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<br />��� If under Paragraph I7 hereof Ihe Property Is sold or lhe Properly Is oUicrwise ucyuirtsl by Lender, Lender shal� apply , no
<br />�' � � - later Ihan Immediately prior to �ha sale of lhe {'roperty or Its acquisition by Lender , uny Funds held by Lender al lha tlme ot
<br />' � � appllca�lan as a credil againsl ihe sums secured by this Morlgage.
<br /> . �
<br /> ). Appllcatlon o( Payments. Unless applicablo law provldes otherwise, all paymenls received by Lender under tho Nole an
<br /> Paragraphs 1 and 2 hereo( shell be applle� by Lender flrst In payment of amounls payable to Lender by Borrower under Parograph
<br /> 2 hereol, lhen lo IMerest payable an 1he Notc, and lhen lo Ihe princlpal of lhe Nole.
<br /> 4. Cliargas; Llens . Borrower shall pay al� lazes , assesemenls and olher charges , fines and Imposllions ntlri6utable lo lhe
<br /> Properry whlch may al�ain a prlority aver lhis Mortgnge, at Lender's op�lon in lhe manner provided under Paregrdph 3 hereo(
<br /> or by [larrower making payment, when due, directly to the payen thereof. Borro�.ver sNall promptly furnish to Lender all notices
<br /> o( amounts dun under lhls Paragreph and, In tha event Borrower shall make payment directly , Borrower shall promptly furnlsh �
<br /> to Lender recelpts evldendng such paymants . 8orrower shall promplly discharqa anv lien whlch�ha9� oriurily over lhis Mortgaga;
<br /> provided thal the 8orrawer shall not he requlrod to discharge any such Ilen so lang as Borrower shall agree In wriling
<br /> � lo lha paytnenl of �he obligaqon secured by such Ilen In a manner acceptable lo Lendnr, or shall In good (alth contest
<br /> � such Ilen by, or dafend enforcamenl of sucli Ilan In lega� proceedings whfch operate lo prevent Ihe enforcemenl of ihe
<br /> � Ilen or for(ellure of lhe Properry or any part lhereof.
<br /> ^ ' S. Hazard Insuronca. 6orrower shall keep Ihe Improvements now ezisling or harea(ler erected on the Property Insured
<br /> � �t against loss 6y Iire, hazards Included wilhin the term "extended coverage" , and such other haxards ns Lender may requlre and
<br /> �.. In such amounls and for such perlods as Lender may require; provided lhat Lender shall nol require lhut Ihe amounl o( such �
<br /> (� coverage exceed lhat amount of coverage required to pny lhe sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br /> The Insurance carrfer providing the Insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subjed to approval by Lender; provided, Ihat
<br /> � such approval shall not be unreasonab�y wllhheld . All premiums on (nsurunce policles shall be paid by Borrower making pay-
<br /> � ment, when due , dlrediy !o lhe Insurance wrrler.
<br /> AI� insurance policles and renewals lherua( shall be In form acceplahle to Lender and shall indude a standard morigagee clause '
<br /> in favor ol and In fonn acceptab�e lo Lenden Lender shall have the right to hoid the policies and renewals thereo(, and Oorrower
<br /> shall promptly furnish to Lender all renewal notices , lhe policies mid any renewals lhereol and all recelpts of paid premlhc�. '
<br /> vj In Ihe event of loss , Borrower shall give prompt notice to Iha insurance carrier and Lender, and Lender may make proof of lo`A �
<br /> if not made promptly hy Borrower .
<br /> In lhe event of a �oss , the amounls coilected shall be payable lo lhe lender and al lhe optlon o( the Lender may be used In any
<br /> one or more af tha following ways: ( 1 ) applled upon the Indebledness secured hereby whelher such Indebtedness be matured
<br /> or unmatured; (7) used lo (ulfill any of lhe covennnts conlalned herein as �he Lender may de�ermine; (3) used lo replace or ° . �
<br /> res�ore the Property to a condition sallsfac�ory to Lender, or (4) release the same to the Borrowen Such appllcalton o! proceeds
<br /> � lo the Indebtedness shali nol exlend ar postpone the due date of lhe monlhty inslallments re(erred lo In Paragraph I hereot or
<br /> change lha amount a( such inslallments . If under Paragraph 17 hereof ihe Properly is acqulred by Lender, all r�ght, lille and
<br /> fnlerest o( Borrower in and lo any insurance policies �nd in and to the proceeAs thereo( resulting from damage to �he Property
<br /> prlor lo the sale or acquisltion shall pass lo Lender to �he extent ot ihe sum secured by this Morlgage immediately prior to such
<br /> sale or acquisftion .
<br /> 6. Preservation and Alalntenance o( Properry . Burrower shall keep Ihe Property in good repalr and shall nat permlt or
<br /> commil waste, impairment, or deterioretion of the Property and shall comply wilh any restrlcUons a(lecting Ihe Property .
<br /> 7 . Protectian of Lender's Security . If �orrower fails to per(orm the covenants and agreements contalned in this Mortgage, or
<br /> I( any action or proceeding Is commenced which materially alfecls Lender's interest in Ihe Praperty , Including 6u1 not Iimlted to,
<br /> � i eminenl domain, insolvency, mde en(orcemenl, or arrangements or proceedings involving a bankrupt or decedent, then Lender ,
<br /> at Lender's option, upon nolice to 6orrower , may make such appearances , disburse such sums anA take such action as Is
<br /> necessary to protect Lender's Inlerest, including bul nol limiled lo, disbursement of reasonable allorney's fees and entry upon
<br /> lhc Property to make repalrs . Any amounts dishursed by Lender pursuanl lo this Paragraph 7 wilh interest thereon shall become
<br /> +� �' additlonal Indebtedness af Borrower secured by this Morlgage to lhe exlenl permitled by applicabie law . Unless Borrower and
<br /> ,�' �? Lender agree to olher terms of payment, such amounts shall be payable upon notice (rom Lender lo Borrower requesling payment
<br /> lhereol, and shall bear Inlerest from lhe date o( disbursement al the rale of IOe unlezs payment of Interest at such rale would be
<br /> " �� conlrary to appilcable law , in which event wch amounts shall bear interest at lhe hiyhest rate permissible by applicable law .
<br /> Nolhing conlained in lhis Paragraph 7 shall rr.quire Lender to incur any expense or do any act hereunder.
<br /> d. Inzpection . Lender may m�ke or cause ta be made reasanahle entries upon and inspections o! the Property .
<br /> 9. Condemnatlon. Borrower agrees that all awards heretolore or hereafler mnde by any public or quasi -public authority to
<br /> ''� � lhe present and all subsequent owners o( lhe Pruperly covcred hy this Mortgage by virlue o( an exe�dse ol the righl a! eminent
<br /> domaln by such authority, including any award for a taking o( title, possession or riyhl o( access to a public way , or (or any
<br /> change ot grade o( streets a�lecling said Properly , are hereby assigned to the Lender; and lhe Lender at its opllon Is hereby
<br /> aulhorized, directed and empowered to colled and receive the proceeds of any such award or awards Irom the aulhorlties muking �
<br /> � �� lhe same and to give proper receipls and acqulllances lherefore , and may , al lhe Lender's election, use such proceeds in any one
<br /> z :
<br /> or mare a( the (ollowing ways : ( 1 ) apply the same or any part thereof upon lhe Indebtedness secured herehy, whelher such
<br /> Indebtedness then be matured or unmatured; RI use the same or any parl theren( to ful(ill any of the covenants conlained herein �
<br /> �=� �' as lhe Lender may delermine; (3) use lhe same or any part thereo( to replace or restore the Property lo a condition satisfactory
<br /> e` . to lhe Lender; or (4) release Ihe same lo the Borrowcr; and lhe �orruwer hereby covenanls and agrees to and with the Lender ,
<br /> upon request by the Lender, la make , exewte, and deliver any and all assignmenls and other instrumenls sufficlenl (or lhe purpose
<br /> of assigning all such awards lo lhe Lender tree, dear , and discharged ol any and all encumbrances o( ony kind or nature whalso-
<br /> �! � even The appiicatlon ol such proceeds to the Indebtedness shali not exlend or postpone the due da�e o( the monlhty fnstaliments
<br /> - referred to in Paragraph 1 hereof or change the amounl of such installments .
<br /> j10. Borrower Not Released. Exlension of thc time (or payment or modification or amortization ot the sums secured by lhis
<br /> Morlgage granled by Lender to 6orrowcr or to any sutcessor in Inlerest a! 6orrower shall not operalc to release, In any manner.
<br /> � ; the Ilabilily of lhe original Borrower and �orrower's successors in inleresL Lender shall nol be required to commence proceedingz
<br /> . against such successar, lo re(use to or to exlend time !or paymenl, ur olherwise to modify amortizalion o( the sums secured by lhls
<br /> M1lortgage by reason of any demand made by �he original Borrower or �orrower's successors In inlerest .
<br /> � I1 . Forebearance by Lender Not a Waiver . Any (ore�earance by Lender in uxercising any right or remeAy hereunder, or
<br /> olherwise a(forded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver af or preclude the exercise ol any right or remedy hereunder. The
<br /> � procurement of insurance or the paymenl of Wxes or other liens or cbarges by Lender shall not be a waiver uf Lender's right to
<br /> ' accelerale Ihe maWrity of the Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br /> IZ. Remedies Cumulative . All remedies provided in this Alortgage are distlnct and wmulathe lo any other right or remedy
<br /> � under lhls Morl a e ar afforded b law or ull and ma be exercised concurrentl y .
<br /> , 9 y y eq y, y y , independently, or successivel
<br /> 5 13 . Successors and Assigns Bound; Joinl and Several Liabiliry: Captions . The covenants and agreements herein contained
<br /> sliul� 6ind and the righls hereunder shall inure lo lhe respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower . All covenanis
<br /> and agreements of Borrower shall be jolnt and several . The captions and headings of lhc Paragraphs o( this Mortgage are for
<br /> . comenience oniy and are not lo be used lo interpret or de(inc the provisions hereoL In lhe event the ownership of the Property
<br /> or any part thereo( becomes vesled In a person other lhan lhe Borrower, lhe Lender may deal wilh such sutcessor or successorz
<br /> in interest wllh reference to lhis Morlgage and lhe Indebtedness hereby secured In the same manner as with lhe Borrower without
<br /> - in any manner vl[ia:ing or oi:cnarging ine t5orrowers iiaUility heiewider or uµin ine Indebtetiness hereby secured; and in the
<br /> alternatWe, at the option af lhe Lender , Lender nuy dedare that the unpald balance of the IndeGtcdness is Immediately due and
<br /> payable.
<br /> , 14 . NoUce . Any natice (rom Lender to Dorrower provided for in this Alorlgage shall be by certilied mail b Ourrower al the
<br /> Property address slated below or at such address as �orrower may deslgnale to Lender hy certified mail to Lender's address,
<br /> ezcept for any notice given to Borrower In the manner prescribed by applicable law as provided in Paragraph 17 0! this Mortgage .
<br /> - � 15. Unlform Morlqaqe; Governing Law; Severabillly . This form o! Mortgage combines uniform covenanls (or nationai use
<br /> � anJ non-uni(orm coveoaMs wlth Iimiled varialions hy �urisdictlon to constlWte a uniform securily inslrument covering real
<br /> properry . This Mortgage shail be governed by llie law o( Ihe jurisdidiun in which the Property is Iocated . In the event lhat any
<br /> i prov{sion or clause of this Martgage or the Note canllicts with applicable law , such mnfllct shall not a(!ed olher provisions o(
<br /> this Mort9age or the Nole whicb wn be glver3 effecl wllhoul lhe conflicting provision, and to lhis end the pravislons of Ihis
<br /> � fdortgage and the Note ure Jedaiev io te >-v:r�bl: . �
<br /> � 16. eorrower's Copy . Borrower shall be turnished a conformed copy of lhis Mortgage at the time of execution or after
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