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1 <br />� . ... �.. <br />�; � <br /> 4 ; <br /> 7b. t� 02 � 2 �i <br /> 'P[ IP MORTGAGOR rURTIIPR COVliNAN'I'S AND ACREES : <br /> ,I.hal the Morly�agnr will pny ihe indobtrdness as hereinbe(nre pruvided . � . <br /> , 'Phat thc Mortqngor is the uwnrr of vaid pruperty in fee simPl<� und hu�; �;ood ri�;ld ❑nd law(ul aulhori � y tu s�41 aed � � <br /> ; � � convey the �ame nnd that Ihn tiamr, is free nnd cleur of nny lien nr encumbrnncr ; :md that �lortgnFnr uill w;n'rnnl and drtend ihe . <br /> title to �nid premise.� a�;ainxt thu d :iims u( nll pers�.ms whomvo��vi• r. � . <br /> Tn pay immedialely when due �md p;ryable nll �;eneral taxi�K. sPecit�l tnzrs, speci �il assrsvmenls. eatrr charg�s sew�+ r si• rv- � . <br /> � ice churgea, und olher taxes und charges ngamsl said properly . and all Inxey levied on lhr di�6t srcured hrreby . and to funush ihe � <br /> Mortgegee, upun requesl. �+•ilh Ihe originnl or duplicnle recciptv therefor. 1'he Murlgagnr ugrees lhat � hcre shalf b�• ndd��d lo . . <br /> .3 - euch mmithlY Dliyment required hereimder or under lhe evidenc�• of di�bt secured hrreby an amnunt eslimiUcd Lv 16�� Morfgagr�� � . � <br /> tn he su(iicient . to enabte ihe !�tortgagoe tu pay, a5 ihcy become dai•. all taxey. assnnsments, and similor char�;r; upon the prrnr . . � <br /> - is�rs subji°et thereto; amY d�ficii•noy IH•cimsr of thu u�vulticicney n [ �uch additional paYmenls Shall h�� fnr� h« ilh drpu;itad by the . <br /> Morfgngur witl� lhe Morlg:agec upun demand bp the 4lurtgagee. Any drfnull under lhis pnragniph sh�Jl br drvm�•d a rlefn �ill in � � � <br /> �.. # ; Puy�rient u( t ��xes, avsi�ssmenls, ur similnr cluir�;rs rcquircd hercundrr. . <br /> 'I'he 1lortgagur :iprees � h.+t ihi� n• . hall �ilsu br addi•d lu i•urL monthly � ruV ����'nt. uf principal :md i �ilen•sl rrquired hen•� . . . �. <br /> '. �� under im atnuunt r�timnt�•d bv the Alnrlgu{;re in br stJfici �•nt fn en��ble ihr A7nrty��ger tu p•�y� . o � il 6rcom�•s du��. fhr insuritnr�� . <br /> premium on any insurnncr pulte�' d�•livorod t � � ( hr A4urlgadeo. A �U' � Ldicicnc) Lrrau �i• � d llie urvu (licu•nry n ( such addilional pn)' - . <br /> mrnta xhall br (or� hwith depnsiti�d 6y flu� �durtgagur �vilh tl �r :�7ort {;.U;ci� upon drmund b}� ihrt 11urt „agrr. Any d�� (ewlt undrr this � <br /> pura7; rnph shall hr d�•emrd �i drfnult in ihr paynu •nl � �f insuruuce premium.c If t6r pulir�� ur pulii�irs drpu.sitrd nm such a: hunu.. . + . <br /> owners nr nll risic pulicic.;. :�nd fhi• depusi �ti urv iusullirii•nt Lu pny Ihi• on� in� pn•miurt��. ihr A-lurtgn�;er m ;i}' applp th�� In <br /> ��ay prc�miutns on ri.sks n�quirrd in Le insumd bt' ( his mnrt �a;;r. �. . <br /> Yavments m:�dc by fhr Vor� Ragur undi• r tltc ��bum para�; r:�phs maV . ti ! Ihr nptiun nl ih�� \lurlKagee. 6e I �rld by it :u�d � . . . <br /> ri �mmingl�•d wilh olhcr such tunds ur ils nwn hmd; fur lhr paymrnl u( =uch ifrm. . .md uniil sn applird . .�uch paymrnts nrr horrhy � . <br /> pledgi•d rtti s[�curily fur th�� unp.iid L�Inn�•r ol Ih�� murt �;n�:�• ind<�6trdm�vs. . . : <br /> 'Cu prucurc. drlivrr t � �. and mnird �in fnr th�� brnrlit r�f tlu• \ lori �agr�• durin�: lhr litr u( this nwrh;;��:�� �� ri �; inal pulicirs and . <br /> ri•newals thrna�f, drlirrrrJ ��t Ipus!. ti� n dn>'s be(ore tlir �• rpir:+ lian u( �iny such pnlici�•s, insurin� a;;�insl lin• and �dh�� r insuraLle . <br /> h:�r.ards. casu:�llies. and cuntingencir. a� thr \�lorlg:r;ee may roquirr. in �w :unount rqu :il tu ihe indrblednr5s secumd Ly iiii, � . . . . <br /> \turlga�n , and in cumpanies :ureptuble lu thr �1nrl �;�iger. �cith luss p�rvabl �• cltmse in favur uf ;md in tnnn airrpf :i61�• tn tlir �lort�;a- , <br /> �ee. In the ecrnL an)' poliry is nut rrne�vrd un ur brforr frn d:iys n( ils espiraliun . thr plurtga;;e�• nurv procurr insw'nnre on lhr. <br /> � ' imprurementn. pay lhr. premium Iherrlor. and such � mt� .ahall becnmi� intmedi �ilrly dur :ind pay�6lr ���ith intrr:�st at tlie r.ur .�•( <br /> furth in said nuti• until puid nnd ,h�dl hi� s�•cured 6e thi., nmrlga�r. I�uilur�• an the pnrt o[ iLe Dlurt �;n{;ur !u furni .h surh r� � newal=. � <br /> ns arc hrr�in ruquimd ur faihu� � ln pay �u�y sums udv:mrcd horeundrr shall. :rt thr• uplion u( Ih�• illnrl ;;a;:rr. cun,filirtr : i da(+mil . � . <br /> und�� r the � i�nns nf Ihis mnrl �n �r. 'I�Lo d��li�•erp �,( such � �uliries shnll . in thr �����m � u� ilefnult . i�uns� ihifr an a.v. iFnm� �nl o( thr un- � . <br /> i•nm�•d prrmium. . : <br /> :1nc sum, r� •c�� iv� �d by ih�� ifurlt;:��:o�� 6}• masun uf luss � � r d ;muit;�• in,urrd :i �niii�l nmy 6i� mtr� ined hy thc� \ lun �d:��ri� . <br /> �md :� pplicd tu�vard lh�� puyment u( th�� debt h� •n�l �y s��currd . ur. al ( he opliun of ihe Uurt �agee. such suntn �•itlu� r whully nr in <br /> , : <br /> part may 6�• pnid u��r• r lu � hr \li � rlgagur lo b�• uscJ tn rrpxir auch buildim;.a or tu build nru� buildinFs in Ilu• ir pincr � � r fur ;� n}, � . . <br /> •- �� nihrr Purpnn�� ur object �:� lis (.�clnr>' In tl �o 9lnrl �;a ��•e withnul :dT��eting th�• li �•n on Ih�• tnurlt;;�;:�• (� � r thr (ull auiuwd .�-rur,•d lu •re- �. . <br /> bv Lidure 4ucli Paym�•nt ��vrr lunk pL�m. . . � �. <br /> � �, "Pu protnptly ropnir. n•stnrF• ur rolmild � ny buddin ;;> or inqrro� rnu�nt� mn or I �rn•ah �• r un th � n i.�,. �: Fnrh m:�e h� •- . . . . <br /> . t•nm�• damnged ur de.,trnycd : ta 6rrP ,;+ id pn�nn,r, m crw �d rnndiuun �� nd rrp.�ir .� nd� [ ic�• (rum ;m � m � ch.inie s In�m m �thrr lien nr <br /> n rinim u( licn nut expn �a>ly suburdiu:drd In lhi� li� �n hrrrof: n� �t t � � sutTrr ar p�• rmit anc unla��� fnl u.�o oi ur nna nni�anr�• tn oxi�t un � <br /> v�. . said Pruprrh' uur tu pi•rmi � �v:ute un said promisr.y . unr In d„ any othrr art �ch�� n,hy the prnp�• rly hombp c�mnry��d .<hall L��rutno <br /> � Irss v:duahlr. nur � i.� diminnh ur mip;� ir ila ��alur by any : iet ur nrni <;iem lo urC tu r� �mply icilh ail ri �yuirrmvnl . � d In •.v �eiih rr.pi�e [ � . <br /> � tu 16c morl ;;n�;rd prrmisrs .md th� • u ��� IhrrruL � � . . <br /> i <br /> 'I' hn� shnuld th�� prrmi�c> nr um� p;irl Ihrn•nl b� • t:� kon ur dam:i4t•d h7 rra.;un o( am� puhlir imprunanrnt ur cnnd �•mn.ition . <br /> , I�nxrmling. or undrr ILe ri;;h [ uf rminenl dnmuiu . ur in any olh�� r m�wncr. Iho \1nrl ;;agi•r sh��ll b�• �• nlilleJ (o �dl carnPenst� linns. � <br /> :nvardr, emd any othrr P��ym�•nl ur rrli��( 16� � ndnr. aud .�h:� ll br en [iNod. nt i4 upllnn. t�� �'� utuneuce. app<�xr in und pnn�x�ute in iLs <br /> o�m namc :� ny uctiun � �r pruci•��dfnR. ur to makc nuc comprumiu� ur ,rlflrmm� t in cumirctiun �eith �uch l :� kina ur Jamut;c. All such <br /> cnmp�aisalion . nw�� rds. d:� maRr:, ri �; ht n( nction ;uid prnrri•d : ;iro Lor��b}� a.+ i� ncd ! u Ih�• Alurltiati����. �vhu m ;�y . n (trr d� �durlfnK <br />� �_ thore[rum ull � t �, rxpen.�•a. rrl �•:+.r ang � i i v � sa rru �i� rd L � i � nr .� �iplv lhe v:� mr un .� nc indrblydm•�, ,rrured hrrv6y . Thi� Vurt - <br /> �uF:ur agrrr. lu rzcculr �u � h Rn�tiirr :i •,iuimoNs nf :mt cnmprn �alinn . .n5ards , d:un:��r.. und n � hfv � I ;ictiun ;inii prec�•i�d : .�< ihr <br /> \iort �oitir�• mny rrqui ;.. <br /> "I'hnt in case of fiiilure tn pertorm any ut the cucenunLs herein . Uw � [urt.Ragei� may do on ihi� Nnrt ;!agur's Ixrhalf e��ery . <br /> thin�; so covennnted ; (huL lhe Atort �;u�;ee maY alw dn imq uct it may deem necessary to protirt the lien theren[; that lhe lfurt - <br /> - ;;�ignr will rrpuy upun any moneys paid or dishursed bY the Mnrli;ugrc for i�nY �f the n6ovo purp�w�w. ,ind 5uch moneys <br /> � tngethr. r with inter��st thereon nt lhe ralu proeidcd i �� nniet note slmll bcinme xn muci� ndditional indebl�Ylness hrreLy secured and <br /> � mny tx included in �ny decrec fureclosing lhix mnrtgage +md be paid uut o( th� rents ur pnxeeds of tinle o( vtid premisea i [ not. <br /> �. ' nthrn��ise pnid : nnd thnt 9lortg.ixir� shall nnt incur nnt• P�'nonnl li:�bility F�causr nf anythint; it mny dn nr umit tn do herewider. <br /> � 1 � thc evi•nt at fhr drfiudt by lfurl ;;agor in th�• pupm��nt n( any instulinu•nL ns rrquin:d b�� llu� lntr srcurrd h�• rrby . ur <br /> � � in Uie p�� durm�mee � �( Ihe obliFatiun in tLis morl �;n �i� ur in ihe nut �� s� �cured thereby . Ihr Alnritiu �;cr shall bo rnlillyd In drel �ire thr <br /> k � di�ht securrd hi�reby dui• nnd puyuble wilhaul nuliet•. anrl ihr A1urt �;uti�•c �;hnll hr �• utitlyd nl it .+ upliun. �vilhnul n ��tic��. either by ihaclf <br /> nr by ri receiver lu I�re appnintiYl hy ihe enurt lherru(. aind �ti�ithuu6 reg�ird tn iho adoqwn'v uf :uiy n��curit �� F� �r thv inJrlri�•dm•ss se- <br /> � :urud hernhy . tu rnter upun and lnke p� �s��'a::iun u( Iln� rnurl �^�i�;ed premi=i�s. :ind tn rulli�ct nnd trrrico thr• rcnis. issucs and prn&Le <br /> Ihcrcof, r�nd applp thv s,um•. le>s cucla oI uperzi � iun and rullrc'� iun . upnn Ihc indrhledne+s srrun•d by tl� is mnrttia��•: s:iid rrnf.. , <br /> i .sucs t�nd pn�fits Ix�ini: I�ii• reb�� a�:i�ned In thr \�lurlt;a �;�•�• us (urthrr s.•rurity for thr paymrnt u ( all iudridrdn� •-< �ri� u «+ I hemhy . <br /> . 'I'hr \4orlFwKe�• shnll hnve thr puwrr tu appoint any ugi� nt or ��Fon� s it may � Ir� iri� for thi• � �urposr ul nqminn �; .�.�iid ��� rem - <br /> i5es: rentm�; tLe >:ime. cullrcfmg fhr mnis rr� enmcv a � d incume. �md il rn:� � pa) ut. . f vaid inrurt�r nll � � n,os uivurred in n•nt - . I <br /> �. ing und rn .maging lh�� .::unr ,md u! collt•cting thc• ri_ nL� lv lhcmfrom . �I�Iv Iralanii riniainin�;. if anv . .,hiJl 1 �� apph� d im�:ird t6�� <br /> -.. <br /> . i .. . , <br /> � di�ch�i �ge �d Ihe morikn �e� ind�•btrvinoae. "PLis�;nmrnt is �u irrmin;di• and Ixrnmr null :md ��uid uP� � �� rri� n.r uf this mnrt � ng�•. ' . . . �-; �. <br /> N ' <br /> ` 'PLe A1urt �a �ee may cullecl a " I ;di� chur�e.. nut lu rxcecd !'i� r ( 'onts ISc ) f� �r r;�ch doll:+ r ISI -(ifU nf � •:�ch t � � l :d nv � nlhly . . �.' '• ' . <br /> pa}anrnt murr � hnn I i d:ryt. in arr� •arv lu i�� rvrr ih� . � � � � r. � oeprn�r invulc�•d in h:mdlint� d� �linqui•nl nreounl . '; � : : <br /> _ � k, ' � <br /> :Ul paymi•nts made undor � hr pru� �siuns „I Ihis murt �;, igr ur Ilio mAr h� •rrbe =rrurrd . aliii�h m:n• Lr runstrw �d a • inl �� rr.t . <br /> � � hall nut , in ih�� n�;�; rcRiN<� ovcr Ihr Irrm lhvnvif, �•xrrrd � he r;� t � • tlud ntnv nun� L�• In «�fully <�nntr:udc� l for in wrilin;;. j,� - <br /> a. • _ <br />�i . <br /> i:<� . <br /> �� � _ �_ J <br />:' % a <br />.' ` � <br /> ' `r1 <br /> � <br /> k <br /> i <br />