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<br />�� � 7�- ( (J �. � �y �.} -i
<br /> 'I'HE M�RTGA�OR �Fi]RTHEEt COVENANTS AND AGRE�S:, r 4 r, � j , ;
<br /> . . .. ._ i ° 1 . . . ,�',';
<br /> 'That the Mortgnqar will pny the indebti�dneas as hgreinhetnre provided:
<br /> � 'Chet the Murt6agor � is � the �owner of said property in fee ximple tuid hav go«I right and lawful nulhurity to sell and �
<br /> wnv�y lhe snme 'and-thnt the enme �iw�. free und clear . of any lien or enchim6r6nce; nnd thnt Morlgngor will wnrrant nnd de(end Ihe � � .
<br /> title to said premises nguinat the claima 'o[ nll peracins whomeoever,
<br /> � �r0 pay� ImmedlBlely� w}len rlUe �tllld FStlyal)It� pil gene[�I lAxes� S�1MI71I � �AXC9� S�1CCI�I FIti9F34It1L'pL4. WilYf`I' 1.`I18�6l9, tiPWff �CIV• - � � .
<br /> , iec chnrg�, and uther tnxes nnd charges against . said property, nnd all -laxes levird on thc �Icht xecured hereby,- nnd lo .furnish the � .
<br /> . �. Mortgagee, upnn . request, with :tl�e originnLo� ��iluj�licale �receipts �tfir.refor. � 'Pl�e Murlgugur agreea Lh�.t there sball be udded lo . .
<br /> each monthiy pnyment rcquired hereuniler or under the evidencc of debt sr.cured liereby 'nn amount ustimafed Ly the MorlGager.
<br /> ' to l�e sutficicnt �tu enable �-the Mortgqgce_ fo pny, �as they become due, aIl tnxes, assessmenls, �md similnr. chnrgrs u�xm the prum- - .; . :r � � � � �
<br /> � � ises subje.et thetelo; nny �cltficiency hecxuse of � the insufficiency uf such additionnl p5ymenls sh�ll be forthwith deposifi�d � by lhr � � -� � - -
<br /> � Mor�g3gor with thee . Murtgagee uP�>❑ demnnd by the 1vlo-lg&geu. Any dcftmll under this poragraph s6nli he dermed a drfnult. in �� . .
<br /> payment o( iflxes; as.vesxmenfs, nr aimilar Charqex rrquired herrundcr. - � � � � �
<br /> The M��rq:+�R��r agrees thut there shedl also be added tn trach monthly payment of .principal and interz�st reryuired hrrF-' . � - �
<br /> � under on umount rsti�mi4d by the Mortgugee to Hi• siillicicnt fo ennble thr A4orlgagce to pay, ns i� brcomrs du��, lhe insurance � � . � � �
<br /> � premium on nny insuranca pulicy <lelivered to the Murtgagee. Any deficiency becnuse u( lhe iasuflicirncy o( such addilinnal paq- � � �
<br /> : menlv shall he (nrt{twilh� depnsited by the Iviortgagor with Uie� Morlgagee upun demand Iry � thc Mortqagee. Any drtaull undrr this . � - �
<br /> pxragrnph xhuli tM deemed u detault in the payment ot insurancc+ prrmiums. If the pnlicy nr pnlicirs de�iositetl arr such � as hvmo� � �
<br /> ownerK or all riek pnlicies, and thr. deposils are insu(ficirnl to pay tho rntim premium. lhe Alortgagee mny npply the deposit to . �
<br /> pay premiums on risks reyuired tu be insuriKl by this rnortgnge . �
<br /> y
<br /> . � PaymenLs m+ide Ly the hlurlF;egur w�der � he +ibove par�igraphs mny. at the ��ptiun nf tho �4url�:ag�•r, bc h�•Id � by _ it nnd . � .
<br /> � "' commingled with other such (tmds or its ow�n funds for Ihr� p:ry�ment of tinch itrms, and until eu applird, such paymenl� are herehy ; � . .
<br /> pledg�Kl tis security for the unpuid halance o[ lhr' mnrp;a�e indebtedni�sF. � � � .. �. .
<br /> . To procure, deliw•r fo. +�nd m��infain fnr th�� 6�•nelit of lhr b1nrigabee during Uie li(e of this murtgage original policies iand �, . .
<br /> � rr,newals Iher��f. delivrred �il Ie:�sL ten dip�s helore th.- eapiralinn u( any such policies, insuring aguinst fire and ulher insurable . . � .
<br /> hs�znrds, cnsualties, und cuntingencies as the MarfgaFee may myuire, in um m�ovnt eyuol to the indebledne9s secvred by thia . - � � - .
<br /> . Mortgage. and in companirx acceptnt�le to lhe Murtl;��K�'�•� �'ilh loss payable cluu�e in (evnr of ond in form ncct.ry�table tu lhr Alnrtga- � � .
<br /> gce, In the event anV pulicy is rwt renewed un or befure trn days a[ its expirxtian, the MurIK�I;ec may prnrure insuranrn an Lhc �� �
<br /> improvemenls. paY Lhe premium therefor. and such snm shall Lecomi� invnedinlely due and puyable with inli�reat ��t the r:alr sel � �
<br /> fortt� in eaid nute unlil paid nnd +6:JI tx� �ecured by t.his martgage. }'adure on the part n( ihe `:fortga�cr :c f:i:::i:;h �uct: ren�ws:= � � .
<br /> as aue hrrein re�uired ur f�ilure to pay any sums advnnccd hureunder shnll, nl thr uptiun o( lhe Morlga4��e. ronsliful�� a de(ault � . �
<br /> n . � under ihe tenns ut this mortgatia "fhe Ji•lirerv o[ such pnlicirs sliall, in the �•v�•M uf drfnult . cnnstilute an assiknm�•nl uf thr um . .
<br /> � eurnewl premium. , � . �
<br /> � AnY 4umx recri��ed by tL�� blurtg�gce by rrason uf loss ur dumage ins��red ;aguinst may be retainrd 6y lhe 1Turtgngeu � . .
<br /> . und applied toward lhi� payment uf the debt hemhy securrd , ur. �L the optiun o[ the \forlbal;�•e, such sum+ rither wholly or in � .
<br /> . purt m�y he paid uver tu Lhe Murtgagor tu be uned to rv•p:air sueh buildings or l�, 6uild ' new buildings in their pince or fnr any � .
<br /> o[tier purpose or object 4itisfactvry to thr Slurtgagee withnut aliectin�; the lit•n nn thr mortK��e (or lhe ful� a�nount srcurrd here- � � � .
<br /> , by befure such puyment evrr lc�k pleca . �
<br /> �� Tu prompdy repuir. resturc ur rebuild any buildings nr improveme•n�s nuw „r he•realter nn lhr premises whirh may Ix�
<br /> come damaged or destroyed ; to keep said premises in gixid condition �nd repnir and frru (rom any merhnnic's lien or other lien nr � � �
<br /> . claim o( lien nol ezpn�ssly subordinaled to lhc lien hereof; nol to su(fi•r or permit any mJaw(ul use o[ or any nuitiance �o exist on � � �
<br /> said pruperly ntir lo permit waste un s:aid premisrs, nur tu Ju any other acf �.�hrmby lhe pr��perly herebY cunveYed shnll become � � �
<br /> M� � less vuluvble, nor tu diminish or impair i4v v.due by any nct ur omissi��n lo :�cl ; to comPl�� wilh all reyuiremrnts u( I:�w x�ith r�•spect
<br /> � tu the mortgaRed premises nnd the use thereoL � �
<br /> ' Thnt ehuuld lhe premitius ur �ny Part therroC knr tnkru ur d..mug�Yl I,r u�:mun �d �n•: Publii' irnprorvnuvd ��r ri�ndrrnu;:� inn � .
<br /> , prceceding, or under lhe righl uf eminent dnmain, or in any uther manner, the 9forlgagee shall b�r F•ntiUed lo all compensutinns. � �
<br /> nwards, and any other payment or rrlie( therefur, nnd shall be enlitled, ;d its oplian, to cummence, appear i�i and prosecute in itg �.
<br /> � own name ainy netion ur prxeeding, or f�� make any compromise or seltlement in cunn�•etion with such L�king ur damagi. Alf suck - � � � - � �
<br /> � compensalion, nwards, damag��s, riRht o[ action and proce�.le are hereby assigned tu the hiurtgagee, who m+ay, nfter deducling � �
<br /> ' � there(rom all its expenses, release any muneys nn ruceived by it or upply the same on any indebtednes.s secured hereby. T'he Dforl• ..
<br /> � gfigor ngrnes !o ezecute such furiher ussignmentK of any cumpensatiun. awnrds, damagrs, anJ rights of aclion and �noctrds ati the - - ;
<br /> Y' - Morlgagee may require. . , . �
<br /> i ,
<br /> r"
<br /> " That in clse of failure to per(orm any o( lhr coven:urts herein, tFe Rlorlgagee may do on the Morlgngur's behalf rvervihing ��
<br /> �;� so covenunted; that the Mortgngee muy a�so do nny act il may derm necessary tu protect thr lien thereo(; ih+it th�� btorlgagor wil! � •Y- .
<br /> � � repay upon demund nny moneys paid or disbursed by the Mortgagrc tor any of lhe abuve purper.;rs, and such moneys toKetFier with �� ��
<br /> « �
<br /> � interest tl�ereon at the rale provided in said nole shall tx�cumr. so much additional indehlr�dness hereby st�cured and may be m-
<br /> � cluded in uny decree forecloaing Lhis murtgage and � paid uut o ( thc renls or procreds ut w�le o! ::aid premises if nnt otherv+ise ' . .
<br /> c� � pxid; that it shull not be ubligatory upun the Mortgagec to inquire inte� the validity o( any licn, encumbranci•s, ur daim in ad- `t`
<br /> vancing moneys es aFwve authurized, bul nothing herein contained shall ba conslrucd as r�K�uiring the Mnrtgugee to ;�<tv;�nce :�ny `� �
<br /> � moneya for any such pur��ose nor tu do any act hereunder; and that Murtgagee shnll not incur any �H• rsunnl liabilily beca�se o( any • . �,
<br /> � thing it may do or omit tn do hereunder.
<br /> - In the event of lhe default by Murlgngor in Ihe payment o[ any installmenl. as rrquired by fhr Nn�i• secured hereby, or �
<br /> � in lhe perfotmance of lhe obligalion in Lhis mortgagr ur in lht� nute asumd themby, thr \lorlgag�•c shrdl hr rntitl��d tn drelare fhr .
<br /> . debt secured hereby due und puyable withoul noticc, and the \1ortgugee shull be enliUed at ils uPtlon, wi�hout nulice, eilher by iLcelf
<br /> � or by a rrcciver to be appuintc�l by lhe court thereof, and without regurd lo the adiquacy o[ any security (or lhe indebtedness se-
<br /> cured hereby, to enler upon and Lake poskession� o( the � murtgaged premises, and to collect nnd receive the rents, issues nnd profils
<br /> lhereof, and apply the same, .less cosLc of oMration and collec.ion, u�n the indebtedne.s secured hy this mortgngr, said renta,
<br /> issves and profiL9 beinq herehy us�igned to the MartgaR�'e as furfher srcurity (or the payment of ail Indebtrdnrss ti�YvrF�d hereby.
<br /> � The Mortgaqcr shall have lhe power to uppoint any agent or agents it may desire for t!ie purpase of repairing s:�id prrm-
<br /> ises; renting lhe same; collecting ihe rents, revenuee and incume, and il may pay nut o( snid income all expensrs incurred im m�t� �
<br /> � ing and mannging the snme und of collecting the rentals therc(rom. The balunce rernnininK. if nny, shnll be aryplied loword the � I
<br /> �<...�1�_;� � � .
<br /> ' discharge o( the mortgnge indebtedness. This assignment in tn tvrminale and becomr null and void upon rel�.ix� of this morlFnge. � �, ;;i,: `
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