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<br /> MOItTCAGGLOANNO. L22,�pp
<br /> KNOWALLMF:NDYTHGSCPRESCNTS:That Gordon D. Francis and Harriette $. FPdfiC15, each 10 h15 �
<br /> :�
<br /> ::
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other, Mortgsgor,whetheroneormore,����3�a«auonotmes�moe
<br /> '? Eighty Thousand and No/100--------------------------------------------------------"�o��nas
<br /> '� loaned to said mortgagor by The L'yuitable Building and Luan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,Alortgagee,upun 8�� shares oP srock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Ccrtificatc No.L 22��02 ,do herehy g[ant,convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> ';j described teal estatc,situated in Hall Cuunry,Nebraska:
<br /> '.,i
<br /> ,�
<br /> +
<br /> ;;
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> '}
<br /> � together with all the renements,hereditmnents and appurtenxnces thereunto belon�ing,including attached iloor coverings,all winJow screens, � � �.
<br /> window sl�ades,blinds,storm windows,awnings,heating,air condi;ioning,and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto,pumps,stoves, �. - . .
<br /> refrigerators,and other Gxtures and eyuipment now ur hereafter attached ro or used in connection with said real estate. . .
<br /> And whereas�he said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that�he mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or � -
<br /> "�� assessed upon said premius and upon t}�is mory5age and the bonJ secured there6y before the same shall become delinquent;to furnish approved � � .
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of 5 HO,���.0� payable to said ASSOCIATIOh and [o deliver to aid � � .
<br /> `
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance;and not to commit or permit any waste on or about saiJ premises; � , � -
<br /> In case o(default in the pedormance of any of the terms and conditions of d�is mortgage or the bond secured hereby,the mortgagee shall, ��
<br /> - on demand,be en[itled to immediate possession oC the mortgaged premises and thc mortgagor hereby assigns, transCero and uts over to the � �
<br /> mortgagee all lhe rents,cevenues and income to be derived Crom the mortgaged prcmisu during such lime as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain � . �
<br /> unpaid;and the mortgagee shall have the power to appuint any agent or egents it nuy de:ire for lhe purpose of repairing said premises and«nting � .
<br /> the same and collecting the rents,ravenues and inmme,and it may pay uu[ o(said income all expenses o(rcpairing said premise:and necessary . �
<br /> commissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of coltecting rentals therefrom;Iht balance rtmaining,if any,m be �� �
<br /> applied toward the diuharge o(said moctgage indebtedness;these rights uf the morigagee may be exercised at any time during�he existence of such , � � �
<br /> de(ault,irrespective of any temporary waiver oC the same. �
<br /> These Yresents,howeve�,are upon the Condition,That if the saiJ�for�gagor sh�ll repay said loen on ur befoce the mewrity of said shares by � .
<br /> paymenl;pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION o(the sum specified in the Nond secured herc6y as imeeest and principal on said loan,on or betore � �
<br /> the Twentieth day uf each and every month,until s�id loan is fully paid;pay all taxes and assessmcnts levied against said premises and on this Aiortgage �
<br /> and the Bond secured thereby,before ddinquency:lurnish appw��ed insurance upon the buildings�hereon in the sum o(S 80 e���•Q� pavable � . � ,
<br /> to said ASSOCIATION;repay to said ASSOCIAT[ON upon demand all muney by it paid tur such taxes,assessments and insurance with interest at � � � .
<br /> ^� the maximum legal ra�e thereon fmm dnte of�payment all of which 9fortgagor hereby agrees to pay;permit no waste on said premises;kcep and comply � �
<br /> �,
<br /> � u�ith all the agceements and conditions o(ihe Dond for S$O����.�� �his day given by the said Alortgngor ro said ASSOCIA7'ION,and comply � :
<br /> -� with�II the requicements of thr Consti[ution and Uy�Laws of said ASSOCIATION;then these presents sLall Uecome null and�vid,othenvise they �
<br /> shall remain in full force and may be forecloseJ at tlie nption of the said ASSO(:IATIUI after failure for [hroe munths to make any uf said
<br /> payments ur be three munths in arrears in making said momhly paymems,or w keep and cumply ui�h the agmements and cunditions uf said Itond; �
<br /> znd Mo�tgagor ag�ees to have a receiver appointed(orthwith in such foreclosure pmceedings.
<br /> �" If ihem is any changc in ownership oC the real estate mortgaged herain,by sale oc otherwisc,then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured st�all,at the option of The f:quitable BuOding and Luan Association of Grand Island.Nebraska,become immediately due and paynble wilhout
<br /> furlher notice,and the amount remxining due undcr said bond,and any oiher bond for any additional advances made Ihereunder,sh�ll,frum thz
<br /> date uf exercise of said option,baar intercs[at the maximum legal rate,and this mongage muy then be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due un said
<br /> bond,and any other bond for additional advanus,together with all sums paid by said'ihe L'yuita6le Building and Luan Associa[ion of Grand Islsnd,
<br /> k�; Nebraika for insurance,taxes and asussments,and abstracting extemiun clizrges,with inlerest thereon,trom date of payment at Ihe maximum
<br /> legal rate.
<br /> � As provided in ttie dond xcured hereby,while this mortgage�emains in e(tect the mortgagee may hereaftar advance additional sums tu the
<br /> "' m=kers of said Bond,their assigns or sucuswrs in interest,which sums shall be within the sccurity of this murt�ge the same as the(unds ori�in�lly
<br /> securea thereby,the total emount of principal debt nut to exceed at any time the oriWnal amount ol ihis mortgaga �
<br /> /i
<br /> Uated,this 30 ��'�� ApY'i 1 ,�t.D..1+ ^76 __
<br /> ���yi�.G�,t �l Y��ti, �,, r�:L4.'u..�� t('i :i' � ��G-�L-c'.cJl��
<br /> �Gordon D. Francis Harriette S. Francis
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,i ss. On this 30th d3y of Apri 1 I Sl'( ,before me,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL� _.� � .-.
<br /> Gordon D. Francis and Harriette S. Francis, each"�in"�i`is'an�a`�er�own righs�i`�an���d'�SPOU52me � +
<br /> ; of each other, "'hO dl'e P�«nallyknownto �
<br /> , � me to be the identical rwn5 whou name S d P2 aifixed to the above instru :mort J
<br /> pe gaKur S and they severslly � �
<br /> ac�nowledged the said insWmrnt to be the i r voluntary act and dced. ��� "� � y``
<br /> J �i. ` �
<br /> W[TAESS my�and anu Notarial Seal thc date aCoresaid. �/ '� �! �/ ;' tp �
<br />,r�� � � �� Aty Cofnmivion expires ,�/� � .�� :�� .
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