<br /> #
<br /> � And the said first p.irt�• iurther agree, that i( def:wlt be made in the paymcnt ot cm}• of said interest, or
<br /> i � any part thereof, or of any interest tl�crcon, ar u( said \ote. or ;my part thereni, or oi miy iaterest thereon,
<br /> , �. or in the pertormancc uf au}• of the coven�mts hcrein coutaincd, qren, or ;it anc time tlicreaftcr during tlie
<br /> � continuauce of such deiault , tlu saicl \ote, and moncys paid and ad�•anced, sh,di, at the opUon o[ the Irgal
<br /> holder thereal, become at unce duc aud collectible. and shall bear interest at the rate o( 11 percent per auuum
<br /> ` �� from the date of deFault, ;�nd thi� indenture nci}• be ioreclused to satisfy tl�e .uuount of the debt, indudin�;
<br /> advances, interest, and custs ; or tlic srcond p:irty, its successors or assigns, may foreclose only' ;�s to the sum
<br /> ". � past due, �cidiout injur�• to [his \twtgage, or d�c displacenrent or impairment oi thc licn thercof.
<br /> ; i �
<br /> �, � � And in the cecnt oi the foreclosure oi this �lorfgage, the �aid lirst p,irty covenants and agrees to pay tLe � �
<br /> � cust oi eztending the ab>tr�ct ot title trom the date ut r�cordin�; tLis \lort�;age to the date oi liliug suit, and
<br /> : � upon friilurc uf dir said tirst party tu do so, :�II moncy su ade�mr_�d 6�• thc second party shall brar uucrest at
<br /> { ihe rate o( I l jitrcent per anmun dicrcun aud shall be secured 6y d�is indenture.
<br /> T '
<br /> [t is iurther mutuallc cuvenanted m�d a�;reed ticit dic parte oi the �ecund part, its snccessors and :issigns,
<br /> a f shall at t6eir option hr suLrogated to thc 1icn, alUiou�;h rcleased oi record, uf any prior encuniUruuc, incchanic's,
<br /> �- ; cendor's, or utlier lien mi said premises p;iid out of thc proceeds of thc loan secnred liereb}•.
<br /> And it is further agrced tliat in c.ise ui a dctault iu tlic p;i}•ment of the said ��riucipal \ote or interes4
<br /> ��r any part thtrcof, as it sliall matuie, ur in cxse oi t�iiLire to keep or perform ,my oi the cocenants tir agreements
<br /> 1i cuutaincnl in tLis iridenture, t}ien the second p.irry•. its successors or assigns, sl�all be :md is liereby :iuttwrized
<br /> and empo�cered to takc inunediate pu,sessiun ui thc said premiscs ;icrcUp comc��cct aiid all crops thcreon. or
<br /> to cotlect thc reuts Aiercfrom, and appl�• the pracecds thereof to the paymrnts of die de6[ hereby secured.
<br /> ' ;
<br /> ' :1s additimia] and collateral security for pa}•�nent o( the \'ute and indebtedness hcrein6eEore described,
<br /> � die said parties of ihe first part herebp assign to the said party o[ the secuud part, its seccessors or :i�signs, all
<br /> the profits, rercuues. ro;alties, rights, and 6enetits accruing to them under .ill uil, gas, or mineral leases on said
<br /> premises. Tl�is assigmucnt to [erminate and become mill and cuid upou the release oi this \Iortgage.
<br /> And it is further a�recd that in case any suit is begun ro tareclose this indentum, d�e Court in �chich sud�
<br /> ;iction shall Ue Lrougl�t, or auy Judge o[ sucl� Cour[, either in terrt� time or in cac:ition, is l�ereby authorized,
<br /> ulwn applica[iun dierefor, to appoint a Receirer to take Iwssession o( tlic said pren�ises an� all crops th�reon ,
<br /> ur ro collect the renis therefrom, and to do �uxl per{orm such other Hl'LS a5 1118\' Ill' required hy the order ui _ . '"' �' ' '�;r . �+
<br /> ,: ,. �::
<br /> the Court making the appointment : and the first part�• hereby consents tu th� appointment of a Receicer u�wn N .. _
<br /> qic productiun of this indenture, without other evidence. � �
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