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F; , <br /> � �. <br /> ���.,s;;. <br /> � <br /> s , ' <br /> � a ;; : �� T ..� <br /> m3r I <br /> � ��;. <br /> '=Ri}<i_. . <br /> �{F>. <br /> � Additidnal Provisions <br /> Debtar Weerenta erd Cownante: ( 11 That except for the security imorest grantad horel�y Debtor Is, ur to ihe Axtent tttat Ih18 aHreenVeht <br /> states that tho Colloteral is to be accNircri after th� date heroof, will he, ifie owner of theCollatorel t�en hom any adversA Ilen, 3ecuriry <br /> � inhirc+st or encumlxance; and that Debror will d�(end the Collateral apninst all claims and domends of all persons at any tinw claiminp <br /> the samo or any interest therpin. (21 7hat no (inanciny ntatement cov�riny tho Collataral or any prom,eds 1hQreof is on tila in any jx�blic <br /> ollice and that at tho requor,t of Secured Party, Debtor wiil join with Secured Party in exacutinq one or more financinp etatements pursu- <br /> � ant to N�u Nobraska Unifortn Commercial Caie In torm satisfactory to Securod Party and will pay the coet of filinA such tinancinq state- <br /> mont, thts sacurity �7reement and nny continuation or termination statement, in all public oftices �vliorever fiiin� is deertiecf by Securod � <br />� Party to bo necessory or d�sirabla; and ii tlie Collateral is attached to real e�tate prbr to th��perfection of the security interest grantod . � <br /> here,by or if the Gollnteral includes crops or oil, Has or minerels to be axtracted or timber to be cut, Uebtor will , un de�nand of Secured � <br /> Party, fumish Securod Pnrty with a disclaimer or disclaimers or subordination aprecvnent signed by ali persons havinp a�i interestan the <br /> real ostato, disclaiming or subordinadng any interost in tho Collatural which is prior to the inturent ot Secured Varry. �31 Not m sell , <br /> �, transfer or dis{wse of the Collatoral, nor take the sane or ancenyn ro tako Nie sana tivm H�e county where kepl as above stated, without <br /> � tho prior written consunt of the Secured Parry. �4� To pay all taxeF end assass�irente of evory naturo Nfiich mny be levieci or assessed <br /> � ayainst tho Collaterel. 15) Not ro permit or allow any adverse lien, security intArast or encimbrance whatsoaver upon tha Collaternl, and � <br /> not ro pennit �ho same to bo attached or replevined. (6� Tha! the Co� lnteral is in ycwd condition, and that he will at his own oxpense, � � <br /> - � keep tho sarne in good conditiun and from timo to time, forthwith, replace and repair elt such parts of the Collataral as may Ix� broken, <br /> wom out or damapcd without allowh�p any lion to lxi createcl upun ihe Collateral on �ccount o( such replacement or repairs, and that the . <br /> I � Secured Party may examina and inspact tlie Collatvral at any time, whorover located, ( 71 That he will at his o�wi expenso keep the Col- <br /> laternl insured in a conWany satistactory to Secured Party against (oss, as appropriate, by thr,ft, coliision, fire aixi extended coveraye, <br /> with �oss p:ryable m Secured Parry ae its interest may oppear, and will on demand do� iver enid policies ol irisurance or furnlsh proof of <br /> ' such insurance to Secured Parry. (N) At its option SecurAd Porry may procure tiuch insurance, discharge taxos, liens or securiry inlerests <br /> �� - qr other encumbrances at any time leviod or placcd ai the Collatami anA may pay for tho repalr of any damape or in�ury to or fur the <br /> � preservalion and mnintenanco ol the Collalvral . �o6tor aprees to reimlwrso SecuredPartyon demand tor any pnyment or expense incurreci <br /> � by Secu qt Parry pursuant to tho foregoiog autliorization. Until such reimbursemoiit, the anwunt uf any such paym�nq with interost at the <br /> rate of�A��3er �tnnum (nxn dam ol payme�t until reimlwrsoment, sholl be added to the indebledness uw�d by Dehh�r nnd ahalP be aecured <br /> r <br /> . by this aynjemenL (91 That he wili nol use tha Coliateral in viol:�ticn ut ariy appiicnble stalute, reNulalion or c�rtiinanco and i( any o( the <br /> Coliaterai ' is motor vehicles tho samn will rwt txi rented, usecl in rental service nor in any speeJ ur enduranca contest. ItU) Dehtor �viii <br />' pTy Secumd Pnrty any �and all custs and exporises incurred in recovering hossession bf ihe Coltaterhl and incuned In onforcing this <br /> socurity agroanent, ond Hio samb shell lx3 secured 6y this security ogrve�nent. <br /> � Until Default Debtor may have pessession of the Collateral and use it in nny lawful manner nut inconsistent wfth this apree�neirt ond not <br /> � inconsistent with any policy of inswanco thereon, nnd upon de(ault Secureel Parry sh�fll have the immecifate ripht tu thu �x�ssession of <br /> - ' the Collateral . <br /> � Debta Shell Be in De(ault under this agreement u�wn the heppeninN of any ol the lollowinq events or condilions: 1 � ) default in Uie pay- <br /> � ment or perfonnance of any oblipatfon, covenari or lia6iliry rontainecl or reforred to herein or in �ny note evidoncinp the sa�ne: (2) ariY . <br /> � worrnnty, representatioo or statemont m�clo or fumiahed to Secured Parry by or on behali ol Debror proves to have been false in any ma- <br /> � terial respect wlwn mode or furnisheA: (3) nrry c+vent whid� results in the acceleration of the maturity ut d�o indehteelness of Uebmr to <br /> ? - othere undcr any indenwre, o�rnoment or urdertakinp; (4� loss, thait, damuye, destruction sale or oncumbrance W or of any oF the Col- <br /> ; . lateral, or the makinp of ony levy, seizuro or atiac�rnent thereo( or therean; (51 Jeath, dissolutiun, tennination of eaistence, in,olvency, <br /> 6usinoss failura, appoinfiwnt of a recaivar o! any part of tho property of, assiy�iment for the bennfif of creeiirors by, ur Uie canmence- <br /> i � miiit of any pruceadiny under anY I�nkn�ptcy or insolv�ncy laws by or apainsl Deblor or any puaronlor or surery (ur Uebtor. <br /> t <br /> - � Upon Such Dofault and at nny tima thereafteq or if it dee�ns itsell insecurc, Secured Party nwy declnrA all Oblipatiaih se�vred herehy <br /> � immecliotely duo ond Payablo and shall have tho rc�nedie5 0l :� secureJ party under tlw Nelxaska Unifurrn Convnerciel Cude. Sccur��i <br /> ; Party may reyuiro Debtur to assvmblo the+ Coliateral ancl deliver or moko it available ro Secured Perty at a Place to bo Jesiynated by <br /> Secured P�rty which is reosonabiy convenient to both parties. Unlr,ss the Collatornl is perishable or tlireatens to dreline speedily in <br /> valuo or is ul a type custwnnrily sold on a recoNnieed market, SecmeJ Party will give De�tur roasonablo noticr. of tho time mid placo of <br /> +' �� ony public oale thereof or uf tho timo after wliidi any privato sale or anV other intendcr) disposition thorcmol is ro be inadr, Tlin require- <br /> � <br /> ments of rec�sonablo notica shali lw mr.t I/ s�ch notico iu mailecl, pustape prepaid, tu ihe address of Deblor shown ol the bepinninN of <br /> this o�remmnt at least fivo dnys tx!lutv tho time of thc uale or dis�silivn. <br /> i <br /> No waiver by Secured Pnrty of ony dofau�t shull uperato as a woivor uf ony otfier delault or of the sane default on a lutuie occasiun. <br /> " , Tho taklnA of this socurity nureu�nent sliall not �vaivo or impair any otl�er security ti.�id Sr�i��d P;vty may hnve or hr.realteracyuira for <br />/ �� tho p�iyment of iho ahovo indobtedness, nor shal � tho takinp of ony such ndJitional security waive or impoir this socurity ayrec�nen4 <br /> ` but saiJ SecuruJ Pnrty may resort to onY security H may hnve in th�� oider it may deem P�oper, and notwithstondinp any cullat�ral srcu- <br /> riry, Secur��i Pnrty shall retain its rights of setolf apainst De61or. <br /> �� �11I riyhte ol Secured Party herewxier sholl laum ro tli� I�anelit ot its successurs m+d assipns; ni J H��{7ranises ond duties uf De6tcy , � <br /> '.' sha� i bind his heirs, executors or odminiatrators or his ur its saccessore or assipns. �f thoro lx3 i�n� tt�NW�e Debtur, thoir tiabilitie� � <br /> ��� � hcrcunJcr shall bi! joint anJ sovoral . '""' -: � �+ � � Y` p- � <br /> <, > . O i <br /> � .� . , � a3 Q <br /> � � �� =- � This nprvanenl 5ha11 becamo affeclivo when it is si�necl by Debtor. �' + � % �.. � � �� � o � 0 <br /> ;; -' <br />� .1 .`�' . \ : ' n� M1' O <br /> � -; �'� l, i ? ' �' \,� r� <br /> ., � � \�. i � 1w � :3 <br /> `. ,� �. �;, ro J1 M <br /> �z e , �. 1 <br /> � � ��' +\ ��� - � ` � � A <br /> � � N v <br /> � , . '� Ul . V . . ., .._ <br /> 1 • t� � CT> ' t�� . . '„ <br /> �- ���l� � � � <br /> i� <br /> L_ � i ,,� I <br /> f .��,- ! <br /> �;�:.. . <br /> ����� <br /> ����.� <br /> xR::-�, <br /> 'm::i''>. � <br /> � � 3 <br /> rv� :•� <br /> � ✓ <br /> � + � W <br /> ) <br /> s <br /> '; <br /> � <br /> i <br /> � <br /> s <br />