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<br /> 76- (lt1�531
<br /> AfORTGAGI:LOANNO. L 22.119 MGIC
<br /> ,;� KNOWALLMENDYTHESEPRPSGNTS:Thet Larry W. Fowle and Barhara A. Fowle, BdCh 111 h15 0fld
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> l i _Mortgegor_whether one or more,in consideration of the sum of "
<br /> " Thirty-one Thousapd five Hundred and No/100-------- Do�Lni�s
<br /> loaned lo s�id mortgagor by The Equitable BuilJin and Luan Association of Grand(sland,Nebraska,Afortgagee,upon 315 shares of stock o(
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22>>�9 MGI C,do hereby gmnt,convey and mortg�ge unro the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> descri6ed real estate,situated in Hall County,Nebraska: , � . � ,
<br /> '' i
<br /> LOT FOUR (4) IN 6LOCK TWENTY TWO (22)
<br /> logetfcer with all We tenements,hereditaments and appurienances thereunm belonging,including attached(loor coverings,all winduw screens, � .
<br /> window shades,blinds,storm windows,awnings,heating,air conditiuning,and plumbing and water equipment and acceswries thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refrigerato�s,and odier fixtures and equipment now ur herea(ter attaclted tu or used in com�ection wiq�said real estate. � �
<br /> . Md whereas the eaid mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree Ihat the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied ot � � .
<br /> � assessed upun said premises xnd upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby bzfure the same shall become detinquenl;to furnish approred � ��� � �
<br /> insurantt upon thc buildings on said premises:ituated in ihe sum of S 3��5��.�� paya6le tu said ASSOC[ATION and l0 d2Il�R7 f0 Shcd � �
<br /> ASSOC[ATION the policies for said insurance;and not to wmmit or permit any waste on or about said premiur, � � �
<br /> In case o(deCault in the performance of any of the terms and cundi�ions of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby,the mortgagee shall, �
<br /> on demand,be entitled to immediate posseuion o!the mortgaged premises and the mortgagur here6y assigns, transfers and sets over ro the � �
<br /> mongagee xll the renls,revenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedntu shall remain � .
<br /> unpaid;and thn mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may dcsire for the purpose of repairing said premises and renting � � �
<br /> tne s;ame and cotlecting the rents,revenues and income,and it may pay out of said income all expenses uf repairing said premises and necessary
<br /> commissions and expenses inarred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals there(mm;the balance remaining,if any,to be � �
<br /> applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness;these rivhts of the mor�gagee may be exereised at any time during the existence of such � �- � �
<br /> default,irrespcctive of any temporary waiver of the same. �
<br /> These Presents,huwever,are upon the Condition,That i(the said�iortgagor shall rrpay said luan on or be(ure the maturily of said shaces by �
<br /> t ��� paymenl;pay monthl,to said ASSO(:IATIOti of the sum specified in the Rond secured hereby as interat and principal on sxid loan,on or be(ore
<br /> the Twentieth day of each and every momh,until uid loan is fully paid;pay all taxes xnd assessments levied ugains[said premius and on tl�is Atortgage .
<br /> ' and tlie 8ond secured thereby,before delinyuency:iumish approved insurance upun the buildings therron in the sum o(S 3��5��.�� p�yable � . . �
<br /> t'�' to�id ASSOCIATION;cepay ro said ASSOCIA710N upon demand all monev by it paid for such taxee,assessments and insuranca with iNerest at � - �
<br /> the maximum leg�l rate thereun(rom date uf peyment all o(which Afortgagur hereby agrees tu pay;permit nu waste on said p¢mises;keep and cumply - .
<br /> with all the agreemrnls and conditions oC the Dond for S 3� SOO.00 ���is Jay given by ihe said\fortgagor to said ASSO(:IATlO:J,and comply �
<br /> with all thc cequuements of the Constitution and ByLaws of said ASSOCIATION:then the<_e presents shall become null and void,otherw•ise they �
<br /> ��f :4 shal)remain in full force and m�y be foreclnsed at the uptiun of tlie said ASSOCIATION aftar (ailure fur three months to make any of said
<br /> payments ur be�hree muntl�s in aicears in making said tnonthly paymrnts,or to keep and comply with tlie agreements and conditions uf said 13und;
<br /> and Mortgagor�gcees to have a receirer appointed forthwith in such(oredosure proceedings.
<br /> 1(there is any chunge in owncrship a(the real es�ate mortg.aged Lcrein,by sale or othenvise,then lhe eniire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured shall,a�the option of The 8yuiiable Uuilding and Loan Aswciation of Grund Island,Nebras}:a,becunu immediately due and payable without
<br /> ,. furthcr notice,and the amount remaining due undcr s+id bund,and any o�her bond for any additional advances made thereundor,shall,lrom the �
<br /> �:�, date of exrrcue uf said optiun,bear interest at the maximum Iegal rate,and this mortgage may then be forcclosed to satis(y the amount due on said
<br /> bund,and any other bond(or additiona!advances,toged�cr wilh all sums paid by said The L•quilable Building and Loan Association of Crand Island,
<br /> � Nebraska for insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting extension charges,with intera[ thereon,from dale of payment at the ma�cimum
<br /> legalrate.
<br /> � As provided in lhe Uond secured hereby,while this mortgage remains in ef(ect the mortgagce may herea[ter advance additional sums to the
<br /> m�kers o(said Bond,their assigns or successoa in interest,which sums shall beµ�ithin the security o(this mortgage the same as the funds ori�in:�lty
<br /> secured iheee6y,tlie�owl amoun�of principal debt not lo exceed at any time the oriyjnal amount of thk mortgage.
<br /> ; Dated this 12th day o( May ,�.�.,i9 76 �
<br /> � �n .i �
<br /> ) l ���LCu�.�4/�, �/.G�C�.�
<br /> Larry W. owle Barbara A. Fowle
<br /> S'fATB OF Nt:0RA5KA, ss. On this �Zth dsY o� May I') 76 .be(ore me,
<br /> COUNTY Of HALL� I _
<br /> �. the undersigned,a Notary 1'ubGe in anS for said County,personally came �
<br /> Larry W. fowle and Barbara A. Fowle, each in his and her own right w -
<br /> and as Sp0U52 of each other "'hO are persvnallyknownto �
<br /> � � me lo bc the identical person g whou name S affixed to the above instrument as mortgagor S and they xverally J �,�, '�
<br /> acknowledged the said instrument to be thei r voluntary act and deed. . �. �`'���'����
<br /> W(TNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the dnte aforesaid. . � �--�� ,� /l ' � � �
<br /> y"�b'll . . . _ � ` ..
<br /> h1y Commission expires
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