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<br /> MORTCAGIi
<br /> nfoeTcncr ionn No. L � MGI C
<br /> KNOWALLl+1F.NDYTIIESGPRESENTS:That Charles W. Doherty and Marilyn G. Doherty, CdCh 111 h75 �
<br /> and her OWn right and dS Sp0U52 Of 2dCh other, M1lortgagor,wlietheroneormore,inconsiderationofthesumof
<br /> ' Thirty-two Thousand and No/100----------------------------------------------------DottnRs
<br /> � loaned lo said mor[gagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Aswciation oC Grand Island,Nebraska,Atortgagee,upon 32� shares oC stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L22���6 MGI C,do hereby grant,convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOClA710N the(ollowing �
<br /> described real esta�c,situated in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> �,�
<br /> ,'
<br /> together with all the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenences thereunto belonging,including attad�ed floor coverings,all window screens, �
<br /> window:hades,blinds,storm windows,awning:,heating,air conditioning,and plwnbing and u�ater equipment and acces:ories therero,pumps,stoves, �
<br /> cefrigerators,and uther fixtures and equipment nuw or hereafur attached m or used in connectior a•ith said real estata � �
<br /> And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all�axes and essenments levied or �
<br /> assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond securrd thereby before the ume sh�ll become delinquent;to furnish appro��ed � � ,
<br /> insurance upon the 6uildings on s:tid ocemises:ituaced in the sum of S 32�Q��.�� payable to said ASSOCIATION and to delieer to said
<br /> ASSGCIAT[ON Ifie policies fur said insurance;and not ro commit or permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br /> In case of default in the performance o(any of the urms and conditions oC this mongage or the bond secured heceby,the mortgagee�liall,
<br /> on demxnd,be entitled tn immediate posussion o(the mongaged premises and the mortQagor hereby assigns, [rans(er:and uts over to the
<br /> mortgagee all the rents,revenues and inmme to be derived(rom the mortgaged p�emises during such time as the mortgage inde6tedness:hall remain .
<br /> unpaid;and the mortgagee shall have the puwer to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpou of repairing said premises and centing
<br /> � the ssme and collecting the rents,revenues and income,and it may pay out of said income all expenses o(repairing said premises and necessary �
<br /> 9�1 commissfons and expenus incurred in renting and managing the same and o(collecting remals therefrom;the balance rcmaining,i(any,w be �� �
<br /> applied toward the discharee of said mortesge indebtedneu;these rights of the mortgagee may be exerciud at any time during the existence of such
<br /> de(ault,irrespective o(any temporary�waiver of the same.
<br /> 11 These P�esents,however,are upon the Condition,7hat i(the said Afurt¢agor shall repey said loan on ur before the maturity of said shares by �
<br /> p�yment:pay monthly to said ASSOCIATI01 of the sum specified in tl�e llond secured hemby as interost and principal on said loan,on ur hefore
<br /> ����: the Twentieth day of each�nd eveq•month,until s:iid loan is fully paid;pay all taxes and assessmenes lei�ed against said premises and on this�fortc:�ge �
<br /> `�� end the 8ond seared thereby,before e:elinquency:fumish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum o(S3Z,���.�� p�y'able � .
<br /> to said ASSOGA'f10N;repay m said ASSOClATIOK upon domand all muney by it paid fur such tnxes,a:sessments and insurance with interest at �
<br /> the nuzimum legal rate thereon Gom date of payment all of which�longago�hereby acrees m p;�y;permit nu waste on uid premises;keep and wmply
<br /> w�ith alt the agreements and conditions o(the Bond fur S 3Z OOO.OQ ���is day�iven by the said Afortgagor w said ASSOCIATIOV,xnd comply �
<br /> with all the requirements of the Constitution and By-Laws o�said ASSbC1AT101:then diese przsents shall become null and roid,othzrwise the�•
<br /> SI13II remain in full force and m�y be ioreclosed at the option of the s�id ASSOCIATIOti atcer failure fur thrce munths to make any of said
<br /> p�ymen!s or bc three mo�[hs in arrears in maAing said munthly payments,ur to keep and comply w�ith the aeceemen�s and conJitions ot s3id Rond;
<br /> and�1ort�eur a�rees to hnve a receiver appointed fotthwiih in such foreclusure proceedines.
<br /> r� If there is any change in ownership o(the real estate mortgaged herein,by sale ur otherwise,then the entim remaining indebtedness hercby
<br /> secured shall,at the option of The Gquita6le BuBding xnd Loan Association ol Crand Island,Nebraska,6ecome vnmedutely due and pa}ab(e without
<br /> furiher nolice,and d�e amount rcmaining due under said bond,and any other bond(or any additional advances made thcreunder,shall,fmm the
<br /> date of exercise ot said uption,bear interest at the maumum]egal rate,and this mortgaee may then be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on snid
<br /> oonJ,and any other bond for additiunal advances,togethcr w•ith all sunu paid by said Tl�e Equitable Building and Loxn Assuciatiun of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska(or in:urance,taxes and assessments,and nbstracting extensiun charges.�cith interest [hereon, from date o(payment at the mirimum
<br /> Iegalraie.
<br /> x�� As provided in ihe Bond secureJ hereby,wliile this murtgage remains in effect the mortgagee may hereatter advance additional sums to the
<br /> makers of said Bond,their assigns or successors in incerest,which sums shall be within the serurity of this mortgage the same as the funds originally
<br /> secured there6y,the total amount of principal debt not to exceed at any time the original amount of this mortgage.
<br /> Dated ttus i c -"�day oC ��7�y�t,/ A.D..19%� _
<br /> ' '�� � � �µ%.
<br /> ��;,.y,,�-� ,� ��-:_�r, �i���1�w� ,�_ , �:����_
<br /> Charles W. Doherty Ftarilyn G. Doherty
<br /> STATE OF NEBitASKA,�ss On�his ��th day of Ma 19 76 .before me.
<br /> COUYTY OF HALL Y •-.1-,:.,:,,.
<br /> the underugned,a tiotaev Public in and for said Count��,pe:sonally came � �. �:;y
<br /> Charles W. Doherty and Marilyn G. Doherty, each in his and fier own right and as s�ouse
<br /> ther, who are Pzrsona ly knaw�n to � �
<br /> tyC'��g e4^ j person 5 whou nameS a re afCixed tu the above instcumcnt as mortgagur 5 and they xverally h �.;r:,�`0
<br /> �qo�1�A�d,�l�sai �nstrument to he thei r voluntary act and dced. Sp � �
<br />"^ %�7¢ � t107P�� �� RTT��SS my hand and Notarin15ea1 the date aforeTaid. ��
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