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<br /> . . . . u.!V'��M.
<br />� � • �
<br /> 1 i
<br /> 11 in farfher n�recd � tl�stl in case nny. suit iy br�;un tu forealuve Ihis mndgn�;a, the Morigngi+c, ils representutivcs or ;�uviltns, � . �
<br /> � sl�all ut unce Le enliUed tn ihe � poss��csion nf anid promise.. nnd upon ��pplicr�lion Iliemfor, the cuurt in �ahich +urh imtinn shnll , . . � �
<br /> b� brouglit or nny judge nf v::c!: a�urt, eitlicr in ierm fime or vncation, ie he�re6,y n�dhorizad to nppoint n roceieer lo tr+ke pe.aiw• . . �. . �
<br /> � sion of �aid prrnrt�ises, or tn coll��ef. the rents lhere[mm, :�ud to du i�ud purforni such ��ihe� ncts es mny hc ra�uired by Ihe order
<br /> nf thu �cuurt m¢ki.nq. the np�+ointment: nnd uiid rlortgugor hereby 1V01\'C9 FlIIV nntice of nueh npplicntimi. �ind ir�nvrnts to the np- .
<br /> . .. '� . puintment . of n. receiver upon Qus produclinn ot this � morlKnge, wilhout olhor e��idence. . �
<br /> � � 'l�hu A7ori�;ngee siu�ll 6e xubrognied tu ull of thc righls, privileges. prioritice, nnd eq��ities of w�y lieuholde.r ��•horo livu mny ,� � � . � � �
<br /> ;�'�� huve bw�n dischur�;ed �rum lhe pra•ceds af thiy lunn. or 6y m�y f�mds herebv p,iid or furnis6cd by thr Atortgu�;�.tir. . � . � . . � . �
<br /> :,:i �
<br /> IT IS I:XPRFSSI.Y AGREBD thnt if tlre A1ortgngor sh�ll s�•II, convcy u� nlicnntr xnid propertY, nr i�ny pnrt thcriv�L
<br /> , �i � � or any lntornet thernin, or eh:dl be divest�d o[ his titie ur nny inlerest thercin in nny manner or wny, whet.her volwiGvily or � . �
<br /> �:��j � inwluntarily, wilhout written coavenl o( Us �dort�nga+ b��ing firxt hnd and obtninecl, Tinrtpage�• shu4 lurve thr� rit:lit, nt it9 uption, �� � - � �
<br /> j . � to� declurn nny indebt�vinea9 or obli�;:d.ions nori�nH� hemiry, irmsperti�•e uf tho mnfarity Jnle specitii�d in :my note �vid��ncing lhe . � :
<br /> snmc. inunedintely due nnd p �y�hle wi[hout notice, nmi said debt sh+ttl thereupun bemmr nbeolute. 1( thc � nwucnhip oi U�c nwrt• .
<br /> ;. � . quged property imtimes v�•sted in u persmi uthor fhan the \tortgngor, thc rfortl;;�t;�`�� nmy. �rilhoui nutii•c to thc hlortg:igur, denl �. � ..
<br /> �' � with such successor nr successun in interest �� ith reternna� t�i t6iw murtK+�6�` und llie del�t hernby hecun�d ux wiih the htortgnqor.
<br /> ;9 nnd tnal' forbenr . tn aue or may extend time for the pnyment of ihe deLl hcn•by xi•i�ured �eittmut di�ch;v�:ing or in nuY wny nIT¢cting .
<br /> �fi thn liubilitY �f the originat I��tortgngon c�reunder nr u�kin the doLt s�rurrd. � � . . .
<br /> ; In U�ie inslrument lhe singulur includca lhe plur+d n��d Ih�r nu�sculine includt�s I.l�e feniinine und lho m�Wer and thia in� � � � . . .
<br /> ? . 4frument s6u11 IH� bindinF upon the undrr:igned. his L��irs. persanal r��pr���rntntives, snrcv5.on ;�nd a.vitins. : � � � .
<br /> , a
<br /> f#
<br /> ' ;�
<br /> : IN W('PNLSS �t'FIF.REOI'. �rc hu�•e here�mto s��t uur hnndv nnd mal. Ih�� d:n� ;md yrnr first nlx�v�� �� ritlrn.
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<br /> � ; f n th� presence nL• � � � �
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<br /> _..... _ _. _ . . ._.. _ . _ .. .. _ . . ._. .. .. ........
<br /> ' hlarvin L. Thomsen
<br /> : L
<br /> � ^ �/ ,-
<br /> ` ../'3 L. ,c-s a ✓ :/1 ,/{�`..�,tct��1 L...<_i.'�.�...-:....... �
<br /> . �( _ �-�- ;�•:. y� ._ �
<br /> i MarjoTf L . Thomsen
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> :,�
<br /> ;�
<br /> $ S'PATE OP N�I3RASKA
<br /> � vs,
<br /> -.� _ .. . .. I+sll. . ..._ ... ...County. �
<br /> , ,
<br /> E
<br /> , .{ ' _ . ... . . 19.'j(j. . IHdorc mo. the undcrsigni�l, ;� Notnn� I'ublic, in imd fnr said �
<br /> ' On this .... j`. .. .... d�iy o[ . . .. . ��� . _ .
<br /> :t . . . � . . . . . .
<br /> ?
<br /> � Cuw�ly. Persunall>' cnmc. . .�`iAX'Ya.C1..Ta � .`�}lOJRSCII. ttIIa tt�:�X'� QI'y. . �� . . '�7197A:eR � .. rltSl7a TLl alld . z+rif�.._.. _ _ _._ _ _ .
<br /> C� personu4Y known tu me fu be Om idcnlicnl persons u•hose mm�es iire nilised to the nhovr nnd torogoing in9lrument, ns mortgnguro, . � . .
<br /> �.f tmd rncl� acknowl�vlged said instrument l0 6c his or her vuLmtaq' act tmd dred. . . .
<br /> � � . . . . � .� .
<br /> i \Vitness mp hund and notarinl sr;fl nt .. . . ... _ __ .. _ . . ... I',Tt�tu1 ..L^,land� ..Nebrt15kt3 ._ .. __ _... .. . . .._.. .
<br /> _ _._ _. .
<br /> the dnle lnst aVwve written. -
<br /> a ROBEHT D. PLACZEK � � � � � � . �
<br /> f �-fNERAI NOTApV . Steto 0/ Nobr. �/• � �: �
<br /> . MV Canmfsabn Ewires �+f �' *,� 1�.� .�'�+`�...
<br /> _ . ... _.. . . . _.. .
<br /> a DlOVEMBER 26. 197y (.i' Nnlarv p��l�lic.. .. .
<br /> �? My commission espir��s.._ _ _�� 2 S� 7 � . .. .. . . ._. .
<br /> ,.. ..... _. _.. . . _ .. . .._.
<br /> in
<br /> )y
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<br /> W _ _ . . . . . . . _ . . tis.
<br /> t , Counly . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ .. . . . _ . . _ . � .
<br /> t 1'sntered on numericnl index and filed (or rccurd in the Re�;ister o[ Deeds 011ice o[ suid County the
<br /> : j
<br /> ,
<br /> s _ _ . . . . . . _ day of.. . .. . . .. . . . . _ . _ . _ . . . . _ , 19_ _ . _ . . , nl . _ _ . . . . _ .o'ciock wid . . . . . . _ . . minules . . _ . .. . . . M,.
<br /> ,
<br /> ; and recorded in I3ook. . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . _oC n1ort�;ages at pnR.e .. _ . . . . . _ _ _ , as Instrument No. _ . . _ _ . . _ _. . . .. ...:: ,�
<br /> .
<br /> . . "`� •
<br /> _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . . . _ k _ � :.
<br /> _ . , _
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<br /> � � \Vhen recorde�l to be retucned to the �
<br /> I�IRti'I' f� EUEI2,1I., tiA �' INGS :1Nll i3O:1N :\ SSpCi :\'1'ION OE' I.INI'nLV
<br /> a.:
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