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<br />� �
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<br />� S'PATE OF NLB1tABKA, Couuty of ........................................................:
<br />� Piled for record xnd entorud in Numarical Index
<br /> on............................................................ nt ................ o'cloek ................ M., NEBRASI<A DOCUMENTAftY
<br /> uad recorded in Deed$ecord...............................Pa�u ....,...........,. ...... STAMP TAX
<br /> ............................................................ �Y ..........,..............................,.................. MAY 3 1976
<br /> County Clerk or Deputq County Clerk or
<br /> Regieter of lleedu lleput.y It�giatcr of Decds $�;�,,?,p�7 BY,/(y,�', �
<br /> ' 76, !l 0 2,���i .. ._.._.__.. .._ ,
<br /> •-TdTF.rnF.NT ATT��7,;,
<br /> Wayne A. Petereon erd Connio H. Puterson, huaband and wife, each in hie und her own
<br /> right end es apouse of eoch athar , heroin oalled the grnntor whother one or tavre�
<br /> in cunsidorntion of TWENTY THOUSAND AND NO/100the ($20�000.00) DOLLARS
<br /> recelved Prom grantee, does grnnt, bnrgnin, sell, convey und emifirm unto
<br /> J
<br /> Da—Ly I�vestmente, Inc.
<br /> Beraiu called the grnntee whether onc or more, thn following 3eecribed raal p:operty in
<br /> , ' Hall..................................................... Caunty, Nebrnaka:
<br /> Lat Six (6), Block Seven (7)� In Kernohan and Ueckor's
<br /> Rddition to the City of Crnnd Island� Nobraska
<br /> j ;
<br /> t
<br /> 'Po l�nve and to hold t6c above deacriLed premises together tvith nit tenements, bereditawents
<br /> and nppurteunnces thereto belouging tmto tl�e grnntce ac�d to grantee's heire nnd ussigns forever.
<br /> 4 ; And the grnutor does LereUy covennnt with the grnntee und with �rnntec'd heir� aud uesigna
<br /> thnt grnntor is ]s�vfully seised oP enid premiacx; tLut thcy i�re free from eneumUrnnce
<br /> except for easementa and roetrictione of record
<br /> <<.;
<br /> thut grm�tor hus guod right nnd I�tsftil nt�Uiority to cotivcy tltc sumc; aud tl�at grimtor wnrrnnta and will
<br /> � , defend the titic to said premi�;es iigninst Chc la�vful claims of nll peraone wl�omsoever.
<br /> "r' •�
<br /> k n;�t�a ;:�%?Lc:e'.�'o ��.y��
<br /> ,.
<br /> ;; " __._._
<br /> f, ! .................................................................................... .����lJc.�.:.�..:.....!:.�..� .'�!{;y.-:'�.=::' .
<br /> fllayne�A. Potersen
<br /> �� ��. -., ,,,-'7/
<br /> a � - .
<br /> ,
<br /> ,
<br /> a. � �. i ,.- f .
<br /> f� r
<br /> ,��..�(l� ././ �. /�r �r�f♦
<br /> � ' .......�............................................................................ .,....:.... .-.�.:....,.. ..�....� ..r...! �.. ..�..�...tC�.�`:[.A:'{.i
<br /> . �/, /
<br /> Connie H. Poteroon
<br /> N' �1'A77;UP NF,I3HASKA,County of........../Lr:�G.�,.,...............................:
<br /> t '
<br /> S I3efm•c me, n nokar}• public qunliticd for suid countY, personally� citme
<br /> Weyne A. Pataraen and Connie R. Potereen, huo6end nnd wife� aoch in hie and har awn
<br /> r right und ae opouse of oech other
<br /> kno�rn ln mc tu be thc idcuticul pervon or persous o•iio eigucd tlie
<br /> fureFoin�; iuntrument m�d acicuo�rlcd�;ed the execution thereof to bo I�is, �
<br /> her or their voluntnry net nnd deed. N_�`
<br /> Witnexs m}• hnnd and notarinl ecal uu ���'�"! �'' ��%" � � i"
<br /> l. � ..... .............................
<br /> �,l..... ,
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<br />�, eucRusonu►.sae,dMe.. .................. :.c:c....C�...�.......�.�.�.�:,�<.�.1.. .... tvotun� t>,abuo �
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<br />,,. roe Q.s6-re.nc � �r..�, -, . icA
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<br /> . , MpGmm.(iaMar.�t,ifED 1f�- couuuiss�mi ezp�rc� ........:............�.:.../..........., 19 �.�...
<br />;'�tE
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<br />=-�;. Form 22 Approved bY Nebrnska Stnte f3ar Assorf;uiou Felton 4 Wolt U>.,IJnooin,NrLr.
<br />':�:,�
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