� �'
<br />� � � .� ^ �
<br /> 76- �?�l�_,41"
<br /> ' KNOWALLI+fENDYTNESEPRESENTS:That �ohn E. Pfeifer and Lois A, Pfeifer, each lll h15 !
<br /> ': and her own right and as spouse of each other, �
<br /> Mortgagor,whether one or more,in cunsideration of the sum oC
<br /> Thirtv_two Thonsand Fi9ht Nimrlrarl and Pdn/100-------------------------------------- DOLLARS
<br /> loaned to said martgagor by The Equitable Building and Luan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,Alortgsgee,upon 328 shares of srock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATIOti,Certificate No.L Z2���2 ,do hereby grant,convey and murtgage unto tht said ASSOCIAI'ION the following
<br /> 'i; described real estate,situaced in Halt Coun�y,Nebraska:
<br /> :
<br /> +
<br /> together with all the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonp,ing,including a[tached tloor coverin@s,all window screens,
<br /> . window thades,6linds,srorm windows,awnings,heating,air conditioning,and plumbing and water eyuipment and accessocies[he�eto,pumps,stoves, � . �
<br /> retrigeralors,and ather fixtures and equipment now or hereafcer aitached m or used in connection w•ith said real estate. � � . ��
<br /> �'3 And whereas the said mongagor has agreed and does hereby agree d�at the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessment:levfed or � . � � �
<br /> assessed upon said pcemius and upon thit mortgage and the 6ond secured thereby before the same shall become delinquent;[o fumish approttd - . �
<br /> �;'_, insurance upon the buildings on said pcemises situated in the sum uf S 32,$QQ.QQ payable to s;tid ASSOCIATION and to deliver ta said � � -
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance;and not to mmmit or permit any waste nn or about said premius: � ��
<br /> [n cau of defaul[in the pedormance of any oC the terms and wnditions of d�is mortgage or U�e bond secured hereby,dte mortgaget shall, � �
<br /> �'��i on demand,be entiiled to immediate possession o(the mortgaged premiscs and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transferc and StlS OL'tf to the . � .
<br /> � mortgagee ell the rents,revenuet and income ro bo derived Crom the mortgaged p�emius during such t'une as the mortgagt indebtedness shall remain � �
<br /> unpaid;ar.d the moctgagce shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for d�e purpose of repairing said premises snd renting � � � � �
<br /> tlu same and collecting the rents,mvenues and income,and it may pa}•out of said income nll expenses of repairing said premises and necessvry � � � � �
<br /> wmmissions and expenses incurred in centing and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom;the balance remaining,if any,to be
<br /> � applied mward the diuharge of said morteage indebtedness;these riehts of the mungagee m�y be exerciud at any time during the existence oC such �
<br /> default,irrespectire o(any temporary:�aiver o(tha same.
<br /> These Presenis,howe��er,are upon the Condition,That if the said�fortgagor shal!rep3y said loan on or before the maturity of ssid shares by .
<br /> -�S payment;pay monthly to s3id ASSOCIAT(01 of the sum specified in die$und secured hereby;�s interest and principal on said loan,on or before � � � .
<br /> the Twentieth day of each end erery month.untH said loan is ful!}�paid:pay all taxes and asseuments levied ayvnst said premises and on this\lortgaee
<br /> and the Bond secured thereby,be(ore delinquency;Curnish appmved insurancc upon thc buildines thereon in the sum of S 3Z 8OO Q� P�Y�61e �
<br /> to said ASSOCIA710V:repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all monev by it paid(or such ta�es,assessments and msdrance�wu7�interest at �� �
<br /> the ma�cimum legal rate thereon from date o(payment all of which?�Sortgagur hereby aerees to pay:pecmit no waste on said premises:keep snd comply � - . .
<br /> x �. H•ith ali the ageements and conditions o(the Bond for 5 32{80(�,(�p this day given by ihe said'�tortgagor to said ASSOCIATI01,and comply
<br /> _ with all Ihe requiremems of ihe Constilution and$yLaws o saidASSbC1AT10S:then these prexnts shall become null and void,othecN�isz they
<br /> sliall remain in(ull lorce and m3y be fo�eclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATIO\ afmr failure for thtee months to make any uf said
<br /> ����� payments or be thme momhs in xrrears in making said monthly papments.or tu keep and complq with the agmemtnts and conditions of ssid 6ond; �
<br /> aud'n�ongagur agrzcs to ha.z a rccci�.-r sppaiateS furihwith in such foreclosu¢pruceedings.
<br /> � If there is any change in ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein,by sale or othcrw•ise,then the entirc remaining indebredne:s hereby
<br /> - secumd sl�all,at the uption of The Equitable ISuilding and l.oan AswcWuun of Grxnd Island,Ne6ras':a,bewme imm:diately dee and payable without
<br /> iurther notice,and die xmount remaining due under said bund,and any other bond for any additional ad�ances made thereunder,shall,frmn the �
<br /> - ' date of exerciu of said option,bear intecest at the m�ximum legal rate,and this mongage may then be forcdosed to satisfy tfie amuunt due on said
<br /> � bond,and any othrr bond for additional ad�ances,together with all sums paid by said The Equitable Budding and Loan Associatiun of Grand Island.
<br /> - Ne6raska for insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting extension charges,w'ith inucest thereon, (rum dam oC payment at the nuximum
<br />_ !eE:!r_tc.
<br /> . As provided in the Bund secured hereby,while this mo[tgago remains in eCfect the mortgagee may heratter advance additional sums to the
<br /> n�kers of said Bond,theit assigns or succeswrs in interest,u•hich sums shall 6e within the security o(this mortgage the same as the Cwds originall�� �
<br /> securcd thtteby,the total xmoun[of principal debt not to exceed at any time the original amount of this mortgage.
<br /> u�cea�n;: Zth a�y�r May A.D.,i�.76
<br /> y i? ' � �` '
<br /> �n. '''{.7 �J I /. '
<br /> Jo n E. Pfeif ✓ Lois A. Pfeif r ` V
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ss. On 8ns �th day,o{ �4dy ]9 �6 ,be(are me,
<br /> the underti ed,a Notary Public in and for said Counry,personally came � � �`�` ` �
<br /> John E. Pfeifer and Lois A. Pfeifer, each in his an�her own n
<br /> ri. spouse Of @dCh other "�1O are {�rsonallyknuw•nto � ?
<br /> iX
<br /> � / e z�`.ajqj��." �rson S w�hox nama 5 afficed to the above instrument as mortgagor S and they severally �
<br /> !
<br /> ' � ackdgirle�ged the'rlid irl�{tument to be thei r voluntary act and deed. � � �
<br /> . ,,�, p � :•� VI'(�NES�my hand and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. - �
<br /> � .
<br /> x' ' � -��51yC6mmiuion expires R � ;�! !��i 1 ' �.� . .
<br />� - �1�1�J-qa%/ - . - ! �
<br />�' �ct. . �- '�!Jotan'Yublic
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