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<br /> G. If he fails to pay any sum or lceep nny coventtnt provided for in this mortqnge, tlie D7orLgagee, at
<br /> its option, mny pa,y m' perfocm the same, and �il expenditures so mndc shall be addcd to thc princip�l sum
<br /> o�ving on the above notc, sl�all be secured hereby, tuid shall bear interest until paid nt the rate provided
<br /> forinthe principalindebteduess.
<br /> 7. Upun request of the D'fortgagee, ➢Tortgagor shnll execute aud deliver a su��plement�l note or notes
<br /> for the stnn or swns udvanced by Mortgngee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at ,
<br /> the Moi•tgagor's request ; or for mainlentuice of said premises, oi• foi• taxes or assessments ngainst tlie
<br /> snme, �nd for any other piupose else�vhere tiuChoriud hereundcr. Said note or notes shall be secured
<br /> liereby on u parity ��'ith and as full,v as if tlie advance evidenced thereby �vere included iii tlte note first
<br /> � clescribed abuve. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear intm•est at the rate provided L'or in the prin-
<br /> cipal indeUtedness and shall 6e pny�ble iu approximately equal montlily payments for such period as may
<br /> be agreed upon by the D[ortgagee and Mortglgor. Pailing to agree on the mutiu•ity, the ���hole of the sum
<br /> or sums so advanced shali be due and payable thirty (30) days after demanci by the iliortgagee. In no
<br /> event shnll Che maturity estend Ueyond the ultimate maturity of the nute fiist described .ibove.
<br /> 8. lIe hereby assigns, transfers and �ets over to the Mortgagee, to I�e applied tu���ard the paymenL of
<br /> � ''- the note and all swns secured hereU3� in case of u default in the performance of any of the terms und condi-
<br /> � ; tim�s of this mortgage or thc said note, ail the rents, re��enues and income to be derived from the mort-
<br /> gngecl premises during such time as the mortgagc indebtedness shzil remain unpaid ; and the il4ortgagee
<br /> - shall have po�ti�er #o appoint an�� agent or agents it may �lesire for the purpose of reuting the same and col- '
<br /> lecting the rents,- revenues and income, and it may p.3y out of said i�uomes all necessary commissions aud
<br /> e�penses incurred in renting and managing the snme and of collecting rentals the�rfrom ; the bulance
<br /> remaining, if any, to be applied tou•ard thc discharge of said mortgage indebtedness.
<br /> 9. He ��•ill continuously inaintain hazard insurance, of such type or types aud amounts as \3a•tqagee
<br /> may from time to time i•cnuire, on tlie improvements now m• hereafter on said premises and except �vhen
<br /> payment for ul! such premiums has theretofore been made un�er (u) of pai•agrxph 2 liereof, n�ill pay
<br /> promptly ���hen due anp premiums therefor. iJpon default thereof, Blortga�ec may pny the same. All
<br /> iusurnnce shall be carricd in companies approved by the Dlortgagee and the policies 1nd rene���als thereof
<br /> shall be held by the lloi•Lgagee and have attached thereto loss payable clnuses i �i favor of and in form
<br /> acceptable to tl�e liortgagee. In eeent of loss Dlortgagor will give immediate notice b�� mail to tiie hlort-
<br /> gagee, ���lio may malce proof of loss if not made promptly by Dfortgagoi•, and endi iusurance company coii-
<br /> ; i; cerued is hereby� authorized aud directed to malce payment for such loss direcLl�� to tlie Dlortgagee iustead
<br /> of to the 1Iw•t�agoi• and tl�e nlortgagee jointlY, and the instu•ance proceeds, or :iny p.jrt thei•euf,
<br /> may be applied Uy the Mortgagee at its option either to the reduction of the iudebtedness hereby secured
<br /> or to the restoratiun or repair of the property damaged. In e�•ent of 1'oreclosure of this mortgage, or other
<br /> transfer oT title to the morlgaged property in extinguishmcnt of the indebtedness secured hereby, all
<br /> riglit, title a�id iutci•est of tihe 11lortgagor in and to any 111S111'III1CC pOIlCICS CllCll I11 I01'CC 9I18II ])RSS t0 CIlC
<br /> j ' pui•chaser or grantec.
<br /> 10. As adclitional and collateral seeurity tor the payment of the note described, and ull sums to become
<br /> due mider this mortglgc, thc :tlortgagor hereby assigns to thc Afortgagce all leasc bonuses, profits, re�•e-
<br /> uues, royalties, ri};lits, and othci• benefits accruing to tlie DSortgagor under any and nll oil �iud gas le.ises
<br /> no�ti�, or dtu•ing ti�e liie ot this mortgage, executed on said premises, ���itl� thc right to recci�•e and receipt
<br /> ; ; fm• the s�me and appl�� them to said indebteciuess as «�ell I�efore as nfter default in the conditiais of this
<br /> ` mm•tgZge� 1nd the \Io�•lg:lgee I��a}' de�tt8�id, sue for and i•ecocer anv suc}i pa�•ments ���hen ctue ancl pay�-
<br /> { _,
<br /> ; ablc, Uut sh:ill not be required so to do. Tliis assignment is to iermi�iate and becmne nuli nnd �•oid upoii
<br /> I ` release of this mort�,rnge.
<br /> 11 . He shall not conunit or permit n�aste ; and shall maintain the propert�� in as good condition as at
<br /> present, reasonable ��•ear �md tear excepted. L7pon any failure to so maintuin, �1lortgagce, �it its optiot�,
<br /> ,,: ; may cause reasona�lu maintenance �ti�orlc to be performed nt the cost of �Iortgagor. � ny amounts paid
<br /> thcrefor b�� Mortg�igce shall Lcar interest aC Uic rale pro��ided for in tlie indebtcdn��ss, shall
<br /> thereupun become a pai•t of the indebtedness secured b�' this instrument, i•<<tabl}� and ou a pai•it}• ���itli nll
<br /> + ' other indebtedness secui•ed herebp, and sltall bc payable tltirCy ( 30) da��s aftcr dcmaitd.
<br /> � 12. lf the premises, or any pnrt thereof, be condemned under the po���cr ot' emineut domain, or
<br /> acquired for a public use, the damages awarded, the proceeds for the taking of, or the consideration for
<br /> such acquisition, to the extent of the ftill amount of the remaining unpaid indebtedness secured b}• this
<br /> mortgtigc, or hereb�• �ssigned lo the nTortgaqec, a �td shall be paid fortli�rith to s;ticl �Iortgagee, to be
<br /> '� � applied on account of the matui•ing installments of sucli i�tdebted�iess.
<br /> �: ',
<br /> � ? ] 3. If the \Iortgagor fails to make au�� payments �vhen due, or to conform to and contpl}• �t•ith any
<br /> ; : of thc conditions or agreements contained in this mortgagc, or the nutes �chicft it secures, then thc I
<br /> enlire principal sum a��d accrued iuterest sh111 at onee become due and paytible, at the election of the �
<br /> \[ort�;agee ; and this mortgagc m�ip thercupon bc forectosed immcdiately for thc �cliole oi' the indebted- ;
<br /> ness hereby secured, iucluding the cost oP extending the :�bstract of title from the date of this tnort-
<br /> gnge to the time of commencing such suit, a rexson�ble attorney's fee, and au�• sums pnid b�• the Veternns i
<br /> Administratioti or aiccount of the guar�u�t�� oi• insurance of the iitdebtedness sectn•ect her��b��, all of �cliicli
<br /> shall be included iti ttte decrce of foreclosure. �
<br /> '� 1�1. If the indebtedness secured hereby be gu�u•anteed or insureQ wider TiUc 33, L?nited States Codc, " �^�`-=�� '
<br /> ; such Title and Regulntions issued thereunder and in e(fect on the dntc hei•eof shall qo��ei•n tihc riglits, dulies � '"'
<br /> and liabitities of the parties hereto, and auy procisions of this or other instrumeuts executerl in connectiion � .`
<br /> �sitlt said indebtedness whicli .u•e inconsistent witli said Title oi• I;e�*ulations ai•e hei•eb�• amended to �} ,
<br /> conform thereto. �` '
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