i ,_, .
<br />{� . .. . , :\M
<br />� � , ; �
<br />' '' ��- ian � � � ��
<br /> All pnymentp mede und�r lhe provisionn ut thin murfgnge nr lhe mite herr6y eecured, ahich map hi• rnnshved �+a ioterexL
<br /> shnll nut, in lhc ngqreqnte ocpr thc term tl�ercot, rxr,eed lhi• rate lhat mny now lic Inw(ully mntrncf��d Inr in writinR. � � . � .
<br /> It IR IU�IICI' AAYPMI �LA� 111 GIAC nny auil ie lwµuu tu IUtfCI09Q UIIN IIIUI'�kBRC. �Il(' hiurtgngce, ils repttsenlali��eK nr eseignx. � � . . . � . .
<br /> xha�l at oncr l� enlitied tu thr �xiavesxiun of eaid premfuea, sud npon applicati�m therv�(or, the cuurl in which vuch ncliun Rlvnll
<br /> ,.� I�e brought or any jucl�e nf euch ai¢rt. c�ilher in temi titnr. or vnention, is hercby wulli0rizcvl lo nppoiul e mrniver In tnke p�z�ww• � . . . � . .
<br /> sion of anid premirus, or io collrcl lhr renls lhern(mm, aud tu do nnd ��erfomi aud� ciq�er nclx ny mny be rc�yuired liy tl�e nrder � � � .
<br /> a( tho coutt mekinR tlie np�Mintment; nud said 2�tortgagor heraBy wniviw any nnticr nf vuch npplicsdinn, and mnsimtx In Ih�� np- . � � . . �
<br /> � pointment of n receiver upnn tl�e praluciicm o[ Ihie mortgnqe, �vilhnut other eviden�.r.
<br /> ;�
<br /> , �� �� It ie exprex.vly ngreed and undrtrnta�d Ihat thc l�lurtgagor Ahall� pnuced u•ifh the rnnslruclinn �>t n buildin,: <m �xid prrmia�a . � � . . �
<br /> with nll rnasnnxble. diepntr.h, and dur diligence nnd shall � nuy for any nnd c�li rztt:ut or 117(NII�CAIIClt1Y IIIflL I1P may �oake in enid � . � . �
<br /> buildin�, dimet to tl�e �iorlgnqee to !H? � diabumecl. togrelher �vi�h the monr>' IonnMi or nd�:nt��c�d b�• xnid �torlKNg�rt in iymnr��clion � � . .
<br /> with � thie I`xin. AnJ it is turiher agmed end undervtaxl thnt i( tlir rnnstruction of eeid huiidinR b��. ;�t nn�� timr, dis<vinlinur.d � - � .. � �
<br /> ` ' ar not cntried on with rennnnnMte� dispnlch in the judgm�nt uf the T1orlP.aqre, the Afotigagre ur siny Luldar nC the e.aid nole nnd �� . � � . � � .
<br /> 1No�tgngo may purchnse moterixin and e.mploy �eorkmen t�� profect saiJ building, eo that lhe seunc el��ll md sulier from deprcde- � . .
<br /> tion or tho w�nlher. or tu complele snid 6uilding. xo th,it il mny b�� uced tur thc purp��ea fnr whicl� il is d��ignivl, under the �nid � . � .
<br /> hlana nnd � epeciticntionx; th�t nll lhe sume xo p;�id. or ��xpended, ahr�li I�r dr�>med fo �x• ndvnnces tn thr rtnrlgngor. nud ac+�urnd . . . . ..
<br /> �. . .j by the aafd note and mortNnge and n��v {x• npplied. nL ihr optinu ot the snid �i„rtgatiee, or :ury hold�+r ol v,�id nnle m�d mnrlgn�a � �
<br /> lo any ndv¢nces thernnfler b�rumin� due. I3ul in no eceM sh�ill thi� 11urt�nF�• hc li;�hle in any �cny in cumpli•le snid huildina or � � � .. � .
<br /> - f� pay fnr thc. �,vLa nt rnnstruction Imyond the �idvanmH of thr niuounts drpouil�wi fur uaid purpnsw nr loancvl 6�� I.hr �1or�gngec +. �. . . �
<br /> tor thr conatn�clion of tliis building. And it is further �•xpmssh� e�nrd nnd anderslaxl I.hat il Ihr Dlortgagor shall f�iit tn c.vmplcle
<br /> nnid building in onv�n�ancr wifl� th� ngrrsmrnta, bine prinis nnd spi��ili�•ntionx liled in connrcliun wilh fhix I�tim ur th�ill neFlr�cL . . . � � � .
<br /> (nil or n>fuse tu pay fur fhe c+mis ond expenxee+ in cnnneckiun U�ere�siU�. ur xhall feil iu nny olhrr uf Ihc �vn�ennnfs hrrein �+et (orlh. . . .
<br /> ` then, nl the oplion o[ (lu: MurignKee ur �if lho hulder o( thc nntc and mort�uP.e herrin nd�rmd lo, th�� nlorl�ag��� map Jeclnre said
<br /> `` loan tu lM in de[ault nnd lhe enlirc nmuunt Ioan�xi Nlu�tl immrdint�l�� 6�vv�me due und P�S'.+blr nnd lhr prnf�erty hemin mfrrrrd di .
<br /> ,
<br /> Yllilll IM` &'CUI'ILV (ur aU o[ thr, ndenncrn aud rzprnti�w incnrn•d ��nd mitde b)' 1hr Dtortgngav in �tinnrclion �cith thi. pmvision. - � � . �
<br /> \Vithnut limitiug the generolily �d lhe furegoinR, t!re Atott4a�:�r slvill liaw� 16�• ri�;ht in drel:�rr thnt defaull hr�s IHru mnde , � - �
<br /> - nnd lhr �ntim indebfednoicv hernnndet tn Ir� due and p:iy+�61e ial onrr upon th�• h+yrp��nin�; of any nni• of Ihe follu�vina cnnditinnv : � � � .
<br /> (a) 'I'6c filing of uny lien ntlains� 16r pnyreriV, whrthrr CiFilinn�l �n h�• prinr to Ihe lirvl mnrtt;a{;r nr �ol�j�wl therrin: � � . . � � .
<br /> (b) 1'ho culn' of nny J��dgtnent agniunl Iho �turlr.aKnr: , � .
<br /> (c) 7'he failurc lo comply siricth' ���ith �ouinK rraulati�ms, iho provi�iunv nf ihr i�iip huilrlinK c�vlo. or if :my uinp ordrr � � �
<br /> ix iru+ucd by public nuthorilies; � � . � �
<br /> (J ) Anq wisafafement in Ihr IoAn applir.alian: . � . � . . .� .
<br /> , (rl An>' nu�lerial ch;mKe in tho Plnn� m�d 4P�'l'IGCIl�lO11N nuf firsl auProcad in ���ritin� h�� th�• \tnrl�;ntire: .. � � � .
<br /> : . . ; ( () If wurk tx• delny�vl ur eusp��ndrd fur n p�+ri�xl of Il�iri)' ( :IIIf ii;iyv �rilhmtt r:m�+�� snlivL•ulor�• In Ihu �1urh:aKo�•, nr
<br /> should fhe Mo� fgu�rc faii �o cnuvr work tu le� pr�ra��utrd ��i�;nrnnvl7�. �, . .
<br /> ', � If Ihe hiorf�ngre d���laros lhr lann tu b�� in �Irfnuit widcr (Ill)' Ill�l\'IRI�)114 of Ihis pruvisinn. Ihr Atnrlgnei.r �hall 6i� wid�r . � . � .
<br /> no ohliRatim� tu ndvunce nn�• [urU�cr munirye hrmunJrr oilher Inr P���'�+�<'nt �d w��rk p�rformuJ mvl mnlivialv :dmady furni�hcd. or � . .
<br /> �r�_'; thi��e tn iv, fnrniohed Inlnr by Ih� Dk.rfl:an.u❑ . � . � . _ .
<br /> It is undenitnal and nli�l l.hnl Ihe Afurlrn�;or ���il� u.r all :nle:mitw m :�do nnd�m Ihic m��rlk;f�;e tu ��rr��l a Iniilding ou �
<br /> wiid pn•mi4w in nmordnnir ���ilh Ih� plana. epi��•ilicntiunv :wd prnerd ;i�riv,mrNa lil.vl in ��oiumrlion thrr�����ilh, nnd homlaforr� � �
<br /> appmve�i bp Ihe Murigawrr. �
<br /> ; =i It is underst�xl nnd .�yrcv�d flmt all m:drri;�L� d��li��rr"d upnn ::nid promisov G�r Uu, puipo,:r � d boin4 incurp�ir.d��d in iLr � � � . �
<br /> huiidin�c �hnll tM nmsiderad n pnrt of U�� bnildina. � � � .
<br /> t �
<br /> \[urp:ngiv n�;rrev ln umlu• advmire� ❑ndrr Uiia lonn (nr thr ��nn�lraeliun nf �;iid bmlJine. lmrn timr b� lim�� ;r; rq;m��d
<br /> Ir•tw�vm �hr pm•liig hon•lu. � .
<br /> 9. ' ANI7 I'I' Iti 1;5YRF,ggLY A(:Rlslif) ANU I INI)I;12S'I'Ol )U Il�t�l ;�ud ndv;mc�•a �hnll la, paid .�nlv n6��n in ihr iudeinent .
<br /> uf ll�r A1url�;ngec all w•ork u!�unlly dnnr nt Ih�• nt.u;e of conslrucUun �.�hrn tho adca�nir� 1�: nmd�� pupablr ch��ll h.o�r I�rrn �Inm� in n
<br /> z�� , „^n«I aud wnrkm�mlikr mmmor. �md all �nnlrri;dv �tnd lixlurrv �umollc (urnish�d mid inslnllyd :�I lhnl � imo �hnll h:m� b��rn Gir- .
<br /> �: ` nish�Yl nnd inYhdled: bul tlu \inrtgngee mnY ndrane�� pnrlv. ur Ihe whnlP. OI lIIIV III�LIIIOIPf1�4 IM'IOtP flu�v Iv.��nnu� Ju�•. iF Ihr M1lnrt-
<br /> ��,` . � gagee sh�ll L�c•lieve it ndeisnLlu tu dr, r;c. and �il! ;:urh :e;1�::nira r, � �:::ym::��r: ;h::li b;, drrnn:d In h,����� I.���u nmdr iu purau�ncr nf
<br /> � this x�:rerm��nt, nulhin{�, hin��ow•r. in lhiv n�;rrcmrnt ul�all IH� cunsirnrd na a di•I��rminnlinn �d Iho qn.dih• ul thr �cnrk . lobar
<br /> � � ��. nr mnlarialF h�rnish�Kl b�• Ihe Aturl �;a�ror or c�mlrncl�.�r mid Ihr Mnrlr:�u:ev �I�:dl In• nn�l�•r m� � lulp ur ��I�li4nlimi b� �u:+�a�
<br /> � tiu�h drl��rminntinn.
<br /> � 'I'hv �larlgnF.�`�` x6i�11 Li� vubrngid��d lo nll vl Ih�• rii:htx. privilo4��s. pri��rili��v. nnd ryuitirv+ ol nuv Ii��nLolJer a�hoe�� li��n nmr
<br /> ' hirv�• L��en disehur�ed h�om Ilu� pnx•erdr �d Ihis Imnt ur hy nny fondK h�r��bv p:�i�l or lainivhed by Ihr �1orU:n�r�.
<br /> �� IT I3 BYI'RF,9SI.Y A(iR[iI:U th:d i( llie Aturl�:���ur whnll N��11. runvey nr nlii•nnle �;�id prupvrlv, or miv pnrl lhrreof.
<br /> ur mty inlcrnvt thcri•in, or flllilll IN` (IIYCgI1Y� of hiy Utl�� or nnp infrrv,vl tlirr�in in am• mnm�er nr �rrip. whrU��•r vrdunlnrilr or
<br /> imroluntnrily, wilhoul �� rilten rnnvent of Uu� �inrltiiikin c�in�; firnt hnd nnd ubl��in��L �lorltuKcr Nhnll h;�vr lhe ri�:hL .�I ila ��pliun.
<br /> ' to d!�clure mtY inJr6bslnrn4 ar oblig;d.iunn w�•curcd hrrcLy, irrqvpckli�•r n( t6r �nnh�ril}• dnlv �prrilivd in mu• not�• ��ti�idenciut; lhc
<br /> , xnme, immedialely dur antl p�p'nblrz wilhout nuti�r, nnd eaid dc6t yhnll lherrup�m Inrromi� alwnlul��. 1! Ilio owneruhip nf lhi� m��rL
<br /> �. gn�ed pmpc�lY beannr� vrnl�si in n Pervun ulhcr fhan ihr AturlRagnq ILe ntntf�:acor m�iy. �rilhni�F nulicc lo �h�� BIn�(k;1F.Uq IIPuI
<br /> �ciU� nuch eucceaxor or eucrrseorx in inlrrru! �riUi tef��rrncc ln Uiie mo�j�:n�;n nnd Ihr dcbf Iio�i�Lc sr�•arrd m� �vilh Ihr �inrf�tnr�or.
<br /> imd may (orlianr to nue or moy estend time tur fho pnyanent n( th�• d��bt. hrrrLy ai�run�d ��•ilJwnt di�rhnrku�e ur in mi}� �rm• nlTrctin�
<br /> � thc llnbili�y uf the uri�;innl Rlnrbwgor hvrcuuJor or u�nm thr dcht nri•urrd.
<br /> � r
<br /> . [n lhi� innlrum<•nt Ihc eingular includrti thc I�lur�d �tnd �h�r nwvc'�tlinr inch�drs Ilir faminiu�� nnd Uin nrulrr uml Ihin in - �� .
<br /> vlrnmrnl vfwll Im bindinR �q��,n fh� undrr9i�tuaJ, hiv hrirs. p„reonal r��pncrninlivrn, w����c��a�nr� nn�l n"�q'n�. � � .
<br /> ' �( N �YITNI•;9S �VIIEltISDF. .�r hmc h�,n�unln aol nut 6nnd« n�d( el`al. Ihr dnv nnd > � v firl nlro� �� �rritivn.
<br /> ;� ,, , J ; :� I .� x;
<br /> � In Ihc pn�n�ncv+ oL , . ,: �. . � 4`t
<br /> �;; { � {;� „ �` ��. L , ��� � , ,, ,. , .. .. 1 i . _ . � �
<br /> 14. 1.ix.rt 1� 'Che +.ictnc,yer �
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