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'r� �Y;f <br /> Z. � � <br /> ai � <br />„tr , <br />� <br /> y,�; .. <br /> 7b� ��2367 <br /> f MORIIGAGOR FURTFIER COVLNANTS AND, AGREG�:yCr .',`� <br /> 7'hat lhe Mortgngor, will ��ny .the indebtednes-v � as heminlx(ore provided. . . . . . . . . . . <br /> Thut thr. Mortgnqor. ie the � owncr of sxiJ property in tce simple ancl hnx Koocl right und lawfut aulhority tn zell nnd <br /> convey thr. same� and :t6at lhe sume �ie� ircu�xnd clear at nny li:rn or. encumbrnnce; and ttiat -� MoAgngor will warrant :md defrnd lhe ; " � .� . � <br /> title lo snid � premises - eqninst the claima of all �,� perenrui whomsoever. . ' � � �. � <br /> ' � To pey � IMmedintely when _�lue and puynble. all 'qencral tuXes, speciul lnxes, specinl nssrasmrnts, water chargeF, � si�wer serv- � � � � � � � <br /> . ice charg�re, and other taxea and chnrges against suid properly, nnd all l�xes levied on ihr debt srrured hemby, and lo furnish the � <br /> � Mortgagee, uPon •request, wilh-thc �oriqinnl ur�. duplieate� receipts � Uierifor., The Murt[;ogbr rig�ei�s�� th9t lhcre shnll 6m udded' tn � ' � � � <br /> � each monlhly pnyment mquired hereunder or undrr the evidunce uf debt srcured hereby nn ;immml �stimulrrl hy lhe Mortgugee � <br /> Lo be xuRcientto� enuble. the � Murtgugee to pay, us they become due, all tnxus, ti-vsessmenls, nnd similar chargcs upon � lhe �.prem• <br /> � i!us suGject thereto; any �deficiency �becauwe of lhe i�inufliciency uf such a8diliunal po>'men�s shall be forthwitli dep�nited by lhr . . : <br /> " Mortgngo[ with lhe hfortgagee upun demnnd by the Mortgagen. Any drGnill wid�•r this pnr:itir:�ph nhidl be drrmrd a drfaull in � <br /> paytnent of lases, nasc:ksments, ar simil+ir chiarges mquired hereunder. . <br /> � 'Phe Morlgagor agrees lhut lhere ahull nlso be addrd lo rach munthly payment n( principul and inter��st reyuir[+d . here- . . <br /> undrr an nmuunt eslim:ded by lhe Morlgagee lo be suf(icient to enuble Ihe Morlgngrr lu ��uy, ns it becomrs due, lhe insurance � � � <br /> pmmium un any insurence policy dclivered to lhe Mortgagee. Any deficiea�cy brcause nf lhr in.tiu(Iiciency o( such additinnal p:�Y' <br /> � ments shali br forthwith deposiled by thr Murlgngor wilh the blortF;agee u�nm demnnd hy the Mortgagec. Any drfa�dl under this . <br /> � parvgn�ph nhxll I� dremed n detaull in the payment of insuronce � premiums. If Lh<• polii�v nr puliriec deposile•d :ve sUch� 95 Iriime- <br /> ownen or nll risk pnlicii•s, :md the deposit+ are ii�euRcient Lo pay Lhi• �•ntim premiurn , the Morfgagen may apply lho d��posit to <br /> pay pmmiums on riskn reyuired to b�� insured bp ihis rnnrtgage. + � . � <br /> �' . Pflymeniti madc hy � he blortA��or undcr thr above pairagraphs mny. al Ihe nption uf thr \iorlgagee, Le held by il and . <br /> � cnmmingled with other such funds or ilx own tunds for Ihe payment of such ilrms. and unlil sn applicd, such paymrnts �rc h��mby � . <br /> pliYlged as +rcurity tor the unpaid Iralanee ni Ihe murtRage indrbtedness. � <br /> � Tn prncure, deliver to. and nmintnin for Uie b�•mdi[ o( lhe Mnrtg�gee durinl; lhr li(e u( thia morlgage nriginal P��licirs and � . <br /> renewals thereu[. deliverrd al Ie:�sl trn days before th�• espira(iun uf any such polici�,, insurin�; :sgainsl tire and uther insurnble <br /> � haz+trds, casunitiea, nnd contingeeicic-+ as the MortgeFee muy reyuire, in nn nmount equnl to the indebtednei+s secutcd by this � <br /> Dlortgage, and in eom�raniea aceapla!�le to lhe MurtgaK��r. with lons P;�y��bl� �I:msw in (avnr uC and in tnrm arceplablr to lhr Murlga� � <br /> ,..., . gce In lhe event anY P��licy is nut rrnra�ed un nr b�dore trn d:iys nf its rspiratiun. Ih�• hlntlgnge�� tnuY procure insurancr nn tLr � . <br /> improvemenls, pay lhi• premium N�rrvtur. and surh sum shnll bec:>mr immediatelY dui• :�nd pFrytfLlu wi�h interesl nl tl�e rat:� set � <br /> (orth in sai<1 nole unlil p�aid ;md vh�dl Ix• x��currd hy Ihi, murlgage. F.iiluru on lhr port vf ihr �lnrtgagor tu furnish such renew�ak - <br /> � as nre herein r�quired ur failure tu pay �u�y +ums advnncod hereundrr shall, at thr oplion of the Nlurttiagra, cnnstitutr_ a dr•laull <br /> under lhc lernts of lhis rnurlgagr. 'Chr di•livery u( sueh pulicier sL:ill. in lhr vvr��t u( d��(atJt, eunstilule an +issignmrnl nf ihe un. . <br /> � earncd premium. <br /> . Any sums recein�d by lhe �1��rlqager. by resieon o[ lutis ur damuge insured against may be rclainrd by th�� !�furtgagee <br /> and npplied toward Ihe p:ayme•nt uf thr debt hrreby s�-rured . ur. at dir ��ption uf thr Siorlgagce. such sums ��iUier whollV ur in � � <br /> pnrt may bc pt�id over tu lhr ldurlgagor tu {x� u<r�d to rrpair such buildin�;� or t�� build ' ni�w buildings in IL��ir plarv or fnr any <br /> `� � other purpose or object satis[nctury lu Ihr �7urlgagce withnut :dT��ctinR the lien un lhi� mnrtgage for lhe full nmount s�•cured here- . <br /> � by bcfore such paymant uvur la�k pince . . <br /> �� . 'Cu prumpt(y repair. ruslme ur rebuild any builuings nr imprucernrnts now ur hrn•aRer on lhe pn•mises which may �•- . <br /> come damaged ur deslroycYl ; to ke��p said premi���s in gaid conditiun nnd reP:�ir und Gec from any mechanic's lirn or uther lirn or <br /> claim o( lien not ezpresvly sulwrdinated to lhe lien herco(: nuf ln su(ier ar permil :�ny w�lawful use u( or vny nuisanc�• lo exisl on . . <br /> s�id pruP�'rty nor lu prrmit waste on said premises. nnr tu du nny othrr acl a�her�•by thr pruprrty hereby cunv�•yed shall brcome . .. <br /> t. less vulunble. nur lo diminiyh or impxir ils value by �ury� acl ur nmi,sinu tu act �. to rumply �vith all n•quir�•ments �1( I�W W�I{t r<•.prct <br /> to lhe mortgaged premises and thr use lhereoL . <br /> G <br /> � That should the premises ur any U:�rt thi�n�uf Ix� L�krn ur damaged by n�a.nn uf nnp public imprurament ar cund��mnation <br /> y proceeding, or under the right o( eminenl dumain. ur in any other manner, ltui 1lurtgagce shalLhe ��n1i11eJ to ;JI cumpensations, <br /> fnvards. und any ether paymenl or rr.lie( lhrrr(ur. and shall be entilled. at ils oplinn. lo ennvnence. oppear in and pr�secute in its . � � . <br /> t � nwn name uny uction ur proceeding. ur to make any cumprumise -or setllrment in cnnm•eliun wilh such takinK or d�enngr.. All such <br /> p compensetion. nwardx. <lamug!s, riKht n( acUun and prxeads nrr herrhy assiKn��d to th�• �Ato�ttia�;eo, w�hn may. u(ler dcduc� ing <br /> f`�. Iherefrom all its expenses, rclease any moneys So recerved by it or apply Ihe same un nny indrbledness srrured hereby. 7�he \lort- <br /> gagor ogrees to execute such furlher ussignmenlx o[ any compensafiun, ewards, damagr�v, nnd rights of netiun and ��roceeds aa the <br /> klorlgegee mny require � , ' <br /> f <br /> � � 'I'hat in case of (ailure tu per(urm any of th�• covenanis herrin. the �forlgagee may do un the �lortg�gor's 6ehal( ecrrylhing � ' <br /> so cuvennnted; thut the Murtg�gee may also do nny acl il may dre•m nrreswiry tu prulecl lhe li��n IhereoF. that the A1nrt�;agor will :� . <br /> ; rrp7�y upnn demnnd uny moneys paid or disbursed by the 1lortg��re for anv of the abuvc purpn�ce. and sueh mnni�ys totietfier wi(h �. . <br /> � <br /> inlerest thercon nt the ralr provided in wid nole fih�ll becumr so much additional indrL4klnc+s herrby s�•cured und mny I�e im „ <br /> j' cluded in any decme (oreclusing lhis murlKage and he paid wf a ( the rent.r or Vroceeds uf v�le nf said prrmises if nu[ othenvise <br /> puid; lhat it shrill not be obligalwy upon the htorlgvgee tu inquirr into Ihe validity o( any lien, �ncwnbrunces, ur claim �n nd- <br /> vancing moneyy es above aulhorized, but nol'ning herein rnntained shall Fx cnnstrued ns reyuirinK the blurtg�gee tu advance any 4, <br /> moneys (or uny such purpuse nor lo do any act herrunder; and th:d Mortgagee shall not incur nny persunal linbility because of any- �'�� <br /> � thinK it mey do or umil ta du hereunder. <br /> s In lhe event of Ihe de[nult by \lorlgugn� in lhi� payment of any installmenl. as rr•quired by the Nule secumd hereby. or <br /> . in lhe perlortnance of the obligatiun in this morlgaRc cr in lhe nule xeti�ured thore5y, the ."�.'. :�r'�::;;:•c sl�al! bc rnti!led tn dedarr. lh�� <br /> �' debt secured hereby due and paynble withoul nulice. und lhe Aturlgagee shnll be enti�led ��t il, uptiun, ���ithuut nnticr. either by iLvell <br /> . or by n receiver lo be app<�int�d by the court lhemuf, and without regard lo the adequacy o[ any sccurily (ur the indebfedness se• <br /> curni herehy, lu enter upon and take pos§essiun� o( the murfgaged premises, and tu collect and receivr thr• mnls, is�ues nnd prufila <br /> lherecl, nnd apply the same, .less c�sls ut u�x�ration nnd collection, upon the inde6t�xineiv secured by this morlgnqe; suid rents, <br /> is5ucs und proftls being hereby as.signed �o the !�7ortgaKee av (urlher security [or lhe paymenl nf ull indeblydnc+s s�rured hercby. <br />� The htorlgagee shall have lhe power lo appoint any ngent nr agents it may desire (or th� purpuse o( rrPairing said prrm• ' <br /> � isex; renGng the sume; collecling the rcnts, revenues and income, nnd it muy p:ry w [ �if ,s�id in.c�e a;l cz��ns;� :ncu:rx� io rer.:- . <br /> i <br /> _ „�r,,: <br /> ing nnd mnnaging lhe same and o( colleclinK thc renlals thrre( rorn. 'the balancc remaining, i( nny, shfill br nPplicd (oward thr . �?�;: � ` <br /> dischar�e o( the mortgage indebtedness. This nssi�nmrnt is tu frrminnte nnd tw�rnmr null nnd void u�wn relrnsr u( lhix mortgagc. , {y '�� <br /> . : <br /> L � � <br /> � { <br /> . . � <br /> ___ _ _ ____ - . -- <br />� . � <br />� _ <br />���� <br />�=�. <br />�_� <br /> ��� � � <br />�_� � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br />