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<br /> hfORTGAGG LOAN N0. � 22>��3
<br /> KNOWALLMGNI3YTHESBPRESENTS:That �ames A. Flyr and Kay Y. Flyr, each 1ft h15 and her own �
<br /> right and as spouse of each other, hfortgagor,whelheroneormore,inconsideratiorofthesumof
<br /> � Thirty-one Thousand One Hundred and No/100----------------------------------------po�[,nHs
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Associution oCCrand Island,Nebraska,Mortgagce,upon 3�� shaces of stuck uf � - � .
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22,103 ,do hereby grant,cunvey anJ mortgage unm the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> described real estate,situated in Hal!County,Nebraska:
<br /> •;,. �
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<br /> ':r
<br /> logeqier with atl Ihe tenementt,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunro belonging,including attaclied floor coverings,all window screens, . � � .
<br /> window shades,6linds,storm windows,awnings,heating,air wnditioning,and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto,pumps,stoves, �
<br /> reGigerators,and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter a[tached to or used in connection with said real estate. � . . � �
<br /> And whereas thc said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mwtgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assesunents levied or
<br /> assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby be(ore d�e same shall become delinquent:to furnish approved � � � � �
<br /> insurance upon the build'vigs on saiJ premises si�uated in the sum o(5 3� �OO.00 p�Yable to said ASSOCfATION and to delivzr to said . � �
<br /> ASSOCIATION the poticies for said insurance;and not to commit or permi�any waste on or about said premiser,
<br /> ��� In case o(de(aul[in the per(ormance of any of the terms xnd conditions o!U�is mortgage or the bond secured here6y,[he murtgugee shall,
<br /> on demand,be entitled to immediate possession uf the mortgaged premiscs and the murtgagor hereby assign:, vansfrrs and sets over to the �
<br /> mortgagce aU the ren�s,revenues�nd income to be derived from the murt�aged premises during such time as the mongage indebredness shall remain � � . �
<br /> unpaid;and the mo�tgagee sliall have the power to appoint any agen�ur agents it may desire for the purpose of rep¢iring said premises and renting
<br /> tl�e same and coliecting the rents,revenues and income,and it may pay out of:aid income all expenus oC repaUing said premises and necessary � .. � .
<br /> cummissions and expenses incurrcd in renting and managing the same and o(collecting rrntals theroCrom;tLe balance remaining,if any,to be � .
<br /> ���; applied to�vard the discharge uf said mortgage indeb[edness;these rights o(the mortgagee may be exercised a[any time during the exi:tcnce of such � � �
<br /> $.' default,irrespective oF any lemporary waiver of the sama .
<br /> - Theu Presents,however,are upon the Condi[ion,7'hat if the said Mortgagor shall repay said loan on or beCore d�e maturily o(ssid shares by � � .
<br /> payment:pay monthly lo said ASSOCIATION uf the sum speci�ed in ihe Bond secured hereby as interest and principai un said loan,on or 6e(ure
<br /> ''�� the Twentieth day of each and every month,until said loan is fully paiJ;pay all taxes and assessments le��ied against said premises and on this Afongagc � � .
<br /> P1
<br /> ' and the Bond securcd[hereby,befbre delinquency;fumish upproved insurance upon Ihc buildings thereon in the sum of 5 3�����.�� payable , .. � . �
<br /> �-.� to said ASSOCIATION;cepay lo said ASSOCIATION upon demand all nwney by it paid far such taxes,assessments and insurance wi�h inlerest at � �
<br /> the maximum legal rate thereon!rom dale of paym:nt all of which Afoetgagor hereby agrees to pay;permit no waste on said premises;kecp and comply . .
<br /> with all the agreements and conditions of the IIond(or S 3���OO.OO����s day given by tl�e v�id Atortgagor tu taid ASSOCIATION,nnd comply
<br /> f� with all thc reyuirements o(the Cunstitulion and Uy-Law:of said ASSO(:IATION;then these presents shull hecome null and void,u:henvise they .
<br /> � � shall remain in full loree and mxy be forccloud a�the upiiun uf the said ASSOCIATfON a(ter failure fur thcee munths ro make any o(said
<br /> f.; paymena nr be three months in arrears in making said monthly payments,ur tu keep and wmply H•id�the agreements and condiliuns of said Bond;
<br /> and hlort�gur agrees to have a receiver appoinced lorthwith in such fureciosure pruceedings.
<br /> 1(there is any change in ownership o(the real estate mortgaged hemin,by sale or uthenvise,then the entirc remaining indebtedness herc6y
<br /> s�curcd shall,at tl�e option of The Gqui[:+ble Building and Loan Associ�tion of Crand lsland,Neb�aska,becume immediatcly duc and pay�ble without
<br /> further notice,and the umount remaining Sue under said bond,xnd any other bond for any additional ad�ances made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> date of exercix uf said option,bear interest at the maximum legal raie,and this mortgage may then be foreclused ro satisfy the amotmt due on said
<br /> bond,and any other bond for additional advances,together with all sums paid by said The Equitable Uuilding xnd Loan Associxtion uf Crand Island,
<br /> Nzbrasl:a for insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting extension cfmrges, with interest thereun, !rom date o(payment at the ma�cimum
<br /> Icgalrate.
<br /> As provided in the 8ond secured hereby,while qiis mortgagn remains in eftect the murtgagee m�y he�eatter ad�ance additional sums tu the
<br /> makers of said Uond,their assigns or succeswrs in interest,whicli sums shall 6e within the security o(this mortgage the same as the funds oci�inally
<br /> ucured thereby,the total atnount uC incipal debt not to exceed at an}'time the ori�inal amount of this mortgage.
<br /> h;s 30th ;a,y oe Apri 1 n.i>.,i� 76
<br /> �
<br /> > . � � ,t G �.��
<br /> J es A. Flyr Ka Y� Fly'
<br /> S7'ATE OF NE➢RASI'v1;1 Ss. On this 3�th day of A r i 1 19]( ,beCoce me,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALCj P •_f;;,_S_,:;, :
<br /> the undersigned,a Notary Yublic in and for said Cuunty,persunnlly camc ' . �
<br /> � James A. Flyr and Kay Y. Flyr, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other, N ~�
<br /> . who d re perwnally known to � �
<br /> me to be the identical person$ whose name S dre affixed to the above instru�n�`mortgagors and th��severally �
<br /> n
<br />. - acknowledged the said instrument to be thei r voluntary act and deed. ,- �
<br /> cu ' , ��7TNESS my hand and Notaria!Seal the d�te aforesaid. �,, ��.= , I�(� .�� �
<br /> hly Commiuivn expims / - .----_ �" / j'�-
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