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<br /> 76- OU � 2`71
<br /> G. If he fails to pny nny sum or ]cecp any covenant provided for in tl�is morLgage, the bIortgagce, at
<br /> its option, may pay or pecform the same, and xll expenditures so made shali be nc(ded to the principal sum
<br /> o�ving on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall beul' interest unLil paid ut the rate provided
<br /> for in tlie principal indebtedness.
<br /> � 7. L1nnn request of the 14lurtgagee, 114m�tgngor shall esecute and delivcr a supplementul note or notes �
<br /> for the sum m� stuns advmiced by Mortgagee for the ulteration, moderuization, m• improvement made at '
<br /> the Mortgagor's request ; or for mnintenance of said premises, or for taxes or assessments against tLe
<br /> yame, and for �tiy other purpose elsewhere uutliorized herciuider. Said note or noles sliull be secm•ed
<br /> hereby on a parity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby «�ere induded in the note first
<br /> described abo��e. Saicl supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin-
<br /> � cipal indebtedness and stitilt be payable in upproximatuiy equal monthly payrnents for such period �s may
<br /> be agreed upun by lhe 1lortgagee and Mortgagor. I'ailing to agree mi the maturity, the �vhole of the sum
<br /> or sums so ad��anced shall be due nnd payabie thii•ty (30) da,ys after demziici by thc iliortgagee. lii no
<br /> .; event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity ot the note tirst described above.
<br /> 8. IIe hereby nssigns, truisfers and sets over to the niortgagee, to be applied to���ard the pag•ment of
<br /> tl�e note aud all sums secm�ed l�ereby iu case of a default in the perfm•mance of any ol' the terms and caidi-
<br /> tions of this mortgage or the said note, all thc renls, revenues and income to be derived from tlie moi•t-
<br /> 6<<b�� Pl•emises dut•ing such time as fhe mortgag� indebteduess shail remain tmp,�id ; nnd the :�lorigagee
<br /> SIIIII jlfl�'E' ]]015'CP t0 !1])p0111t 1IlV Bj;C'llt Ol' B�CIlY.S lt 111A}� desii•e for tlte ptirnose oP renting tite s�me ancl col- � �
<br /> 'i lecting the rents, i•even�es ancl income, and it ma,v pay out of said incomes all iiecessai•�� commissions and
<br /> `� expe�ises incui•i•ed i�i i•enting and mannginq the satne and of collecting i•c�itafs thci•efrom ; tllC Ufl�II[lC8
<br /> ri remai��ing, if nn��, to be upplied lo�eard the discl�arge of said moi•tgnge indebtedness.
<br /> ' 9. He �si11 co�itinuously maintain hazard i�isui•ance, of sucli type or types and antounts as 3fortgagee
<br /> may from time to time re�uire, on the improvements no�v or hereafter on said premises and except when
<br /> pa}�ment for all such premiums has theretofore been made under (a ) of paragraph 2 hereof, ��•ill pay
<br /> a:,:, promptl�� ���hen due �np premiums therefor. Upon default thereof, 3fortgagee m1y pay the same. Ail
<br /> insurance shall be c:u•ricd in companies approved by the 1lortgagee and the policics and rene�c:ils thereof
<br /> shall be helci by the \[ortgagee aitd Uave attached thei•eto loss pn�•able clauses iii favor of and i�i form
<br /> ' acceptable lo the 1fm•tgagce. In e��ent of loss ➢Iortgagor will give immediate notice by mail to Ute 11orb
<br /> �
<br /> gagce, ���ho may malce proof of loss i1' not made promptly by Mortgagor, and each insurunce compan�� con-
<br /> cerned is hereb�' authorized nnd directed to malce pa��ment for such loss clireclly to the �Iortgagee instead
<br /> of to tlie llortgagor :ind the \lortgagae jointly, and tlie insm•ance proceeds, or any part thei•eof,
<br /> may be np��liecl hp the Mortgabroe at its option either to the reduction of the iudebtedness hereby secured
<br /> �� � or to the rest��ation or repaic of the property damaged. In e��ent of foreclosure ot this mortgage, or othcr � �
<br /> transfer of title to tlie mortgaged piroperty in extinguisliment ol' tlie indebtcdness secui•ed hereby, all
<br /> right, title and interest r,f Lhe 1[ortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in force shall pass to thc
<br /> piu•chascr or grantec.
<br /> 10. E1s additioual and collatcral security for the payme��t of the note described, and all swns to become
<br /> '' due tuider tliis moi•tgagc, the Dlurtgagm• Itereby .issigns to the ,lloi•tgagee ,all lcase baiuses, pro(its, i•eve-
<br /> E 1 nucs, ro�•alties, rights, :uid other benefits accruing to the ➢im•tgagor under any and all oil and gas Icases
<br /> � ` no�v, or during lne life oC this morlgage, esecuted u �i said premises, �citli the right to recei��e ancl receipt
<br /> 4 '
<br /> fui• the snme aud �ppl�• thcm to said indebted��ess as n�cll befoi•e as after def:iulC iii thc conditiot�s of tftis
<br /> � ' morlgage, cind llie Uortgagee may demand, sue for and reco��er an�� suclt pa��ments u9�en due xnd PaY-
<br /> ? ` ablc, but sliall not Ue reyuired so to do. This nssignment is tu termivate aud becomc null and void upmi
<br /> relcase of tltis morlgage.
<br /> ` 7l . He shall not commit or permit u�.iste ; :uid shall maint:iin the propert�� in .is good condition as at
<br /> �: ; present, reasonable �rear and te;tr excepted. Upon any� f�tilure to so maintain, Alortg.tgce, atL iLs optiou,
<br /> may cause reasm�a��le maintenance n�orl: to be pertbrmed nt tlte cost ol' ➢lortgagor. Any amounts paid
<br /> ; . lherefor by' A'Ioctgxgee sluill bear intcrest at tihe rzte provided for in the Urincip.il indebleduess, shall
<br /> ,; thereupon become .i part ol' the indebtedness secured by t6is instrument, ratabl�� and on a parit}' u'ith nll
<br /> E , other indebtedness scctu•ed hereb}�, and sl�all be pa}'able thirt�' (30) d�ys after demand.
<br /> .^� ' ] 2. If the premises, or �ny pnrt thercof, bc condemned undm• the po��•er of eminent domain, or
<br /> acqi� ired tor :i pttblic use, the damnges a�vai•ded, the pi•oceeds foi• tL� talcing oF, ur tlie consideration foi•
<br /> suclt acquisili�»�, to the extent of the full amount ot' the remaininq mtpaid indebtedness secured b�• this
<br /> 'f ' moi•tgage, or hereb�- assigned to t}ic b1m•tgagee, and shal! be paid foi•th�ti•ith tn said Dlortgagee, to t>c
<br /> �. ; applied on account oi the last maturing installments of sucli iudebtedness.
<br /> :�
<br /> 13. lf the Dtortgn�;or fails to make anp payments tshcu due, or to conform tu and comply- ��� ith any
<br /> , of the conditions or agrcements contained in this mortgage, or the uotes ��•hiclt it secures, lhen thc
<br /> entire principal sunt and accrued inlerest shall at once become due and pn1'aUlq at the election of the
<br /> Jlortqagce ; and this murtg:ige ma�� thereupon be Rireclosed immediately for the ���hulc of tLe indebted-
<br /> ness hereb,y secured, including Lhe cosL of exteurling the abstract of title from the dale of this mort-
<br /> gage to the time of c�immeucing suclt suit, a reasonable atturney's fee, and an�• simis paid b�� the �'eterrtns
<br /> Administration on .iccount of the gunranty or insurauce of the indebtedness seciu•ed herri>y, :tll of �chieh
<br /> shall be included in the decrce of foreclosure.
<br /> _. ( . .: ..:-..:'
<br /> 14. If the indeUtedness secumd hereby be guarantced ur insuced iu�der Title ;3, linited States Code, a v,
<br /> N sr .
<br /> such TiHe and Ru�,�ilations issued thereimder :�nd in effect ou the date hereof sliall �;ot•ern the rights, duties � •,
<br /> _ aiud liabilities of the parties hereto, and zny provisions of lhis or nther instruments executed in connection I
<br /> u�ith said indebtedness �shicli .ire inconsistent u•ith said 'litle or }:efiulations are hereby amended to -+ �t
<br />�: confoi•m tliereto. � °
<br /> r� The cot•enants herein contained sh;tll bind, and the benclits :tnd ad���uitages shall inure to, thc �
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